Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 957: Keep investigating

Zhao Manyang stood up and gave the stool to Xiao Yan and Ye Chen.

Ye Chen looked at Zhao Manyang's movements and shook his head gently.

"No, I want to go out and get some air. Just call me when the room is ready. I'll be right there at the door."

Zhao Manyang nodded softly after hearing Ye Chen's words.

"It's strange, my guard, he obviously asked him to open the room, but the boss here said, no one has been here!"

Listening to Zhao Manyang's words, Xiao Yan quickly thought about this in his mind.

But it didn't seem to have any direct relationship with her, Xiao Yan simply didn't want to think about it. He played his own there.

Zhao Manyang stood up slowly, walked out, and went to find Ye Chen.

"Brother Ye, how about it."

Zhao Manyang walked out the door and saw Ye Chen who was observing the surrounding scenery outside.

"Nothing, but your place is really remote."

Zhao Manyang smiled softly when he listened to Ye Chen's words.

"Don't worry, Brother Ye, there is absolutely nothing going on here, just leave it to me later."

"No, I'm not relieved if you are alone."

Zhao Manyang didn't refute Ye Chen's words, because Ye Chen was really a very powerful person, and he was relieved of the safety here.

"How about, Brother Ye, do you think there is anything strange about this inn."

Ye Chen listened to Zhao Manyang's words and looked at him suspiciously.

"Why did you remember to ask this? You didn't ask about this before. In fact, there is nothing weird about it, it's just a little bit remote."

At this time, the door was slowly opened, and the boss poked his head out of it.

"Master Zhao, your friend's room has been cleaned up, and you can live in it now."

Zhao Manyang listened to the boss, turned his head and looked at Ye Chen on the side.

"Now that it's all packed, I'll go first."

The two spoke to each other, and Ye Chen walked back to the inn.

Following the boss, Ye Chen, slowly waited for me to come to my room. The place is actually very simple, but it can be seen that this is still a relatively high specification.

In a huge room, there is only a table on the empty carpet on the side, the bed is also a big bed, in addition to these, there is a bookshelf with books.

Ye Chen was startled, and slowly walked to the side of the bookshelf, picking up a book casually and looking through it.

Although there were a lot of books on the shelf, Ye Chen didn't find any useful books after turning around.

"Hey, it looks like there won't be any here!"

Ye Chen turned around, fluttered, and lay down on his big bed.

"So soft!"

Ye Chen exclaimed, looking at his lowered bed incredible.


No words for a night

The next day, the three of them were ready to look for clues. In fact, there is no direct contact with them about Chafei.

But Ye Chen felt that this was something that had to be seen, after all, who would know what would happen then.

Ye Chen looked at the few people behind him, and continued to slowly go around in the alley under the leadership of Zhao Manyang.

"What's the matter with Zhao Manyang? Why are we going around here all the time and can't get out?"

Hearing Ye Chen's question, Zhao Manyang slowly shook his head.

"Brother Ye, you are waiting, I seem to be lost."

Ye Chen and Xiao Yan looked at Zhao Manyang in front of them in surprise.

"You know, this is your place! You won't forget all of this!"

Zhao Manyang please cough twice to ease the embarrassment.

"Don't worry, we must still be in Qingyang City now."

Ye Chen and Xiao Yan looked at each other and nodded slowly, what he said was correct, we were still in Qingyang City.

"Forget it, let me come."

After Ye Chen finished speaking, the soul instantly enveloped this place, and all the streets and alleys here appeared in Ye Chen's mind for a while.

"Okay! Come with me."

Xiao Yan and Zhao Manyang listened to Ye Chen's wisdom, and did not make any other puzzling moves.

Under Ye Chen's leadership, the three of them walked out of the lane in a short while.

"Brother Ye! You are too strong!"

Zhao Manyang roared and hugged Ye Chen directly. It would take a long time for him to bring him. Now Ye Chen saved him from the risk of getting lost.

"Okay, okay! A male or a male can't accept it!"

Ye Chen roared and pushed Zhao Manyang away.

"Let's go, let's see what happens to the auction house after this night."

Ye Chen smiled slightly, and walked slowly towards the auction with the three of them.

It was still a long time, and Ye Chen didn't worry about going over and watching. A few people walked slowly on the road, looking at the surrounding scenery.

"It doesn't seem to look good anymore, I'm tired of shopping these days."

Zhao Manyang sighed softly and said his opinion.

Ye Chen chuckled and did not answer. He listened carefully to the discussion of the people around him, hoping to find useful information from it.

"What happened to the influx of so many people in Qingyang City recently! Zhao Manyang, is it just because of this auction house?"

Zhao Manyang was stunned when he heard Ye Chen's words. You must know that he actually came to this Qingyang City for a few days. Apart from seeing auctions and gambling on rocks, he hasn't been to other places.

Ye Chen knew Zhao Manyang's expression, and asked him if it was no good.

"Hurt, let's talk about it later, now go to the entrance of the auction to have a look."

Ye Chen sighed helplessly. Several people in his team were not familiar with this place, so it would be very difficult. If there is a person who understands here, Ye Chen will not be so troublesome to eavesdrop on information from passers-by.

"Brother Ye Chen, we are here!"

Xiao Yan dragged Ye Chen, who was still thinking about something. Ye Chen also heard Xiao Yan's shout, turned his head and looked around, and found that this was actually the place where he was assassinated yesterday.

The ash that was originally on the ground had long since disappeared, but in fact, Ye Chen didn't need any media anymore when he reached this point.

You can directly make fire in the palm of your hand, and his pure fire element, the power that can explode, is very powerful.

Ye Chen sighed and walked slowly with the two of them. This road was originally remote, and no one would pass by here during the day or at night.

"Stop! A strange cry suddenly stopped the three.

The three of them listened to the sounds behind them, looked at each other, and instantly began to rush towards the front.

But just when the three of them ran less than two meters, suddenly more enemies rushed out from the front, blocking Ye Chen's way out.

Ye Chen sighed softly as he watched this scene, then turned to look at the person making the sound.

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