: Linghai Stone, Cultivation Suppression, and Traces of Lin Tian

When he saw the line of opportunity, Xu Chuan was attracted again.

“Linghai Stone?”

Xu Chuan muttered the name, his eyes shining even brighter.

If he remembered correctly, this Linghai Stone had a great background.

Any piece of it is something that a strong Emperor Realm player can grab.

In Nan Cangyu’s inheritance, Xu Chuan had only heard of the name and had never seen the actual thing.

This shows that even Nan Cang Yu, who is as powerful as the fourth-level emperor, has never obtained a piece of spiritual sea stone in his life.

But now, Xu Chuan saw it in Qu Wushang.

“Another great opportunity!”

Xu Chuan murmured in his heart.

Linghai Stone is also called the Rule Stone and the World Stone.

It is the result of scattered rules in chaos.

Each one is extremely precious,

and its use is even greater.

This thing can be used to expand the rules of the inner world and expand the size of the inner world.

You must know that one of the major criteria for judging the strength gap between Emperor Senior Realm warriors is the size of the inner world.

The Linghai Stone is exactly the treasure in this area.

One can imagine how precious a Linghai Stone is.

The higher the quality of the Linghai Stone, the higher and more complete the martial arts rules it contains.

The area of the inner world that can be expanded will be larger.

Therefore, any piece of Linghai Stone that appears is a treasure that Emperor Senior Realm warriors will definitely fight for!

And in this emperor’s tomb, there is actually a Linghai Stone!

“It’s great!”

It took no effort to get through the iron shoes and find no place. Xu Chuan was worried that the speed of improving his cultivation level had slowed down recently.

The inner world has also become stable, and there is no way to advance in terms of strength.

Unexpectedly, a treasure like the Linghai Stone appeared in the world!

This kind of treasure is no worse than Lin Tian’s few opportunities, or even stronger!

As long as Xu Chuan wins them all, his strength and martial arts cultivation will usher in a period of explosion!

“It’s true that good things come in pairs!”

Xu Chuan decided that he would also decide on this opportunity for Qu Wushang!

By the way, he also wanted to find out whether the world before Qu Wushang’s time travel and the world before his time travel were the same world.

Furthermore, with the existence of such a time traveler, there is a high chance that his identity will be exposed.

Although he was reincarnated in time travel, there is no guarantee that there is no way to detect it in this world.

Therefore, Xu Chuan sentenced Qu Wushang to death in his heart.

Looking for the right opportunity, he will kill the time traveler protagonist in one fell swoop!

“Sir, what are you thinking about?”

Feng Qingyang’s voice brought Xu Chuan back to reality.

“Nothing, let’s go!”

Xu Chuan smiled and shook his head.

Now is not the time to think about this, it is also time to enter the emperor’s tomb.

Countless people around him had already poured into the emperor’s tomb.

The Jedi, who just a moment ago could not even stand, were now in complete silence.

“Yes, Young Master!”

Feng Qingyang nodded after receiving Xu Chuan’s order.

Then he turned his head, looked at the Taiyi Holy Land warship behind him, and said solemnly: “Young Master has an order, enter the emperor’s tomb!”


With the order, the warship started to move.

Everyone except the two secret guards at the ninth level of the Heavenly King realm followed Xu Chuan towards the emperor’s tomb.

As soon as he entered the crack, Xu Chuan felt that the Yuanli and Soul power in his body were instantly suppressed by a mysterious force.

The golden-winged demon tiger pulling the chariot also lost its power in an instant and fell towards the void.

As a last resort, Xu Chuan could only put away the chariot and flew to the warship.

“Your Highness…”

The people on the warship also encountered the same thing, and their faces were a little solemn.

All their strength has been suppressed, and now they are no different from ordinary people.

The only thing stronger than mortals is their bodies and the weapons they control.

He tried it, and the imperial weapons on his body were still able to be used and were not suppressed.

Xu Chuan also fully reacted at this time.

Before, he was still wondering how Lin Tian managed to get the few opportunities that belonged to him from so many forces and warriors.

It turns out that there is such a thing in the emperor’s tomb.

When all the people who entered the Emperor’s Tomb were suppressed to the same level by the rules of the Emperor’s Tomb, Lin Tian, who had the remaining soul beside him, undoubtedly became the best among these people.

Maybe even the strongest!

As expected, he was indeed the son of destiny, everything seemed to be directed towards him.

If Xu Chuan hadn’t appeared, it would have been difficult for him to get the chance.

Unfortunately, Lin Tian faced Xu Chuan, who had both a system and many imperial soldiers, and he was also very powerful.

It can be called a monster.

“Keep going, don’t panic.”

Xu Chuan was calm and did not lose his strength and become panicked.

Moreover, he was not completely suppressed.

Xu Chuan could feel that as long as he wanted to, he could easily counter this suppressive force by using the Golden Ancient Palace or the Ten Thousand Spirits Cauldron.

Even the Prison Suppressing Demon Sword can break through this layer of suppression with hard work.

As the saying goes, there is no need to panic when the family has enough food. Xu Chuan has this kind of mentality.

Moreover, Xu Chuan also analyzed some information from it.

The owner of this imperial tomb’s cultivation during his lifetime definitely did not exceed the level of the third-level emperor!

Otherwise, Xu Chuan would have no way to break through the power of suppression!

Seeing Xu Chuan being so calm, everyone on the warship, including Feng Qingyang, began to calm down.

Continue to move forward in the cracks.

It didn’t take long for them to reach the end of the crack.

What was placed in front of Xu Chuan and his party was a void barrier.

Through the barrier, Xu Chuan saw a vast world.

This world is full of a wild feeling.

And at the highest point of the world, a palace that looks exactly like the ancient palace outside stands on it.

Obviously, this world is the real tomb of the emperor.

The ancient palace outside is nothing more than an empty shell.

Looking at the scale of this world, it is obviously not as huge as Xu Chuan’s ancient palace world.

It was also confirmed from the side that the owner of this emperor’s tomb was not as powerful as Nan Cangyu!

This also made Xu Chuan feel relieved again.

At this moment, the warriors who were pouring in like crazy had already begun a ruthless search.

Everything in the emperor’s tomb was packed and taken away.

Even a layer of soil on the ground has been dug out.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is digging three feet into the ground.

This is very similar to when Xu Chuan entered the Emperor’s Treasure House before and saw a black line on Xu Chuan’s face.

But those people with great influence did not participate in this competition.

Not worth it, even demeaning!

They all set their sights on the ancient palace located on the top of the mountain.

Only there is the core of this emperor’s tomb!

“There is absolutely no mistake. The unparalleled opportunities in the emperor’s tomb are all in that palace!”

The leaders of the various forces looked at the palace with eyes full of unconcealable greed.

The opportunity is so close that they can no longer maintain their previous composure and tranquility.

Xu Chuan, who was at the back of the team, was not as anxious as they were. Instead, he closed his eyes and took in his surroundings.

He was looking for the mark on Lin Tian.

Soon he sensed the presence of the mark again.

Fortunately, it did not disappear due to the power of suppression.

Suddenly, Xu Chuan opened his eyes, with a smile on his face.

This time…it’s stable!

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