: Powerful men and mysterious women in the Southern Region

Not long after Xu Chuan entered the treasure house, strong men were already arriving in the inaccessible Beihan Mountain.

How can anyone not be moved by the treasure trove left by an emperor?

If you can get the treasure from it, you may be able to soar into the sky and become the strongest person in the entire Southern Territory!

Therefore, in a short period of time, the gate outside the treasure house was already surrounded by warriors.

“Is this the Emperor’s treasure house?”

“What do you think is in it that makes so many powerful people flock to it?”

“Who knows? But it must be good stuff!”

The warriors on the periphery looked at the door and talked privately. .

Their trip was just to try their luck and see the excitement. Such a treasure trove had already been booked by the powerful men in the Southern Territory, and they had no chance of entering it!

They are very clear about this.

“Look, is that the Great Elder Zhao Heng? The first person under the Holy Lord Sanyang!” ”

Look there, look there, Yu Wenhao, the leader of the Piaomiao Sect!”

“People from the Great Wild Dynasty are here too!”

“It seems like This treasure house has no chance with us, and it should be divided up by them.”

At the moment when many famous and powerful people appeared one after another, many warriors completely gave up the little hope in their hearts and turned into just watching the fun.

There were also many people who turned around and left this place.

These people from big forces don’t deal with each other, and a fight is likely to break out here. By then, you won’t be able to leave even if you want to!

“I, Sanyang Holy Land, want this treasure house!” Zhaoheng, the great elder of Sanyang Holy Land, was the first to speak out. As soon as he spoke, he wanted to take ownership of the entire treasure house. He was very arrogant and did not take other people into consideration at all. .

The reason for such a loud tone is that firstly, it represents the behemoth of the Southern Region, Sanyang Holy Land, and secondly, it is also very powerful, and it is a warrior at the ninth level of the Heavenly King Realm.

With this level of cultivation alone, he can already look down upon many powerful people present.

For a time, all the sect holy lands under the jurisdiction of Sanyang Holy Land dared not speak out.


“When will it be your turn to dominate the Southern Territory, Sanyang Holy Land!”

Just when everyone thought that Sanyang Holy Land was going to seize ownership of the treasure house, a voice came from afar, slapping Zhaoheng directly in the face. , did not take him seriously.

“Who is it?!”

Zhaoheng turned his head with sharp eyes, wanting to see who dared to refute his face and give him a bloody lesson!

Then he saw a golden-winged roc flying rapidly from a distance, then landed in front of the treasure house gate and transformed into a giant man.

When Zhaoheng saw this person, his face suddenly darkened and his eyes were gloomy.

“I wonder who is uttering such arrogant words here, it turns out it’s you, old bastard!” When the big man saw Zhaoheng, he directly taunted him without giving him any face!

The hatred between the two people has been around for a long time, and it was so intense that they would never stop fighting each other once they met.

“You are looking for death!” Hearing the big man’s taunt, Zhaoheng became furious, raised his hand and attacked the big man.

“You’re just a defeated general, but you still dare to take action!”

The big man didn’t take Zhaoheng’s attack seriously at all.

His right hand turned into a wing, and then white light lit up on the feathers, and the wings turned into a shield.

Zhaoheng’s attack on it was no different from scratching it for him.

“After all these years, you really haven’t made any progress at all!” The big man continued to mock, after taking Zhaoheng’s attack easily.

Everything he did seemed to be just to anger Zhaoheng.

When Zhaoheng saw that his attack did not cause the slightest damage to the big man, his face became more and more gloomy, almost dripping with water!


Zhaoheng launched another attack, and this time, he exploded without reservation, hoping to hit the big man severely.

Faced with this blow, the big man also started to become serious.

Although he said that Zhaoheng was defeated, he knew better than anyone how powerful Zhaoheng really was.

A full blow, even he did not dare to neglect it easily, and began to prepare to block this attack.

At this moment, the low-cultivation warriors around also began to flee crazily, feeling terrified in their hearts.

This kind of attack, even if it is just the aftermath of the fight, can destroy them physically and mentally, leaving them dead without a place to bury them!


Just when the two men’s attacks were about to fall and cause death to all living beings, a female voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, everyone present saw a scene they would never forget.

I saw a woman in plain clothes and white snow, with a veil on her head and a half-covered face, appeared between the two people, then stretched out her hand, and with a flick, the two people’s attacks carrying the power of destroying the world collapsed instantly.

Different from the shock of other warriors present, Zhaoheng and Dahan looked at the sudden appearance of the woman with solemn expressions.

As long as they know how powerful the two previous attacks are.

Both of them were strong men at the ninth level of the Heavenly King Realm. When they exploded with all their strength, they were comparable to those at the peak of the Heavenly King Realm.

However, this kind of attack was easily blocked by the woman, without any pressure!

There is no doubt that the woman is an unparalleled powerhouse in the Half-Emperor realm!

They are the top people in the entire Xuantian Continent!

Only such a strong person can have such great strength.

For a moment, neither of them dared to fight again, for fear of angering the strong man in front of them.

Although they didn’t know where this female half-emperor came from, it didn’t stop them from knowing how powerful the half-emperor was!

“If you fight again, you will die!”

This strong woman cherished her words like gold and her voice was very cold. What she said made everyone present shudder.

She walked to the treasure house door and studied it carefully.

No one dared to disturb her and could only let her study.

After burning the incense, she spoke again.

“Let’s work together to open the door to the treasure house. Everyone can enter, each according to his ability and what he needs!”

The woman’s words completely determined the ownership of the treasure house.

And those warriors with weaker cultivation and no background were overjoyed when they heard this!

Her words mean that as long as we work together to open the door, everyone present will be able to enter the Emperor’s Treasure House!

They also have a chance to get the treasures in the treasure house!

When those warriors from big forces heard this, their first reaction was naturally to be unwilling.

With so many more weaklings sharing the treasure trove, that means their harvest will be reduced.

But due to the woman’s strength, everyone dared to be angry but dared not speak out. They were not angry, but there was nothing they could do.

Afterwards, all the warriors present gathered together and began to crack the treasure house door. Without the key, they had no choice but to fight hard to enter the treasure house door!

But even so, it would be difficult for them to open the treasure house door for a while.

But this did not hinder the excitement of these warriors at all, and they began to go all out to attack the door and try to break it open.

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