Fantasy Lord: Start with Daily Intelligence

Chapter 214 Death and Frost, Thor's Ultimate Strength

The Northern Alliance is completely different from the Eagle Alliance. The Eagle Alliance is based on the entire Dressrosa family where Thor is, although there are still outsiders, such as Joz Auby, Lajos Asad, Babrus, and Papelorens.

But among these people, Lajos Asad has completely surrendered to Thor, and Joz Auby has also obeyed Thor's words after his trip to the North. As for Babrus and Papelorens, the former is a life and death existence for Tono, and the latter's series of things also made him have no opinion on Thor at all.

In addition, Thor occupies 50% of the entire Eagle Chamber of Commerce and has absolute right to speak.

But in the Northern Alliance, although Moravi Spencer has a relatively large proportion, it is only 18%, and more importantly, his strength cannot overwhelm everyone, and he does not have a real right to speak.

It's okay under normal circumstances, but in this case, his words obviously don't have such a strong appeal.

After the words fell, no one in the crowd moved.

Even those who hesitated held back their pace.

There was no way that Thor and Ryan were too powerful, and that scene deeply shocked them, so that they dared not act rashly for a while.

And such a result undoubtedly made Moravi Spencer look a little ugly in an instant.

He looked at the several earth knights whose names he had just called.

"Greg Caceres"

"Jurgen Vincent."

The voice was gritted, and Moravi Spencer's ugly expression was filled with anger.

"Mr. Moravi!"

Facing Moravi Spencer's almost murderous gaze, one person was a little trembling, but still prepared to speak.

"Greg, if we don't stop him, once they have dealt with the four Earth Knights, do you think we still have hope?"

"If we go together now, he is not a Sky Knight. He can defeat one peak Earth Knight, but he cannot defeat five, seven, or even ten Earth Knights."

"I will go up later, and your people will go up together. Twenty people will deal with them, and eleven people will be responsible for dealing with other Earth Knights."

Moravi Spencer's cold voice sounded, and he raised the knight's sword in his right hand, and a powerful source of life force burst out.

He knew very well that he had to do something at this moment.

Otherwise, if this continued, their thirty-five Earth Knights might be defeated against the nine Earth Knights of the Eagle Territory.

After all, once the four peak Earth Knights were lost.

With the loose appearance of the Northern Alliance, it would inevitably collapse.

And once it collapsed, the result can be imagined.

Even at this moment, Moravi Spencer still had a trace of worry in his heart.

That is, after this battle, if they cannot take down the Eagle Chamber of Commerce, then there will be no place for them in the entire Northland Province.

As for peace talks, from the moment he formed the alliance, Moravi Spencer knew very well that there would be no possibility of peace talks between them.

The Northland Province cannot accommodate two alliances.

Either they are finished, or the Eagle Chamber of Commerce is finished.

Once they fail this time, they will definitely be finished, and there will be no other possibilities.

And they have suffered heavy losses in the Northland Province, and even if they want to go to the North, it will have a great impact.


With a powerful breath bursting out, Moravi Spencer rushed directly towards Thor.

And moved with him.

Soon, one by one, the powerful noble heirs also reacted.

Moravi Spencer's words were very direct, and they naturally understood what he meant.

And as powerful noble heirs, their wisdom is not low.

Some of Moravi Spencer thought of it, and they naturally thought of it too.

They were frightened before, and now they reacted, and they made a decision quickly.

The next moment, the sea of ​​fire was torn apart again, and figures rushed out again.

This time, there were a total of 35 earth knights who came together. Two earth knights were just killed, and the two peak earth knights were severely injured. There were still 31 earth knights in the entire Northern Alliance, which was still a terrifying number.

At this moment, all 31 earth knights were mobilized.

Completely abandoned the great knights, formal knights, and trainee knights who were covered in the sea of ​​fire.

It can be expected that the great knights may be okay and can hold on, but the results of formal knights and trainee knights can be imagined.

However, at this moment, there was no time to care about so much.

Among the 31 earth knights, there were several powerful noble lords.

They rushed directly to the Eagle Territory Knights.

Among them, the earth knights under their command surrounded and killed Thor and Ryan, and they fought against the earth knights brought by Thor.

The lords of the Northern Alliance took the lead in colliding with the earth knights of the Eagle Territory.

On this side, the Northern Alliance had a total of eleven Earth Knights, fighting against the six Earth Knights of the Eagle Territory, almost two to one.

On the other side, twenty Earth Knights faced Thor and Ryan, and Michael.

That's right, Michael was also involved.

There were six more Earth Knights beside Thor and Ryan, and three more beside Michael.

The pressure suddenly increased.

Especially Thor and Ryan.

Originally, they were going to take the opportunity to kill another Earth Knight.

As a result, the two peak earth knights reacted very quickly and retreated in the blink of an eye, making it impossible for the two to attack.

Before their second wave of attacks arrived, the subsequent earth knights had completely surrounded the two.

Seven earth knights appeared in front of Thor, and the same was true beside Ryan.

There were four people beside Michael.

Facing such a huge enemy, Thor's expression could not help but be solemn.

Although his strength is comparable to that of a sky knight who has just broken through, he is not a sky knight after all and cannot fly. It is extremely difficult for one person to fight against seven earth knights, one of whom is a peak earth knight.

