Fantasy Lord: Start with Daily Intelligence

Chapter 220 Count Engel is crazy?

Marquis Spencer may not have paid much attention to Moravi Spencer, his son, but the problem is that his father attaches great importance to him, as the only Sky Knight of the Spencer family.

My father loves his son very much.

If it were not for the noble tradition of the nobility, the next heir would be Moravian Spencer.

Because of this, in order to prevent any big problems from arising, Marquis Spencer sent his son to the Northland Province to develop.

He even gave a lot of resources to this end.

Not only did it have the titled "Frost Knight" as its guardian knight, but it also dispatched several earth knights.

But the result.

His son had just left for the Northern Province and died not long after.

Such a result was almost difficult for him to accept, and at the same time he couldn't help but tremble.

Once his father knew about this, he would be in big trouble.

"damn it!"

"how come?"

"Are Dressrosa and the others crazy?"

Spencer murmured words, and his figure kept moving back and forth, unable to calm down at all.

Thoughts flashed through my mind.

There is anger, there is worry.

The look is also constantly changing.


"Family Dressrosa!"

Marquis Spencer murmured to himself, a thought flashed through his mind, and his eyes also took on a fierce light at this moment.

Of course, Count Engel did not know that Spencer had received the news at this moment.

After reading Thor's letter and gradually recovering from the shock, Count Engel began to consider the next plan.

Originally, he had no intention of exposing himself in the short term, even when he visited the marquis families before, but the situation at this moment was completely different.

With the temptation of hundreds of thousands of gold coins, it seems that there is no point in exposing the Sky Knight's cultivation.

In the study room.

Count Engel sat down again, picked up the quill and pondered for a moment, and then started writing.

Time passes slowly.

Soon, a letter was written by him.


Count Engel spoke.

Soon the door was pushed open and the butler Charlie walked in.


Butler Charlie spoke respectfully.

"Send this letter to the Spencer family, and draft nineteen claims for me. Just say that they rashly attacked the Eagle Territory and destroyed the nobles' most cherished character. We, the Dressrosa family, can see Out of friendship with the nobles of the Tulip Kingdom, they will release their pioneer knights, but they will need to pay a sum of gold coins."

"As for the value of gold coins, just follow this!"

Count Engel pondered for a moment, then handed the two pieces of letter paper to the butler Charlie, and spoke slowly.


Butler Charlie nodded slightly and then took the letter.

But when he accidentally saw the content of the claim in the first letter, his brows couldn't help but jump.

"Master, this?"

Butler Charlie was shocked and couldn't help but look at Count Engel.

"Just do as I say, you don't need to be responsible for the rest."


Although the housekeeper's heart was full of ups and downs, he quickly retreated.

Watching the butler Charlie retreat, Count Engel couldn't help but have a smile on his face.

"Thor, my son, this time my father will teach you another lesson. Since you have offended them, the best solution is to deal with them completely!"

Count Engel spoke with a chuckle, and there was a cold light in his eyes.

Two letters he gave to his butler Charlie.

One of them was given to the nineteen powerful nobles, but the claim was not what Thor requested, but he cut it in half directly. Since these people were not too offended, there was no need to force too much. These powerful nobles can get 30,000 to 50,000 gold coins, but if they do, it will be almost impossible for the Dressrosa family and them to resolve the issue.

In contrast, if you only ask for half of it, you will only get tens of thousands of gold coins. Even if many powerful nobles feel pain, there will be no problem in the noble practice.

Of course, just because he cut these people in half doesn't mean that Count Engel doesn't need gold coins anymore.

But he has only one target, and that is the Spencer family.

Morave Spencer, as the leader of the Northern Alliance, and more importantly, he has been killed. In this case, he has been offended anyway. Count Engel does not mind sucking a wave of blood from the opponent. .

A scion of a powerful marquis family, let alone tens of thousands of gold coins, I believe he can still obtain hundreds of thousands of gold coins.

As for whether this will completely anger the other party.

Engel isn't worried at all.

Angered is better.

If he could make the Spencer family unable to restrain themselves from attacking him, he would take advantage of the situation and deal with it directly.

The kingdom only strictly prohibits nobles from conquering each other, but does not strictly prohibit counterattacks.

At this moment, Count Engel has already had an idea. Of course, everything still depends on how the Spencer family responds.


Starting from Dressrosa Castle, one by one the knights headed to the territory of the twenty powerful nobles.

When letters arrive one after another.

The powerful nobles who had not received the news were suddenly stunned.

Nanyue Province.


That was the sound of a plate breaking, and a figure suddenly stood up.

"How could it be?"

"This, this!"

The figure was stunned and incredulous.

"My Lord Marquis, this is a letter sent by our Lord. After you read it, if you have any questions, you can go to Dressrosa Castle."

The knight said respectfully.

"Got it!"

"You can go down!"

The figure waved his hand, his face was a little ugly, but at this moment he could only nod and speak.

Of course, he was not the only one who was ugly, shocked, and incredulous at this moment.

Twenty pioneer lords, including nineteen of the powerful nobles behind the pioneer lords, were shocked by the sudden news.

Their first reaction was unbelievable.

After all, this was almost impossible.

