Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 922: News of taking the ring

And Ye Chen in front of her was her benefactor.

Such excellent people in all aspects, such good and powerful people, with some men,

It should be the most perfect compared to all men.

At this moment, her heart was surging, her heartbeat accelerated, and her eyes blurred.

Suddenly, the appearance of her husband appeared in her mind, and she was unavoidably lost in her heart, completely incomparable.

If it is a comparison, it means that people are more popular than others.

Gao Yang smiled bitterly in his heart, and shook his head slightly outside, and suddenly a feeling of disgust and contempt for Zha Ji appeared.

A red glow appeared in her face, her cheeks were flushed, and her head was still a little dizzy.

Ling Ye Chen did not expect that he wanted to pretend to put a little pressure on her, but instead made Gao Yang worship and admire Ye Chen.

If Ye Chen knew, he would vomit blood.

Time is almost up, he tilted his forehead slightly and said faintly: "The ultimate item of today's auction is..."


Gao Yang exclaimed and noticed that Ye Chen looked at him with strange eyes.

It turned out that Ye Chen was asking her, as if he was still immersed in a wonderful feeling. He didn't hear Ye Chen's question for a while, and it took a while to react.

Gao Yang was no longer young, and immediately covered his cheeks with his tender white hands, with a shy and tender appearance, showing a little woman's posture.

"It's hot! His face is hot!" Gao Yang said inwardly.

At this moment, the little deer bumped into her heart, the shame of shame was fully displayed on the pretty face, and she did not dare to look at Ye Chen.

She lowered her head, her eyes dodged, her head was dizzy, her mouth was ambiguous: "Dragon, Longquan sword, and a drop of golden blood."

Her voice was abnormal, trembling.

Ye Chen was taken aback, only a drop of blood?

Isn't it five drops?

He doesn't care about Longquan sword, he is not interested in weapons, he is more interested in essence and blood, because essence and blood can increase his bloodline value.

Ye Chen opened the system interface.

There are seven boxes on the homepage, three on the left and four on the right.

Open the system interface, personal information bar:

Account balance: 200 merit points

Host: Ye Chen

Level: 22 one-star warrior

Star power value: 4000 ke (+80 ke/s)

Skills: Give me back Fist; Gale Half Moon Slash; Elementary Star Power Jue; Secret of Changing Face; Skyfire Skill (20);

Physique: Primary body of justice (1 point)

Bloodline value: 9 (black iron, can be swallowed and evolved through the bloodline)

Affiliation: No

It can be seen that Ye Chen's bloodline value is only 9, and the bloodline level is black iron.

There are nine types of extraordinary blood vessels: black iron blood, bronze blood, silver blood, gold blood, platinum blood, diamond blood, crystal blood, ultimate blood, supreme blood.

There are three levels of ordinary bloodline under Extraordinary: bluestone third-order, bluestone second-order, and bluestone first-order.

There are very few creatures with extraordinary blood in the magic world, less than 30%. This is so, this is also a huge base.

And the black iron bloodline is only the bottom of the existence, in the extraordinary race.

Obviously, Ye Chen was very dissatisfied.

Although he has not encountered a strong opponent so far, the influence of blood is not big.

But Ye Chen knew that the high-level bloodlines were all from the upper realm, and only creatures with low-level bloodlines would be from the lower realm, and would need to participate in the battle of ascension. Only because of his strength and talent, he was blocked in the lower realm and would never be able to see the big world above.

If you want to increase the bloodline value, you need to swallow the bloodline, and you need to be a high-level bloodline.

In addition to true blood, essence blood is the most precious and concentrated blood that contains many powers of the body.

Swallowing blood can also achieve the goal of evolving blood.

This is why Ye Chen asked about the purpose of the last auction item.

Ordinary people can absorb the star power when swallowing the essence and blood, because the essence and blood contains innate star power, and this innate star power is the most gentle and can be easily absorbed by the body.

Of course, this is only relative.

If a system fails, forcibly absorb high-end blood, it will inevitably explode and die.

Even if a person with a very strong system and a very high level of cultivation absorbs the legendary super-high level of essence and blood, it may be unable to recognize the increase in strength that it brings, which may cause load, side effects, or even burst into death. All are possible.

But where there is no breathing method, or where breathing method is generally unknown, the essence and blood are indeed precious.

This is also the only way for ordinary people to increase their star power and improve their cultivation!

In the lower realm, there are three ways to increase the cultivation base, one is to absorb the essence and blood just mentioned; the other is to awaken or develop the star power contained in the bloodline; the third is to obtain such treasures, such as: breathing method and magic weapon , Mystery, something that can produce star power.

Ye Chen thought for a while.

Gao Yang held his breath and watched Ye Chen nervously.

"Only one drop?" Ye Chen asked in a deep voice.

Gao Yang was taken aback, why did Senior Ye ask that?

She nodded stupidly and said: "Yes, senior!" Very respectful, with a hint of cuteness.

"Huh?" Ye Chen was taken aback for a moment, why was she afraid of herself?

Being able to frighten the dignified sect master is quite capable. Ye Chen was very accurate about his aura and majesty.

"Isn't it five drops?" Ye Chen asked, pondering for a moment.

Gao Yangtu's body shook, and he quaked, "Senior, you, you..."

Ye Chen's words made it difficult to speak smoothly.

Ye Chen smiled funny, and said: "You want to say how I know, haha, I know. You just tell me all you know. If what you say is different from what I know, I You may think that you are lying to me, that is a misunderstanding, so I am afraid that I will miss it..."

Ye Chen smiled lightly, the corners of his mouth lifted, and his face was gentle and moving. He didn't say anything, but his meaning was clear.

Don't tell me, lie to me, only die!

Ye Chen smiled on the surface, but Gao Yang felt a chill and couldn't help but chill.

"Ring, ring, there is a ring!"

Gao Yang said suddenly. Still unclear.

Ye Chen frowned, seeming to guess something. He said solemnly: "What do you give me a ring!"

Gao Yang was shocked again and was frightened by Ye Chen's sudden power, "Na Jie with five drops of blood was stolen by a kid named Ye Chen."

"It's this **** kid who stole Na Jie, and there are a lot of items that were originally to be sold at this auction!"

Ye Chen frowned again, not because of the ring that Gao Yang said, but she actually scolded him to die in front of her.

This old woman still has to clean up.

However, the ring with the treasure is the one you got.

Ye Chen was ecstatic in his heart, how could he be upset that all the heavy items of the auction had been succeeded by himself.

However, the top priority should not be said to be the first thing.

It is to find a way to start taking precepts.


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