Fantasy: It Turns Out That I Am a Peerless God of War

Chapter 170 That world, that time, that youth... (fourth more)


Yi Feng nodded lightly.

Anyway, they were all drunk and bragging, and they didn't care whether they believed it or not.

But he didn't know that his words made their hearts tremble, and the enthusiasm and respect in their eyes climbed to the extreme.

Having known Yi Feng for so long, they have never really confirmed what Yi Feng's cultivation is, and Yi Feng himself has never disclosed any information about his cultivation.

In addition, they didn't dare to ask, so they could only guess Yi Feng's cultivation by relying on some of the methods Yi Feng displayed.

And today.

Yi Feng finally revealed a little bit of clues about his cultivation base!


Immortal no doubt.

Although it has been guessed before, it is only guesswork, and this time it is hard evidence.

Because they are sure that even the strongest Martial Emperor in the Xianjiang Continent will never be able to traverse the world. I am afraid that only the legendary immortals in this upper realm can do it.

They couldn't help but respect Yi Feng even more and felt proud in their hearts.

A strong sense of glory rose from my heart.

And this kind of glory is not only for them, but even when their younger generations travel to the mainland in the future, they can hold their chests and say, back in the day, my ancestors worked for the immortals and ate together.

It is simply a glorious ancestor!

"I said another world, what are you excited about?"

Yi Feng gave them a white look.

Seeing this, everyone lowered their heads with hot faces, showing an embarrassed look.

Although the way to reach the sky across the world is insignificant in the eyes of the seniors, it is still difficult to suppress the shock in their hearts when they hear it.

"Sir, go on."

"Yes, yes, can you tell us, sir, what kind of world is that?"

"Tell the story of that world."

Then, they asked Yi Feng expectantly.

Yi Feng nodded, Yao Yao remembered things from his previous life, and his heart was moved. After so many years, he still couldn't let it go!

Either way!

Just tell them a story, anyway, drink too much to brag!

"That's another civilization. The people in that world are also very smart and powerful. If they really want to take out the things they make, it's easy to destroy the Xianjiang Continent. It can even wipe out all life in the entire continent!"

"Shut up!"

Hearing this, Wu Yonghong and the others shivered.

They looked at each other and saw shock in each other's eyes.

Such handwriting is terrifying.

The Xianjiang Continent is so big, and no one has ever heard of anyone who can destroy the entire continent, let alone wipe out all life.

"What level is Mr. in that world?" Wu Yonghong asked cautiously.


Yi Feng smiled and said: "It's barely an average level, of course, in front of that kind of real boss, it can only be regarded as the bottom!"


"The bottom layer?"

Yi Feng's words almost didn't tell them that they fainted.

A character as strong as a gentleman and a banished immortal can only barely be considered an average in that world?

Then, how powerful are people in the world?

Could it be that everyone is a fairy! ?

Thinking of this, they gasped and instantly felt their own insignificance. If these people ran into that world, wouldn't they be like scum?

"That gentleman is there, do you have any other stories of your own?" After being shocked, Lu Qingshan couldn't help but ask.

"Of course there are stories of seven, seven, eight, eight. For example, when I was young and frivolous, I stepped on a few boats because of my looks, and at the same time, I was involved in chatting with several girls thousands of miles away." Yi Feng laughed at himself. laughed.

"At the same time chatting with several girls thousands of miles away?"

Hearing this, Wu Yonghong's eyes stared again.

Although a thousand miles is not too far for them, and it just traverses the city of Pingjiang, it still takes a stick of incense, but Yi Feng is at the same time with several girls who are thousands of miles apart and in different places...

What kind of means does this take?

Did you twist the space?

"At the same time with several girls, this kind of means, sir, is so terrifying!" Several people couldn't help but admire.

"What's so terrifying, in that world it's just a basic exercise!" Yi Feng gave them a white look and said speechlessly, isn't it just a mobile phone.

It's just that he didn't explain too much, otherwise the nonsense would be endless.

But Wu Yonghong and others were shocked.

This kind of method is actually just basic exercise, it seems that they guess the fact that everyone in that world is immortal, it seems to be no doubt.

"Speaking of which, I was a scumbag back then!"

Yi Feng picked up a glass of wine and smiled self-deprecatingly, his eyes filled with nostalgia for that world. And why take out this kind of embarrassing thing at the beginning, it can be regarded as a nostalgia for the lost eighteen years old and youth!

Especially when holding the phone all night waiting for news, when staring at the circle of friends to speculate on the other person's mind, when it comes to sleepy eyes in class...

Scum is scum, but who says it's not youth?

"Who is the scumbag?"

Wu Yonghong and others couldn't help but ask again.

Yi Feng glanced at them, these old men really had 100,000 reasons, and said quite mockingly, "Just take it as a compliment!"

"It turns out that the gentleman is indeed a scumbag!"

Wu Yonghong and several people learned a new term, so they couldn't help but praise it.

Hearing this, Yi Feng's face was black, and the muscles on his face couldn't help twitching.

Really shot himself in the foot!


It was getting dark.


Keep drinking.


Also keep blowing.

just gradually...

Someone was out of control, Wu Yonghong and Lu Qingshan collapsed under the table at some point, and one of them snorted while hugging one leg of the table.

On the other hand, Sun Zhuge and Chu Kuangshi were lying on the ground crossed, especially when Sun Zhuge was still holding Chu Kuangshi's feet and wiggling his mouth, he could smell it from time to time.


Sighing lightly, Yi Feng, who was slightly drunk, looked up at the bright moon and drank a pot of muddy wine by himself.

Picked up the guitar and sat on the roof.

"When will the bright moon be there, ask Qingtian about the wine, I don't know the palace in the sky, what year is it today..."

The strings were plucked gently, accompanied by the sound of the guitar, and the melodious sound was gently hummed.

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