blink of an eye.

Half a month passed.

In the past two weeks, the Nine Realms Alliance has undergone tremendous changes.

All the loving and righteous Daoist couples are rising, such as Zhen Lao and Xiongtian who have successfully courted, and they even enter the Dao mirror.

In addition, several unknown Shuangxiu sects in the Nine Realms suddenly became famous.

This sudden change made Lao Zhan and the others both surprised and delighted. While immersed in the sour love, enjoying the rise of their cultivation, they felt uneasy about this wonderful change.

And the movement on their side has long spread to the circle of experts in all fields.

"The whole region has become a land of love, flowers and snow, and all the Taoist companions of dual cultivation are still rising. What kind of saint is this?"

"This looks a little weird!"

"Yeah, I thought it was Saint Wen, Sword Saint, Sword Saint, but I didn't expect..."

"In any case, such a mysterious change in the rules of heaven and earth is bound to have something to do with the saint."

"Yes, rush to the Nine Realms Alliance to find out who the awakened saint is, and which one is the last one, and it will be clear!"

After the news came out, experts from various domains rushed to the Nine Realms Alliance.

Such changes in the situation have made even the usually lively Yunhu become empty.

a time.

Masters of the Nine Realms Alliance


And when the Nine Realms Alliance was full of excitement, Yi Feng followed Misty Red to Tianyu.

When it was still in the future, Yi Feng thought that the fairy spirit was floating here, and he yearned for it very much.

But I didn't expect that after coming here, I found out that this place is completely a place of evil and evil.

This is not a continent, but an endless ocean.

Islands scattered randomly in the ocean.

The crowded population and the sparse area make each island a place of contention.

Some islands are at war every day, and their masters are changed almost every day.

Small islands are occupied by small forces, and large islands are occupied by big forces. If you want to survive on the island, unless you join the forces built by the island owner, you need to make offerings to the island owner.

Even if the competition for islands is so fierce, the rare area still cannot satisfy the excessive population.

Therefore, on the sea level, there are large and small ships sailing everywhere.

Likewise, small powers have small ships, and large powers own large ships.

Some families even live on boats.

If you encounter a little danger, the whole army may be wiped out, and there will be no hair left.

And these ships also have a clear class division.

Usually can be distinguished by flags.

The flags of ships are divided into white, green, blue, purple, red...

The white flag is the second,

And ships with red flags are often only owned by the top forces in Tianyu.

"This is a teleportation island. It is a public island. A teleportation formation is established on the island that leads from Tianyu to various places." Misty Red introduced to Yi Feng: "Behind this kind of public island, several top forces in Tianyu jointly created it. , It is forbidden to do anything here, if you do it, you will be attacked by these major forces, and you will basically die."

"Of course, don't even think about doing it."

Misty Hong saw that Yi Feng was about to move, and quickly reminded: "Although you will indeed be besieged, but the people guarding here can't break your defense."

"But, can it always cause the forces behind them to besiege me?"

Yi Feng asked.

"You think too much."

Misty Hong said with a smile: "Do you think a few major forces will keep a strong person like you forever for a small rule?"

"In short, these rules are all for the weak, and the real strong have no rules."

"There is no doubt that if you start to show your strength here, the major forces will not only not attack you, but may also try to recruit you in every way!"

"All right!"

Nodding embarrassedly, he quietly put down the 40-meter broadsword in his hand.

"In addition to teleportation, the people who come to the teleportation island are more here to do business."

Misty red continues to give

Yi Feng introduced: "Because teleportation requires a high cost, most people cannot afford teleportation, and every time a person who is qualified to teleport returns, he or she will bring back some good things from other regions. Over time, the teleportation island also changes. It has become one of Tianyu's largest markets."

"There are all kinds of large auction houses, all kinds of trading clubs, and all kinds of underground black markets."

"In addition to the large and small forces, Tianyu also has the most important Linglong Pavilion."

"Accurately speaking, Linglong Pavilion is above all major forces, because not only Tianyu has its industry, but the entire Yunxing region has its industry."

"And what makes Tianyu and even the entire Yunxing crazy, also comes from Linglong Pavilion."

"Is it the magical place you mentioned when you came?" Yi Feng asked, tilting his head.

"Accurately speaking, it is not a place, but a virtual space established by means of penetrating the sky."

"And the name of this space is called Virtual Life."

"Virtual life?"

Yi Feng's eyes suddenly stared.

He is familiar with this name, he had it in a previous life

Such a game is called Virtual Life.

"Entering the virtual life is very simple. You only need to spend a certain amount of fairy crystals in Linglong Pavilion to create your own character, and then you can use your character to fly in the virtual life."

"In the virtual

In anthropomorphism, everyone can talk freely, trade freely, and fight freely. "

"And after you die in it, all your material archives will disappear, which is equivalent to saying that your character will no longer exist in your virtual life. If you want to continue to soar in the world, you can go to Linglong Pavilion to re-create your character, but it's just that You need to start over."

"Therefore, a person who manages well in a virtual life may be just a small person in this world, but he may be a powerful person in it."

"Oh yes, in the virtual life, you can reach the entire cloud star."

"However, be careful of being deceived. It is possible that in your virtual life, the seemingly petite, cute, and powerful dual-cultivator daoist is a big guy in reality..."

"Of course, there are also many lucky couples who rely on their virtual life to find their soul-matching couples, and in real life, you may have never heard of this phenomenon, it's called Benxian."

Misty Red introduced Yi Feng.

But Yi Feng became more and more frightened when he heard it.

This is so special, isn't it a game?

Isn't this so-called world an online world?

What a big guy with stubborn feet, running now?

He is familiar.

It is even said that the cooked can't be cooked any more.


The person who created this virtual life, wouldn't it be a person from Earth?

(End of this chapter)

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