The cave is simple and simple, with two stone doors made of unknown stone materials tightly closed.

Wisps of divine light of order linger around the cave, filled with an aura of danger.

"The next journey will lead you to this place, isn't it time to show up now? Gu

Changge asked casually. He stopped in front of the cave door and looked back at Wang He with a faint smile.

Wang He was frightened by Gu Changge's tyrannical method of obliterating the formation pattern here just now. He was completely unexpected. Gu Changge suddenly asked like this


He was stunned and still didn't react.

When he was in Gufeng Ancient City, he attracted Gu Changge's attention and led him all the way here?

Who is he talking about?

Mu Yan was also a little surprised. She But I had never heard Gu Changge mention this kind of thing at all.

Could it be that there was someone else beside Wang He?

At this moment, Wang He was shocked and finally reacted, his expression suddenly became extremely... ugly

"Scavenger Book Artifact Spirit……"

He growled in his heart almost as if he was gritting his teeth, and immediately thought of this guy.

In addition to the scavenger book weapon spirit, Wang He could not think of anyone else who would secretly attract Gu Changge's attention and lure him all the way.

But the Scavenger Book Artifact Spirit never told him all this.

From the beginning, Wang He was wary of the artifact spirit of the Book of Scavengers, worried that she might do something secretly.

He is cautious, after all, many times, scavenging book and weapon spirits just ignore him.

He often wanted to carry the scavenging book with him and get out of his control.

Wang He has never truly trusted her.

However, when he followed the plan of the Scavenger Book Artifact Spirit, personally went into danger, went to visit Mu Yan, and presented him with a tips bag, he did not encounter any danger.

Wang He gradually became more relieved about the scavenging book spirit.

Moreover, along the way, apart from acting a little eager, there was nothing unusual about the scavenging book spirit. He also helped him many times, which made Wang He less and less vigilant.

However, Wang He never expected that this guy would make a deal with him and let him deal with Gu Changge, and at the same time attract Gu Changge's attention.

At that time, Gufeng Ancient City was a long time ago.

In other words, during this period, the scavenging book spirit was completely treating him like a monkey.

Thinking of this, Wang He's face became even more ugly, and he could not hide his paleness. For the first time in his life, he felt betrayed.


The Book of Scavengers trembled slightly without Wang He's control.

Then, a faint shadow emerged from it.

It is the weapon spirit of the Book of Scavengers. Her figure is like mist, scattered and impermanent. There is no definite figure. It seems that she is completely bound in the Book of Scavengers and cannot escape too far.

Wang He looked at her with cold and angry eyes, wishing he could find a way to get rid of this guy

"Weapon spirit?"

Gu Changge looked at the scavenging book and weapon spirit, and he felt a little surprised.

"I have met Mr. Gu."

The scavenging book spirit has a gentle voice, and his attitude is not as cold as when talking to Wang He.

"Was it you who showed unusual aura in Gufeng Ancient City and attracted my attention?"

Gu Changge glanced at her and smiled faintly, as if he was asking questions knowingly. It was because he noticed this unusual aura that he suddenly asked Zhuoyou and others about the Chaos Inn. Some of Wang He's origins.

At that time, Gu Changge was more focused on Mo Tong and the Zhuo clan, and was not very interested in it. It was not until recently, outside the realm of Biyoutian, that he felt that feeling again Abnormal aura.

But Gu Changge really didn't expect that the existence that attracted his attention would be the weapon spirit of a treasure in Wang He's hand.

"It’s me, the artifact spirit of the scavenging book, the most precious treasure of civilization."

The Scavenger Book Artifact Spirit explained his origins bluntly,"The Scavenger Book is a treasure created by the most powerful civilization in the last era of civilization. It contains the power of a most powerful civilization. Crystallization of inheritance……"

Mu Yan was also extremely surprised when he heard this explanation.

She looked at the livid and angry Wang He, but she didn't expect that he actually had a civilized treasure.

This was also the first time she had heard of such a thing as a civilized treasure.

At this moment, Wang He could not have imagined that the artifact spirit of the Book of Scavengers would introduce his origins like this.

When he first obtained the Book of Scavengers, he had no idea that this civilized treasure had any weapon spirit, let alone its many mysterious origins.

If he hadn't discovered the function of the Book of Scavengers by chance, I'm afraid that the Book of Scavengers would still be used by him as a"soft armor" to protect himself.

As a result, when facing Gu Changge, the attitude of the scavenger book weapon spirit changed so much.

If he had known earlier that the Scavenger Book Artifact Spirit would have such a personality, he would have found a way to control it no matter what he said.

"The treasure of civilization?"

Gu Changge's expression was calm, and he was not surprised when the scavenger book spirit introduced his origins. The origins of civilization's treasures can be traced back to more ancient times.

Moreover, each of them has The treasures of civilization forged by strong civilizations are all different, with different emphases and powers.

