The Mist tribe has always been huge and mysterious, with traces of many time, space and universes around the corner. They are not native creatures of the fairy civilization.

But in ancient times, it suddenly came and took root here.

This family has a deep connection with the Greek Yuan civilization.

There are also many rumors that the Mist tribe actually comes from the Xiyuan civilization and is a branch of an ancient ethnic group.

However, such rumors have never been confirmed, and few people know their authenticity.

At this moment, the many figures kneeling in this hall are all elder-level beings with names within the Mist Clan.

Their cultivation is profound and they have practiced Taoism for many eras, which is comparable to the elders of the Hun and Zhuo tribes.

Everyone looked extremely pious, praying constantly and chanting ancient sacrificial texts.

Pieces of shining words like stars emerged, then lit up and fell into the altar.

The center of the altar glowed, as if a crystal-clear ancient mirror appeared. The radiance reflected was enough to penetrate time, space and latitude, and reach unknown and distant places.

The vague god standing in the middle slowly turned around after hearing these prayers.

His deep gaze fell over, looking down at the people here calmly and indifferently.

He couldn't see his face clearly, nor could he tell his gender. There was a crack on his forehead, and his vertical pupils were tightly closed.

The faint golden thunder pattern lingers, seeming to contain all the mysterious secrets from the beginning of the world.

"Why did you wake me up again?"

He was speaking, looking at these elders of the Fog Clan, and his tone was ancient and stern, without any emotion.

Looking at this figure, all the elders of the Fog Clan were even more excited and excited.

Those who were kneeling at the front , and even said bluntly,"Return to your Majesty"

"The Hun and Zhuo tribes have violated their original covenant oath and abandoned the Xiyuan civilization. Now they are secretly contacting outsiders and are ready to extend their claws to us at any time.……"

"We suspect that there are forces outside the fairy civilization already stationed and waiting, ready to take over this world.……"

"The fairy civilization is afraid of a great disaster, which is a catastrophe for us, the Mist tribe. I beg you to send an envoy to come and eliminate this disaster and restore peace to the fairy civilization."

They have all seen the changes in the Zhuo and Hun tribes during this period.

There is no airtight wall between heaven and earth, let alone these two huge tribes.

The informants placed by the Wu tribe have already received the information. , and passed it back.

Now, they took great risks to contact the Xiyuan Civilization. I am afraid that the informants of the Zhuo Clan and the Hun Clan have also noticed, and they are passing the news back.

Next, they and the Zhuo Clan It is very likely that fighting will occur between them, and the entire fairy civilization will be in chaos.

As the four most powerful super forces of the fairy civilization, once a war breaks out, the scope of the impact is absolutely unimaginable.

All time, space and the universe will be Being shrouded and covered, no ethnic group or force can escape from the world.

At this time, the only way is to contact the Xiyuan Civilization.

After all, the Fairy Civilization is an affiliated civilization of the Xiyuan Civilization. If there is turmoil here, the Xiyuan Civilization will not Maybe they just sit back and do nothing.

Moreover, this is an external force trying to occupy this world and cause chaos.

This is tantamount to a provocative move for the Xiyuan civilization.

If it is not dealt with, once it spreads in the vast world, it will also cause chaos. How to gain a foothold and be known by other powerful civilizations without losing face?

"How many epochs have passed, and there are still forces that dare to ignore our Xiyuan civilization and do such an offensive thing?"

"It seems that because for so long, my Xiyuan civilization has been too low-key and forgotten by people in the vast world?"

"This time, it’s time to let the vast world know about the power of our Xiyuan civilization."

Hearing the words reported by the elders of the Mist Clan.

This god-like figure's face was obviously colder, and his eyes were deeper.

He seemed to be talking to himself, and also seemed to be talking to everyone in the Mist Clan. Listen, the tone can't hide the anger

"I beg you, your Majesty, to report this matter and ask your envoy to come. We, the Wu Clan, are willing to be the envoys of the Xiyuan Civilization and charge forward to kill offending enemies and promote the power of the Xiyuan Civilization."

The elders of the Mist tribe were even more excited and excited. They hurriedly asked for help and were willing to look ahead and behind.

This god-like figure glanced at them and was quite satisfied with their attitude.

