"Ah, it turns out that Brother Ye Chen is completing the task! I said it was strange. Suddenly, Zhao Yangtian was cleaned up so ruthlessly."

Xiao Yan chuckled; "That Zhao Yangtian is so miserable!"

Ye Chen said indifferently: "I hit him, it is of great benefit to him, and learning my boxing method will have a lot of benefits in the future, presumably he should understand my good intentions."

Xiao Yan covered his mouth and chuckled, "Brother Ye Chen, you are so funny, it makes sense to beat people."

Ye Chen put his hands in his hands and looked at the horizon with a lonely expression, "Hey! Why don't you understand my good intentions!"

He shook his head, not talking, and walked forward.

Looking from behind, his figure is full of desolation and loneliness.

Like an invincible person, there is endless loneliness!

"Look there, Brother Ye Chen!" Xiao Yan cheered, and her white and slender fingers pointed forward.

The high-hanging plaque on the black background and the four hot golden characters-Qingyang Gambling Company are so dazzling that anyone who passes by can be attracted by it.

One of the signs of Qingyang City-Qingyang Gambling Shop!

"Brother Ye Chen, let's go in and take a look, okay?" Xiao Yan asked, with a plea in his eyes.

Ye Chen glanced at her and smiled helplessly. Xiao Yan was like a child, always full of curiosity about all new things. On the way, asking questions, where to go.

"Let's go."

"Great!" Xiao Yan almost jumped up with honey in his heart.

Hey! Really more and more like a child.

Qingyang Gambling Store is the largest gambling store in Qingyang City. It is ten stories high. Each level is different, and each level is higher.

As soon as she entered, a tall woman with a hot body and a **** look greeted her.

The beautiful woman leaned over and gave a slight smile on her face and said: "The slave family is Ruoruo, a gambling trader, serving two guests. What do the guests want to play?"

Xiao Yan turned his head to look at Ye Chen, "Brother Ye Chen, what are we playing?"

"Introduce it." Ye Chen asked the tall woman.

The professional woman named Ruoruo smiled and said charmingly:

"There are many areas on each floor of the gambling shop, and the gameplay of each area is different. There are many items such as gambling size, luck, card game, gambling, stone gambling, etc. There are many gambling shops, and each floor has There is a minimum exchange requirement, which increases in turn..."

Ye Chen condensed slightly.

Instead, Xiao Yan immediately said, "I want to go to the highest floor. Let's talk, what are the requirements for the highest building?"

A strange color flashed in the charming woman's eyes, and she didn't expect it to look like two plainly dressed guests, the first exit is the highest level, the tone is really big!

The woman’s professionalism is very high, she immediately concealed the changes, without any rudeness, and said with a chuckle: “If a guest wants to enter and exit the tenth floor, the minimum consumption is one million, that is, you need to redeem at least one million chips.”

It takes at least one million assets to enter it.

"Does everyone need a million?"

"Of course, you can also choose to bring one person, so if you only need one million, both of you can go in." The charming woman explained.

"One million? I have it, I want to go!" Xiao Yan couldn't wait, not taking money seriously.

Ye Chen was also helpless in every possible way.

The woman is very capable, act fast, and finish all the processes immediately.

The woman quickly gave them ten black cards, each showing a quota of 100,000.

Xiao Yansi took out her star stone without hesitation.

Ye Chen also shook his head.

Still young!

"Excuse me, what do you like?" The woman always smiles, making people look very comfortable.

Xiao Yan first looked at Ye Chen, and Ye Chen indicated that it didn't matter, it was all right, he had no interest.

The little girl pressed her chin with her finger, considered for a while, and said, "Betting on rocks, go betting on rocks!"

"When I was young, I often heard my grandpa say that gambling on rocks can be fun. If you are lucky, a broken stone can produce a priceless treasure! What a look forward to!"

The woman who led the way in front of her smiled chuckly in her heart. Where it is so easy, luck is a part of it. It relies more on discernment and experience. Without decades of industry experience, if you dare to bet on rocks, you usually lose money.

However, she didn't say anything and led the way calmly.

The tenth floor, the gambling area, in the lobby.

Rows of huge transparent storage cabinets form a square, enclosing the middle, leaving an entry and exit opening on each side.

It seems that there are still a lot of people, there are also forty or fifty people, scattered on the four sides, looking at the stones in the transparent cabinet.

From time to time, they form a group in twos and threes, talking about what they are discussing or studying.

"In my opinion, this stone has a strange shape, dense soil, and golden color. It is a rare golden sandy soil with at least 500 catties of gold in it."

"The price of 100,000 yuan can be considered."

"How about? Just buy it."

"At least five times!"

"I'm not optimistic. The soil is shrinking. Obviously, this ore has been formed for too long, and the gold horror in it has long been lost."

"I really think too."

"Well, right..."


"Brother Ye Chen, let's pick one too. Are you optimistic?"

Ye Chen browsed around, staring at him, okay, he didn't seem to know anything.

"Xiao Yan, betting on rocks, I'm actually not very..."

Ye Chen suddenly thought that his system mall had an ‘analysis aid’ that could analyze items.

Ye Chen opened the system mall.

Interface display: [

Recommendation: (cost from low to high)

Lottery-(spend 10 merit points, get a lottery)

Upgrade exchange-(spend 1 merit point, can be exchanged for 10 star strength)

Elementary Amplification Potion-(spend 10 merit points, buy a bottle of potion, you will get 1000 instant star power after use)

Analytical help-(spend 20 merit points, get the ability to analyze items once)

Azure Dragon Sword--(spend 30 merit points to get the battle weapon Azure Dragon Sword...)

Purple Golden Armor-(spend 30 merit points to get armor purple golden armor...)

Rejuvenation Pill-(spend 50 merit points to get the Rejuvenation Pill, use this item, you will...)


Ye Chen found that there were three more items in the mall, three items with different attributes, which should be of great help in the battle.

This ‘Analytical Assistant’ can cost 20 merit points, only 50 points in total, so I definitely can’t just use it for gambling.

Unless, this stone really has that value and is worth spending 20 merit points, Ye Chen will naturally not hesitate.

Just as Ye Chen thought, not far away, a bunch of people suddenly surrounded him.

It seems that something interesting is happening.

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