Yi Feng just smiled.

Because winning this old man means nothing to him.

After all, it's an old man.

It is still necessary to give some face.

But seeing Yi Feng's mysterious smile, Ye Tiansheng was even more puzzled.


In this game, he has learned a lot, even he who is not Emperor Wu, has also truly realized a trace of the power of the Dao.

This chance.

Simply defiant.

His future cultivation career will become smooth sailing, without the slightest bottleneck.

"Okay, old man, it's time for me to leave."

Yi Feng got up and smiled at Ye Tiansheng.



Ye Tiansheng was really dumbfounded.

While destroying the foundation of his Tianjianmen, he gave him another chance. After such a contradictory approach, he left without saying a word. What does this mean?


There was also the tie game on the stone table, which made him unable to fathom Yi Feng's thoughts.

"Oh yes, old man, how do you get to the town from here?"

Yi Feng turned around and asked again.

Although he didn't know why Yi Feng asked such a question, Ye Tiansheng still pointed out a way out for Yi Feng.


Until Yi Feng disappeared, the doubts in his heart were still unsolved.


Yi Feng walked slowly along the trail.

Speaking of which, he still felt a little weird when he recalled that he was in Tianjianmen before.

These walls are so mysterious.

What kind of awesome formation do you think it is, he is a mortal traversing smoothly, and there is no danger.

But what kind of glass wall you say really makes Yi Feng feel far-fetched.

Whose sect made so many glass walls, and it shattered with a fist, do you want to show it?

never mind.

forget about it.

But Peng Ying, a dead woman, still wants to kill her when she gets the chance!

A plain at the foot of Tianjianmen Mountain.

Countless Tianjianmen disciples gathered here, all of them disgraced and full of embarrassment. Many people looked at the collapsed mountain gate and shed tears of reluctance.

On the side, the top leaders of Tianjianmen, led by Duan Qingfeng and others, also had red eyes.

Tianjianmen, which has been inherited for countless years, was destroyed like this, which was a heavy blow to all of them.

But what's even more depressing is that they still haven't figured out what happened.

Just when Duan Qingfeng and the others were in great grief, a disciple rushed over and made an urgent voice.

"It's not good, Sect Master."

"Tian Mozong, Fengyun Valley, Chuixue Villa, Yujianzong, Li family, and countless other families have attacked."


Duan Qingfeng and the others changed their expressions.

Looking up, I saw countless figures flying from a distance, densely packed and black.

And headed.

It is Yang Tianyu, the master of the Sword Sect, Yun Haotian, the master of Fengyun Valley, Li Shuhua, the master of the Li family, the fifth Tianming, the master of Chuixue Villa, and Xue Qinzhu, the master of the Demonic Sect.

And behind them, there are countless masters of major sects.

The combination of such a lineup made people feel numb on their scalps, and the faces of countless Tianjianmen disciples became solemn at this moment.

What exactly happened here?

What the hell did his Tianjianmen do?

First, the mountain gate was destroyed, and now it is surrounded by several other top strengths in Nansha.

"Several, what do you mean?"

Duan Qingfeng asked in a deep voice.

"What do you mean?"

In the sky, Yun Haotian snorted coldly and asked back, "Don't you have any idea what kind of abhorrent thing your Tianjianmen did?"

"What kind of rebellious thing, don't spit your blood!" Duan Qingfeng said with a cold face: "Is it possible to take advantage of the dangers of others and want to swallow my Tianjianmen?"

"Is it true that my Tianjianmen is easy to bully?"

As Duan Qingfeng's voice fell, hundreds of thousands of disciples from the Tianjianmen in the entire plain drew their swords in unison, and the sound of swords was so loud that the sky was deafening.

Seeing this, the masters of several major sects also showed their weapons, and their vitality rolled out.

Under the shroud of majestic vitality, the entire plain sky is surging.

this moment.

The sword is drawn.

"You Tianjianmen really don't know what to do, you still don't repent when you die!"

Xue Qinzhu sneered and said coldly.

"Yes, your Tianjianmen and Shanmen have been destroyed, and you are still arguing, is it useful?"

On the side, Yang Tianyu also came out and said.

"Hey, I advise you Tianjianmen, don't be stubborn, and quickly surrender. Otherwise, if the mountain gate is gone, your entire Tianjianmen will be destroyed."

On the fifth day, the final voice also came out.

Feeling the tone of these big heads, Duan Qingfeng finally felt that something was wrong.

Because according to what they said, their Tianjianmen had done something that was angry and resentful, and because of this, the Tianjianmen mountain gate was destroyed and was besieged by several major sects at the same time.

"what is the problem?"

"You are

Isn't there something hiding from me? "

Duan Qingfeng showed his aura, and immediately looked at the other people in Tianjianmen.

"We don't know either."

"We really don't know?"

"Yes, Sect Master, if there is such a thing, how could it be hidden from you?"

Aware of Duan Qingfeng's gaze, many elders of Tianjianmen, including Peng Xian'er, uttered sad voices and hurriedly explained.


They were also dumbfounded.

Duan Qingfeng took a deep breath, looked at Yang Tianyu and the others, clasped his fists and said, "Everyone, who is Duan Qingfeng, you know exactly who I am, I really don't understand what happened, and I hope you can clarify. "


Fifth Tianming had a gloomy face, snorted coldly, and then came a rolling voice.

"Duan Qingfeng, whether you are pretending to be confused or really confused, but what we want to say is that if you ask us, it's better to ask..."

"The one next to you, good disciple!"

Having said that, the eyes of Wu Tianming and others suddenly fell on Peng Xian'er next to Duan Qingfeng.

PS: I will give you a small outbreak tomorrow, like chapter seven or eight.

【Wanben God Station】Official website: www.wanben.org

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