In the oldest time, there were actually several treasures of civilization that were called the first generation.

There are many treasures of civilization that followed. They are all based on the rudiments of these first-generation civilization treasures and were deduced and cast.

However, there is one thing that the scavenger book spirit said is not wrong.

It is true that only the most powerful civilization with extremely profound foundations is qualified to forge the treasures of civilization.

Just rely on it alone The resources Gu Changge currently has are not yet able to forge a civilized treasure.

Things here are pretty much handled. Gu Changge actually plans to take away the civilized treasure in Chu Lian's hands.

However, looking at the current situation, , the weapon spirit of the Book of Scavengers seems to be planning to choose a new owner.

For Gu Changge, this can just save some trouble.

"It seems that Taoist Priest Wang He, even though he obtained the Book of Scavengers, was not fully recognized by him."

Gu Changge glanced at Wang He, who had an ugly face, and said with a slight smile.

Wang He knew that Gu Changge might have known his purpose and intention from the beginning. He just deliberately took action to erase these formations in front of him. Pattern.

He didn't hide it at this moment, and snorted coldly,"This ignorant white-eyed wolf, thanks to me trusting her so much, actually framed me in secret."

"However, Mr. Gu, don’t be deceived by this guy’s appearance. If she can betray me today, she can also betray other masters in the future."

"Moreover, if I hadn’t been inspired by her, I wouldn’t have been able to come here."

"Mr. Gu may not know that it is this guy who has been inciting me to deal with you. Originally, there was no enmity between you and me."

Wang He couldn't see clearly Gu Changge's strength, but the method of erasing those formation patterns just now really made him palpitate.

This is definitely not something that can be done at the immortal level.

But in the Biyoutian territory, Gu Changge also How to exert the power beyond ordinary Tao realm existence?

"If this guy hadn't said that Mr. Gu, you have the energy substance in your body that can restore the Book of Scavengers, how could I have taken such a risk?"

Thinking of this, Wang He glanced at the Scavenger Book Artifact Spirit with a cold look, and directly told her the original words that had persuaded him to deal with Gu Changge.

Now he just wanted to distance himself from the Scavenger Book Artifact Spirit as much as possible. relation

"Oh, it seems that Taoist Wang He is also a victim.……"Gu Changge smiled noncommittally.

The scavenger book weapon spirit was not surprised at all that Wang He would expose himself like this.

Her voice was light and her tone seemed very cold, and she said,"I am a weapon spirit. Why do you use human values ​​​​and emotions to restrain me? To me, your cultivation is weak and your strength is weak. Even if you get the Book of Scavengers, With help, if you want to grow to the overlord level of the fairy civilization, it will take at least dozens of epochs, maybe longer."

"Why should I sacrifice the near for the distant and acknowledge you as my Lord? This just wastes my time. What's more, I also gave you a chance. If you can kill Mr. Gu, it will prove that you have the strength to be recognized by me. But at the beginning, you didn't even have the courage, and you were no different from a loser.……"

"What do you think is worthy of my surrender and recognition?"

The tone of the scavenging book weapon spirit did not have many ups and downs, and was calm, as if he was explaining a small matter.

But because of these words, Wang He's face became more and more ugly.

He did not expect that he was in the scavenging book tool spirit. In the eyes of Gu Ling, he was so worthless and without any value. He was almost devalued to the point of being worthless.

Moreover, the scavenger book weapon spirit even said in front of Gu Changge that he wanted to kill him. In Wang He's opinion, this is simply a matter of life and death. Even though she is just a weapon spirit, how can she say this kind of thing casually?

"You can't even pass any test, and you still try to become the owner of the most precious treasure of civilization. Are you worthy? Besides playing tricks to fool people, what else can you do?"

Speaking of the latter part, the Scavenger Book Artifact Spirit even laughed coldly, exposing Wang He's plan to plot against Mu Yan.

"you……"Wang He looked furious and wanted to take action immediately to get rid of this guy.

When he said this kind of thing, he knew that today's matter could not be rectified.

When Mu Yan heard these words, he was so shocked that he was almost speechless.

Judging from the explanation given by the Book of Scavengers Artifact Spirit, Wang He's previous contact with her was because he used the Book of Scavengers to see how extraordinary she would be in the future, and wanted to take her as a disciple or something.

What she said about having an old relationship with her father is pure nonsense.

He also learned about these past experiences through the scavenging book.

At this time, the scavenging book was shaken, and a layer of misty light appeared, trying to break free from Wang He's hand.

Wang He hurriedly took action to suppress it, but he didn't know if it was because the artifact spirit of the Scavenger Book was interfering. Today's Scavenger Book was not under his control at all. boom!!!

The green mountain shook violently, rocks rolled, and the book of scavengers sprayed out a chaotic mist, which shook Wang He away, and then floated quietly in the air.

There is no writing on the ancient pages of the book, but it seems to contain all the secrets in the world.

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