"Clap clap clap!"

Numerous brothers and sisters went berserk together, and countless True Essence exploded above the sky.

However, they were still unable to cause any real damage in the face of the constantly devouring and strengthening Shadow Master.

The more violent they are, the faster the black gas absorbs their blood, and the power of the luck will be faster.

At this moment, the ghost master has already condensed his body.

"Not enough, not enough."

The Shadow Master sneered, looking at Xiao Zhan and the others who came running wild, and laughed savagely.

Dozens of black qi shot out, and those black qi trapped all the brothers who had run away.

In Jia Jiaqin's black qi cage, there are hundreds of black phoenixes and wild beasts, biting towards him at the same time.

Inside Xiao Zhan's cage, there were countless soul-snapping sounds, as if countless people were roaring and cursing, causing Xiao Zhan's headache to split, as if it were about to explode.


The ninety or so brothers and sisters were all enveloped in black qi. Facing the tragic punishment, the qi and blood in their bodies seemed to be evaporated.


Wang Jingtian and Wang Luoli both looked anxious when they saw that Chi Yikuang was trapped in the black pot.

They can't just watch, what they want to do.

"I'm going to save people."

Wang Luoli's expression changed, and she was not too late.

She has long since become the cauldron of the Sect Master of the Black Sky Sect, and now life is definitely better than death.

But because of a barrel late, she not only escaped the clutches of the Black Sky Sect Master, but even gained a chance. In just a few months, she broke through to the Sun Moon Wonderland.

This is equivalent to saving her life and giving her a chance to be born again!

"My Wang Luoli is not an ungrateful person."

After finishing speaking, Wang Luoli, as the first person to burn his remaining life essence and blood among the many Sun Moon Wonderland powerhouses, turned into a streamer and rushed out.

She wants to blow herself up, even if it's just to buy a few breaths of time for a barrel late.

"Hey, I'm used to arguing with you. I can't let you be in front of me this time." Wang Jingtian laughed, and he suddenly felt that Wang Luoli was very good.

If he was given another chance to come back, he would definitely let Wang Luoli.

But this time, he still can't let it go!

"Father, the child is not filial, you are one step ahead!" Wang Jingtian glanced at Wang Zhan, his eyes showed guilt, and in an instant, the whole person flew out.

The speed was extremely fast, and it surpassed Wang Luoli in a blink of an eye.

"This time, I have to be in front of you." Wang Jingtian looked at Wang Luoli and smiled lightly.

"Not always."

Wang Luoli also smiled at Wang Jingtian, she suddenly felt that the man in front of her was also very good.

In an instant, the two turned out to be walking hand in hand, holding hands

Together, they flew to the Shadow Master together.

Together, the two exploded in the void and became two fireworks.

"Hmph, two little ants, looking for their own way of death."

The ghost master patted the dust on his body and said disdainfully.

The self-destruction of Wang Jingtian and Wang Luoli didn't even hurt his fur.


Wang Zhan, the head of the Wang family, is devastated. This is the son he is most optimistic about. He is going to inherit the position of the head of the family in the future and lead the Wang family to a brilliant future.

"Everyone, Wang has also gone." Wang Zhan stooped, his eyes were scarlet, and he patted his chest with a palm, his blood was burning instantly, and he stood up.

"Old Wang, on Huangquan Road, are you not alone? Brothers, come together." Xiao Yanyao and the others stood up.

As the saying goes, they don't know each other if they don't fight. They and Wang Zhan became friends after fighting and passing through their seniors.

How can you watch Wang Zhan die alone?

"You..." Wang Zhan looked at a few people and didn't know what to say, but he took it in his eyes that would not have been crying for a long time, and it became slightly moist.

The five looked at each other and smiled, instantly turning into five streams of light, and flew out instantly, rushing towards the Shadow Master.

As if influenced by the spirit of Wang Jingtian and others, the Sun Moon Wonderland experts suddenly stood up one by one, like bamboo shoots after a rain.

They can become a sun and moon wonderland, which

Aren't you a genius?

Which one is a mediocrity who is willing to die like this?

"Hehe, now this devil is killing us. I can't kill him, and I'll kill him with disgust."

"Yes, Luan Chaotian is dead, I don't get this anger, fuck him."

"Yes, brothers, rush, and rush that big devil to me!"



Countless passionate voices sounded, and the blood in everyone's body boiled again.

Back then, they were also hot-blooded teenagers!

Who is not arrogant to the sky!

"Good brothers, let's die together."

Xiang Tiannan and Jiang Cheng looked at each other, smiled at each other, and nodded to each other, this time they were really going to die together.

Countless sun and moon fairyland powerhouses burned blood essence and turned into countless streamers, like a meteor shower that shot up into the sky, rushing towards the ghost master.

Although they are dead, their pride lives on!

One is for kindness.

The second is for righteousness.

They all knew in their hearts that if they really let this phantom go, the fairy world will usher in great turmoil.

"Hehehe, it's just a group of ants. The teamwork before is no longer my opponent. Now, how can you offend me now!"

The Shadow Master snorted coldly, these people want to blow themselves up, are they just beautiful?

Although the luck of these ants is small, they can also be used by him, not to mention that hundreds of thousands of ants have gathered together,

It can also make him invincible.

The ghost master suppressed it with one hand. Countless sun and moon fairyland originally wanted to explode, but under this big black hand, the burning blood in the body suddenly stopped, and it was impossible to explode.

They fell from the sky one after another, and were enveloped in a cloud of black air.

The life force was passing by rapidly, and the ghost master became more terrifying.

Countless people have fallen into despair again, and now they can't even die! You can only obediently become the devourer of this big devil.

Su Yunyun and others have even exhausted their life force and are about to die.

As for the ghost master, the figure is already bigger than the Temple of Heaven. Seeing that the luck has absorbed almost the same, he opened a huge chaotic mouth, and the huge suction force will swallow everyone into the belly.

"Qing, do you think this big bug is disgusting, it's dark all over, it's almost like a stickman."

At this moment, the space in the void fluctuated for a while, and I saw a black-robed skeleton man, a dog, a centipede, a big black bear, and a flying spirit body from the cracks in the space. came out.

The black-robed skeleton waved his hand, and the terrifying suction that seemed to devour the world immediately disappeared.

As if a gust of wind had passed.

"Skull Protector!"

Many disciples, although their lives are dying, but when they saw Gu Benwei in a daze, they were instantly shocked!

(End of this chapter)

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