
Really interesting!

Over the years, everyone has been submissive in front of him, and he didn't dare to breathe.

Therefore, he can't remember the last time he ate at the same table with others, when was it.

Not to mention……

Anyone else make such a request to drink his wine?

He stopped the guards behind him, looked at Yi Feng with interest, and said leisurely, "Little brother, do you know that my wine is not something that ordinary people can drink."

Saying that, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

He really wanted to know how this little mortal would deal with his troubles?

But what he didn't expect was that Yi Feng said with a relaxed expression: "Then I'm really not an ordinary person."


This made the middle-aged man even more interested, and asked Yoyo: "Then tell me, why are you not an ordinary person?"

"Remember, think about your answer."

"If you don't answer well, I will punish you for your rashness."

Yi Feng took a bite of the dish into his mouth and said with a smile, "If I were a normal person, would I sit at the same table as you to eat?"


The middle-aged man was startled.

After reacting, he greatly appreciated it.

"Good good, good one is not ordinary."

For a time, the gaze that looked at Yi Feng became intriguing.

If so, he thought Yi Feng was interesting before, but that's all.

This kind of feeling is like a person who sees an interesting ant. He will observe him on a whim, but after the observation, he will no longer be interested. After all, ants are ants after all.

But at this moment, he really looked at Yi Feng with admiration.

Because Yi Feng's answer was too seconds.

He didn't say anything about resolving his difficulties, and even raised him a wave, but he still couldn't refute it.

Because if you really refute it, wouldn't you be belittling yourself?

"Come on, I'll pour you a glass, but only this one." The middle-aged man lifted the jade bottle and filled Yi Feng with it.

"Good wine."

Yi Feng took a sip and couldn't help but praise: "If you can drink this kind of good wine every day, then your life will be too happy."

Hearing Yi Feng's words, the guard behind the middle-aged man was full of anger.

If the middle-aged man hadn't stopped him, he would have slapped this mortal to death long ago.

Don't even look at who the person sitting across from you is so disrespectful.

And just how precious that small glass of wine is. Being able to pour you a glass of wine is a blessing you cultivated in your previous life. Do you still want to drink it every day?

It was whimsical.

"By the way, in Yi Feng, I drank my brother's wine, but I haven't asked my brother what it's called?" Yi Feng asked while eating.


The middle-aged man said.

"It's a nice name."

Yi Feng nodded and asked again, "By the way, brother, aren't you a cultivator?"

Huang Wujing glanced at Yi Feng, and after a little hesitation, he shook his head and said, "No, I'm not, I'm just a... um, a businessman, yes, I'm just a businessman."

"I see." Yi Feng nodded and smiled, "Then it seems that you, like me, have no spiritual roots in cultivation."


This sentence finally made the black-clothed guard unable to bear it any longer.

To say that Zunshang did not cultivate spiritual roots is simply blinding your dog's eyes. If you, a little mortal, know about Zunshang's cultivation, I am afraid it will scare you to death.

"To shut up."

However, Huang Wujing shouted heavily: "Where do you have the right to speak here?"

The black-clothed guard was frightened in cold sweat, and quickly closed his mouth and stepped back.

Huang Wujing smiled and said to Yi Feng: "Don't mind little brother, the guards are not directors."

"It's okay, but I was abrupt."

Yi Feng said without mind, but his eyes looked at the barren wine jug intentionally or unintentionally.

After scratching his head, he finally asked embarrassedly, "Brother, is there any way I can ask you to pour me another glass?"



Huang Wujing laughed loudly, it was the first time he had seen such an interesting mortal.

have to say.

He was very comfortable with this mortal.

At least he said what he wanted to say, and did what he wanted to do. He wouldn't be like other people, he would not dare to stand or sit in front of him.

As the saying goes, the stronger the strength, the more lonely it is.

Therefore, as strong as him, he would also come to such a remote place, sit in a tavern, drink and see the customs.

But the simple relationship with Yi Feng at this moment made him feel a long-lost feeling in his heart.

"Little brother, a scholar, right?"

Huang Wujing looked Yi Feng up and down again and asked.

"Yes, no, it's half." Yi Feng smiled.

"That's fine, then I'll test you."

Huang Wujing's eyes flashed, thinking about the problem, just saw the wine jug placed next to him, and said: "The little brother will make a poem with wine in half a moment, if he can do it, today's wine bag. You drink, if you can't do it, then I will turn my face and not recognize anyone

. "

"In a moment, wine and poetry?"

Yi Feng shook his head and asked, "Is there any other request?"

"There is no requirement, as long as you can make it within the specified time." Huang Wujing smiled.

"If it's so simple, then I should have a drink today."

Yi Feng raised the corners of his mouth, and under Huang Wujing's dull gaze, he picked up the jade bottle on his own initiative and started pouring wine for himself, while smiling: "I met Jun at the beginning, it's like old friends returning. Raise your glass and get drunk."

The voice fell, the wine was just filled, Yi Feng raised his glass and stretched out towards Huang Wujing.

Huang Wujing looked at Yi Feng blankly.

He laughed when he reacted.

"A good one is like an old friend returning. It seems that my little brother and I really meet each other!" Huang Wujing hurriedly raised his glass and touched Yi Feng.

After drinking a cup, he helped Yi Feng fill it up again.

Never be stingy with jade bottle wine again.

For a while, the two chatted more and more speculatively.

Three rounds of wine.

Yi Feng hiccupped, got up and said, "Brother, wait for me for a while, I even have a dog, I'll go get it something to eat."

Saying that, Yi Feng picked up a packaged meal and walked downstairs.

Looking at Yi Feng's back, Huang Wujing smiled, full of admiration.

But the black-clothed guard couldn't bear it any longer, and quickly asked, "Your Highness, you're just a mortal, why do you... Isn't this a waste of your time?"

"Hmph, what do you know?"

Huang Wujing shouted in a deep voice: "At least I'm more comfortable looking at him than looking at you."

The black-robed guard's face was ugly.

I really don't know what kind of shit luck this mortal has gone through, to be able to get the favor of the Supreme.

I don't know how you, a little mortal, looked like when he knew the true identity of Zunshang.

I'm afraid, will you be scared to pee?

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