: Borrowing strength, the beast god was taken away


The sword energy descended from the sky with powerful pressure and struck the attacking beast god head-on.

The beast god’s clone suddenly froze.

Immediately afterwards, a shocking loud noise erupted in the sky.

At this moment, the clone of the Beast God suddenly collapsed.

Violent energy spread in the air.

Let the people fighting around you turn their heads, wanting to know who wins and who loses!

But after all, it was a clone of the Beast God, so it was impossible for him to die so easily.

The body that had just been chopped into pieces by Xu Chuan was reunited at this moment.

And those scattered energies also gathered together again.


“I want you to die!”

The beast god, who was not very bright, roared angrily.

Xu Chuan’s attack just now made the little delicious food he managed to eat completely disappear before he could digest it.

Moreover, the pain of his broken body made his already red eyes even more terrifying.

A pair of eyes seemed to be dripping with blood!

This time, not only did he not get any benefits, but he was also seriously injured by Xu Chuan due to his carelessness!

He must eat Xu Chuan now to make up for this loss!

I saw the beast god punch out, and a boulder-like fist appeared in the sky, hitting Xu Chuan.


The fist hit Xu Chuan directly, and the terrifying force drove Xu Chuan straight into the ground.


After succeeding in one blow, the beast god clone had no intention of letting Xu Chuan go.

The punches rained down.

The earth was trembling, and a terrifying earthquake seemed to have occurred throughout the Beast God Clan.

The earth trembled, the mountains shook, and the rocks collapsed.

Even the space was hit by fists, leaving void cracks everywhere.

An ordinary warrior below the fifth level of the Heavenly King Realm would have no chance of surviving such an attack.

Everyone in the Beast God Clan felt happy when they saw this scene.

It seems that Xu Chuan is not strong either, he is just a paper tiger!

It seems that the patriarch is overly worried about everything!

This is the truest thought in their hearts at this time.

Only Wang Hao looked solemn.

He took no part in the fighting and was always observing.

Just based on the fact that Xu Chuan chopped the body of the Beast God with his sword just now, he knew that his judgment was definitely not wrong!

Xu Chuan is very strong!

Ridiculously strong!

The current attack from the Beast God will definitely not kill him.

“Young Master!”

“Senior Brother Xu!”

Su Miaoyin and Feng Qingyang, who were fighting, heard this formation and turned their heads to look at where Xu Chuan was.

Seeing Xu Chuan being driven into the ground, he showed a trace of worry.

The gap between the two is really huge.

Even if Xu Chuan has the ability to fight across levels, it would still be difficult to fight against the beast god’s clone.

Feng Qingyang had already taken out the life-saving items at this time.

It was a small sword, which contained the full blow of Feng Sheng, a strong man in the Half-Emperor Realm.

As long as it is stimulated, even the ninth level of the Heavenly King Realm will not benefit.

And it is more than enough to kill a beast god clone at the seventh level of the Heavenly King Realm!

He has decided that as long as Xu Chuan sends a rescue signal, he will immediately activate his small sword and kill all enemies!

As for the cost of doing so, he has not considered it at all!

Help Xu Chuan without considering any cost!

However, in the next second, he was shocked by what he saw!

“Very good, you succeeded in irritating me!”

Xu Chuan’s voice came faintly from the ground and reached the ears of everyone present.

Immediately afterwards.

There was a boom.

The ground suddenly exploded.

Xu Chuan’s figure soared into the sky.

Carrying the power of destruction.

There is a terrifying amount of energy surging around the body.

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At this moment.

Xu Chuan’s momentum reached a peak level that far exceeded anything before!

One’s own elemental power, physical power, supernatural powers, destiny, martial arts skills, sword soul…all kinds of power bless one’s body.

Not only that, Xu Chuan also directly borrowed Xuan Lie’s power.

His current strength far exceeds the seventh level of the Heavenly King Realm.

This is because Xu Chuan’s physical strength is not strong and he cannot draw much power.

Xu Chuan now shows terrifying power in every move he makes.

Faced with Xu Chuan in this state.

The furious beast god seemed to have a clear mind.

A rare look of horror appeared on his face.

He couldn’t imagine that the ants in front of him could improve so quickly in an instant.

The boundless divine power made him tremble.

“Are you ready to face death?”

Xu Chuan stood in the air, standing in front of the Beast God, and said coldly.

The beast god was unable to move at all due to the pressure radiating from his body.

He bared his teeth and claws, but could not break free from this oppressive feeling.


“Human race, die!”

But the Beast God is not an ordinary person after all.

At this moment, he let out a long roar, and then exploded to the extreme.

Finally managed to break free.

Then he did something that shocked everyone.

I saw the big mouth on his beast head suddenly opened.

A suction force was born from it, instantly sucking the Beast God tribesmen on the ground into their mouths and chewing them in big mouthfuls.

No matter whether they are old people or children, they can’t escape his bloody mouth.


“Clan leader, save me!”

“Damn Beast God!”

This time, screams, calls for help, and curses came one after another.

These voices all come from the Beast God tribe.

At this moment, their faith collapsed.

Until their death, they never thought that the beast god they believed in would turn out to be a man-eating monster!

Wang Hao, the leader of the Beast God Clan on the side, did not move at all when he heard these voices, but just watched everything with cold eyes.

After the Beast God devoured a large number of Beast God tribesmen, his strength increased again and reached a peak!


Feeling the huge energy in his body, the beast god looked up to the sky and roared happily.

Then he will attack Xu Chuan.

But at this moment.

Wang Hao made an action that no one expected!

He turned into a ball of black mist and rushed directly into the beast god’s head.

“Damn it, what are you doing?”

the beast god roared.

He felt the danger from this black mist at this moment.

The ant that summoned him actually had evil thoughts towards him!

“I allowed you to eat so many of my tribe, and it’s time for you to pay the price!”

“Give up your body!”

Wang Hao’s voice came from the beast god’s mouth.

Immediately afterwards, the beast god was directly snatched away by Wang Hao in full view of everyone!

Xu Chuan frowned and looked at the scene in front of him.

The black mist that Wang Hao transformed into just now gave him a very familiar feeling.

“Shadow clan?”

Xu Chuan was a little unsure.

But except for the shadow clan, Xu Chuan couldn’t think of anything else related to the black mist.

Moreover, from the time he broke into the Beast God Clan until now, he has not seen a single person from the Shadow Clan.

He has been guarding against the Shadow Clan.

Is this the result?

But if Wang Hao was from the Shadow Clan, how did he become the leader of the Beast God Clan?

This is another point that puzzles Xu Chuan.


Wang Hao didn’t give Xu Chuan much time to think.

After seizing the beast god’s clone, Wang Hao turned his attention to Xu Chuan.

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