Ye Chen listened to the uncle's words and also understood the meaning of his words.

"In other words, do you want to leave here, uncle?"

Uncle listened to Ye Chen's words and shook his head slowly.

"No, now your uncle and me! My legs and feet are not bright! I can't go anymore."

Ye Chen listened to the uncle's words and slowly looked at his leg. Although it was covered by the cloth, a strange shape could still be seen.

"I'm sorry, uncle, I really can't handle this matter."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the uncle smiled and nodded gently.

"I know you can't do it, how can I say it, young man, recognize your own position, don't blindly accept that you can't accomplish this task!"

Ye Chen listened to this uncle's words and slowly wiped the cold sweat on his head. He didn't expect to receive such preaching even when he came to stroll around.

"Okay, I know, uncle, then I'm sorry, I can't help you from Mocun anymore."

Uncle listened to Ye Chen's words and shook his head slowly.

"Although we don't look very good here, there is definitely something to eat in one bite."

"Okay, son, take your carriage and leave, remember not to stop when you see a village like this in the future, just drive over."

"After all, there are probably no people like me in other villages. By then, many of your things will probably be skipped one by one by those people."

Ye Chen listened to the uncle's words and nodded gently.

"Okay, I get it, uncle is destined to see you again!"

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the uncle nodded gently. It can be said that he wouldn't say so much if it weren't for Ye Chen's good face.

After all, no outsiders have been here for a long time!

This is a natural disaster, not a man-made disaster, Ye Chen really has no good way, in order to get supplies for the next stop, he can only leave here.

"It seems that the system also knows that this is an impossible task at all!"

Ye Chen didn't think much about it, turning his head and looking at the road to the side, now they had already left there for a while.

There is no such desolate scenery here, but although it is no longer the Gobi Desert, it still looks like there are no people around.

"Yan'er, we are probably going to stay in the woods for another night! You see how long it will be in Los Angeles."

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Xiao Yan also took action. Because it was troublesome, Xiao Yan took that one, and she did all the things to find the destination.

"Brother Ye Chen, Los Angeles is not far from us now, as long as we are on the road now, we will definitely be there before night."

Ye Chen nodded lightly and looked at his pony. Now there are no villages around. The horses can't be supplied on the road, so it's very likely that something will happen.

"Why don't you study, let's walk a little longer, then we will find a stable place, set up a camp directly, and will be in Los Angeles after tonight."

"What happened to Brother Ye Chen?"

Xiao Yan felt that the carriage stopped suddenly, walked down suspiciously, and asked Ye Chen.

"Don't look at Yaner!"

Ye Chen strode forward and came directly to Xiao Yan's side, blocking her eyes.

"Ye Chen, what are you doing! What can't you see!"

Ye Chen listened to Xiao Yan's words, and slowly looked at the corpses on the side.

If Ye Chen guessed right, a massacre just happened here.

And many people died.

"Yan'er, please go to the car first if you are obedient, and I will explain to you later."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Xiao Yan had no choice but to return to the car.

"Okay, don't watch Yan'er!"

"I know! Brother Ye Chen, just concentrate on hurrying, Yan'er won't cause you trouble."

Ye Chen sighed softly, the carriage started slowly, but this time the speed was indeed much faster.

"Yan'er, let's go directly to Los Angeles, so it's a bit simpler."

"I listen to Ye Chen's brother."

Ye Chen sighed softly, it seemed a bit dangerous to go to Los Angeles now, he could kill so many people.

"Then these people must be cruel people!"

Ye Chen sighed softly in his heart. If he wants to stay there for a while, the ghost knows that those people are still there.

In case, it would be difficult to do it for myself, but now that I have left, I don't want this anymore.

Ye Chen and Xiao Yan continued to rush to the road intently.

After an afternoon of trekking, the two finally saw Los Angeles in the distance.

"Brother Ye Chen, we are here!"

"Yes, you'll be in Los Angeles right away, but that monster."

Ye Chen sighed softly, thinking about this with his feet and knew that this must be impossible to hide.

"Forget it at night, let it be at night. If you encounter it, then kill it. If I don't believe it, I can't beat it!"

Ye Chen braved himself as he spoke.

The key is that guy, he described this monster too much, and he almost gave Ye Chen a shadow.

The two slowly entered the city, unexpectedly there was no one on the street, it was like a dead city.

"Brother Ye Chen is really no problem, why do I think someone is watching us."

"Don't worry, Yan'er, we will definitely be fine, if we really meet, then I will just cut it off."

Xiao Yan laughed loudly as he listened to Ye Chen's words, but he withdrew his smile after a while, and Xiao Yan laughed loudly all over the street.

At this moment, Ye Chen suddenly felt that the darkness didn't seem so terrible anymore.

"But where do we live at night?"

Listening to Xiao Yan's words, Ye Chen was also stunned there for a while.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yan's light words would actually stump Ye Chen, and Ye Chen didn't know what to do for a while.

Looking at this posture now, those inns must be closed!

"Yan'er, do you want to deal with it again in the carriage."

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Xiao Yan nodded gently.

Now it seems that there is only one way left.

"Don't worry, Yan'er, I will protect you by your side."

As if afraid that Xiao Yan was afraid, Ye Chen also added a sentence to give Xiao Yan a reassurance.

Xiao Yan naturally believed that Ye Chen knew that since Ye Chen said it, it must be possible to do it.

"Okay, Ye Chen just now I found out, what do you want to do now."

"What else can you do? Get in the carriage and go to sleep."

"I am protecting you outside."

Xiao Yan yawned softly, and then slowly entered the carriage after listening to Ye Chen's words.

"Then Brother Ye Chen, I'll go to bed first!"

Ye Chen responded impatiently after hearing Xiao Yan's words.

"Understood, you go to bed first to see if there are any monsters."

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