Fantasy Lord: Start with Daily Intelligence

Chapter 223: Shocking the Tulip Kingdom, Family Development

"I lost!"

Zhaparov Spencer's face kept changing, and he finally closed his eyes and spoke slowly.

"Sir Zaparov, take a good rest in our Dressrosa Castle for a while!"

"I believe the Spencer family should give me a satisfactory answer."

"By the way, the town of Dressrosa was also destroyed due to our battle. A compensation of 100,000 gold coins is not enough, 200,000 gold coins."

"A total of 500,000 gold coins, and there should be no problem in giving us a share of the Spencer family's green salt business."

Count Engel pulled out the knight's spear and chuckled.


Zhaparov Spencer had closed his eyes in pain, but when he heard Count Engel's words, he suddenly opened his eyes with a hint of anger.

500,000 gold coins.

Forget it.

As the loser, he must pay a compensation, even if 500,000 gold coins will almost drain the Spencer family's accumulation of ten years, but he also accepted it.

However, he did not expect that the Dressrosa family wanted not only gold coins, but also the blue salt business.

As a powerful marquis family, they generally have independent industries.

Blue salt is the unique industry of their Spencer family. Since the Tulip Kingdom is not close to the sea, the salt comes from various well salts and lake salts every year. There is a Qinghai Lake near the Frost Moon Province in their West Moon Province. The production of lake salt is enough to bring their family more than 30,000 gold coins every year.

This business, even the other two major marquis families in the West Moon Province cannot get involved.

"Mr. Zaparov, this is not up to you. I believe that Marquis Spencer will make his own correct choice."

In the face of Zaparov Spencer's anger, Earl Engel was very casual.

He had already set his sights on that Qinghai Lake.

Even if the Spencer family did not take action, his next expansion would be there.

After all, as he was promoted to Sky Knight, if he wanted to gain enough merit points, he needed to expand the strength of his family, and more industries and more gold coins were indispensable.

The Qinghai Lake was not far from the Dressrosa territory, only less than fifty miles away. In this case, obtaining its ownership was undoubtedly the best choice.

But before he could figure out how to act, the Spencer family took the initiative to deliver it to him.

As the only Sky Knight of the Spencer family, Zaparov Spencer wanted to redeem him, and the Spencer family believed that they would know how to choose.

After all, Sky Knights and Earth Knights are different.

As an earl family, although not every family can continuously produce Earth Knights, there is basically a guarantee, but Sky Knights, even a powerful marquis family, may not be able to guarantee the continuous birth.

Without the Sky Knight, the Spencer family is almost out of the game in the next kingdom war.

Let alone the harvest, it is hard to say whether the current powerful marquis family can be maintained.


Zhaparov Spencer's face changed instantly, and he subconsciously wanted to speak, but Count Engel had ignored him at this moment.

His figure took a step.

The Knights who had arrived behind him quickly controlled Zaparov Spencer.

However, this scene was reflected in the eyes of the Knights who had just arrived in the town of Dressrosa.


Someone spoke subconsciously, but at this moment they didn't know how to speak.

What kind of existence is Zaparov? The Sky Knight of the powerful Marquis Spencer family is said to have entered the middle stage of the Sky Knight, but now he was crushed so easily by Count Engel.

The huge pit and the controlled figure in the pit gave them a great impact, even as great as the Sky Knight cultivation that Count Engel had just shown.


After a long time, a figure in the Pat Knights couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

"Quick, Mike, return to Pat City immediately to inform the Marquis!"

Suddenly, this figure seemed to have thought of something, and spoke eagerly.


A knight quickly responded, and then led his men back in the direction they came from.

At this moment, figures in other knight groups also reacted.

And these people made the same choice almost in the same way.

One by one, the men returned.

It can be expected that it won't take long.

This news will shake the entire kingdom.

The birth of a sky knight has a huge impact on the kingdom.

It is even enough to cause a huge sensation.

The changes to the entire Frost Moon Province are even more significant.

This means that a powerful Marquis family has been born at this moment.

The Dressrosa family can no longer be regarded as a count family.

After letting the men quickly inform the family.

These knights quickly headed towards Count Engel.

Soon, these knights arrived at the town of Dressrosa.

At this moment, they could see the huge pit more clearly. Everyone's heart couldn't help but beat violently when they passed by.

Especially the Knights of the Pat family.

At this moment, they were nervous and even more uneasy.

In Frost Moon Province, Engel's breakthrough undoubtedly completely broke the situation in Frost Moon Province.

Of course it doesn't matter what their mood is.

They arrived in the small town of Dressrosa.

Without any hesitation, these knights submitted invitations to Count Engel one after another.

Count Engel did not refuse the meeting with these people and received them one by one.

Compared to his toughness towards the Spencer family, Count Engel was extremely friendly towards these arriving families regardless of their purpose.

Especially the Pat family.

It even showed that the Dressrosa family would not undermine the respective interests of the Frost Moon Province for the time being.

The core descendant of the Pat family couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

The oppression of other families has completely disappeared.

Those families who made claims did not say anything, and directly promised to send the gold coins for compensation immediately. So far, they have only been delayed for some time on the road.

Count Engel agreed with a smile.

It doesn't matter whether these people's gold coins were delayed or they were not prepared at all.

