Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 975: Say goodbye one after another

Ye Chen sighed gently, preparing to return to his inn.

"Let's go, Yan'er is still waiting, since Zhao Manyang has already left, then look for a chance to see if you want to go to Los Angeles again."

Ye Chen said to leave and left without any further delay, after all, there was still Xiao Yan waiting inside.

"Yaner, I'm back!"

Ye Chen walked into the room and called Xiao Yan's name.

"Brother Ye Chen, I am here!"

"How about Brother Ye Chen, have you found Zhao Manyang?"

Xiao Yan walked out slowly from the side corner and asked Ye Chen.

Ye Chen shook his head gently.

"It looks like Zhao Manyang should have gone back to his Los Angeles city, but there is nothing more to do here now. Let's go to Los Angeles to play in another two days off."


"By the way, Brother Ye Chen, I have a hunch that people from the Dragon Clan are likely to come."

"My grandpa!"

Ye Chen sighed softly as he listened to Xiao Yan's words.

"Yan'er, I know you really want to save your grandfather, but we can't face the dragons head-on right now! There will definitely be time later, not now."

"I will avenge your grandpa, don't worry."

Ye Chen gently touched Xiao Yan's head and tried to comfort her.

"In fact, from the moment you leave home, you should be ready to drift."

"Don't worry, Yan'er, you still have me, I will always be with you!"

"Oh what you said, stay by my side all the time!"

Ye Chen smiled lightly.

"Of course, can there be falsehoods in what I said Ye Chen. Okay, it's night, Yan'er, you go to sleep for a while."

"I'll do something."

Xiao Yan heard that Ye Chen was about to leave, and grabbed his hand tightly.

"Brother Ye Chen, don't leave me, okay."


Ye Chen looked at Xiao Yan's poor expression and sighed softly.

"Okay, okay, okay. I'm not leaving, let's go Yan'er, I'll coax you to sleep, OK!"

A smile bloomed on Xiao Yan's face, and the sky outside gradually darkened.

After this period of relief, the two of them were already very familiar with each other, and of course they had their own ideas when sleeping.

"Okay, Yan'er, go to bed now."

Ye Chen sat quietly in front of Xiao Yan's bed, telling her the few stories in his mind.

After a while, Xiao Yan's even breathing sound came from there, and Ye Chen sighed gently and stood up.

"Do you want to go out and have a look now?"

Ye Chen thought about this, and looked at Xiao Yan behind him and shook his head gently.

"Forget it, let's talk about it later, go to bed now."

Ye Chen felt that since he had agreed to Xiao Yan, he had to do it, or else how would someone trust you later.


That night passed. In the early morning, both Ye Chen and Xiao Yan woke up early and packed their things.

"Brother Ye Chen, are we leaving in such a hurry?"

"That's right, it's best to leave Qingyang City as soon as possible, because you have a hunch then it is very likely that he will come here directly."

"If you and I are discovered by the Dragon Clan again, it will not be that simple to solve."

Ye Chen sighed gently, and put the things into the ring.

In fact, the two of them didn't have much to take, and those things were in the process of taking precepts. There is no need to take it out.

"Okay, it's time for Yan'er to go."

Ye Chen took Xiao Yan to the door, Xiao Yan kept looking in the direction of Qingyang Village where they were, his eyes filled with deep resentment.

"Yan'er, we will definitely come back, I promise, leaving now is just a policy of rights and interests, and we will naturally come back after the dragon clan leaves."

"But Brother Ye Chen, we are not familiar with Los Angeles, if something happens, what should we do!"

Ye Chen smiled slightly.

"Yan'er, don't forget Zhao Manyang! Okay, I'm going to talk to my eldest brother and them now, so I will leave directly."

Ye Chen took Xiao Yan and flew directly to a house, Ye Chen knocked on the door lightly, and Zhou Cao directly stuck his head out of it.

"Isn't this Ye Chen! Why are you here! Come in! Come in!"

In Zhou Cao's reception, Ye Chen slowly entered the yard.

"Big Brother Zhou Cao, I'm still used to staying here."

"That's good, that's good."

Ye Chen nodded gently, and said with a smile.

"Ye Chen, do you have anything to say this time?"

Zhou Cao seemed to see something and looked at Ye Chen quietly.

"Yes, brother, I'm here to say goodbye to you this time."

Zhou Cao smiled as he listened to Ye Chen's words.

"I knew that there would be this day, Ye Chen, your wings shouldn't fly under this sky, the outside world is more suitable for you!"

"Go to Ye Chen, the outside is where you show your strength. With your strength, you should be able to beat the geniuses in major regions."

Ye Chen chuckled and nodded, he also knew his strength, he could get a good mission without working hard, how could he accumulate 10,000 merit points to get the message of going home without a good mission.

So many things are gradual. As long as you go far and fly high, there is nothing you can't see.

"Big Brother Zhou Cao, Yan'er and I are now ready to set off."

Zhou Cao looked at the two in surprise, and wanted to say something, but opened his mouth and said nothing.

Finally, he nodded heavily.

"Okay, Ye Chen, go, remember to send me a letter later!"

Ye Chen smiled and pulled Xiao Yan away from here.

"Big Brother Ye Chen, should we go and tell Lao Mu that we are leaving!"

"Old Mu?"

Ye Chen thought about Xiao Yan's words. In fact, he wanted to go to find Mr. Mu before, but his whereabouts have been uncertain, and the world of the two is very precious.

"Forget it, we'll talk to him next time, now we are ready to hurry."

Xiao Yan naturally obeyed Ye Chen's words. Since Ye Chen couldn't say it, then he didn't go, and he hadn't been entangled in anything.

"Then Brother Ye Chen, how are we going! Fly over?"

Ye Chen smiled bitterly when listening to Xiao Yan's words.

"I think too, but my Xingli doesn't support me like this. Let's go and buy a carriage directly, so that we can hurry."

Xiao Yan nodded lightly and followed Ye Chen.

"Brother Ye Chen, don't you think that is Lao Mu!"

"It really is!"

On the way to buy a carriage, they suddenly ran into Mu Guiyin who was shopping.

"Elder Mu, I'll say hello to you."

"Why are you so polite today."

Mu Guiyin smiled softly when he heard Ye Chen's words, and there was no mockery in his words.

"I'm leaving here."

"So fast?"

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