After shaking her head, she looked at Yi Feng inquiringly and asked, "By the way, did you notice anything unusual when you were in the cave before?"


Yi Feng shook his head.

"Or, have you met anyone?" Yun Yaoyao asked again.


Yi Feng shook his head again.


Yun Yaoyao couldn't help rubbing her temples, glanced at Yi Feng, and couldn't help asking, "Are you really a mortal, not a cultivator?"

"if not?"

Yi Feng rolled her eyes at her.

This woman is simply a pot that can't be opened and lifted.


Yun Yaoyao shook her head and knew that discussing this with a mortal like Yi Feng would be fruitless.

As for who the mysterious man is.

Let's follow up later.

Of course, she may have thought too much. This mysterious person just happened to appear near the cave, and it was none of her business.

"Okay, I'll take you out of the mountain now!"

Yun Yaoyao said, grabbing Yi Feng's arm and swept up into the sky.

"Aren't you going to that immortal ruin?"

In midair, Yi Feng asked Yun Yaoyao.

"I don't know when the ruins will open, so it's too late to send you back first." Yun Yaoyao said.

"Oh, okay, but don't forget to owe me money." Yi Feng added.


Yun Yaoyao's pretty face couldn't help but turn black.

"Don't mention it, just remember to give it to me." Yi Feng said with a smile, "By the way, is this immortal ruin left by an immortal?"


Yun Yaoyao nodded.

"There should be a lot of good things in there!" Yi Feng asked again.


Yun Yaoyao explained, "It's just that when we reach our realm, it doesn't have any effect on ordinary opportunities. This time, it's because that person may have left an immortal weapon in the ruins."

"A fairy?"

"Yes, the owner of this relic should be left by Immortal Li Yang who traveled to the world when the path of the immortals was not broken. According to legend, he has an immortal weapon Huntian monument in his hand. This Huantian monument is said to have suppressed immortals. The gods and demons have been shot to death, and the runes on them may also record some fairy spells."


Yi Feng nodded.

Yun Yaoyao was a little surprised by Yi Feng's reaction. After looking at Yi Feng, she asked in surprise, "You have no interest or yearning for the power of this Huntian monument?"


Yi Feng scratched his head and said seriously, "I'm really not interested, nor yearn for it."


Yun Yaoyao couldn't help twitching her lips.

The two of them flew at an extremely fast speed, flying over countless mountains all the way.

But right now.

A strange voice suddenly sounded in the entire 100,000 Mountain.


this sound.

It sounded like a Hong bell, and the eardrums of the shocked person burst.

At the same time, the countless monsters in the entire 100,000 Dashan also entered chaos at this moment.

At the same time, a golden light suddenly diffused from the sky, spreading in all directions, covering the entire 100,000 mountain in an instant.

"No, the ruins are open, this is the immortal's unique power to reduce the dimension!"

Feeling this golden light, Yun Yaoyao's expression couldn't help changing.

"Dress-down coercion?"

"What do you mean?"

Yi Feng couldn't help but ask.

"Lowering the dimension and coercion means that under the immortals, all are ants."

"In layman's terms, it means that all monsters, masters, will all lose their cultivation under this pressure!"

Yun Yaoyao said solemnly.


"What do you mean?"

"Is it about to crash?"

Yi Feng widened his eyes.

As soon as the sound fell, a sense of falling came, and the two quickly fell to the ground.

"If you fall from this height, you will surely die. I will throw you into the lake. This is the last thing I can do. Whether you can survive or not depends on you."

Yun Yaoyao gritted her teeth and said with an ugly face.

After all, he used the last bit of strength in his body and threw Yi Fengfei out.

"Hey, I can't drink water!"

Yi Feng cursed.

What's more, even if you know water, you will surely die if you fall into the reservoir now.

Because after the bell rang, the entire Shiwan Dashan shook again, like an earthquake, so the calm water surface had already set off a layer of huge waves.


Yi Feng smashed into the water.

At the same moment, Yun Yaoyao herself slammed heavily on the ground and was seriously injured, because under the suppression of dimensionality reduction, her cultivation base could not be used at all.

And the fact that he could save his life after falling from such a height was also because of the physical strength he cultivated day and night.


Go slowly.

The 100,000 Dashan gradually regained its calm.


"What the hell is this place!"

Yi Feng's face was black.

After falling into the lake he was sucked in by a whirlpool and came here.

Then he groped around and found that there were winding and rugged passages everywhere, just like the labyrinth of the previous life, and the two sides of the passage were flickering with long fires, giving people a gloomy feeling.

In addition, a beast roar could be heard from time to time in the passage.

This made Yi Feng feel very insecure.

"Damn, this ghost place, maybe something will pop up at any time, you have to find a weapon that can be used to defend yourself!"

Yi Feng thought about it while groping.

Originally, he had brought some weapons with him when he came to Nansha this time, but as he walked, he didn't know where to throw them.

Under slow exploration.

Yi Feng's eyes lit up.

Because the front is no longer a winding passage, but came to a large hall. This hall is linked to many passages, and Yi Feng walked out from one of them.

It was also when Yi Feng walked into the hall.

At the end of the hall, on the black wall, a pair of eyes appeared out of thin air.

Is leisurely, watching Yi Feng.

"I didn't expect that someone would find it here so quickly."

"Then we will see if you can break the triple barrier that this old man has placed in this temple within a month."

"If you can break it, then the old man will reluctantly accept your body."

"I just hope you don't let me down!"

Those eyes were hidden on the wall, shining with a long light, thinking in my heart.

The next moment.

He suddenly found that the man in white robe had suddenly approached him.


"what happened?"

"how is this possible?"

"I didn't put down the triple barrier, how did he get here?"

"And wouldn't the coercion of dimensionality reduction that I arranged before his death make him lose his cultivation base? How could he do it without his cultivation base?"

In the hearts of those eyes, a storm was set off.

But before he recovered, he found that the white robe approached again, put those eyes on him, and couldn't help but come closer.

For a time, the four eyeballs stared at the small eyes.

"He found me?"

"Do not."

"It's impossible for him to find me."

"I can't see me with the naked eye. It must be a coincidence."

But just as he thought so, he found that a finger was digging towards him.

"Yo, this bead is so beautiful, it is estimated that it can sell a lot of gold coins." Yi Feng muttered in his mouth.


Pick out one of the beads directly.

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