Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 911: Registered name


Ye Chen took a breath, what an amazing thing!

Although he had experienced his greatness before, Ye Chen also held back his excitement after a systematic introduction.

The most important thing is that there are only thirty-two fires in the sky and earth!

And his skyfire ranks twenty! !

That's awesome, it's released.

Can be transformed into all weapons in the world! This feature is simply against the sky.

Ye Chen loved it!

This auction is really worth it. Suddenly he glanced at the place where he could not die again. Wu Sanhui, who had turned into a powder, was grateful to him for a while.

What a nice person! Thousands of miles to give big gifts, courtesy and sentimental. There are fewer and fewer people like this, and I am fortunate to meet, very fortunate!

"Brother Wu, go with peace of mind! I will keep your things for you."

Ye Chen sighed, his face looked melancholy.

"But, to consume the power of the soul, this point, I am a little unhappy." Ye Chen complained in his heart.

When he fought, the reason why he was able to secure victory without losing was because of his soul crushing. Once Divine Soul was weakened, Ye Chen couldn't bear the price he paid despite the help of Skyfire.

Moreover, there is no spiritual power here, and it is not possible to increase the soul by absorbing spiritual power. Once the power of the soul is consumed, it is difficult to make up for it.

Of course, replenishing energy can also restore the power of the soul, but this is definitely slower than the snail.

Although using Skyfire once, like this time, it didn't seem to consume much Divine Soul, but Ye Chen knew that the stronger the weapon used to turn the Demon Soldier into Fire, the higher the price it would cost.

For the present plan, the most appropriate way is to find the secret technique for cultivating the spirits, and to make up for the consumption caused by the sky fire by continuously strengthening the spirits.

Ye Chen immediately suppressed all the shock in his heart.

He put his gaze on the struggling woman in white, in the dark mist of the Demon, as the Lord of Skyfire, he could naturally see everything in the range.

The deep darkness has no effect on Ye Chen, and even the surroundings are like daylight, but it makes Ye Chen see more clearly.

"Senior Sister! Where are you?"

It was the voice of a black-faced boy. Now he is also very scared. He is worried about the comfort of his senior sister. After all, this black mist is too weird.

"Junior Brother, leave me alone. Go away!"

She wasn't sure if she was the only one in the black mist, because she couldn't see, but she couldn't feel that she couldn't deal with Ye Chen.

Once he killed himself, if his junior brother did not run, he would not be Ye Chen's opponent.

Brother is dead, it is estimated that she will not survive, not all of her death.

Keep at least one, and keep one back to report. Take revenge again!

"Junior Brother, go!" The woman in white shouted again.

"No! Senior sister, I want to go with you!" The black face boy said firmly.

Ye Chen was unhappy on the side, "Okay! Tell you straight, you can't go. You think he can go."

Ye Chen said it to the woman in white.

The pretty face of the woman in white paled.

Suddenly, her body suddenly soared into the sky!

An astonishing aura swept the entire space, and everyone in the venue screamed, because the astonishing aura was like a sword slashing on them.

The meeting place suddenly became chaotic, everyone was hiding everywhere, all kinds of voices were endless.

Ye Chen's wrinkled eyes suddenly startled.

The woman in white smashed through the wall formed by the dark fog of the Shamo!


White light poured into the black mist, and everyone covered their eyes.

At this moment, the black mist dissipated, and the light re-illuminated the scene, everyone recovered from panic, and the venue became orderly again.


Ye Chen was surprised, what a powerful force.

At the moment when Ye Chen was shocked, the white-clothed woman shouted at the black-faced teenager in the distance: "Go!"

The two broke open a crying dragon in the hall and flew out of the field directly.

Ye Chen didn't have time to react, and mainly didn't want to chase them. Ye Chen didn't intend to kill them, after all, they were on the side of Fengfeng Pavilion.

Although he killed a Huo Hai, it was because this guy really deserved to die and was also looking for death. All Ye Chen solved him.

But the two Ye Chen did not intend to kill.

There is another reason, the girl exploded with astonishing power, her power broke through the black mist, this was something that even Ye Chen could do nothing. This is enough to show that the woman in white has a trump card, and Ye Chen didn't want to but he didn't dare to chase it.

Everyone was stunned for a while, and recovered for a while.

Qi Qi praised Ye Chen fiercely, and sighed that Ye Chen's heroism was extraordinary, and another super strong was placed at the feet of Senior.

Suddenly, there was a scream in the venue.

"Predecessors are mighty!"

"Senior Niubi! Take my knees!"

"Senior, I want to give birth to a monkey for you!"

"Predecessors will dominate the world forever!"

"Senior accepted me as a disciple!"

There were so many such words, Ye Chen just shook his head and smiled bitterly.

But most of them wanted Ye Chen to accept them as little brothers and disciples.

At this moment, Ye Chen's inspiration suddenly appeared, and he thought of something. Ye Chen smiled suddenly.

He looked at the messy meeting place, but he could barely squeeze people out, Ye Chen nodded, feeling feasible.

"Ahem!" Ye Chen cleared his throat.

Although the voice is small, everyone can hear clearly, because everyone's attention is on Ye Chen, and they are carefully observing this senior's every move.

The venue calmed down.

Ye Chen raised his hands and said, "Everyone, I have something to say, please be quiet."

The meeting place had long since calmed down, and Ye Chen said again, just hoping that no one would interrupt him.

Ye Chen was very satisfied with this effect.

He squeezed his throat and said, "Ben..."

Before the word ‘ben’ was uttered, a person appeared impressively and said loudly: "Everyone is quiet! Please listen to the seniors!"

The voice was loud and a little harsh, and the person stood up high, his figure extremely tall.

Everyone was stunned.

Ye Chen is a little bit more, you guy just half a beat slower than others? Or do you want to pretend?

The man was unkempt, but he was tall and stood up like a hill. He stared at the quiet surroundings, very satisfied, and smiled honestly at Ye Chen, "Senior, please tell me!"

What are you...!

Hey, forget it! Seeing that this kid was considered respectful, Ye Chen didn't care, after all, he didn't hit the smiley man with his hand.

Ye Chen said slowly: "I want to take it as a"

When Ye Chen was halfway talking, everyone took a deep breath, watching Ye Chen nervously, knowing that the last two words were spit out.

Brother? Still registered? But Rao is so.

Fry the whole audience!

Countless ran towards it like crazy, it should be shot at Ye Chen!

Ye Chen's face suddenly twitched, so enthusiastic.

But Ye Chen exuded a strong momentum, everyone was shocked, Ye Chen waved his hand and pressed down, indicating not to worry.

"Everyone, listen to me slowly!" Ye Chen said loudly.

"Ahem, I just pinched a finger and found that this place is very destined for me. In this case, I plan to choose one person in the field to be my brother. It's just..."

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