Fantasy: It Turns Out That I Am a Peerless God of War

Chapter 866: Misty Red's Conclusion


Yi Feng ignored him.

He took a rope to tie Misty Hong, and dragged her away depressed.

The woman behind her was still sluggish.

What is the purpose of this man?

Also, he stayed in the Forest of Terror all day, how could he have nothing at all and walked out unharmed.

The shock in her heart made her subconsciously look back at the Forest of Terror.

It's okay if you don't look carefully, but she's even more shocked when you look at it carefully.

Because the gloomy and icy feeling that Forest of Terror gave her was gone. The visual atmosphere that looked gloomy from the outside and inside also disappeared.

What's more, in the past, she could feel the sense of compulsive threat just by looking at the Forest of Terror, but now this feeling has also disappeared.

Instead, there is peace and quiet.

"How... how is it possible?"

The woman opened her mouth slightly, then shook her head resolutely.

Because she just thought of a terrifying assumption, this assumption made her unbelievable, that is, Yi Feng entered the forest of terror and eliminated all the threats inside.

She raised her head and looked at Yi Feng again.

The man's back is hazy, can't guess

Can't see through...

pondered for a long time.

She finally asked her doubts.

"Excuse me, why did you arrest me?"

She looked at Yi Feng who was walking ahead and said.

Yi Feng paused in his footsteps and turned to look at the woman.

"Before answering your question, can you answer me a question?"

After a pause, Yi Feng said.

The woman is silent.

Yi Feng continued, "Can you tell me what Hongzong behind you is, when will he come to save you?"

"Hong Zong?"

The woman frowned, "Save me?"

"Forget it, I'll tell you the truth." Yi Feng felt that it was no big deal to tell this woman, so he said, "I'm arresting you just to attract Hongzong's hatred, I'm waiting for Hongzong's people to come and save me. you!"

"Wait for Hongzong's people to rescue me, so that they can be wiped out?"

The woman's face brightened.

With Yi Feng's strength, is it necessary to go around like this to find Hong Zong's trouble?

Just find the old nest and slap him to death?

"Not to kill them all, but to wait for them to kill me!"

Yi Feng said seriously.


Misty red

"Oh" with a dull expression on his mouth.

The look is even more exciting.

"What do you mean, the purpose of you arresting me is to attract the hatred of Hongzong, so that they can kill you?"

Misty Red asked in surprise.

"Yes, you are very smart."

Yi Feng nodded in appreciation.

Misty Red was speechless.

Yi Fengtang, a super expert with unknown strength, arrested her who was stronger than Hongmen and didn't know where to go, but only to wait for a robber to kill him? "

Isn't this a hole in the brain?

Also, why did he want Hongmen to kill him?

Seemingly aware of Misty Hong's disbelieving gaze, Yi Feng sighed and explained, "You may not believe it, but my purpose is to seek death."

After a pause, Yi Feng said again: "Forget it, let's have a showdown with you. In order to seek death, I have tried countless methods before but none of them worked, so I stopped your convoy."

"I originally looked at the style of your team, thinking that you should be strong enough to kill me as a bandit, but you..."

Having said this, Yi Feng paused and looked serious.

"I have to criticize you, where did you get it

My escort is really too bad, he finally forced him to cut me with a sword, but he didn't leave me a single mark, which is worse than the uncle of my next door. "

"No, your guards can't kill me, so I can only choose to tie you up." Yi Feng continued: "In this way, Hong Zong behind you will come to rescue you, thus besieging me, and slapping me to the ground. killed."

"Unfortunately, you Hong Zong looks very famous, but your actions are too ink. It's been so long, and I haven't seen a single hair."

After listening to all Yi Feng's remarks with a wonderful expression, Misty Hong was speechless and depressed.

However, looking at Yi Feng's extremely serious face, she became misty red and understood that nine times out of ten it was true.

It turned out that his purpose of tying himself up was really to attract Hong Zong to kill him.

It's funny.

Even her bodyguard Luo Chen couldn't break his defense, why did he think Hong Zong would kill him?

"Look at this!"

After a pause, Misty Hong took out a jade slip.

After taking the jade slip, Yi Feng knew what it was for.

He also bought one before, and it will update some of the latest happenings in the Nine Realms at any time.

And Misty Red was bought because I wanted to get it through various

All kinds of channel news, speculate some things about the saint.

At this moment, such a matter is being recorded on the jade slip.

Hong Zong first retired for half a month.

After half a month, they chose to dissolve on the spot.


The disciples of Hongzong who had been trained abroad went back and found that the sect was gone...

Seeing this, Yi Feng's face twitched.


"Such a big sect, if it is dissolved, it will be dissolved!"

"Can you be so sloppy?"

Yi Feng cursed.

In this way, didn't he waste a month's time in vain?

Misty red looks wonderful.

She could guess the reason for Hongzong's dissolution.

How could Hong Zong provoke someone who could kidnap her?

So, you can't help but slander in your heart, isn't it a good thing you did?

at the same time.

She also came to a conclusion about Yi Feng.

That is the young man in front of him who is so powerful that he seems to have no concept of his own strength or the strength of others?

Otherwise, how could he do such a strange thing to tie her up to attract Hong Zong's hatred?

ps: Happy New Year's Eve, I wish everyone a happy and prosperous New Year, good health and fortune.

(End of this chapter)

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