: The monster at the bottom of the river sees an opportunity

With an order, the race across the river officially began.

Competitors from all over jumped into the river at the first opportunity and began to cross the Sunset River.

Only Wei Kang, who was participating in this kind of competition for the first time, stood there stunned for a long time before he jumped into the river belatedly.

Perhaps the water quality was not good, so after taking a big gulp of water in the river, he floated up and started swimming.

It’s just that he is already far behind the others.

If this continues, he will only be in last place and will not receive any reward at all.

When Wei Kang saw this, he became a little anxious and hurriedly swam forward, trying to shorten the distance between them.

Xu Chuan was hiding in the water behind Wei Kang, watching all this indifferently without intervening.

By letting nature take its course, Wei Kang was able to find the opportunity that should have been his.

If Xu Chuan intervenes, given Wei Kang’s special destiny, he might miss the opportunity!

It lasted like this for half an hour, and the game was already halfway through.

Without using martial arts cultivation, everyone’s physical strength began to decline.

Wei Kang, who was at the back of the team, was breathing heavily, sweat mixed with river water, and he was on the verge of losing strength.

After all, due to his young age and thin body, his physical ability is not as good as others.

Moreover, in order to chase the person in front, too much energy was consumed.

He was about to run out of energy.


Under Wei Kang, a dark thing was approaching him.

The sharp-eyed Xu Chuan could tell at a glance that this was a demonic beast that looked like an octopus, and its strength was comparable to that of a Samsara Realm warrior.

At this time, it was stretching out its tentacles and slowly touching Wei Kang’s location.

“It’s finally here!” Xu Chuan secretly said.

After waiting for so long, the monster mentioned in the script information finally appeared.

Sure enough, after finding the target, the monster dragged Wei Kang into the river with lightning speed.

Wei Kang wanted to struggle, but with only the second level of Body Tempering Realm, how could he possibly break free from the hands of a reincarnation realm monster?

He could only watch helplessly as he was dragged into the water.

His face was full of despair, tears welled up in his eyes, and he didn’t know what he was thinking.

When the people on the shore saw this situation, warriors immediately dived into the water to rescue them.

How could Keren’s speed be compared to the monster beast in the water?

In just the blink of an eye, the octopus monster had dragged Wei Kang and disappeared under the water.

The warriors who came to rescue looked at the direction in which the octopus monster disappeared with fear, and did not dare to go any further.

No one knows how deep the Sunset River is. They only know that there are many powerful monsters living under the water.

Although some of these monsters were suppressed and killed by people sent by the Great Wilderness Dynasty in the past, there are still many left, and they occasionally come out to cause trouble.

But like today, it was the first time that I came out to drag people during a river festival!

And no one expected that it would be such a powerful monster.

At this time, Wei Kang had drowned and fell into a coma.

And it is still sinking.

One thousand meters.

Two thousand meters.

Five thousand meters.

As the depth gets deeper and deeper, the surroundings become darker and darker, without any light.

It’s very quiet here, so quiet that it’s scary.

And just when Wei Kang was about to drown.


Xu Chuan was keenly aware that Wei Kang’s luck began to change dramatically.

It is growing at an abnormal speed.

Xu Chuan frowned slightly, “This fate is really strange.”

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He had never seen such a strange fate.

When luck drops to freezing point, it will actually bottom out and rebound.

In just a few minutes, Wei Kang’s luck almost surpassed his!

You know, Xu Chuan robbed the luck of several protagonists and the sons of luck to accumulate the huge power of luck now.

But now, in just a few minutes, Wei Kang’s luck has increased so much without doing anything!

“It’s a bit abnormal, no wonder I have this opportunity!”

When his luck reached its peak, things immediately turned for the better.

In the darkness in the distance, a huge crab monster slowly appeared. Its cultivation level was comparable to that of the octopus monster.

As soon as the two beasts met, they began to fight and fight together.

Facing the crab monster’s pincers, the octopus monster couldn’t take care of Wei Kang and threw him away.

Wei Kang continued to sink, and soon he unconsciously came to a place with a faint light.

A ray of light here directly illuminates the entire bottom of the water, and the temperature here is much higher than that in other places.

There is no doubt that this is the place where the sun fell, and it is also the place where the sun-shooting bow suppressed the origin of the sun.

“Finally found it!”

Xu Chuan went directly towards the light spot without hesitation.

Then with a wave of his hand, a fierce attack hit the light spot directly.

Then the light at the light spot became brighter and brighter, and then directly transformed into a portal.

Xu Chuan directly pushed open the door, and an irresistible and terrifying suction force instantly sucked Xu Chuan and Wei Kang in not far away, and then the two of them appeared directly in an unknown space.

“Cough! Huh!”

When he came to this space, Wei Kang, who had already fallen into a coma, coughed a few times, then spit out the water he drank and took a big gulp of fresh air.

Then he looked around confusedly, at a loss.

After a while, he finally said, “Am I not dead?”

“Where is this place?”

Xu Chuan was a little surprised by this scene, and then his figure was revealed.

“You’re really lucky, you didn’t even drown!” Xu Chuan said jokingly.

Wei Kang was just a warrior at the second level of the Body Tempering Realm, yet he actually didn’t drown even after sinking into the water for so long.

In addition, the water here is thousands of meters deep. Even if you don’t drown, you will probably be crushed to death by the huge water pressure.

But unfortunately, there was nothing wrong with him!

Xu Chuan attributed all of this to the power of luck!

Only in this way can it be explained.

“Master, did you save me?” Wei Kang asked cautiously, not paying attention to Xu Chuan’s teasing.

“That’s right!”

Xu Chuan directly took the credit on himself, since he didn’t know it anyway.

“Thank you for saving your life, young master!”

After hearing Xu Chuan’s words, Wei Kang immediately knelt down to Xu Chuan and thanked him.

“Don’t, I can’t bear it!”

Xu Chuan pulled Wei Kang directly, and he didn’t want to kneel down.

At this moment, his luck is even higher than that of Xu Chuan. If he kneels down, something will happen to him.

Seeing that the opportunity was right in front of him, Xu Chuan didn’t want anything to go wrong at this time.

Fortunately, Wei Kang’s prosperity did not last long.

Soon, it disappeared out of thin air until it reached its lowest point.

Xu Chuan was amazed by this change.

The world is so vast and filled with wonders!

“Why don’t you let me thank you?” Wei Kang looked at Xu Chuan in confusion.

“I can’t thank you enough. You’d better heal your wounds quickly!”

With that said, Xu Chuan took out a low-level healing elixir from the storage ring and handed it to Wei Kang.

Although Wei Kang narrowly escaped death, he was still seriously injured after being grabbed and dragged so far by the monster in the reincarnation realm.

If it is not treated in time, it may be fatal.

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