Luo Xiangjun was a little unwilling. In order to obtain the five eternal artifacts left by the Eternal First God, she searched for many civilizations, and finally came to the fairy civilization, where she delayed and planned for a long time.

But now, she was actually asked to give up, and she couldn't bear to do so.

She is naturally not a saint from the Eternal God Clan, and there are many rumors about her outside.

For example, the so-called closed town since ancient times has only appeared in this world, but it is just a pretense.

The saint of the Eternal God Clan who should really be sealed off is still buried in the Eternal God Clan.

Luo Xiangjun just took over his identity.

She was able to come and go freely in the tomb of the Eternal Prime God, and she was naturally able to disguise herself as a saint under the eyes of the Eternal God Clan.

It's just ridiculous that Li Yang, the contemporary Eternal Son of God, dares to take advantage of her.

Even the leader of the Eternal God Clan felt that she was extremely talented and wanted to bring her and Li Yang together.

Luo Xiangjun was still planning the Eternal Divine Clan's Eternal Divine Sword, so he did not show much resistance. He had always been very indifferent to Li Yang and kept a distance.

This alienation did not arouse the attention of Li Yang and others, thinking that it was due to her nature.

As everyone knows, this was purely intentional by Luo Xiangjun, who planned to hang Li Yang and others, and then slowly try to seize the Eternal Divine Clan's Eternal Divine Sword in his hands.

In addition, the whereabouts of the Eternal Divine Furnace lost by the Eternal God Clan is also closely related to Li Yang.

Luo Xiangjun suspected that the previous generation of eternal saints deliberately left hands and feet on the simple jade pendant left to Li Yang before she passed away.

Liyang's simple jade pendant can find the eternal furnace.

Five eternal artifacts, she already has the Eternal Divine Bead and the Eternal Divine Seal in her hand. As long as she gets three more eternal artifacts, she can find the legacy left by the Eternal Prime God.

"The Eternal Beginning God was initially suspected to be an existence beyond the level of Lu End. After his death, his body transformed into many ancient worlds, and his backbone evolved into heaven and earth. Many powerful creatures and innate gods were born from the wreckage, and the essence and blood after his death, It turned into a lineage of the Eternal God Clan, but it is a pity that this ethnic group, which was once extremely powerful, can now only inhabit one ancient civilization.……"

"Although what I stole was just an empty tomb, I also gained a lot of benefits. It is reported that the true wealth and accumulation of the Eternal Prime God are all in his legacy."

"If I can obtain its legacy, my strength will definitely be improved."

Luo Xiangjun sighed.

There are many practitioners in the vast world who do not belong to any civilization. Some are called"madmen" and others are called"thieves."

Unfortunately, she is one of them."Thieves", who are specifically concerned about the many famous treasures and inheritances in the vast world.

And the Luju level existence she is sighing about now actually has another name in the vast world, and is called the peak of the Nine Tribulations of the Tao Realm.

As the name suggests, The existence of this realm has already stood at the end of the Tao realm, and has survived nine tribulations of heaven's decline, which is the peak of the ancestral realm.

If one takes another step forward, it is detachment.

Of course, there is actually another way of saying it, Tao Above the nine kalpas, there is a tenth kalpa. Nine is the ultimate number. Above the extreme number, it is the supreme.

This kalpa is called the supreme realm.

However, those who can really reach this realm , so rare and incredible that it only exists in deductions.

Luo Xiangjun has never heard of it.

The Eternal Beginning God she is talking about now is extremely mysterious, and no one knows its origin.

He once passed down the Eternal God Many ancient heavenly books such as Yiqi, Eternal Essence, and Eternal Illustrations were more powerful than the Nine Tribulations of the Dao Realm in their heyday.

After the Nine Tribulations of the Dao Realm, there is a door to transcendence. Only by breaking the door of transcendence can one leap to transcendence..

Since then, he has touched the real place and reached the true state of supreme brokenness.

The Eternal Beginning God is actually one of the people rumored to be closest to this state. Of course, has the Eternal Beginning God ever reached the level of the Supreme Dao Realm? , she doesn’t know either.

Luo Xiangjun has been looking for the legacy left by the Eternal Beginning God, which is why she came to the fairy civilization.

Only here is the last Eternal God Clan bloodline.

As for the original Eternal Beginning God , there are different opinions on how he fell.

Some people say that he was the Eternal Beginning God. He obtained a transcendent outline from the Real Land. He was surrounded and killed by other people at the same level and finally fell.

But some people say that he was the Eternal Beginning God. God's strength has surpassed a certain line and reached a level that is not allowed by this world.

His strength is enough to threaten the Real Land, so he was noticed by the ineffable existence of the Real Land and directly obliterated it.

In short , there are all kinds of speculations and rumors.

