Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 793: rush to the rescue

The beast wailes, the wind gusts,

The mainland of Kyushu, a barren state.

In the desert, the three figures are marching hard.

"Persevere a little bit, and you will soon be in the Yukramakan Desert!"

Wipe the sweat from your forehead.

Long Xiaodao murmured.

The black-clothed guard who was with me was affected by the space crack during the transmission and sacrificed.

And the extremely expensive three is already the end of the battle.

Ba Shan has regained consciousness, his face is gloomy with one arm, and what is behind him is his little son.

"Bashan... how are you?"

On the side, Qing'er suffered a severe abdomen. Fortunately, the blood had stopped, but the wound still turned outward.


"This little injury can't die!"

Bashan is naturally hard.

Even though the blood flow on the arm,

But there was still no trace of panic.

"Looking at San'er, the silver needle of the trail is gone, if An Nai can't help it."

"You follow the trail first."

Ba Shan's eyes became lingering.

Said coldly to Qing'er in front of him.

The latter heard the sound, tears were already in his eyes.

Looking at the tall and mighty man in front of him, he couldn't say a word.

The leading Long Xiaodao knew that this would not be a problem.

A signal flare hit the air.

"There is danger in the Karamakan Desert!"

"Go through here first, and soon someone will come to meet us."

After nodding to the latter.

Exploring the way again and heading forward.

The three of them moved forward slowly,

"Hold on three more times. When you arrive at the Huangzhou headquarters, someone will be able to treat you!"


Wiping away the sweat from his neck, Ba Shan breathed heavily.

"Bashan! Or change me!"

"Your wound is bleeding again!"

Qinger on the side was very flustered.

But no matter what he said, the man in front of him did not move at all.

He is like an advancing man.

In his opinion, what he carried was the child and the burden of the family.

"Xiaodao, I am a little envious of you now..."

"You guy..."

Long Xiaodao smiled and shook his head slowly.

Then move forward like forward.

When things failed, people wished, just when Long Xiaodao prayed for no crisis.

Suddenly under his feet, a turbulent spiritual power began to surge.

"There is a situation!"

The voice just fell, everyone is not yet ready.

A giant sand crab appeared in the sight of the three.


It's a blessing, and misfortune never comes singly!

After shouting angrily, Long Xiaodao took out a pill from his waist and put it in his mouth.

"The fourth-order peak monster! The sand crab!"

"The trail and I should be able to balance him!"

Ba Shan put the Ba Yun on his back carefully on the ground. Slowly said to the dragon trail in front of him.

But the latter's eyes told him that things were not that simple.

"Is it impossible..."

Just when Bashan's expression was slightly condensed.

A turbulent force suddenly spread slowly from the horizon.

Looking up, among the rolling sand, countless sand crabs have galloped toward this side.

"This group of beasts are swarm animals!"

"It's over..."

Qing'er's eyes fell into despair again.

Looking down again, I saw Ba Yun at the bottom.

The silver needle on that forehead had begun to corrode.

"Big Brother Bashan! Go!"

"Run to the west! Reinforcements from the Fire Feather clan will be here soon!"

After Long Xiaodao roared towards Bashan in front of him. The body has turned into a streamer and rushed to the front of the sand crab.

"Beast! Dare to be the way of the uncle! See who I am!"

"Roar 1"

Exhausting all his energy, he summoned the body.

The scarlet demon dragon appeared extremely abrupt in this desert.


Another roar came out.

The latter's eyes also became extremely cold.

The moment when the light on the hand is wide.

A wind blade directly beheaded the sand crab in front of him.



After turning his head to roar at the two people in front of him.

Long Xiaodao turned into a strong wind and rushed towards the sand cancer group.

The fourth-order monster in front of the sixth-order monster is like paper.

After rushing into it, a few hapless guys were stepped on by Long Xiaodao

If you put it in the ordinary, the latter means will not put these guys in front of your eyes.

But now...


Just after using power.

Long Xiaodao's blood spurted out of his mouth with just one bite.

Turning his head to look at the streamer in the sky.

This group of sand giant crabs are also extremely smart, and they don't mean to retreat at all.

Only slowly gave way.

Dodge the attack of Long Xiaodao.

They knew that Long Xiaodao was seriously injured.

Even if he is Tier 6, it is difficult to break free from them alive today.

"Go...hurry up!"

At this time, Long Xiaodao's physical strength was obviously unable to keep up.

Turning his head to face the two Bashan in front of him, panting heavily.


But a Cancer in front of him saw the timing, and at this moment, his body rushed out suddenly.

The huge crab claws slammed into the wound of Long Xiaodao's bleeding.


The pain in the heart came out, and after a shout, Long Xiaodao’s body pushed hundreds more steps


At the same time, when the monster beast in front of him gradually wanted to take the life of Dragon Path after all.

In front of him suddenly ran out a grieving tiger with a broken arm.

"Brother Bashan! You!"

"Stop talking nonsense!"

"What a big deal, Azan, let's fold it here! Leave you here! I can't do such a thing in Bashan!"

After the cold sound fell, the roar of tigers rolled.

A roar drew back the monster in front of him.

But always Bashan joins, how can it change the situation.

There are too many Sand Cancers in front of me.

These are the earth emperors of the Karamakan Desert. Won't have the slightest hold on

This is why the Fire Feather clan has not gathered them up so far.

After sweeping many times, none of these guys were eradicated.

"For a while!"

"I have passed by Karama for more than a thousand times, and I have never seen this group of chores, but today! Let this group of chores! End Long Xiaodao's life!"

"It's sad to think about it..."

at last. The two of them were exhausted.

They were sitting on the ground, only tiredness in their eyes.


This group of sand crabs was also smart, and after knowing that the two of them were exhausted, they began to move closer.

"Come on! Beasts! Even if you die today! It's impossible to make you cheaper!"

Long Xiaodao frowned, and spiritual power was already in his heart.

Just as he and Ba Shan were preparing to explode the demon core together.

Several gusts of wind from the sky fell heavily on the ground.

The desperate two raised their eyes.

The beasts flying in the sky let the two of them unload their last spirits.

"Save my son first! With my wife!"

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