He nodded and said indifferently ,

"I already know about this matter and will explain everything to you, so you can rest assured. Within the territory of our Xiyuan civilization, there is no force that dares to cause chaos"

"Even if the era ends and liquidation comes, our Xiyuan civilization will remain aloof and unaffected. For all eternity, the sea has turned into dust and is nothing more than smoke and cloud. Now it has just been low-key for a few eras and will soon be forgotten by the world, haha.……"

Finally, He let out a disdainful sneer, and his figure quickly disappeared from the altar.

Seeing this, the elders of the Mist Clan stood up from the ground.

Many people had expectant and excited smiles on their faces, as if they had seen the Greek civilization dispatch envoys and lead the army to calm the chaos.

How powerful the Xiyuan civilization was was far beyond their imagination.

The foundation of the most powerful civilization is definitely not comparable to that of ancient civilizations.

For ordinary practitioners in the vast world, they just know that the most powerful civilization must have the presence of the ancestral realm to sit in, and the birth and death of the palm is just a thought.

But this is only one of the conditions for civilization promotion.

A truly powerful civilization must have many existences in the ancestral realm, and it can also forge eternal and immortal civilization treasures and carry the true destiny of a civilization.

To put it bluntly, even if the most powerful civilization with the most precious treasure of civilization has experienced countless disasters, faced with the reckoning of the era and the catastrophe of doomsday, it can still find a way to be independent, continue its civilization, and reproduce for two, three, or even tens of millions of generations..

How many ancient civilizations were destroyed in various natural and man-made disasters such as the era of reckoning and the dark catastrophe. Since then, they have collapsed, turned into catastrophic soil, and been annihilated in the long river of time.

Only the most powerful civilization is qualified to find another chance of survival and survive in adversity.

"This time the Zhuo and Hun tribes are seeking their own death. They have lived enough. Do you really think that the Xiyuan civilization won't notice their little actions?"

"Haha, we don’t have to do anything, just wait for them to be stupid."

"Now that the Xiyuan civilization is aware of this matter, it will definitely send strong men to come."

"From now on, the Fairy Civilization will only be dominated by the Wu Clan. How can the Gu Clan deserve to be alongside us? After the Zhuo Clan and the Hun Clan are dealt with, we will attack them next."

The elders of the Mist Clan have already learned about the actions of the Zhuo Clan and the Hun Clan a few days ago.

After they discussed it, the clan made various preparations for the response, and then contacted the Xiyuan Civilization..Before the Xiyuan civilization sent strong men to come, what they might encounter had already been calculated.

Even if the Zhuo tribe and the Hun tribe jointly attacked, they would have ways to compete and delay the time.

In addition, they also I have contacted the ancestors of the Yu tribe and plan to put aside their feud and work together to resolve this crisis. The four tribes are far apart from each other. If the Hun tribe and the Zhuo tribe want to attack the Wu tribe, then There will definitely be no way around the Yu tribe.

And the Yu tribe will definitely not allow it. If the powerful men of the Hun tribe and the Zhuo tribe cross their territory, a war will definitely break out between them.

The Wu tribe's wishful thinking is very good. In this case, At the critical moment, they privately promised the Nun tribe that they would join forces to fight against the two tribes.

However, they planned to let the Nun tribe fight in the front first, consuming the power of the Hun tribe and the Zhuo tribe, and delaying the arrival of the power of the Xiyuan civilization.


The birth of Biyou Tianjing caused a stir in the fairy civilization.

Countless forces and practitioners are paying close attention to what is happening over there.

In this situation, many powerful groups are faintly aware of a strange and turbulent undercurrent.

A depressing atmosphere of impending rain quietly enveloped the universe everywhere.

Many practitioners have noticed that the Zhuo and Hun tribes are instructing many tribesmen who have been training outside to return during this period.

At the same time, some strong men from the affiliated force groups in the distant universe were also recruited back, as if something big was about to happen.

In addition, the Mist Clan and the Gu Clan are also making big moves. They seem to be putting aside their past grievances and joining forces to fight against the Zhuo Clan and the Hun Clan.

Once these four superpowers fight, they will definitely break the peace that has existed in the fairy civilization for many epochs.