Luo Xiangjun believes more in the first statement, because in the most ancient period, there were many existences whose strength was comparable to the Eternal God, and they have not been seen to be killed by the real one. Obliterated by the existence of the earth.

Therefore, she doubted that the Eternal Beginning God really obtained the Transcendent General Guide, which would lead to the disaster of killing.

Luo Xiangjun also held a trace of fantasy, in case the Transcendent General Guide, What about in the legacy of the Eternal Beginning God?


The scene inside Biyoutian is completely different from what you see outside.

The sky is blue and cloudless, and the lush green ancient forest is vast and boundless. A rich vitality rushes towards it, accompanied by the steaming spiritual mist.

The rays of the sun are brilliant, and the vines are luxuriant, winding around the green mountains and green peaks. Among some steep peaks, ancient pines can be seen hanging upside down, covering most of the sky.

This place is more like a place outside the world without any disturbance. It is peaceful and quiet, and there is no fighting at all.

Many practitioners and creatures who came through the entrance were transported to different places and saw different things.

This also has great benefits, as it avoids the situation where many practitioners start fighting for each other as soon as they come in.

However, some practitioners soon discovered that something was wrong. This place was very special, and it was by no means as simple as it seemed.

Someone was walking, and his eyes suddenly blurred, swallowed by some invisible force, and disappeared in an instant.

Biyou Tianjing can become a treasured land of opportunity for countless practitioners and creatures of the fairy civilization to flock to, so it is naturally impossible to be simple.

The time and space here are piled up, layer upon layer.

The scene you see in front of you is probably a shadow or mirror image from another distant time and space.

Illusion and reality overlap, and no one knows whether what they see is true or false.

It may be that there is flat land in front of you, but in fact there is an abyss beneath your feet.

Of course, it is not impossible for someone to be lucky enough to be transported directly to the place of opportunity.

Li Yang, the son of the Eternal God Clan, is the kind of person who has good luck but not bad luck.

He brought some members of the Eternal God Clan to the Biyou Heaven Realm, but they got separated at the beginning.

Later, they finally got together through the clan's unique contact method, but several people had already died on the way.

This cast a shadow over Li Yang's heart.

Fortunately, the other tribesmen around him are quite powerful.

Although he is still far away from the Dao realm, there is absolutely no problem in protecting his safety.

Moreover, outside Biyoutian, several other elders of the Eternal God Clan were waiting for him.

It is completely guaranteed that no one will dare to mess around

"For some reason, the jade pendant left by my mother has been shining, as if there is something here that is attracting it.……"

Li Yang came to Biyou Tianjing purely to try his luck and see if he could encounter any treasures.

But in the past few days, I haven't encountered anything.

Instead, the simple jade pendant his mother left behind before she died of illness kept shining, as if it was resonating with something.

This made Li Yang a little excited.

He felt that there might be something in Biyoutian that echoed this jade pendant.

Therefore, he followed the direction of this induction and searched all the way there.

"Could it be that the Son of God had some plans? It seems to us that you have a plan in mind, as if you know where there is an opportunity."

The strong men of the Eternal God Clan who followed Li Yang were also quite amazed and admired.

Li Yang looked calm, calm and confident. In their eyes, he seemed to know the Biyou Heaven Realm like the back of his hand.

This made them I secretly sighed in my heart, he is indeed their son of God, and he will surely lead the Eternal God Clan to restore its ancient glory in the future.

"You don't need to care, just follow and walk behind me"

"You will know when the time comes."

Li Yang smiled faintly, put his hands behind his back, and walked ahead.

Under his wide sleeves, the ancient jade pendant he held in his hand became brighter and brighter, and he seemed to be getting closer to something.

This also made Li Yang Yang became more and more excited, but he still maintained his natural calmness in front of everyone.

Seeing his expression, the people of the Eternal God Clan couldn't help but become more convinced and full of admiration.

At this time, a heavy fog suddenly appeared in front of them.

Originally, there was a sheep intestine trail in front of them. But in the blink of an eye, it became a thin line of sky.

The peaks on both sides rose from the ground, as steep as a knife, and the surface was extremely smooth, making it difficult for monkeys to cross. The entire sky was filled with only a glimmer of light.

"Another fantasy? But who would have thought that there would be such a canyon in front of us?……"

"Behind this canyon is probably the real treasure trove. As expected of the Son of God, he has found fortune and opportunity so easily that ordinary people cannot reach."

Seeing this scene, the powerful men of the Eternal God Clan were even more amazed and spoke one after another.

The rules and regulations in Biyoutian are very scary.

It is difficult to detect their spiritual thoughts, let alone find out whether what is in front of them is illusion or reality..

This vast fog filled the air, blocking everyone's sight. Even Li Yang could not see clearly in front of him.

When everyone in the Eternal God Clan was amazed, they did not hesitate to praise Li Yang.

But at this time, the vast fog could not see clearly. From behind the heavy fog, a voice suddenly came.

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