But fortunately, he was prepared.

At this moment, almost all the forces of the Northern Alliance have been dispatched, but his Eagle Territory has not yet.

The power that the two magicians, Avella and Anna, can display is not comparable to that of ordinary knights.

Especially Avella, as long as this one takes action, the whole battle situation may end quickly.

However, Thor did not let Ivyla take action at this moment.

This is just insurance. Thor would not let this elf girl be exposed unless it was absolutely necessary, otherwise it would be a big trouble.

Of course, more importantly, facing the seven earth knights, he was not without a way to deal with them.

So far, his law mark has only used the mark of the ice and snow law, and he has not used the mark of the death law.

The situation is not as simple as one plus one with the blessing of two law marks.


A majestic life source burst out, and the next moment, a faint black air gradually spread over the faint ice and snow mark on his forehead.

The dark breath mixed with the cold breath made the ice-blue mark dark.

The death mark was activated.

The ice-blue life source on Thor's body also gradually changed, and the cold air seemed to have dropped by several percent again.

More importantly, the breath of death began to spread from it.

"Let's go together!"

"He's very fast, be careful of his life force!"

"It's best to use life force to isolate the weapon from yourself."

The frightened peak earth knight spoke solemnly.

Even if it was only a short time, he had obviously seen the unusualness of Thor's life force.


"Got it!"

Voice after voice responded, and the remaining six earth knights quickly prepared.

However, just when they were ready.

For some reason, they instinctively felt a chill around them.

"What's going on?"

An earth knight subconsciously looked around, with a puzzled look on his face. As an earth knight, he actually felt the chill, which made him a little stunned.

"Be careful!"

"Retreat quickly!"

In the midst of the astonishment, the voice of the peak earth knight before sounded anxiously.

The figures were startled, and they almost instinctively retreated to the back.

As they retreated, layers of frost spread rapidly from afar, and in the blink of an eye, they spread to the place where they just stood. The cold breath was spreading, and all the surrounding materials were freezing rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, the area of ​​more than ten meters was completely frozen.

There was a faint wind and snow around.

Seeing this scene, everyone's face changed rapidly.

"The life force is activated, he, he is going to break through!"

"Damn it, hurry up, stop him!"

The figure at the top of the earth shouted loudly, and the next moment he didn't care about anything else. A powerful life force was mobilized by him and rushed directly to Thor.

Following him, other earth knights also reacted.

With their faces changing drastically, they also followed closely behind.

At this moment, this scene made them think of the sky knight in their minds.

Once Thor breaks through the sky knight, the consequences are simply unpredictable.

At the same time.

The battle in the distance has also broken out.

Michael was fighting against four earth knights, one of whom was a frost knight. He was in danger in an instant.

Ryan was fighting against seven people. His thunder power spread and his powerful aura spread. However, facing seven earth knights, he had reached his limit and was suppressed in an instant.

On the other side, eleven earth knights also suppressed the six earth knights of the Eagle Territory.

Not every earth knight was strong enough to cross the level. The only powerful Chesil was restrained by Moravi Spencer and two other earth knights. The remaining ones were even inferior to the earth knights of the Northern Alliance.

Such a result made the pioneering lords of the Northern Alliance breathe a sigh of relief.

Then the joy on his face became more intense.


With a roar, Chesil couldn't help but retreat, blood oozing from the corners of his mouth, and his eyes looked at all this with a solemn look.

"Shadow Knight, it seems that your journey has ended here."

Moravi's gloomy face turned into a smile again at this moment.

However, facing this person's words, Cheshire did not answer, but once again mobilized the source of life force to surge up.

In the distance.

"Anna, why don't you do it?"

Avilla was a little anxious, and her figure couldn't hold back.

"Don't worry, the master will remind us."

Anna shook her head. She had absolute confidence in Thor, and she only needed to follow Thor's arrangements.

Since Thor didn't signal them to take action, they just needed to wait.


"Thor seems to be unable to hold on!"

Avilla's face wrinkled a little.

Anna nodded again, but at this moment she was a little nervous.

Just when the two were nervous, the pioneering lords of the Northern Alliance were all happy, and the Eagle Territory Earth Knights were suppressed.


A majestic breath suddenly swept away, and the next moment a terrifying cold air instantly spread to the entire surroundings.

Along the way, layers of ice spread, and in the blink of an eye, hundreds of meters around turned into a world of ice and snow.

At the same time, the cold air swept across the entire battlefield.

Moravy Spencer, who was originally proud, changed his face.

"What is this?"

His pupils contracted, and his sight instantly looked into the distance.

This sight caused his pupils to contract violently.

Because at this moment, the battlefield in the distance, which belonged to Thor, had turned into a world of ice and snow. The icy breath completely froze the place, and the seven figures turned into ice sculptures at this moment.

Bundles of cold air were spreading.

In the center of the ice and snow world, Thor supported the knight's spear and gasped heavily.

On his forehead, the mark of ice and snow and the mark of death gradually dimmed.

The life force in his body was almost completely drained.

But fortunately, strands of death breath intertwined on the ice sculptures one by one. As the death breath spread, strands of life force were drawn out and gathered on Thor, quickly restoring his completely dried life force.

Of course, no one noticed this scene at this moment, and everyone was staring at it in a daze.

Even the battlefields in the distance stopped subconsciously.

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