At this time, even some ordinary practitioners are a little worried, extremely worried, and afraid of harming the fish in the pond.

Once a war breaks out, no one will be able to escape safely.

Many powerful groups are inextricably linked, and one move affects the whole body.

The Zhuo and Hun tribes have existed for too long.

So much so that many ethnic groups in the universe now have deep intertwining ties with these two groups.

Even a group like the Eternal Gods, which has always been aloof and mysterious, is vaguely worried, feeling that there will be a major reshuffle in the situation of the fairy civilization.

When the time comes, they will never be able to remain neutral and will be dragged into the water together.

Many forces and practitioners are speculating on the origin of all this. In the past, there was peace among the four races.

However, during this period, the relationship between the four tribes deteriorated sharply.

They suspect that there is actually an invisible hand pushing behind this.

All kinds of targets are focused on Gu Changge in Gufeng Ancient City, and many practitioners feel that they must be inseparable from him.

His arrival was the root cause of the great change in the situation of the fairy civilization.

Guessing this, many people cursed secretly in their hearts and were extremely angry, but there was nothing they could do.

After all, the old servants around Gu Changge were as powerful as the ancestors of the Hun tribe.

Could it be that they could still kill him?

Apart from cursing a few times in my mind, I really couldn't do anything.

In this situation, the birth of Biyou Tianjing seems a little unimportant.

At this moment, in the realm of fairy civilization,, the huge ancient warship in the Lingxu True Realm.

Wanyanxiu and other ancestors of the Lingxu royal family also received the news from the Linghuang, asking them to prepare at any time to lead the army to attack.

Once the situation of the fairy civilization is in chaos, it will be the best time for them to end.

Chu Lian and others, who followed Zhuoyou and the Zhuo tribe to the fairy civilization, have been following Zhang Changge's instructions to inquire about news about the fairy civilization.

Chu Lian was cautious by nature and was extremely worried at first, thinking that there would be danger.

However, as the subsequent tasks became easier, he gradually relaxed and no longer thought about how to survive every day.

After arriving at the fairy civilization, he did not encounter any danger.

Many things went smoothly, and nothing happened as imagined.

This also made Chu Lian begin to doubt whether Gu Changge's words, which he just let them sharpen for a while, were true or false.

Now it seems to be true.

None of them encountered any danger, and they didn't even use the rare treasures given by Gu Changge.

Smooth sailing and a smooth journey.

Apart from the fact that the weapon spirit of the Great Wish Ball was increasingly ignoring him, there seemed to be nothing wrong with him.

Chu Lian can also clearly feel the improvement of his own cultivation.

Compared with the universe where the Lingxu royal family is located, the fairy civilization is obviously more suitable for long-term living and cultivation.

"However, according to the indigenous practitioners of the fairy civilization, I am afraid that a war will happen next."

"Could it be related to Mr. Gu? Is this the purpose of coming to the fairy civilization?"

Although Chu Lian has not been related to the important figures of the fairy civilization, he has heard a lot of news in the past few days.

He immediately guessed that the mysterious young master in white was the Mr. Gu mentioned by the Spirit Emperor. Changge.

Chu Lian was really shocked. He couldn't even imagine how Gu Changge controlled and dominated all of this secretly.

The entire ancient civilization seemed to be under his control.

The true world of Lingxu lies in the fairy world. In the face of civilization, there is no comparison at all.

Compared with Chu Lian's shock and incredible.

Today, the Great Vision Ball Artifact Spirit is more worried.

It is in a state of fear every day. Now Chu Lian Lian's alien personality disappeared and was never seen again.

Without the protection of the alien personality, the secret of heaven reappeared, and a slightly stronger being could easily sense the existence of the Ball of Ambition.

But Chu Lian himself, for this Just don’t know anything yet

"Fortunately, the Fairy Civilization is just an ancient civilization. If the Ball of Ambition, which is the most powerful civilization, is discovered, it will surely cause shocking waves.……"

"It's time for me to make a choice, otherwise it will harm Chu Lian and me in the end."

The weapon spirit of the Great Wish Ball, after careful consideration during this period, finally made a decision.

It planned to confess the whole story to Chu Lian and tell him the truth, thus forcing Chu Lian to give up the Great Wish Ball himself.

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