Others in Yanzhou didn't know, but he was extremely impressed by this demon.

"How can a barren state that is able to unite the war and chaos endlessly, how can it be made up randomly..."

After a murmur, the old man's eyes slowly closed.

Although she is not afraid of death, a trace of regret emerges unconsciously in her heart..

At the same time, after exiting the gate of the Yanzhou imperial family, Ye Chen hurried to Xiaoyan's residence.

"Big Brother Ye!"

Seeing Ye Chen's arrival, Xiao Yan went out to greet him unexpectedly.

I thought he was going to the imperial city to eat fragrant and spicy food, but for some reason, he came back...

Ye Chen looked at Xiao Yan's difference, but smiled without giving the slightest explanation.

Looking back at Xiaoyan's dilapidated mist, there was a difference in his heart.

"Are there anyone else in the family?"

After hearing the sound, the latter touched his head and smiled honestly.

"Hey, my parents went early, now I'm the one."


After hearing the sound, Ye Chen frowned slightly.

Then he touched Xiaoyan's head. Walked slowly towards the house.

"You live here, don't you have any comments?"

"Haha, of course, no, Brother Ye! Have you eaten yet?"

"I'll get you something delicious!"

Hearing that Ye Chen was going to live here, the little guy's eyes showed surprise.

Immediately rolled up his sleeves and went outside the house.

Not half the effort.

Grasping a pheasant in one hand, it appeared in Ye Chen's sight.

"Hey, this chicken has been dangling near my house. I have been staring at him for a long time."

"Today just let us have a taste..."

"Brother Ye, you sit in the house first, I'll go cooking!"

After smiling and confessing, the young man dragged Cui Grouse who was rising with him, and quickly walked towards the kitchen.

Seeing such a naive expression, Ye Chen's mouth raised a smile again.

Compared with the bright palace, Ye Chen felt that such a small place was more comfortable

At least there is no such nasty intrigue here.

Slowly enter the house.

Although the house was poor, it was cleaned up by Xiaoyan.

"I can't tell.. The little devil who is usually careless, has a cleanliness..."

Looked around some houses.

Ye Chen slowly sat on the bed.

And just when he was about to shut up for a while.

An air wave spread outside the house.


After the door was pushed open, a familiar pretty shadow appeared in Ye Chen's sight again.

Seeing the visitor, Ye Chen raised his brow slightly.

Speaking slowly to the incoming person.

"Anything else?"

"Father asked me to apologize to you! He is a little too arrogant, and he hopes that Big Brother Ye Haihan..."

Complexity flashed in Princess Yan's eyes.

Seeing this situation, Ye Chen didn't say much...

After nodding slowly, he waved his hand.

Seeing this, the latter looked disappointed inexplicably.

It seems that today, no matter what, Ye Chen can no longer invite Ye Chen to the imperial city.

At this point, Xiao Yan's turkey was also completed.

"Brother Ye... my turkey!"

"Huh? Princess Yan... what are you..."

He looked back at Ye Chen in front of him, then looked back at the princess standing in the yard.

The little guy, although he is young, he knows everything.

Shut up immediately and walked quickly to the house.

Regained consciousness and did not forget to blink at Ye Chen.

It seems to be saying to Ye Chen, come on.

This behavior also made Ye Chen a wry smile.

"Okay, you go back! We are going to eat."

Towards the latter waved his hand casually, Ye Chen had already issued an order to evict the guests.

"Oh... well..."

The request after leaving still failed to speak, looking at Ye Chen, there was no expression in his eyes.

The latter finally turned his head hesitantly, just as he was about to fly into the sky.

He was stopped by Xiao Yan who walked out quickly.

"Princess Yan... or leave it to eat."

The voice fell.

Streaming flashed in the latter's eyes.

Later, I first looked at Xiaoyan's simple eyes.

Looking at Ye Chen again.

Inexplicable eyes seemed to be waiting for Ye Chen at the same time.

"Would you like to leave without a bite?"

The guest is just the host, and even Xiao Yan said so, and Ye Chen naturally has no reason to stop it.

"it is good!"

Princess Yan was naturally overjoyed.

After smiling at Xiaoyan knowingly.

The monster on the table has been cooked into a delicacy.

The plump chicken, even simple seasoning, can't hide its brilliance.

The three sat at a table.

Although they all met each other, they seemed extremely embarrassed.

I do not know how long it has been.

Break the tranquility with Ye Chen's wry smile.

"You guys are not hungry..."

"Can you be full just by looking at it?"

"Come on, try Xiao Yan's craftsmanship."

With that, Ye Chen picked up a piece of chicken and placed it in Princess Yan's bowls.

The little guy's eyes also showed surprise.

Looking expectantly at Princess Yan.

The latter first glanced dumbly at the food in the bowl.

After a moment of meditation, he took the initiative and put it in his mouth.


Seriously nodded towards Xiaoyan.

The latter smiled in relief immediately.

After this incident, the atmosphere at the dinner table has also eased a lot.

Princess Yan apologized to Ye Chen again.

But Ye Chen shook his head slowly without paying any attention.

After all, men must have their own demeanor.

To say that this pheasant tastes really good.

Perhaps Ye Chen felt that something was missing after eating his temperament.

Seeing Ye Chen's eager expression, Princess Yan took the initiative to drew a jar of fine wine from the space in her hand.

Once opened, the wine overflowed.

Ye Chen's greedy worms were instantly aroused.

Seeing this, the latter smiled again

"This is my father's favorite Huangying wine..."

"I have to drink two sips for everything, but since I fell ill, I have never drank it again."

"Brother Ye, try it and see if it's right to your taste."

Hearing the sound, Ye Chen was not polite.

After smiling, he picked up the jar of wine and poured it into his mouth.

The strong wine enters the throat, warms the stomach, and comforts.

"Hi... good wine!"

With a sigh, Princess Yan's expression also glowed.

Maybe it's because of others' mouths.

Ye Chen is naturally not the kind of person who takes it for nothing.

After three rounds of wine.

After drinking three cans of wine.

After preventing Princess Yan from taking the wine next.

Ye Chen slowly knocked on the table top.

"Your father's illness, there is no way..."

When the voice fell, princess Yan flashed in her eyes.

But this time he did not speak, quietly waiting for Ye Chen to speak the follow-up words.

"Are you rich in resources in the royal pharmacy?"

"When my father was young, he liked to collect rare and precious treasures. Just open your mouth, as long as you can call your name, I will double it for you."

In order to rescue her father, Princess Yan had taken the risk this time.

No matter what, no baby can survive the life.

Hearing the sound, Ye Chen smiled and shook his head.

"Yanhuihua, three plants, five Jiu Ming grasses, Teng Ling Shenmu, Xuanling Shenquan..."

"That's it..."

"Good! Tomorrow I will send someone to deliver these treasures to Big Brother Ye."

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