: Meeting the protagonist again, a great opportunity

“Sect Master Leng, it’s time for me to leave now that this matter is over.” After finishing dealing with the Holy Son of Yin Yang, Xu Chuan said to Leng Tianhan.

“Thank you Mr. Xu for your help!” Leng Tianhan expressed his deep gratitude.

If Xu Chuan hadn’t taken action.

Then all of his Lingxiao Sect will surely fall this time.

Now, even the powerful men in the Heavenly King Realm have died in Lingxiao Sect. I believe no one will dare to trouble him anymore.

The crisis has been completely resolved.

Leng Tianhan didn’t try to keep Xu Chuan because he knew he couldn’t!

Such an unparalleled genius is not something that his small Lingxiao Sect can keep.

“Sect Leader Leng doesn’t have to be like this, it’s just a fair deal.”

“That’s it, farewell!”

After saying that, Xu Chuan turned around and left Lingxiao Sect.

He already knew the location of the Emperor’s treasure house from the Yin Yang Son’s storage ring.

It is precisely because Holy Son Yin Yang accidentally knew where the key to the treasure house was that Holy Son Yin Yang was so impatient to find the key.

But unfortunately, Xu Chuan could not find the missing part of the key.

But it doesn’t matter. Xu Chuan decided to go there first and wait for the owner to come to his door.

Leng Wushuang, who was behind Leng Tianhan, looked at Xu Chuan with a look of reluctance.

There was something in my heart and I opened my mouth, but I couldn’t say it out.

The gap between the two is like a chasm, insurmountable.

Leng Tianhan also saw his daughter’s thoughts, so he persuaded him: “My dear daughter, give up. We are destined not to be able to reach a person like Mr. Xu.”

Xu Chuan is destined to become a peerless strong man. People are destined to shine in the entire Xuantian Continent!

“Father, I know!”

“But, I will not give up. I will practice hard and pursue his figure!”

Leng Wushuang said with determination.

She has this confidence!

And this confidence comes from the memory of cultivation in my mind!

She firmly believed that as long as she followed the memory and practiced step by step, she would be able to quickly catch up with Xu Chuan, and then express her feelings with her own words!

Xu Chuan didn’t know anything about this.

At this time, he was already far away from Lingxiao Sect.

He is flying at an extremely fast speed.

Just now, when he was leaving Lingxiao Sect, he suddenly noticed a very secretive aura.

The owner of this aura has been observing everything that happens in Lingxiao Sect.

It wasn’t until the Holy Son of Yin Yang was killed by Xu Chuan that this aura quickly left the place.

However, no matter how hidden he was, Xu Chuan, who had insight into all things, still discovered the clues.

So he followed this aura and wanted to see who was hiding in the dark, observing all this!

While tracking, Xu Chuan also activated the Heaven-Deceiving Jade Talisman to hide his figure.

After chasing for a day and a night, the owner of this aura finally stopped in a place called Skyfire City, and then disappeared into a mansion.

Xu Chuan also entered the house. The defensive array of the house was regarded by Xu Chuan as nothing, and there was no pressure at all.

Xu Chuan, who was hiding in the house, could clearly see that the figure he was looking for was a mass of black mist.

When the black fog dissipated, a hooded man in black appeared in the house. This man had approximately the seventh level of reincarnation realm.

I saw him knocking on the door of a room and walking in.

Xu Chuan followed closely and entered.

“Your Majesty, the Holy Son of Yin Yang is dead and the mission has failed!”

In the room, a man in black knelt in front of a young man and reported in a low voice in panic.


“Why did the Holy Son of Yin Yang die?”

After hearing the report from his subordinates, the young man suddenly opened his eyes and said in surprise.

“A young man appeared in the Lingxiao Sect, and he also brought with him a powerful demon beast at the peak of the Heavenly King Realm. He not only killed the Holy Son of Yin and Yang, but also killed a strong Heavenly King Realm in the Yin and Yang Holy Land!”

The man in black told what he saw. briefly described.


After hearing this, the young man stood up directly, his face full of disbelief.

“Go out and let me think!” After pondering for a while, the young man sent the man in black away, then sat down on the chair again to meditate.

“Something’s wrong. This is completely different from the result I predicted. What’s going on?”

The young man was very puzzled.

When Xu Chuan secretly heard this, he was a little surprised that this young man actually had the ability to predict.

Suddenly he became interested.

Then use the system to view this person’s script information.

[Name: Jin Ao]

[Race: Xuantian Human Race]

[Realm: Ninth Level of Reincarnation Realm]

[Talent: Invincible King]

[Destiny: Predict the future (gold), destiny protagonist (gold), be cautious (purple), the mastermind behind the scenes (purple) )]

[Supernatural powers: Great prophecy, luck extraction, spiritual assassination]

[Life script: Protagonist of “Godly Prophet”]

[Life path: Having the talent to predict the future for a short period of time since childhood, he relied on this when bandits attacked the village. Talent escaped disaster, but others including his parents died at the hands of bandits. Then he found various opportunities with the gift of prophecy, step by step, to reach where he is now, and finally became the prophecy emperor. ]

[Opportunity: Ten days later, Emperor Zun’s treasure house appeared in the world, holding part of the key to the treasure house, and obtained the World Tree seeds in the treasure house by relying on his precognition ability. ]


[Predict the future: You can predict some things that are about to happen, or things that are beneficial to yourself, and you can also predict others, but those with great luck cannot predict. ]

[Protagonist of Destiny: God’s biological son, destined to rise, and God is protecting him. ]

[Prudent: Be cautious, never put eggs in one basket, be more sensitive to crises, and be very cautious in everything you do. ]

[The mastermind behind the scenes: The big hand lurking in the dark, secretly controlling everything. 】

“I didn’t expect that by following a random person, I could meet a destiny protagonist?”

“This is incredible luck!”

Xu Chuan was a little shocked, but also a little happy.

I was just thinking about where to find a protagonist to plunder the opportunity. Wouldn’t this one come directly to my door?

World tree seeds.

Seeing this thing, even Xu Chuan couldn’t hide his excitement.

This thing has been recorded in Nan Lao’s inheritance, and it is the top thing that can open up the inner world.

The inner world opened up by using this thing is the strongest inner world.

The strength of the inner world is the key to measuring the strength or weakness of an emperor!

It’s like the ancient palace world is Nan Lao’s inner world. Before his death, he transferred his inner world to the golden ancient palace.

The original ancient palace world was a medium world, but without Nan Lao as a carrier, it degenerated into a small world.

If he could get this thing, coupled with Nan Lao’s method of opening up the inner world, he might be able to open up the inner world in the Tongtian Realm!

In the future, if you break through the Emperor Senior Realm, you may be able to become a strong person in the Emperor Senior Realm!

“I want the World Tree Seed!”

Xu Chuan’s thoughts changed and he made up his mind at this moment.

Such an opportunity is only worthy of him!

“The missing part of the treasure house key is actually in his hand!”

At this time, Xu Chuan discovered another point.

“Could it be that he planned everything about the Holy Son of Yin Yang?”

Looking at Jin Ao’s fate, Xu Chuan had some guesses in his mind.

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