Yunhu is in the center of the Nine Realms.

Originally belonged to the junction of the fairy world and the other eight worlds.

As the saints are about to appear, the heaven and the earth are turbulent, and many opportunities and dangerous places appear.

And Yunhu was born like this, and it appeared in one ye.

When Yi Feng followed Piao Miaohong to Yunhu, he couldn't help but be amazed by the scene in front of him.

The huge lake can not be seen at a glance, the lake surface is sparkling, and there is a faint mist, like a fairyland on earth.

On the shore of the lake, birds and flowers are fragrant, and plants are growing everywhere. Anyone with a little knowledge can see that these plants are all valuable elixir.

Just getting close to here and taking a deep breath makes one feel refreshed and extra comfortable.

If you can practice here, you will be able to achieve twice the result with half the effort.

And because of the geographical location of Yunhu and its size, it is no longer a secret in the circle of experts.

Therefore, experts from all walks of life came to fish, just because there were dragon fish in the lake.

The name of the dragon fish came from unknown sources, only that it is not large in size, and its whole body is golden and red. It is somewhat similar to the ordinary carp, but it has a unique effect.

It is rumored that the flesh of the dragon fish can live the flesh and bones of the dead.

Not only that, but it can greatly increase the chance of success in preaching.

What's even more crazy is that it seems to be an important material for some kind of holy elixir.

If anyone can catch a dragon fish, it is definitely the son of luck.


In addition to the dragon fish, there are some other fish in the lake. Although they are not as good as the dragon fish, if they can catch them, it will be a good chance.

Everyone said that this was a gift from the gods because of the birth of saints here.

Therefore, most of the people who come to Yunhu are for fishing. On the contrary, there are all kinds of elixir on the lake, and no one picks them. They will only pick what they need.

First, although these elixir are precious, they are nothing to the masters who come here.

The other is rumors that everyone in a land of chance has a fixed chance, that is to say, if you pick an elixir, the probability of catching arowana will be less.

No matter whether this rumor is credible or not, everyone will not bet on some unnecessary elixir.

And the fishing positions are very far apart.

After all, the chances of catching arowana at the same location are not high.

The other is that if you really catch an arowana, you don't want others to find out, and you want to make a fortune in silence.

Everyone knows the truth that people are innocent and guilty.

"Wow, what a big lake."

Yi Feng stretched out lazily, feeling quite good. Such a fairyland washed away all the troubles he couldn't die.

"Mr. Yi, why don't we separate for the time being?" Piao Miaohong said softly.



Yi Feng asked suspiciously.

"Now that the saints are competing, the major forces do not

Knowing how many pairs of eyes are staring at each other, I don't want to expose Mr. Misty Hong explained: "One is that it may bring some flies to Mr., and the other is that a hole card like Mr. can be exposed so quickly." "

"That's it."

Yi Feng scratched his head, "Okay."

"Mister, let's say goodbye for the time being, and we'll meet again here in half a month!" Misty Hong said with a smile, "Hong'er is also here to wish Mr. catching arowana."

"I don't care about that stuff."

Yi Feng rubbed his nose.

One is that he is immortal and immortal immediately after he dies, and I want you to be a dei arowana.

Second, so many people are staring at this fish, he doesn't think he is so lucky to be able to catch it.

"I'll catch some ordinary fish to pass the time!"

Yi Feng smiled lightly and said, "There should be ordinary fish in this lake, right?"

"Ordinary fish?"

Misty Hong only thought that what Yi Feng was talking about was other than the dragon fish, and said, "Of course there are."

"Okay then, let's break up."

Yi Feng can't wait to get down.

After being separated from Misty Red, Yi Feng began to wander.

After all, he is not a professional fisherman, and he has not fished a few times in his previous life, but he also knows that the fish are gathered together, so many fishermen I saw in the previous life were also gathered together to fish by the pond.

Either there is no one fishing in one direction, or they are all crowded in one piece.


Zheng Yifeng recognized this truth, so he looked for places with many people.

Southeast of Yunhu.

Feng Qianyue was dressed in plain snow and white, holding a crystal jade fishing rod, sitting on the shore motionless, with a piece of bait placed in an expensive brocade box next to her.

This bait is thousands of years of amber, which is naturally formed in a place with strong spiritual energy, absorbing the power of heaven and earth, and forming the essence of sun and moon.

This quality, only two copies.

One is on the hook in the water, and the other is still in the brocade box.

Fishing with this kind of natural material and earth treasure is not an exception. Almost all people who come to fish for dragon fish have spent a lot of time on the bait.

Even if some are not fishing for dragon fish, but other spirit fish, the bait uses some kind of essence of heaven and earth, or precious materials.

And not far on her left

There was also an old man in a mink robe and a hat on his head.

Feng Qianyue has been here for half a year and has never said a word to the old man.

But she knew that the old man had been here since Yunhu was born.

There are rumors that someone once caught arowana in Yunhu Lake. Feng Qianyue guessed that it was most likely the old man in front of him.

It's just that Feng Qianyue doesn't recognize this person, and there is no one who can match this old man in her impression, but she also knows that this old man is by no means good.

And she's not sitting here for nothing.

First, who wants to find out who the old man is, and second, he wants to steal the teacher.

But for her approach, the old man did not drive away,

He didn't pay attention, so Feng Qianyue sat here for half a year.

For half a year, the old man has never seen a posture or a pole.

The same is true for herself, floating without moving from beginning to end.

It's just that she knows that she can't be in a hurry.

If you really want to catch arowana, it is possible to sit here for a hundred years.

At this moment, a young man in white robe sat down between her and the old man.

She frowned slightly.

If there is one more person in the same place, her chances of catching arowana will be three or four points lower, so she is very unhappy about the arrival of this stunned young man.

Everyone will deliberately avoid the place where there are people, for themselves and others, but this young man is still in the crowd.

If it was said that this person was here to fish, she would not believe it.

After a little change in her mind, she felt disgusted with this young man.

It is estimated that the drunkard's intention is not to drink, so he used the excuse of fishing to approach her.

It's not that she has high self-esteem, but she has seen a lot of this situation.

As she has the title of "Fairy" in Tianyu, there are countless young people who approach her in various strange ways, from actively greeting her to secretly attracting her.

Even unscrupulous.

She glanced at the old man in the mink robe again.

The old man did not move from beginning to end.

He didn't seem to care about the arrival of the white-robed youth.

After thinking for a while, Feng Qianyue did not drive away, but concentrated on fishing, but she no longer looked to the side even once.

(End of this chapter)

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