Fantasy Lord: Start with Daily Intelligence

Chapter 202: Neil Morton, lecturer at Imperial Canaan College

More than a month has passed, and under Joseph's leadership, the entire Eagle Town has begun a massive construction task.

Compared to the previous level, the scale of the entire Eagle Town has expanded by more than ten times.

A large number of goblin slaves are working. With these cheapest laborers, Eagle Town, no, it should be called Eagle City at this moment, has gradually taken shape.

Coupled with a large number of population supplements, the entire Eagle City is changing all the time.

When walking in it, whether it is Michael, Cheshire, or Marshall, they undoubtedly have a brand new experience.

"Master Thor is indeed a natural lord."

"Even if the Earl comes in person, I'm afraid he can't imagine that this is just the result of less than two years."

Cheshire couldn't help but sigh.

"Yes, who could have thought of this."

Michael also sighed.

"Hahaha, if you stay here for a long time, you will find more surprising things. Master Thor has more incredible things than just these."

As the two sighed, Marshall couldn't help but smile and speak.

As mentioned before, he experienced more here and understood Thor's extraordinaryness more.

That was reflected in almost every aspect.

Even though he had been preparing for the breakthrough of the Earth Knight during this period of time when he arrived at the Eagle Territory, he was deeply shocked by just a few brief contacts.


"If you say so, I really want to stay here for a while."

Chesier couldn't help but smile and speak.

"Hahaha, if you are willing, Master Thor will never let you down."

Marshall laughed and spoke.

The three talked and walked on the streets of Eagle City.

Looking at the streets that were already somewhat prosperous at this moment, and the free people, slaves, and knights with smiles, they couldn't help but feel a little peaceful in their hearts.

"By the way, Marshall, it is said that Ryan is practicing with a teacher."

"Is it true?"

While walking, Michael seemed to think of something, and his eyes could not help but look at Marshall, asking with curiosity.

He had seen Ryan before, and he had broken through to the Earth Knight.

He also heard that Ryan was learning with a teacher.

Michael couldn't help but be curious about what kind of existence could teach Ryan.

When did the Northern Province have such a powerful knight.

"Indeed, but I am not familiar with that gentleman."

"I just heard that he came from the Empire."

Listening to Michael's question, Marshall pondered for a moment, then shook his head and spoke softly.

"From the Empire?"

Michael and Chesil were both shocked.

They didn't expect that the other party was actually from the Empire.

Compared to the Kingdom, the Empire is undoubtedly high and mighty. In the Kingdom, the Empire is almost just a legend.

At this moment, I heard that someone came from the Empire.

"Yes, but I've only heard about it. Michael, Cheshire, do you want to go and meet him? Mr. Neil Morton should be teaching Ryan at the No. 1 training ground."

Marshall nodded, then looked at the sky and couldn't help but smile.

"Teach Ryan!"

"Okay, let's go and take a look first."

"To be honest, I'm really curious about the knights from the empire."

Michael and Cheshire looked at each other, both of them were a little surprised, and finally Michael nodded in agreement.

He was very curious about what kind of existence could teach Ryan, especially in this situation.

You have to know that Ryan has broken through to the Earth Knight at this moment.

The other party is at least a peak Earth Knight, and he is probably qualified to teach.

The peak Earth Knight is the representative of the powerful Earl family. Michael didn't expect that in addition to him, there might be another peak Earth Knight in the Eagle Territory.

This made his curiosity completely connected.

Faced with the curiosity of the two, Marshall did not hesitate and led the two to the No. 1 training ground.

Half an hour later

The three arrived at the No. 1 training ground.

At this moment, Ryan was indeed practicing on the training ground.

An old man was indeed teaching.

There was even an impatient voice coming from a distance.

"Ryan, how many times have I told you that the most important thing about the Knight Breathing Method is to calm your mind. You are so confused, how can the Knight Breathing Method be effective? Even in battle, it cannot be interrupted."

"Yes, that's it!"

"Come, practice with me, I will practice with the initial stage of the Earth Knight."

Voices were mixed.

In the field, two figures quickly practiced against each other.

Michael and the other two stopped subconsciously.

The three of them looked at the scene in front of them with great interest.

Just watching, Michael couldn't help but have a solemn look on his face.

It was not because of the front, Ryan, who was also in the initial stage of the Earth Knight, was almost beaten, but more importantly, the actions and moves of the old man.

It was not a complicated move, nor a powerful life source skill, but a simple basic knight swordsmanship.

But this basic swordsmanship easily blocked all of Ryan's attacks.

Even though Ryan's body was flashing with lightning and his terrifying life force was exploding, he still couldn't be shaken.

"What a terrifying control of the source of life."

"What a powerful timing."

Michael murmured to himself, unable to help but feel a deep shock in his heart.

Of course he was shocked, and the other two couldn't help but be surprised as well.

In particular, Cecil has broken through to the late stage of Earth Knight at this moment. Although he can't see it as much as Michael, he can still feel it a little bit.

In comparison, Marshall didn't notice anything.

"That gentleman is really strong. I'm afraid he has reached the late stage of Earth Knight."

The words were sighed, and Marshall couldn't help but speak with emotion.

"No, I'm afraid this is not just the late stage of the Earth Knight, it should be the peak of the Earth Knight!"

Cecil shook his head and looked at Michael as he spoke.

"No, not the peak of the Earth Knight."

Michael shook his head, a look of solemnity on his face.


