Ye Chen snorted and pushed her away, "Don't block it!"

Ye Chen's face was expressionless, and he passed by.

Gao Yang was stunned on the spot. She looked down at her chest and looked down. Could it be that she... is old?

Obviously, the charm still exists. When countless men saw him, their eyes fell, and the whole body was full of desire, and this Ye Liangchen ignored him, and only disgust in his eyes.

Yes, disgusted! Gao Yang saw it.

Everyone stayed for a while, and afterwards they all admired Ye Chen's high-level character, and he was not tempted by secular beauty, which was hard for ordinary people.

Ye Chen was tired of hearing these words, and secretly shook his head. Do you still need to say these advantages?

Ye Chen sat down in the middle, while Zha Ji and Gao Yang sat on both sides.

This position originally belonged to Qingyang City Lord Zha Ji, but now he directly gave it to Ye Chen. Everyone was not surprised, taking it for granted.

Of course, Ye Chen also deserves his humility.

However, the three people on the left are not happy anymore. Why does this kid dare to be better than them?

The seven killers must give them colors today so that people here know who is the best. Also hit the face of this old-eyed city lord who has no eyes to know Mount Tai.

Among the three, Huo Hai's psychology at the moment is like this, even very strong. After finally making a trip to the lower realm, he was actually robbed of the limelight by the crowd of seven killers.

Moreover, it seems that there is only one person in the field. I don't know where the remaining one is going? Is it also dead?

I dare to be rampant like this, and I can't forgive it!

Of course, the white woman next to the man covered her cheeks with a drapery and couldn’t see her face clearly, but Ye Chen knew that this woman’s face was extremely extraordinary and could be called peerless. At this moment, she didn’t say a word and ignored Huo Hai, just Staring lightly at the incoming person-Ye Chen. Very familiar feeling, but very strange.

"It's not so strong." The woman murmured in a barely audible voice.

Huo Hai couldn't sit still, and stood up first, squinting at Ye Chen in the middle, "Dare to ask Dao Fellow what his name is?"

Ye Chen raised the corners of his mouth, and a hint of sarcasm appeared: "Did you hear what I said just now?"

At this moment, Huo Hai was stunned. This man was so arrogant, he didn't even bother to say what he said. Sure enough, the seven killers were all damned people. The rumors were correct! !

Huo Hai said fiercely: "Are you not talking about it?"

"So what? You want to bite me?" Ye Chen sneered.

Huo Hai smiled grinningly: "Hehe, I won't bite you, I will teach you... teach you how to write a "dead" character!"

Upon seeing this, the white-clothed woman was displeased. This Huo Hai was indeed a scourge, causing troubles everywhere, starting to provoke enemies before things became clear.

Is he really sure in his heart that there is no one to kill seven?

Moreover, this man felt weird to her and could not see power fluctuations, but he was definitely a strong, very strong.

Her perception is generally not wrong!

"This guy is really stupid!" The white-clothed woman cursed in her heart, but watched the confrontation between the two silently.

"Oh? Really? I want to see how to write this word?" Ye Chen didn't move, and chuckled lightly.

The crowd around were dumbfounded, why are they fighting again?

Just calm down and pay attention to the auction.

Many people stared at Huo Hai with false eyes.

They are all staying, and they are also a powerhouse with at least four stars!

Because Huo Hai's breath has been exposed at this time, the powerful aura has made everyone breathless.

There have been fights before an auction has started. Everyone felt extremely uncomfortable.

"The rivers and lakes are living in harmony, not fighting and killing!"

Everyone has such thoughts in their hearts.

When the battle began, everyone's eyes lit up and they could learn a lot.

"Look, there's a fight!"

"So happy, I can see Senior Ye make a move again!"

"As expected to be Senior Ye, the hooking look is so charming, I really like it!"

"Wait, brother, don't you say that rivers and lakes should live in harmony, shouldn't it be fighting? Why are you still so excited?"

"Xiaoming, you are still too young, and you don't understand something. Although Brother said so, watching more powerful shots will be of great benefit to future martial arts training. Fighting at this level is rare!"


"But what is it? Xiaoming, ask if you don't understand. Don't be shy or afraid. Only if you ask more, there will be no doubts."

"But why do you think Senior Ye is so charming? Didn't my brother say, apart from a woman, nothing can attract you? It's strange, Xiao Ming doesn't understand."

"Uh... let's play, brother is going to watch the battle."


Huo Hai shot instantly, shouting in his mouth: "Looking for death!"

After all, he spread his right hand and grabbed a sphere, which is the condensed star power.

With a transparent rotating sphere, he walked quickly, slamming his hand at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen still sat there, did not move, even a smile appeared on his face.


Everyone's complexion changed, Senior Ye was so calm? ! I am definitely not afraid!

Huo Hai didn't think so. In his opinion, Ye Chen's attitude was undoubtedly pretending to be force.

Waiting for your whirlwind pill to hit the head, see if you still smile!

The cyclone sphere in Huo Hai's hand was only one finger away from Ye Chen. Ye Chen's eyes narrowed, and Huo Hai was taken aback.

Ye Chen quickly grabbed his wrist.


Huo Hai's wrist broke directly.


Ye Chen left a phantom. Ye Chen, who was still sitting in the position, came to Huo Hai's back in the next second.

Huo Hai, who retreated a few steps in pain, instantly changed his complexion and realized the danger, his back was cold, extremely cold!

Ye Chen smiled, and as soon as Huo Hai turned his head halfway, his waist received a huge force, and with a bang, he burst into countless meters.

The body is welded directly into the solid and back stone wall.

His whole body was shaking, and the pain in his waist was unbearable.

He crawled out with difficulty, looking at Ye Chen below, a little shocked.

He had a trembling sound: "Quick, help me kill him."

He yelled down, anxiously.

Obviously, he was speaking to his companion.

At this time, everyone turned their eyes to the white-clothed woman and the rough-looking boy with **** face below.

The black-faced boy glanced at the woman and said, "Sister, I will help him." He said to the white-clothed woman, with a sense of request.

The white-clothed woman frowned slightly, and felt that it was not good, this person is not weak!

If he and the young man in front of him are still confident about joining forces, could it be that he will have a party with him, and it would be extremely bad when he shows up, and even the three of them will explain here today.

Moreover, this fellow Huo Hai is very annoying, but as a fellow, she has to save. If you don’t save your fellow sect, this is a violation of the rules of the sect. In the slightest, you will be driven out of the sect, and the cultivation will be abolished.

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