Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 951: Spy of the Man in Black

"Brother Ye Chen! Brother Ye Chen!"

Xiao Yan looked at Ye Chen who was dreaming about something. He had no choice but to go again. He woke up.

Ye Chen heard Xiao Yan's voice, turned his head, and focused on his own business.

Seeing that Ye Chen didn't do that anymore, Xiao Yan returned to the house to rest.

Ye Chen looked at Xiao Yan's back and sighed gently.

You know, there are really not many girls like Xiao Yan now, and they don't know what's going on, they just followed him by mistake.

"Well, it's time to go back."

Ye Chen stood up, patted the dust on his body, and went back slowly.

"Strange, since Cha Fei has left here to help at the auction, who is that strange figure just now?"

Just now, when Ye Chen was talking with Xiao Yan, he noticed that a stranger was standing outside the house, listening to something.

Ye Chen gave Xiao Yan a wink and made her return to the house first.

"Unexpectedly, the best-in-class people will come now?"

Although Ye Chen knew that someone had come, Xiao Yan was still here. If there was a conflict, what should I do if he was injured by mistake.

Now there are some servants left in the Cha Mansion. If they attack rashly, this does not meet Ye Chen's rules!

Ye Chen was thinking about the countermeasures in his heart. In fact, he also had a way to deal with this, but the other party circumvented him very sensibly, which made Ye Chen feel a strange feeling.

He and Xiao Yan seemed to have been hiding forever. There was not even an enemy in front of the two of them, and they both hid and did not know where they were.

This was a blow to Ye Chen's enthusiasm. The other side didn't have the thought of fighting him, and Ye Chen couldn't find anyone. In this way, Ye Chen didn't bother to probe with his spirit.

"Strange! It's strange!"

Ye Chen walked around helplessly in the room, as if he knew him well on the other side, he even knew his habits clearly.

For Ye Chen, as long as you don't mess with me, then I will naturally not touch you, but if you mess with me, then you will regret this kind of character that is beyond your reach.

"Brother Ye Chen, what should we do, are we still involved in this kind of thing?"

Ye Chen listened to Xiao Yan's words, and now he didn't know what to do next, but he just saw a little girl, and the master hasn't appeared yet.

Ye Chen was not in a hurry either.

"Sometimes, it won't work if you don't take the initiative!"

"What does Brother Ye Chen mean?"

Xiao Yan poured Ye Chen a cup of tea, and then slowly returned to the original position.

Ye Chen picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea gently.

"After the person behind him comes out, I will meet her! Xiao Yan, don't come out in the room at that time, otherwise something happens and I'm afraid I won't be able to come back in time."

Xiao Yan chuckled as he listened to Ye Chen's words.

"Brother Ye Chen, what danger can I have! You can go with ease, and you will obediently listen to you, and you will definitely not come out in the house then."

Ye Chen smiled slightly as he listened to Xiao Yan's words.

In fact, as far as Xiao Yan's safety is concerned, Ye Chen is very relieved. After all, he is by his side every day, and Ye Chen knows the progress of his sister at a glance.

It can be said that although Xiao Yan's strength is not as strong as his, it is not weak anymore.

After all, Xiao Yan is a member of the Dragon Race. For her, her cultivation is a very small thing, she can easily reach a height that ordinary people can't reach.

Ye Chen took another sip of tea and looked at Xiao Yan who was thinking about something there. Without saying anything, he looked at her quietly.

In fact, Ye Chen had also considered the task of taking over Cha Fei. It can be said that he came here by the way. For the two of them to live there, not to live, since someone provides accommodation, it must be good.

If there is any advantage, you must take it as soon as possible. Anyway, it is not your own money, and it is not distressed.

"How do you feel that you have become his thug?"

In fact, Ye Chen always wanted to wait for Chafei to come back. He wanted to determine one thing, the identities of these people and the messengers behind the scenes.

Now Ye Chen didn't even know it. If he attacked like this, he would not get any benefits at all, but would expose himself.

"Really, you have to have a sense of time when you go to help! When is this! No longer come home!"

Ye Chen stood in front of the window and looked at the sky outside. He saw that the sky outside had slowly darkened, but there was still no movement outside.

"Strange! It's strange!"

Xiao Yan listened to Ye Chen's shout and looked over in confusion.

Ye Chen and Xiao Yan didn't live in the same room, but because of the special circumstances today, Ye Chen didn't leave Xiao Yan's room. Because of fear, they stayed here to observe the enemy's situation and protect her.

"What's wrong, Brother Ye Chen? Is there anything that makes no sense?"

Ye Chen listened to Xiao Yan's words and shook his head slightly. He wondered whether he had made a mistake in his judgment. Because of the matter just now, Ye Chen did not use Divine Soul, but if that person is not a stubborn person, he Why should you monitor yourself here?

These suspicious points caused Ye Chen to fall into contemplation, and then a spirit that no one could feel unfolded from Ye Chen's cabin.

This spirit enveloped the entire Cha Mansion in an instant, but the more you explored Ye Chen, the more uncertain it became. During his investigation, Cha Mansion had no trace of invasion at all.


Ye Chen exclaimed, and the whole person was plunged into deep thoughts. If the man in black just now wasn't a person of the best, then who would he be?

Ye Chen sighed lightly. He didn't investigate carefully just now and almost made a mistake, but the man in black who just checked him here couldn't explain it.

During this period, Xiao Yan quietly waited for Ye Chen to finish thinking, without disturbing his thoughts at all, Ye Chen slowly took a sip of the tea in the cup.

"I didn't offend anyone at all when I came here! If it weren't for Qijieshu this time, it's even less likely to be from the Dragon Race!"

"After all, if it is, then instead of looking at him from a distance, he rushed over to ask him about the essence and blood."

Ye Chen hadn't thought about it yet, whether he had to insist that he hadn't absorbed this thing.

But Ye Chen immediately thought about it again, it seems that the Dragon Clan would not trust him.

Ye Chen sighed softly. Since the alarm is now lifted, there is no need to investigate. If he goes now, the man in black must have disappeared.

"How can I bother with such low-level mistakes?"

Ye Chen sighed softly and didn't think anymore, but it could be seen that Ye Chen's heart had received a big blow because of this.

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