As a count for decades, Count Engel knows very well that the strength of the Dressrosa family has indeed improved through him. However, only relying on him, the strength of the entire Dressrosa family is still only one. The extent of the earl family.

If you want to expand, it is obviously not enough at the moment.

He still needs time.

The family also needs time.

In this case, it is better to maintain the status quo for the time being.

Anyway, as long as it can be inserted into Qinghai Lake and the compensation is obtained, Dressrosa will not be short of any gold coins in a short time.

While Engel was dealing with corresponding matters.

The news swept away like a whirlwind.

Zhaparov Spencer came to Dressrosa to cause trouble, but was easily defeated by Count Engel and captured.

Such news, not to mention the entire Frost Moon Province, even the entire Tulip Kingdom was shocked by it.

Pat City.


"Count Engel made a breakthrough?"

Marquis Pat suddenly stood up, his expression changing greatly.

"Yes, Lord Engel did break through. Lord Zhaparov and Lord Engel fought in the Dressrosa family, and Lord Zhaparov was defeated in the end."

"Lord Sade has gone to visit Lord Engel and asked his subordinates to report back."

The knight spoke respectfully.

But his certain words made Marquis Pat unable to calm down at all.

But just at this moment.

The door was pushed open and a figure walked in.


Seeing the person coming, Marquis Pat quickly spoke respectfully.

"I didn't expect that the Dressrosa family really gave birth to an eagle. You should go there today. The Dressrosa family can get an additional 20% of the share of the Sahara mine. Our Pat family will give it to us. Eight percent will be taken out, and the other five percent will be drawn from the Emerson family and a dozen other earl families.”

The old man spoke in a low voice.


After hearing his grandfather's words, Marquis Pat's expression changed.

Even if they occupy only 30% of the Sahara Mine, they will immediately give up 8%, which is almost a quarter, not to mention the Dressrosa family. It already occupies 12%, which is not a low proportion. If you add 20% to it, it will become 32%, making it the largest shareholding in the Sahara Mine in one fell swoop.

"Do as I say!"

"Even if you don't give them to me, the Dressrosa family will be able to get them sooner or later, and they can get more."

The old man snorted coldly.

As a Sky Knight, he clearly understands the significance of being a veteran Sky Knight in the mid-term who can defeat Zhaparov Spencer just after a breakthrough.

Especially at this moment, Count Engel is only considered to be in the prime of life among knights, and he has a chance to reach the peak of the Sky Knights.

It can be expected that the kingdom will definitely provide some support to Count Engel.

Even if he doesn't give these things, he will spit them out when the time comes, so it's better to stop them.


Although Marquis Pat was a little entangled, he quickly agreed to his grandfather's words.

"By the way, that Ruby Dressrosa, you can tell him that the Pat family can grant him freedom at any time. If he is willing, we can let him go to the north."

Seemingly thinking of something, Marquis Pat spoke again.


This time, Marquis Pat was very decisive.

Although Ruby Dressrosa was very talented, he had previously promised to give Ruby Dressrosa the opportunity to achieve meritorious service in the Kingdom War, but at first it was just a drawing of a cake, and he was still struggling with whether to really give it to her.

But at this moment, the strength of the Dressrosa family has been greatly improved, and there is no big problem in realizing the pie ahead of schedule.

"Go, don't forget to prepare another generous gift and go to congratulate Count Engel for breaking through the Sky Knights."

The old man nodded and then spoke.


Marquis Pat responded.

And it was not just the Pat family who reacted at this moment.

All the powerful nobles have undoubtedly received the news at this moment.

When the news came back, their first reaction was that it was false.

How can this be.

Even if Count Engel breaks through the Sky Knight, how can he be the opponent of Zhaparov Spencer? Zhaparov Spencer has reached the middle stage of the Sky Knight.

But soon, more news came, and they had to accept this information.

Those powerful nobles who had not prepared to pay gold coins before began to prepare now.

It even got a little heavier.

Even the nobles who had prepared before were also preparing generous gifts.

For a time, Count Engel became the subject of heated discussion throughout the kingdom.

Even in the three major duke families, some people paid attention to this news.

After all, the Sky Knights, even among the Duke family, don't have many, let alone those who can defeat the Sky Knights in the mid-term after just breaking through.

Nanyue Province.

The Pu'er family.

"He actually broke through. In the past fifty years, he must be the first person from the Earl family to break through the Sky Knight."

"Joseph, prepare a gift for me to congratulate me!"

Duke Lepu'er spoke, with a smile on his face, and gave instructions to the young man next to him.

"Yes, Father!"

The young man spoke respectfully.

"By the way, prepare well during this period, and try to reach the Earth Knight before the age of sixty. Over there at the ruins, you may be able to get another quota. If you miss this time, your probability of breaking through the Sky Knight will be further reduced."

As if thinking of something, Duke Lepu'er spoke again.

"Thank you, father. I understand."

The young man nodded, looking a little excited.

Even in the Duke family, the probability of breaking through the Sky Knights is not very high.

This time his father gave him a chance, even though his heart couldn't help but beat.

"Okay, that's it. You go and do this first."

Duke Lepu'er nodded and then ignored him.

In the Tulip Kingdom, the three great dukes are almost the same.

Personnel were sent to the Dressrosa family.

Compared to them, the Spencer family is completely unacceptable.

This kind of information is no less than a meteorite falling on the entire family.

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