Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 945: Find another way

"Okay, okay, I won't be joking with you, Brother Ye Chen, since the slums can't go, how do you do charity?"

Zhao Manyang listened to Xiao Yan's words, smiled, and approached Ye Chen.

"Senior, if you want to do charity, I have a place!"

Ye Chen heard Zhao Manyang's words and looked at it hopefully, but when he saw that wretched smile, his expectations were reduced by half.

"Okay, tell me, I'll listen."

Although Ye Chen didn't hold any hope anymore, it was better to have a way than nothing!

"That's right, I can take you to our casino here. We deliberately lose to others. Isn't this just doing charity."

Ye Chen listened to Zhao Manyang's words and looked over with a black line on his face.

"Didn't I mean that there is paste in your mind?! You can also bring me this kind of thing? Forget it, your method won't work, you can think of another method."

Ye Chen shook his head lightly, denying Zhao Manyang's method, in fact, for Ye Chen, meeting the conditions for donation was too harsh.

Ye Chen couldn't think of any good places besides the slums for a while.

"Xiao Yan, do you have any idea?"

Ye Chen, who really couldn't think of a good thing, had to ask Xiao Yan on the side for help. Zhao Manyang couldn't count on it, and could only hope that Xiao Yan could compete.

"No, Brother Ye Chen has nothing to do with me. By the way, Brother Ye Chen, how much do you want to donate?"

Ye Chen coughed slightly when he heard Xiao Yan's inquiry.

"Actually, I wanted to donate 100 million, but after seeing something like this, I knew that it would not be easy."

Ye Chen shook his head lightly, without saying anything, but Ye Chen thought that the task depends on the situation, isn't that right?

At this moment, Ye Chen suddenly thought of the reward that the system gave him when he got five hundred million.

"Is there any upper limit on the rewards I can get myself?"

Ye Chen thought about it, but still couldn't think of what's the point.

"Oh, it seems that we have to change place to continue our mission."

"That's right! Senior, what you said is charity, is it serious?"

Ye Chen turned his head and heard Zhao Manyang's words, how could he suddenly feel that his whole body was not well.

"Of course he is serious! Is there anything wrong with me?!"

Ye Chen sighed lightly and didn't say anything. After all, they didn't know what they thought, and it was excusable to ask about these things, but the person who looked at Zhao Manyang was also seriously thinking of a way for Ye Chen.

But that method is a bit hard to accept.

"How about we go to the auction house again."

Ye Chen listened to this proposal and shook his head slowly, if he knew that he went to the auction house, it wouldn't be called charity!

Ye Chen leaned against the wall, thinking about this in distress.

"Senior, what are you doing here?"

Suddenly Cha Fei's voice came from the side.

Ye Chen was taken aback, turned his head and stared there motionless, only to find that it was Cha Fei who had put down his guard.

If you want to know this, someone has told you that you must not let the Dragon Race know his identity as a last resort.

But those who knew him, apart from these few, there was no one else.

"Zhafei, you just came here. I want to ask. You said I want to donate some money. What kind of method is better."

After listening to Ye Chen's words, Zha Fei also searched in his head for the solution to this matter.

If you really want to say, Ye Chen's action involves too many things, you must know that as long as he moves here, some balance in Qingyang City will soon be broken!

Ye Chen looked at Cha Fei, who was frowning, and thought of his own matter, which was difficult to handle.

"Unexpectedly, spending money is so troublesome, can't I still control the money?! How to spend it is my right?!"

After listening to Ye Chen's words, Zha Fei wanted to say something more, but he opened his mouth and still didn't say that thing.

"No, senior, I'm already thinking of a solution, and we will know what we can do by then. If it doesn't work, I will ask my dad so that you should have a better plan."

Ye Chen sneered in his heart when he listened to Zha Fei's words. He knew exactly who Zha Ji was, but he didn't want to say anything in front of Zha Fei, nodded gently, turned and left here.

"Let's go, Xiao Yan."

"Oh, oh! Good! Brother Ye Chen wait for me!"

Ye Chen left here with Xiao Yan directly, leaving only Zhao Manyang and Zha Fei with big eyes.

"Zhao Manyang, do you think I said something wrong."

"Otherwise, why did Senior suddenly leave?!"

When Zhao Manyang listened to what Cha Fei said, he couldn't refute his lips. He actually didn’t catch a cold to Cha Fei. He had a little friction with Cha Ji than himself. If he really called him to help, that’s right. I must be bad.

"Okay, brother, I don't think you should think about it. When you need you, seniors will naturally look for you. Don't talk nonsense about this thing, you know what I mean."

Zhao Manyang exhorted a few words and left here, after all, Ye Chen left, and he didn't want to chat with Cha Fei here.


Although completing this task can be said to be Ye Chen's current primary goal, it is not impossible for this goal to be delayed, after all, it is time.

"It would be great if Mu Guiyin was still there, so that I could ask him something."

Xiao Yan looked at Ye Chen who was thinking about something in front of him, and sighed softly.

"I really think I can't help Ye Chen with anything. Brother Ye Chen, do you think Xiao Yan is very useless."

Ye Chen chuckled when he heard Xiao Yan's words, and turned around and rubbed her head.

"How is it possible! Xiao Yan, your role is very big! Since we can't do this thing, it's not the same for another thing, don't deny yourself in a field you are not familiar with!"

Ye Chen touched Xiao Yan's little head, and didn't make her think about anything, because this was originally a question he should consider, and there was no need to let Xiao Yan spend his thoughts.

"It seems we need to find time to ask the system!"

Ye Chen suddenly thought that since it was a task issued by the system, it would definitely have some rules set by itself.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen chuckled, the haze on his face instantly swept away, and finally the whole person became radiant again.

"Brother Ye Chen, did you think of something? How do you feel that the aura around you has changed?"

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