But no matter how hard they use.

No matter what means they use.

It is impossible to cause damage to this city wall.

"The situation is not optimistic... Boss, what should we do?"

Above the city wall, Xiao Bai looked dignifiedly at the monster beast under him like a tide of beasts.

"Hmph, I gave them a chance, but they didn't cherish it. Now they think of us."

"The order goes on... if anyone dares to attack the wall."

"Don't blame us for being impolite!"

"it is good!"

Xiaobai nodded and danced in the air.

"Hundred Generals?"

"Is that how you treat your allies?"

The headed snake demon looked at the familiar figure in the sky, and his brows twitched slightly.

While the latter's expression remained unchanged, the demon said slowly while looking at him.

"General Yellow Snake, we have sent an order not long ago to join the Huoyu clan as soon as possible."

"We sent three batches of sentries alone, especially your Yellow Snake clan."

"Or I personally come to see you."

"I have already said the seriousness of this matter, but what about you? Feel free to find an excuse to send me away."

"In your eyes, I will only exploit the power of your Yellowtongue clan."

"Since you regard your allies as such an unbearable thing... then why stand at the gate of my Huoyu clan now and feel wronged?"

"Hmph... General Bai will really be able to postpone the shot... If you explained the situation that day, why would I be too late to leave?"

"Oh? Blame me for such a thing?"

"Do you think your Yellow Snake clan is indispensable to my Fire Feather clan?"

"I have to lift the big sedan chair to ask you to be wrong?"

The chill fell.

Let a bunch of monsters on the scene be speechless for a while.

"Listen to you chopsticks!"

"It's not that I didn't give you a chance!"

"If you have a chance, you didn't fight for it! Now you regret it and blame it on your own!"

"When you didn't have an alliance, you completely withdrew from the alliance of our dust alliance!"

"If anyone dares to attack, I will wait for the building!"

"Don't blame my members of the Fire Feather clan for being merciless!"

Xiaobai's prestige has been established among the entire Huoyu clan.

Top ten dragon generals.

Wushuang Xiaobai.

It has always been true.

But now...

They can't take care of that much.

"The deserted state is the same, you are like this! It really makes us chill! Even if the crisis hits, you are out of the way, then there is no need for you and me!


The Yellow Snake patriarch seemed to have been driven to a dead end.

After a roar from the corner of his mouth.

A soaring wind has spread.

The huge snake tail fell heavily towards the black wall.


The sound of turbulence spread in all directions.

Seeing preaching is useless.

The black teeth above the sky also gave an order.

"Fire mandarin!"

The voice just fell.

A huge bird demon in the sky, waving his wings, appeared in everyone's sight.

"Huo Wu Fire Shooting Star!"

The wings condense huge spiritual power.

After waving again.

The bursting red fireball is like a rainstorm.

Head towards the Yellow Snake patriarch under him.

Now the strength of Huo Yuan has gradually increased.

The current members of the Dragon General have also succeeded, from under Ye Chen's wings to an eagle spreading wings.

The skills of such poor workers are on the ancient plains.

Instantly turned it into a sea of ​​flames.

In the flames.

Xiaobai stood at the waist of the flanks and gently touched out a silver needle.

Sure enough, after the silver needle was taken out, its body surface was emitting a strong light.

"Boss, these guys are not clean inside!"

The anger fell.

He hadn't waited for Black Fang to react.

Suddenly the patriarch of the yellow snake.

The surface of the body exudes a strong ghost spirit.


Xiao Bai was still shocked.

The skin became a dark yellow snake, and the body was like a spring, already flying in the sky from under the city wall.

"Little fly! You can say..."

"I don't think you can beat it!"

The huge snake tail has been enveloped by the spirit of ghost killing.

Its speed has increased by more than a little bit.

Afterwards, he was as straight as trying to fetch something, and rushed towards Xiao Bai in front of him.

"Xiaobai get out of the way!"

The black teeth in the sky had knocked Xiao Bai aside.

Holding a spear in his hand, he looked at the Yellow Snake chief with piercing eyes.


The spear is in hand.

This is a peerless magic weapon specially built for him before Ye Chen left.

She is brave and heroic, with a armor that can take off, majestic.

"Look at the ghostly spirit in you...it should be ranked among the one hundred and eight miscellaneous things."

"Report your name!"

The latter heard the sound, and a bright light appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"The dragon will have black teeth?"

"Ha ha ha... how does a junior deserve to know the old man's name?"


A strange figure came from the mouth of the Yellow Snake chief.

Then his body, which was as black as ink, turned into a black lightning once again, returning straight toward the black teeth.

"Old and small!"

No need to remind the fire source in the sky.

The black teeth at this time had also turned into a streamer and collided with the rushing black lightning.

The speed of the two was so fast that the many monsters under them could not be caught.

As a member of the Yellow Snake clan.

They never thought that the patriarch could burst out such terrifying power.

"What's the patriarch, what's the matter?"

A yellow snake clan leader murmured in his heart.

But at this moment.

Suddenly a strange force emerged from his body.

As his pupils gradually darkened.

The corners of the mouth also slowly evoked an arc.

The battle in the sky is still going on.

And Xiao Bai on the side looked at the silver needle in his hand.

The light that was already in volume began to emit a stronger streamer in an instant.

Turning his gaze to the bottom of his body, the clans of the deserted continent had been in a mess.

Several strong winds emerged again.

At this time he had no bottom in his heart.

"Huo Yuan, go and notify everyone!"

"A little tricky!"

The fire man who stopped the offensive nodded heavily.

Then the turning body rushed or heralded the clan.

Just now.

The leader of the Yellow Snake clan who had just raised the question.

His gaze turned to Xiao Bai with a solemn expression in the sky.

"This body seems to be much better than this crippled body..."


Another streamer rushed towards.

An extremely dangerous breath shrouded his heart since childhood.

After turning his head again.

The scary figure has rushed to his face.

"Strong wind!"

Too late to use other skills.

At this critical moment, Xiao Bai changed from a human form to a monster form.

The speed has been extremely increased, and it is difficult to avoid this attack.

Looking at the sudden sound in front of my eyes.

The blood red pupils exuded extremely terrifying power.

"Harpy! Are you ready to become the container of my body?"


One more note, a violent tail swing.

The huge snake tail is like a steel whip.

He slammed on Xiao Bai's shoulder severely.

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