“Artoria, you should probably really think about your own path, but if you want to survive as a knight, my Knights of the Round Table will always welcome you. Well, as long as you don’t mind. ”

“I need to think about it…”

From Artoria’s words, Arthur already felt his own tuning… Ahem, the enlightenment was successful, Artoria was no longer entangled in her identity, what she needed now was to find a goal that could sustain her to keep going.

“Okay, now that Artoria’s problem is solved, let’s consider the next royal banquet, Nero, I need you to help me.” By the way, Artoria, I hope you can think of your goals before tomorrow’s king banquet~~”

“What do you need Yu to do?”

Nero is also very interested in the upcoming banquet, so she is very happy to help Arthur decorate this banquet, although the more important reason is that because this banquet is held by Arthur, Nero wants to make this banquet unprecedentedly gorgeous and perfect, she thinks that only in this way can this banquet be worthy of Arthur.

“Well, just follow your ideas, I’m really not very good at banquets…”

“Well, wrapped in Yu, Yu will definitely make this banquet beautiful!!”

“Thank you, Nero, but let me prepare the wine for this banquet, after all, I still have some good wine here.”


Arthur and his party are busy here, so let’s go and see what Father Kirito is up to.

The real master of Artoria, the magician killer dressed in black, Eimiya Kiriji… He was now in a luxurious hotel, in front of him was a man dressed as a waiter, and behind him was billowing smoke….

“Mr. Archibolud! Are you there? At this time, the waiter was a little flustered shouting a person’s name, and every waiter attached great importance to this wealthy guest who had booked all the suites on the top floor of the hotel. In a sense, this is the last thing they want to be in danger.

“-I’m here, don’t worry.”

A loud voice came from behind the front desk of the hotel, but when the front desk turned around, it became confused. He was talking to a Japanese man in an old-fashioned coat. He was a little annoyed, he was about to reprimand this trouble-making man, but the next second he couldn’t say anything, the waiter was attracted by the eyes of the man in black in front of him, there was an indescribable wonderful gravity in the man’s eyes, the waiter couldn’t escape his sight, and he couldn’t even speak.

“I am Kenes. Elumeroi. Archiboloud. My wife, Sora, is with me. ”

The man in black, who no one knew, said in a loud voice, and the man’s loud voice also broke the last trace of doubt of the waiter, who accepted the statement without any doubt, as if he was under a spell.

He drew a mark on the thin “Evacuated” place on his hand, and finally confirmed that all the tenants were safe and sound, and let out a long breath. And the kind of doubts and incongruities that I had just had when I talked to Archibolud disappeared without a trace.

After watching the hotel attendant continue to be busy taking care of the other guests, Emiya Kiriji left the mixed crowd. The psychological hint just now is that for ordinary people who do not have the ability to resist demons, they will not be recognized in a short time.

Emiya Kiriji calmly walked to the outside of the hotel, as if nostalgic glanced at the hotel building, and slowly walked to a dark corner, slowly took out a very popular thing in the pocket of his jacket, mobile phone, of course, Cheji’s phone is encrypted.

“Are you ready over there?”

“There is nothing out of the ordinary. Always on call. ”

After getting the answer, Kiriji did not take back the phone, but dialed another number, but this time did not get a response, Kiriji dialed a set of empty numbers this time, but Kiriji did not have the idea of calling again, he silently lit a cigarette for himself, and after a while the smoke was overflowing, and Kiriji was also immersed in a feeling of relaxation. However, this feeling of calm did not last long.

“Hotel, hotel collapsed!”

The evacuees, who noticed the abnormality in their surroundings, cried out in horror when they saw the sudden change in the towering building.

Yes, the hotel collapsed, and what Kiriji had just dialed was not an empty number, but a modified communication channel, which was not connected to a telephone signal, but to the detonator of the C4 bomb.

The explosion of the bomb was only on a very small scale, and the sound of the explosion did not even reach the outside of the hotel.

However, instead of echoing in the night sky, the terrifying sound of reinforced concrete beginning to fall apart and collapse. The high-rise hotel with a total height of more than 150 meters, maintaining a self-standing posture, collapsed as if it had been sucked into the ground, because all the exterior walls collapsed inside, and not a single debris entered the outside, only because the dust generated by the collapse obliterated the surrounding streets.

“Is there a change in the goal?”

“No, there is nothing unusual in the building, and it can be determined that the target did not escape.”

That’s right, Kirito’s target is the people of the Lancer group, but his purpose is not for Artoria or anything, just because this base of the lancer group is better to destroy.

With a slight sense of satisfaction, Kiriji looked at the ruins that had turned into ashes, and thought, called “Rhode. Lord Kenais, of Elumeroi”, must have been with the rubble by now.

The thirty-second floor where Kenais is located, due to the chain reaction caused by the explosion, loses support, and eventually falls to the ground from a free fall at an altitude of 150 meters. No matter how strong the magic enchantment defense is, it can’t protect the people in the cloth room in the face of such a powerful destructive force.

Yes, Kiriji is such a person who can do whatever it takes for his own goals, and if necessary, Kiriji can completely kill these tenants and Kenes. But…… Why did he deliberately create a fire to evacuate the masses?

Degraded, although I don’t know how much it has weakened, but the current Eimiya Kiriji is definitely more degraded than a few years ago, and in a few years of comfortable life, he has forgotten his iron-like heart, and if it goes on like this, I am afraid that he will not be able to successfully win the Holy Grail War. In any case, it is impossible not to regain the cold and judgmental skills of the past, the sooner the better.

Even if he knows Arthur and their existence, but Eimiya Kiriji’s goal has always been only the Holy Grail, he will not think about how strong the other party is, he will only think about what the enemy’s weakness is, he will use this weakness, even if Arthur’s weakness… It’s Alice Phil.

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