Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 926: Original feeling

Zhou Cao was taken aback for a moment. What did he just say?

Long admiring the name, go out to talk? ?

Is your posture so low?

He is from the upper realm! Moreover, he is still a top powerhouse who can defeat his three masters in a row.

This class of power is placed in the upper realm, so young should be regarded as a villain.

What is he looking for me?

Not killing yourself! He was sure of this, otherwise he wouldn't do it. Could it be that he was going to trick himself out and then kill without precaution?

This is completely unnecessary! Simply superfluous!

Is it to get news of the upper world from me, or is it something other than purpose?

Ha ha! Want to know from my mouth, this is absolutely impossible!

Even if my Zhou Cao's cultivation is exhausted and become a completely useless person, I will not give in the slightest, will not shake out any information about friends and organizations, want to buy me? Want to seduce me? Want me to give up morals?

Ha ha! too naive! If you don't ask about it, Zhou Cao's name is clear.

Zhou Cao slowly opened his eyes and looked at Ye Chen coldly, "Hehe, you told me to go out? If you want a peace talk, I will go out with you? To put it bluntly, Zhou Cao is never afraid of things, no matter who you are, I'm not afraid of anything. You tell me to go out and then go out?"

"Haha!" After saying that, Zhou Cao looked up to the sky and laughed, showing his heroic spirit.


Everyone exclaimed.

What a ruthless person! Dare to say such things.

Ye Chen's complexion is not good, black lines linger on his face, this guy is really, really...

Both labor and management don't want to talk about him.

"Forget it, I won't advise you!"

After speaking, Ye Chen directly grabbed Zhou Cao's shoulder.

A stride flew up, straight into the sky.

Brush it.

The two came to an empty place, with no one around.

Ye Chen turned his back and put his hands behind him.

He sighed and looked at the distant sky of the king. After a while, he said in a deep voice: "Do you know who I am?"

Hehe, he doesn't know who this person is in front of him! But he knows that the person who came is not good, this person must have an attempt.

A good man in my Zhou Dynasty will never follow him! ! !

Zhou Cao was determined to be abnormal in his heart, his eyes were cold, and he sneered: "Hehe, if you want to kill, you have to pluck, listen carefully!"

After finishing speaking, Zhou Cao slowly closed his eyes, showing that he went to death brazenly.

"Um..." Ye Chen was speechless.

Ye Chen turned his head, looked at him, and said softly: "I am Ye Chen."

"Oh, you want to deceive me, what... Are you Ye Chen?" Zhou Cao was shocked, and looked at him carefully.

"Hehe, you fart! You are not Brother Ye! You want to fool me, huh! No way!"

Zhou Cao was shocked, but he knew that Brother Ye Chen didn't look like this.

He is not handsome, and his temperament is not the same.

"Hey, Brother Zhou, why should I lie to you? If I really want to get something from you and threaten directly with force, why bother to lower my posture and act like this." Ye Chen said lightly.

"Um..." It seems to be the reason: "No, you know that I am a man of high-quality iron, and will not succumb to lewdness, and all use trickery to deceive my trust." Zhou Cao said.

"Have you forgotten the secret technique for changing the face?" Ye Chen said helplessly.

Zhou Cao flashed a surprised expression, his mouth opened into an oh shape.

In fact, he knew that he had handed over Ye Chen Yirong Shu, he could never be Ye Chen.

There are two reasons. First: Ye Chen can't even pretend that he can't recognize it. This is the mystery of his life that he has studied for decades. In just a few days, even if he is a genius, it is impossible. To this point. At this point, he is quite confident.

The second reason: Ye Chen still only had the strength of less than one star a few days ago, he could see it naturally through his fight against Cha Fei. Now standing in front of him is a super warrior who can defeat multiple four-stars in succession. His strength may have surpassed the four-star category, and he may have reached a martial art state that he cannot understand in the legend.

No, it can't be Ye Chen's. He should have gotten some news from where he learned about his relationship with Ye Chen, so he needed to deceive his trust from this aspect to get a certain purpose.

and many more......

There were some bad guesses in Zhou Cao's mind. He wouldn't... he wouldn't have killed Brother Ye before pretending to be Brother Ye and approached me.

Moreover, at this moment, he heard Ye Chen say: "Brother Zhou, Xiaoyan and I rescued you that day and brought you to the cave..."

So familiar! It turned out to be exactly the same, as if I had experienced it myself.

Could it be... he really killed Brother Ye, Brother Ye! ! ! !

"Damn thief, I want to avenge brother Ye!! You, pay my brother Ye's life, and the devil will take his life!!!"

Zhou Cao suddenly roared, rushing towards Ye Chen, he suddenly took out a dagger in his hand, and it was poisoned.


Obviously, this was almost useless to Ye Chen.

Seeing Ye Chen pressed his head with his hands, his whole body became stiff, and he didn't move half of his figure despite his footsteps.

"I did it with you!"

Zhou Cao gritted his teeth and yelled, suddenly exerting force, the dagger in his hand was thrown at Ye Chen's forehead quickly, but in Ye Chen's eyes it was very slow.

Ye Chen is really speechless, why is brother so stubborn this week, he doesn't know anything!

"You have to take off the disguise before you believe it?"

"Hey!" Ye Chen sighed, nothing could be done.

It will take a lot of effort to paint a new costume. Forget it, who told me to meet a stubborn bull? ,

Ye Chen stretched out his hand to clean up his face three times and five times, finally revealing a white and flawless face, unusually handsome and very charming.

"What a handsome young man, really handsome!"

Zhou Cao thought from the bottom of his heart.

Suddenly, he was stunned. This, this is really Brother Ye Chen, exactly the same as when he first saw him!

The same feeling! The same charming!

This feeling can't be wrong!

Zhou Cao's eyes were red, and when he saw the overwhelming warmth in Ye Chen's heart, his nose suddenly sore, and the pain in his heart overflowed.

For a while, all the pain during this period seemed to have found a snuggle, and he flew to hug Ye Chen.

He burst into tears, cried his nose, hugged Ye Chen tightly without letting go, crying extremely sadly.

At this moment, he was satisfied, and all the unhappiness in the past seemed to be pouring out.

He is comfortable, but... Ye Chen is unhappy, very unhappy!

Just saying that he wiped his nose and tears on his clothes, Ye Chen couldn't bear it. What's more, a big man still cried and hugged him, not a little girl.

A rough guy, crying like this, hugging him and crying like a coquettish, no one can bear it.

Ye Chen was already nauseous and vomiting.

"You really are disgusting!"

Before he finished speaking, Ye Chen kicked Zhou Cao ten feet away.

With a bang, Zhou Cao was smashed to the ground.

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