Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 924: Los Angeles Nangong Family

Of course, they are all dead, so for Ye Chen, it is best to pass.

Ye Chen doesn't have to worry about the black guy's companions often coming to revenge.

However, you still have to beware. Ye Chen doesn’t understand the existence of the Seven Slayers of the Upper Realm, but Ye Chen knows that the power of the Upper Realm, no matter how big or small, is a monster to the people of the Lower Realm, and they are all unattractive. exist.

Once targeted by the above forces, there will be no good fruit to eat.

Therefore, in the future, we must pay attention, take precautions, and keep a low profile at all times.

It seems... it is necessary to maintain Ye Liangchen's identity.

Ye Chen smiled in his heart, Zhou Cao's secret technique for changing the face was really useful.

I still need to do more research on this secret technique, and strive to cultivate it to the highest level. It can even change the soul aura at a time, and not many people can recognize themselves at that time.

There is no doubt that this secret technique is very useful.

"By the way, where is that ring?"

Ye Chen asked this deliberately because he didn't want to arouse Gao Yang's alertness. After asking this question, he asked her how to open the ring so that it would not appear abrupt.

"A kid named Ye Chen is in this Qingyang City, senior, or should I take you to find him now?"

Gao Yang asked.

Ye Chen frowned.

After cursing something special, you will look good later.

Gao Yang hung up. Senior seemed a little unhappy, what's going on? Could it be that I said the wrong thing?

Don't seniors like self-assertive people, Gao Yang secretly blamed himself, and then he must pay attention to his words, not to be too independent, just answer.

Senior is asking me, how can I ask senior?

Just answer when you ask, don’t think too much, you have free ideas and methods, you don’t want me to talk too much.

When Gao Yang thought of this, he felt that he was right, that he was wrong.

Ye Chen waved his hand: "I don't need you to take me there, I can find it naturally."


Sure enough, seniors really don't like talkative people.

Gao Yang got up again and nodded in a low voice: "Yes, senior!"

"Just tell me the way to open the ring, don't worry about the others, I can find that Ye Chen." Ye Chen said coldly. Obviously this is dissatisfaction with her before scolding herself.

Gao Yang nodded. Said: "Senior is like this, I don't know the way to open the ring, it seems that only a few beasts in the upper realm know."


Especially, only the six people from the Seven Kills in the upper realm know, I- **** it.

If I knew I would not kill them all, I should keep one. In this way, the baby inside would not know the year of the monkey.


Ye Chen sighed.

When Gao Yang saw this, he said, "As long as the senior can get that ring, he only needs to find someone from the Nangong family, and he will be able to open the ring."

"Nangong Family?" Ye Chen muttered in confusion.

Gao Yang Lima explained: "The Nangong family is the world's top restricted family. They have studied the prohibition for countless generations. They claim that the world's prohibition can be broken. At least there are restrictions that can stump their family. Presumably they must not dare not sell their face and seniors, only find them, the prohibition will naturally be broken, and then all the treasures inside will belong to the seniors."

Gao Yang added: "Na Jie was stolen by the kid named Ye Chen, and it has nothing to do with Senior. The seven kills above cannot find Senior."

Ye Chen nodded, very satisfied, she was helping herself to wash away the suspicion, so that the eyes of the Seven Killers were staring at other places.

But... so Ye Chen and Ye Liangchen are both alone.

No way!

"No!" Ye Chen blurted out.

"What can't it?" Gao Yang wondered.

"You can't say that it was Ye Chen," Ye Chen said suddenly: "I will kill Ye Chen. Then you ask them to find Ye Chen, and you will naturally find out his death. Then they will inevitably be connected."

"Anyway, think of your own way to throw the matter of taking precepts to other people and places."

"This is an order!"

"If you don't do according to my amount, you..."

Ye Chen didn't say anything, Gao Yang nodded his head and said sincerely: "Senior, I am yours. You must rest assured that I will do what you say. Since Senior has ordered, I will try my best to do it."

? ? ?

Ye Chen was taken aback, when did you become my person?

Ye Chen didn't say it, since she was loyal, let her be the one. It's not a bad thing for Gao Yang to be loyal. It's also good to have a master of the seven masters.

As for whether she is false or sincere, it doesn't matter, as long as she is strong enough, she dare not rebel.

Even if someone came down from the Seven Kills, Ye Chen could guarantee that it would not be difficult to kill Gao Yang under their blockade.

Now, as long as you find the Nangong family, you can open this ring and get the treasure inside.

"Nangong Family...where is it?"

There is no unresolvable restriction in the world. A family that dares to speak such big words must have some power, otherwise it would have been annihilated by other unhappy families or forces. Could it be the power of the upper realm?

"If you go back to Senior, the Nangong family is in Los Angeles, just north of the Lower Realm. If Senior wants to go, you can go through the flying wildebeest called Qingyang. The flying wildebeest travels 100,000 miles a day and will arrive soon. There." Gao Yang said.

Los Angeles?

How do I feel familiar.

Ye Chen thought for a moment, then suddenly remembered, isn't this Zhao Manyang's home?

Los Angeles is not the territory of the Zhao family, there is also a Nangong family?

Which of the two is dominant here?

It sounds like the Nangong family is very powerful. Is Zhao Manyang's family affiliated to them?

"Is that Luocheng of the Zhao family in Luocheng?" Ye Chen asked.

Gao Yang smiled and said: "The predecessors also know the Zhao family in Luocheng?! Yes, yes, the Zhao family in Luocheng and the Nangong family are in the same city. The two clans have met for generations and are friendly forces. Although they have been in the same city for countless years, Always maintain friendly relations with neighbors, the friendship accumulated between the two is indestructible."

"That's it."

Ye Chen nodded.

"Actually, the reason why the Luo family Zhao clan and the Luocheng Nangong family are so famous is that they are completely inseparable from the mutual assistance and friendly relationship between the two. It can be said that it is the Zhao family that can With the Nangong family, it is the Nangong family that will make the Zhao family so famous and powerful." Gao Yang explained.

Ye Chen nodded again.

Zhao Manyang is a member of the Zhao family. Since the two clans have good relationship for generations, then follow Zhao Manyang and go to Nangong's house to buy Zhao Manyang's face. It's not a problem to help with a ban.

Ye Chen thought so, it seemed that he was going to take Zhao Manyang along with him.

It is much easier to do things with an intermediary.

Knowing the ins and outs of the matter, Ye Chen waved his hand to signal Gao Yang to leave.

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