The strength of the children they sent was so strong that it was okay in the North, but it was impossible for this scene to happen in the North Province.

However, this was a letter from an earl, and they had to believe it.

After all, this kind of thing, they had no objection to deceiving them.

As long as they investigated, they would understand.

In fact, it was true. When some of these powerful noble descendants sent people to investigate, they soon confirmed this.

Their descendants were indeed captured.

And unexpectedly, the alliance of dozens of pioneering lords was directly defeated by Thor's family. This was incredible.

They even felt the same as Count Engel at this moment.

There was an illusion that the whole world was crazy.

That was the alliance of 20 powerful noble descendants. They were 19 powerful nobles, and the power of many families might not be comparable to that of the alliance.

Unless it was a sky knight, there would be no chance.

But it was in this impossibility that there was a possibility.

"Dressrosa Family!"

"Tor Dressrosa!"

Someone murmured to himself. At this moment, the marquis families had this name deeply imprinted in their hearts.

No matter how Thor did it, this means and ability, even as marquises, they would look at it sideways.

Many marquis families, after a slight hesitation, directly sent people to the Dressrosa family with gold coins.

Of course, there were also people with flashing eyes.

No action was taken.

Because as they learned more about the information of the Northern Province, they knew a lot, and they also knew that Tor Dressrosa killed Moravis Spencer.

This matter is not so easy to be peaceful.

The strength of the Spencer family is relatively strong even among the powerful marquis families. Although it is not as good as the three top marquis families, there is only one sky knight in the family, but that sky knight is a mid-level sky knight.

It is precisely because of this that the Spencer family has always been extremely strong.

Such a thing is almost impossible for the Spencer family to endure.

They can't help but look forward to what the Spencer family will do next.

When these people received the letter and learned about the Northern Province.

The Spencer family also received a letter of claim from Count Engel.

In the study.


"Dressrosa family, good, good, very good!"

"I haven't looked for you yet, but you came to my door."

A dull voice sounded, and Marquis Spencer looked ugly. The corner of the desk in front of him turned into powder, and his face was extremely ugly.

When he got the news before, he was already thinking about how to teach the Dressrosa family a big lesson.

His Spencer family is not so easy to bully.

But he didn't expect that before he took action, the Dressrosa family's claim information had arrived.

This claim information made his anger almost uncontrollable and burst out.

The content of the claim is very simple. Moravis Spencer, in the name of the Spencer family, joined other nobles to attack the Eagle Territory, and the damage to the Eagle Territory must be compensated.

Spencer must pay 300,000 gold coins for free.

300,000 gold coins.

Marquis Spencer thought that Count Engel might be crazy.

Even for a powerful Marquis family, it is difficult to earn more than 50,000 gold coins in a year. Even if some income is added secretly, the annual income of a powerful Marquis family is only about 70,000 to 80,000 gold coins at most.

Count Engel asked for 300,000 gold coins at the first word, which is the total income for three years.

Not to mention, even a Marquis family can't take out so many gold coins at once. Even if he can, he will be crazy, otherwise it is impossible.

"Good, very good!"

"Dressrosa family, come!"

Marquis Spencer said.


The door was pushed open and a male servant walked in quickly.


The male servant said respectfully.

"Give this letter to my father."

Said in a low voice.


The male servant responded respectfully, then quickly picked up the letter on the desk and retreated carefully.

And after the male servant left for a while


A cold voice sounded in the castle, and the next moment, a figure rushed directly into the sky in the castle.

"Engel, I didn't expect you to be so stupid!"

"Eagle Knight, so what!"

Looking at the figure rushing into the sky, Marquis Spencer had a cold smile on his face.

Thinking of the past in his mind, the smile on his face became more and more intense.

As a person of the same generation as Earl Engel, even as the heir of a powerful Marquis family, or even the heir of the Marquis family, Earl Engel still firmly pressed on them.

The reputation of the Eagle Knight is the most resounding existence even in the entire Tulip Kingdom.

Any Earth Knight will be eclipsed by this name, even if he is still like this now.

It's just that this kind of light will probably be completely extinguished in the future.

No matter how powerful the Earth Knight is, it is just an Earth Knight, not a Sky Knight.

With his father, although the Dressrosa family cannot be destroyed in the laws of the kingdom, it is possible for Earl Engel.

And the Sky Knight turned out and quickly attracted the attention of many nobles.

Especially the family among the 19 powerful nobles who had been watching Spencer's reaction, almost noticed it immediately.

Each of them had a twinkling eye, with a look of expectation and smile.

There were even powerful nobles who sent people to follow the sky knight to Dressrosa.

The entire kingdom suddenly became lively.

Dressrosa Territory.

It was a few days later when Earl Engel received the message.

At this time, the sky knight was even less than a few days away from Dressrosa Castle.

"In the study!"

"Zhaparov Spencer, Sky Knight!"

After muttering to himself, Earl Engel looked at the sky in the distance, with a look of expectation in his eyes.

This time he was ready to show his strength, and it would be better to have a sky knight as a foil.

Especially this sky knight is still enough, a mid-level sky knight, even among the sky knights of the powerful marquis, he is considered a relatively powerful existence.

Of course, compared to his calmness, many people at this moment are excited, curious, or nervous, and uneasy.

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