Fantasy: Invincible Starts From the Egg

Chapter 985: Fake Zhao Manyang

"By the way, Zhao Manyang, I almost forgot to ask you, why did you suddenly leave Qingyang City."

"Yeah! Yeah! And I didn't leave any news about the girl. At that time, when Shenwumen went to find us, I was scared to death, but fortunately you had already left at that time."

Zhao Manyang smiled softly as he listened to the question of the two.

"Actually, I didn't want to leave there much, but I had already done everything there, plus the task assigned to me by the night shifter."

"I just thought about going first and returning to Los Angeles to wait for you, but I didn't expect you to come so soon. If I knew the current situation in Los Angeles, I would definitely not let you come."

"It's really unwise to come here now. There is a risk of being killed at any time."

"Don't worry, I'm still very good, but if you don't believe me, I can't help it."

Ye Chen curled his mouth gently and looked at Zhao Manyang.

Zhao Manyang listened to Ye Chen's words, but he knew what he was thinking about.

If you know that you know Ye Chen's strength, he said that, he still wants to show off.

Then I must keep up!

"Brother Ye, your strength, needless to say, it must be the strongest here in our place!"

Ye Chen laughed twice, and slowly turned his head to look at Xiao Yan who was aside.

"Yan'er tonight, you will live in Zhao's house, and there are many warriors inside. If the monsters really pass, it can protect you for a while."

"I will go to kill that monster with Zhao Manyang at night."

"what do you think?!"

Zhao Manyang listened to Ye Chen's words, laughed loudly and drank the wine in his glass.

"Brother Ye, I will follow you. I will go where you go tonight!"

As the meal was over, Xiao Yan was also placed in the yard of the Zhao family.

"Brother Ye, don't worry about that."

Listening to Zhao Manyang's words, Ye Chen smiled and nodded gently.

"So I can deal with that guy with peace of mind."

"Okay, Brother Ye, let's go, I'll take you to arm it."

Ye Chen looked at Zhao Manyang's back in front of him and found that he seemed to be a different person. You know, in Qingyang City, Zhao Manyang doesn't have such a habit.

"It's all caused by unacceptable water and soil."

Ye Chen sighed softly, as long as he can get rid of the beast tonight, his own 50 merit points will be obtained.

Now Ye Chen cherishes every mission extraordinarily. You must know that the secret to going home is in it. If you don't cherish every mission, how can you get the news.

But when necessary, if you want to save your life, you should still use that merit point. If you save it now, it won't be easy to use it when the time comes.

"Brother Ye! What weapon do you want, just take it directly from me."

"Brother Ye remember, there must be no accidents at night!"

Ye Chen listened to Zhao Manyang's words and nodded heavily at him, indicating that he already knew.

"Don't worry, I'm naturally measured. If I can't beat it, I will run, and so are you! If I can't beat it, I will run."

"Leave the green hills, don't you worry that there is no firewood to burn."

Time soon arrived at night. After dinner, Ye Chen and several people, fully armed, went directly to catch this monster.

"Zhao Manyang, can you take these few guards with you?"

Ye Chen asked Zhao Manyang slowly, after all, the few he picked made people really too personal.

"Don't worry, they have been with me for so long, and I have known them a long time ago."

Ye Chen listened to Zhao Manyang's words, and nodded gently, without saying anything. After all, it is not his at home now, as long as they can play their role.

"Zhao Manyang, how are you going to catch that monster."

Zhao Manyang shook his head slowly, for a moment he didn't even know what to do, after all, this matter was still very difficult.

If the Warcraft happens to be on the side, then catch it quickly.

No, it should be killed to be precise.

This is a game of luck, and no one knows where World of Warcraft will appear.

This time it was Ye Chen doing the bait. For them, Ye Chen could be said to be a good candidate for the bait.

Ye Chen needs to have a cultivation base, and a combat power, and it is very likely that they will not be used to make a move by then.

"Brother Yang, can you say that Brother Ye is okay?"

Zhao Manyang snorted coldly as he listened to his younger brother's words behind him.

"What are you talking about? It's not easy for you to question Brother Ye. If you know that Brother Ye's strength is much higher than ours, you only need to know this."

"Okay, Brother Yang!"

"I understand Brother Yang."

Zhao Manyang nodded with satisfaction after listening to his little brother's words.

"Okay, just focus on it, how could Brother Ye be like that ordinary man."

Suddenly a black shadow appeared instantly, and directly rushed towards Ye Chen.

"No! Hurry up!"

Looking at this scene, Zhao Manyang exclaimed, and instantly rushed towards Ye Chen.

I saw a flash of fire suddenly appearing, especially in the dark.

The monster was knocked aside by a flash of fire, and the flame in Ye Chen's hand transformed into a long sword, and the fiery red light illuminated the entire lane.

"I didn't expect you to actually come. It looks like you want to die."

Ye Chen didn't say anything, the fire in his hand gleamed with a frightening light.

Zhao Manyang stopped when they saw Ye Chen's weapon showing up. It can be said that it was Ye Chen's time now.

Seeing Ye Chen turned into a stream of light, wounds appeared on the body of Warcraft in an instant.

"The strange thing is that Warcraft did not launch another attack."

"You can die."

The long sword in Ye Chen's hand slowly changed into a long spear.

The flame spear has more damage than the long sword, and it can be said that it is the best choice to end the warcraft.

"Brother Ye! Kill it!"

Ye Chen listened to Zhao Manyang's words, but he wondered why they didn't go, but let himself do this action.

"Zhao Manyang, are you hiding something!"

Ye Chen wasn't in a hurry to teach that monster anymore, and questioned Zhao Manyang.

"Brother Ye, what are you talking about, how could I hide things?"

"Huh! I wonder why you keep asking me to assassinate this beast, obviously he didn't attack me. The story I made up last time seems to be false, but since you know it, why don't you say it? come out."

"You are not Zhao Manyang at all!"

Listening to Ye Chen's words, this Zhao Manyang obviously stalked.

But then he reacted again, how could it be.

"Brother Ye, how could I not be Zhao Manyang! Look at me..."

"Although I think, but you are not him."

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