Ye Chen looked at Mu Guiyin, whose complexion was getting worse and worse, his complexion changed. If Mu Guiyin had something to do, then he wouldn't be messed up in Qingyang City.

"Brother Ye, what happened to this old man?"

At this time, Zhao Manyang and Xiao Yan also leaned over, observing Mu Guiyin's injuries.

"It's okay, let me try it, it should work."

Ye Chen patted Mu Guiyin's back with his hands, and suddenly Mu Guiyin in Ye Chen's arms heard a few soft coughs.

"Finally it's all right."

Ye Chen let out a long sigh of relief, and a relaxed feeling radiated from Ye Chen's body.

"Old Master Ye, what's wrong?"

Mu Guiyin, who was awakened and turned around, looked at the three in doubt, confirming the current situation.

This is not a pretense either, Mu Guiyin did forget what just happened, and now had to ask Ye Chen.

"Ahem, it's actually fine, but Master Mu, haven't you answered my question yet?"

When Mu Guiyin heard Ye Chen's words, his whole body immediately aroused his spirits and stood up slowly.

"I don't know Ye Gongzi, what is the question?"

Ye Chen listened to Mu Guiyin's words and froze for a moment. He thought that Mu Guiyin had just forgotten a little bit. He didn't expect such an outrageous thing.

No way, Ye Chen sighed slowly, and had to talk to Mu Guiyin about his problem again.

"So, Master Mu, you know!"

Mu Guiyin listened to Ye Chen's words and felt the emotions in his heart, and the whole person became energetic.

"I know, I know, this problem for Ye Gongzi is easy, you think, if there are no slums in any city, as long as you go in, most of them will be poor people. How can there be rich people in slums."

Ye Chen listened to Mu Guiyin's words and nodded gently, and found that what he said seemed reasonable.

"Then I don't know if Master Mu can take us over."

Mu Guiyin listened to Ye Chen's words and responded. There is nothing to say this time. Anyway, this will not bother him now, this is just a way to take it along.

"Yes, then Master Ye, just follow me."

Ye Chen gave Xiao Yan a wink when he listened to Mu Guiyin's words, and motioned for the two of them to follow.

"I don't know why Ye Gongzi went to the slums!"

There was nothing to do on the road, and Mu Guiyin and Ye Chen started chatting.

"Me? Going to the slums I want to do charity!"

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Mu Guiyin almost fell to the ground.

"Ye, Master Ye, I heard you right, you are going to do charity in the slums."

Listening to Mu Guiyin's words, Ye Chen coughed and nodded faintly.

"Yes, I officially have this plan."

Although Ye Chen said so on the face, he had already roared in his heart.

"Do you think I want to do it! If it weren't for this system, how could I do charity! This is too prodigal!"

"My five hundred million!"

"Beep! If the host slanders the system again, the system will deduct 10 merit points from the host."

Hearing the system, Ye Chen stopped his next thoughts at once, after all, thinking about it anymore, really, what should I do if the merit is deducted.

Ye Chen sighed softly, no more thoughts about this matter.

"Young Master Ye, why do I see that your complexion is a bit unpleasant."

Mu Guiyin looked at Ye Chen's pale cheeks, and asked with concern. Xiao Yan who was following him also hurried over to check Ye Chen's body.

"Brother Ye Chen, is there anything wrong with your body?"

Ye Chen listened to Xiao Yan's words, gently shook his head, and touched Xiao Yan's little head.

"How could something happen to your brother Ye Chen, right? I'm fine, it won't happen."

In fact, Ye Chen was just caught off guard by the system just now, and he is much better now, but since there is a little girl to take care of, why should it be better?

Zhao Manyang looked at the smile on Ye Chen's face and suddenly understood something, but Zhao Manyang didn't dismantle Ye Chen either. After all, people have this capital.

Xiao Yan looked at Ye Chen's pale face, tears dripping from the corners of his eyes.

Ye Chen couldn't bear to lie to Xiao Yan anymore after watching this scene. Although she was very comfortable in the beauty's arms, she was uncomfortable when she cried.

Ye Chen stood up and touched Xiao Yan's head.

"Okay, okay, don't cry, don't you think I am all right."

Ye Chen spoke twice in front of Xiao Yan and asked her to see that there was nothing wrong with him.

"Really? Is Brother Ye Chen really okay?!"

Ye Chen listened to Xiao Yan's words and chuckled lightly.

"Don't worry, your brother Ye Chen is not that vulnerable."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Xiao Yan nodded happily, and bounced away from Ye Chen's embrace.

Mu Guiyin didn't look back at the front for a while, performing his job, and now he was taking a few people to the slum first, so that his task was completed.

Just when Xiao Yan acted like a baby, Mu Guiyin couldn't stand it anymore, what kind of demeanor he was pulling and pulling on the street!

Mu Guiyin coughed slightly, but dispelled the idea. After all, there are some things that don't need to be told.

Mu Guiyin sighed softly. Why did he let them meet? Now that Ye Chen still wants to do charity, he has to follow.

"Ye Chen, what do you want to do for charity! Just go in like this? Or, Master Ye Chen, you go directly in and send Xingzhu."


This problem is so difficult for Ye Chen, he really hasn't figured out what to do, whether to send the money directly, or to use another method, since the system says donate.

Ye Chen pondered slightly, because he had no experience with this matter, so he had to ask Mu Guiyin.

Ready-made masters, don't need to be in vain.

"What opinion does Master Namu have."

Mu Guiyin listened to Ye Chen's words, but complained about himself in his heart.

It's okay if I bring it here, so why do I have to ask about this?

Mu Guiyin sighed softly and thought about it. Since Ye Chen has already asked him, it must be bad not to answer. The answer is too perfunctory, and it won't work if it is seen.

Ye Chen sighed as he watched Mu Guiyin there, turned his head and looked at Zhao Manyang behind him, and saw that Zhao Manyang made an action that didn't know anything to show Ye Chen.

Ye Chen turned his head with some thoughtful look on his face, slowly watching Mu Guiyin.

After thinking about it for a long time, Mu Guiyin finally thought of a way.

"Master Ye, don't you want to do charity? I remember that there is a place where he specializes in doing this. At that time, Master Ye only needs to put the money there, and someone will donate it for you."

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