Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 964: Show your heart

"You! Go chase me!"

"Yes, but boss, how can we chase after this!"

Mulu listened to the disciple's words, and knew that it might be too late now.

"Go! My brother can't die in vain, I want him to taste the loss of a loved one too! Find that woman for me!"

Unexpectedly, Mu Lu remembered Xiao Yan's appearance at a glance, and the appearance of the two was directly remembered by the disciples of Shenwu Sect.

"It looks like you have experienced a lot of things!"

Inside the inn, Zhao Manyang slowly took a sip of tea and looked at the two people in front of him.

Ye Chen had already returned here, and to his surprise, Xiao Yan had just arrived here.

"Ye Chen! You are all right!"

Ye Chen smiled slightly as he listened to Xiao Yan's words.

"Of course I'm fine! I'm Ye Chen! Okay, now hurry up and find Zhao Manyang."

Xiao Yan nodded gently after hearing Ye Chen's words, and then came to Zhao Manyang.

"This Shenwu sect is still very powerful. I heard that their sect master is about to advance to a high-level martial artist. I didn't expect you to provoke them."

Ye Chen looked at Zhao Manyang and took a sip of the teacup and poured all the tea into his stomach.

"Hey! Why are you grabbing my tea!"

Ye Chen put down the tea cup and looked at Zhao Manyang in front of him.

"Okay! Tell me, what else is there in Shenwu Sect!"

Zhao Manyang sighed softly, the momentum that had been accumulated with great difficulty collapsed in an instant.

"Don't dismantle my station, Ye Chen, it's alright, can I tell you that it's okay!"

Zhao Manyang cleared his throat, looked at the two people in front of him, and talked about some inside stories he knew.

"In fact, I have heard of this sect before, because their sect master, because of this stage, has also squeezed into the upper realm sect."

Ye Chen and Xiao Yan looked at each other and nodded thoughtfully.

"It seems that these people are the kind of domineering things!"

Zhao Manyang nodded softly after hearing Ye Chen's words, indicating that he also agreed with Ye Chen's statement.

"In fact, it's true that it's not wrong to call them bullshit."

"But because their sect master seldom manages sect affairs, now the Shenwu sect is almost under the control of their two brothers."

"Listening to your explanation, you probably killed Mu Ying, Mu Lu's younger brother. The relationship between the two brothers has always been very good. Ye Chen, you are probably the most unreasonable person you have encountered this time!"

Ye Chen smiled as he listened to Zhao Manyang's words.

"Since we ran into it, then solve this problem. Don't worry, I have a way."

Zhao Manyang looked at Ye Chen suspiciously. Although he said there was a way, he didn't seem to know it.

Zhao Manyang coughed slightly, and suddenly he also thought of a possibility.

"You don't mean to kill their people from the martial arts sect!"

Zhao Manyang took a breath after thinking of the result.


Ye Chen admitted very quickly, without any pause.

Xiao Yan and Zhao Manyang were both stunned, not that they didn't trust Ye Chen, but now that this kind of scene said such things, no one would easily believe it!

"Ye Chen, think twice, if you do too much, then it's not impossible for their sect master to go out."

Ye Chen gently curled his lips and didn't express his thoughts. In his opinion, those people's fighting abilities were just like that. He could kill people casually.

Xiao Yan looked at Ye Chen's face and knew that he still had this idea.

"Ye Chen, come here, I have something to tell you."

Xiao Yan stood up and walked straight outside. Ye Chen also heard Xiao Yan's words, and naturally followed behind him.

"what's happenin?"

"Brother Ye Chen, I'm sorry! When I shouldn't leave there in anger, I just saw you! I was a little angry to see you so dull."

Ye Chen didn't know what to say for a while after listening to Xiao Yan's words. Although he knew what he was thinking at that time under the aunt's reminder, Ye Chen had no longer panicked when he first learned about this matter.

Ye Chen nodded gently towards Xiao Yan.

"I know, Yan'er, do you have feelings for me."

Hearing what Ye Chen said, Xiao Yan was also stunned for a while, not knowing what to do.

"Although I know that I may be reluctant to say that, but I still have to say it."

Xiao Yan nodded softly when he heard Ye Chen's words, took a deep breath, and prepared himself.

"You know that I am not in this world, no matter what, in the end, I will leave here and go to my world."

"At that time, Xiao Yan, do you know what will happen if you always like me?"

"I will probably leave this world afterwards!"

"Then I will leave with you!"

Suddenly Xiao Yan's roar interrupted the conversation between the two.

"Brother Ye Chen, you know what I am thinking. I have nothing to miss in this world at all, do you know! I only have you now!"

Ye Chen listened to Xiao Yan's words with mixed feelings in his heart.

In fact, sometimes, if you speak out, the result may be better. It depends on what you think.

Ye Chen nodded gently, walked towards Xiao Yan and hugged her into his arms.

"Yan'er, do you really think about it? It may be difficult to leave here, and it will be uncomfortable, you..."

"I think about it! I don't want to live alone in a world without relatives. If you are gone, what else do I have in this world!"

Ye Chen took a deep breath and held Xiao Yan tighter.

"Okay! Since you have said so, then I have no reason not to accept it!"

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Xiao Yan raised his head in surprise and looked at Ye Chen's eyes.

"Really?! Ye Chen, you really...!"

Xiao Yan looked at Ye Chen in surprise. At this moment, Ye Chen saw the light appearing in Xiao Yan's eyes, and the darkness of the world seemed to be illuminated at this moment.

Ye Chen looked at Xiao Yan's eyes and was stunned for a moment. Xiao Yan didn't want to leave Ye Chen's embrace, and hugged him tightly.

At this time Zhao Manyang was watching all this from a distance.

"I didn't expect my sister Xiao Yan to be with Brother Ye!"

Zhao Manyang was holding his chest as if heartache, not knowing what to think about now.

"Uncle Long, let's go, it's time to start to meet in Los Angeles."

"Yes! Master!"

Uncle Long glanced at the place where Ye Chen was, nodded gently, and left here with Zhao Manyang.

With Zhao Manyang slowly leaving here, the challenge to Ye Chen and Xiao Yan has just begun.

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