Hearing Michael's answer, Cecil was a little confused and subconsciously asked a question.

"Yes, even the peak Earth Knight cannot do this."

"At least the terrifying alien life force in Ren's body is not that simple to deal with."

Faced with Cecil's doubts and confusion, Michael slowly spoke.

Just the words he said made the eyes of the remaining two people present jump.

"What do you mean?"

Cecil's eyes widened and he couldn't help but look at Michael.

"That aura makes me feel very similar to the Earl."

Michael spoke softly.

However, this sentence is enough.

"You're kidding!"

"This, how is this possible?"

The two voices came out almost at the same time.

He couldn't help but look at the school grounds again, and then at Michael.

"I can't be sure either!"

"Let's go over and take a look!"

Michael was extremely uneasy inside. After a moment's hesitation, he still greeted the two of them and headed towards the front.

At this moment, several people were talking.

At the school, the old man was already teaching Renn fighting skills.

"And this, this!"

"Besides, what are you doing?"

"Do you want your arm to be chopped off? The power of thunder is powerful enough, but if you face the alien life force of Lord Lord, your power of thunder is not enough."

A deep voice sounded.

Neal Morton is teaching Renn seriously.

He naturally felt the arrival of Michael and others, but he didn't pay too much attention.

He already knew the identities of the three people, so naturally he had no evasion.

But Ren didn't notice it. All his attention was devoted to Neal Morton's teachings. It must be said that Neal Morton's teachings were very useful to him.

Even if he breaks through to the Earth Knight at this moment, under the guidance of Neal Morton, his strength has improved a lot on the original basis.

As for Neal Morton swearing, he was already used to it.

Waves of life force were mobilized, and under Neal Morton's teachings, they were adjusted according to some of the keys just memorized.

Facing Ren's correction, Neal Morton was still very satisfied.

The young man in front of him has truly perfect talent, and he is a very eye-catching presence in the entire empire.

If placed among the colleges of the empire, it would even be enough to participate in the exchange competition between the two major imperial colleges.

As long as there are no accidents in the future, the minimum guarantee will be a Holy Knight.

This was before, but this time when he came back, he could feel that Ren had changed again.

Maybe it's not just the Holy Domain, but even a higher level, Renne has a possibility.

Even Neal Morton couldn't help but be a little envious of such a result.


"That's it for today. Take some time to stabilize yourself in the past few days. Don't rush through again. Your breakthrough this time was too hasty, and your foundation has been greatly affected."

After a while, Neal Morton waved his hand to make Ren stop, and spoke in a deep voice to give instructions.

"is teacher!"

Ren nodded respectfully.

There was also a smile on his face.

But soon he noticed the three Michaels next to him.

"Lord Michael, Lord Cecil, Lord Marshall!"

Ren spoke quickly, with a hint of respect in his expression.

"Ren, who is this one?"

Seeing that Ren noticed it, the three Michaels smiled and nodded, and Michael immediately spoke with curiosity.

"Old man, Neal Morton."

Neal Morton curled his lips and spoke angrily.

"Mr. Neil, excuse me, I wonder what your current level of knight training is?"

Facing Neal Morton's angry words, Cecil didn't care so much, and spoke with an inquiry.

"Sky Knight."

Neal Morton glanced at the three of them and spoke angrily again.

"Really, really a Sky Knight!"

Hearing Neal Morton's words, Michael and the three of them couldn't help but tremble, and Cecil couldn't help but murmur to himself.

Even though they all had guesses in Michael's words, when they actually found out, they couldn't help but feel a little shocked in their hearts.

Sky Knight, the most top existence in the kingdom.

Nowadays, when the divine realm and the holy realm are almost non-existent, a sky knight is almost enough to support the development of a family for hundreds of years.

At this moment, the Dressrosa family has a sky knight, so they are sure to enter the Marquis family.

A sky knight is an extremely important existence in the kingdom.

They never thought that there was a sky knight in Thor's Eagle Territory.

Of course, at this moment, they didn't know that Neil Morton's sky knight was different from Count Engel's sky knight. That was the peak of the sky knight, infinitely close to the existence of the Holy Knight.

Even though the injury has not been fully recovered, the strength is far beyond the almost 100% sky knights in the Tulip Kingdom.

Of course, even the news of the sky knight is enough to shock.

The three looked at each other.

There were violent waves in their hearts.

Michael's heart was full of thoughts, and his expression was solemn.

A sky knight.

Appearing in the Eagle Territory, even Michael, after recovering from the shock, couldn't help but bring a trace of worry.

"Mr. Neil, it is said that you are from the Empire?"

Michael was the first to stabilize, slightly hesitant, and spoke with caution.

Following Michael's words, Cheshire and Marshall also reacted.

A trace of worry also appeared in the eyes of the two.

A sky knight is not a simple existence in the kingdom.

There are not many sky knights in the entire kingdom. If we do not consider the power of the royal family and the three dukes, only the top ten marquis families have sky knights, and generally there is only one.

No one knows what the purpose of the appearance of one is.

In other words, no one knows whether this person is the existence of the alien god church.

They don't want Master Thor to be involved in any whirlpool.

And it seems to understand the doubts and worries of several people.

Neil Morton glanced at the three people and spoke speechlessly.

"You three, there is no need to test it. I owe the lord a favor, so I promised the lord to stay here for a while."

"As for my identity, Neil Morton, a lecturer at the Imperial Canaan College!"

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