"I've seen the saint."

Although Chu Gucheng was resentful about the fact that he had repeatedly encountered obstacles when visiting Saint Xiyuan several times before.

But he would definitely not be rude at this time, let alone show it. There was also a smile on his face, and he held his hands to greet her.

"Hee Won doesn’t need to be polite."

Mr. Jin also smiled slightly.

Although he is the predecessor of Saint Xiyuan, his current strength may not be her opponent, so there is no confidence.

Saint Xiyuan nodded slightly, not too much. Yan said, leading the way and taking the two back to Xiyuan Holy Church.

At the same time, on the way, she began to ask Mr. Jin about his purpose.

Mr. Jin sighed and said that he was worried about the sudden black mist and was afraid that the past would happen again. Repeat.

That’s why I came to Xiyuan Civilization for Chu Gucheng’s birthday to discuss with her and see how to deal with it next.

After all, the master of Saint Xiyuan is not in Xiyuan Holy Church now. If Xiyuan Civilization If a black disaster breaks out again, we will have to rely on Saint Xiyuan to suppress it. Saint

Xiyuan was slightly moved by Mr. Jin's concern, and then shook her head and explained that she had already deduced Xi Yuan using the Mirror of Reincarnation. The future fate of the Yuan civilization will not be affected by that wisp of black fog.

Knowing the mystery of the Mirror of Samsara, Mr. Jin couldn’t help but sigh again.

Among the famous cultural treasures in the vast world, the Mirror of Samsara can be called the It was at the top of the list.

After all, it was a treasure belonging to the first generation of civilization, not comparable to the imitations of later generations.

When he mentioned the Mirror of Reincarnation, he began to feel it again., those road-level entities that sealed the source of the black disaster can no longer be found, and may no longer be in the world.

There are probably countless practitioners in this world who have forgotten the time when they were shrouded in darkness and everyone lived in shadow and fear.

For the practitioners and creatures living in the vast world, the era when the black disaster broke out is already a long time ago.

Countless epochs have passed since then. To ordinary practitioners, this is almost like an ancient myth.

At the beginning of the birth of the vast world, it was actually a primitive and wild era of chaos. It was once called the Age of Ancient Spirits, and various innate races and innate gods appeared.

Then there were many eras such as mythology, world creation, and the ancient times.

However, this is just an abbreviation. Even those old scholars who have studied the ancient history of the vast world can't tell clearly how many eras have existed so far.

In even longer times, there were even times when various strange names such as Immortal Burial and Dao Destruction appeared.

Each era spans different years and encompasses who knows how many eras.

The Age of Black Disaster is what Jin Lao and others called the era when darkness brought disaster to the world. Of course, some people also call it the Age of Black Fog.

Because the beginning of all disasters is caused by a wisp of black mist.

That wisp of black mist was born from the source of the black disaster, and it caused disaster to the heavens because of him.

Saint Xiyuan didn't feel much about these sentiments from Jin Lao.

Instead, he apologized to Chu Gucheng for deliberately mentioning that he had not been able to see him when he came to visit before.

She said that she was in a critical moment of seclusion and it was really inconvenient to see guests. Because of Jin Lao's special status and her friendship with her master, she had no choice but to leave the seclusion and come to see him.

Chu Gucheng smiled noncommittally at Saint Xiyuan's explanation, and sneered in his heart, not believing it at all.

But at this time, he will not hold on to this matter.

This time with Mr. Jin by his side, he just happened to mention borrowing the Mirror of Reincarnation. It depends on how Saint Xiyuan will express her position then.

As long as we get the help of the Mirror of Reincarnation, this disaster in the vast land of Xianchu will be easily solved.

Saint Xiyuan also guessed the purpose of Chu Gucheng's trip, but now she is at a critical moment, and there is a possibility that her relationship with the enemy surnamed Gu will be further simulated in the future.

Naturally, it was impossible for her to borrow the Mirror of Reincarnation.

Not to mention, the destruction of Xianchu Haotu is already destined.

If she gets involved too much, all the hard work she put in during this period of time in the Mirror of Reincarnation will inevitably be in vain.


At this time, Yuxian Palace.

In a majestic ancient palace, tall and fuzzy figures stand tall.

All around, the sun, moon, and stars rotated, making the rumbling sound of worlds colliding.

The fragments of the path are intertwined, and the fairy mist and chaotic mist are scattered like flowing water, as if the place exists innately.

Many elders who had received the instructions rushed back with the disciples from their respective dojos and were about to come here.

Now the palace master of Yuxian Palace, Ling Qiuchang, is also in the palace.

He has an elegant face, medium build, slightly deep and wise eyes, and looks to be in his forties.

Wearing a jade-white Taoist robe, the broad sleeves are embroidered with cloud patterns and mountains and rivers, and there seems to be a faint secret of heaven and earth flowing.

The figures around them were all elders and their disciples who came from various dojos in Yuxian Palace under Ling Qiuchang's orders.

Although there are now thirty-six dojos in Yuxian Palace, not every dojo has an elder who is at least as strong as the true Taoist realm.

In the most glorious and prosperous times in the past, such a grand occasion would not have been possible.

The strength of these elders varies, but the weakest ones are those with Taoist cultivation and have lived for a long time.

The main hall was spacious and vast, and it was very quiet. No one spoke, and the atmosphere seemed quite heavy.

Ling Qiu often glanced outside the hall from time to time, his expression seemed a bit dignified and melancholy.

"Which elders have not yet arrived?"He asked the disciples around him

"Reporting back to the Palace Master, a total of twenty-four elders have arrived, and the remaining elders are still on the way."The disciples beside him replied respectfully.

Ling Qiuchang shook his head slightly, and then started walking in the hall without saying a word.

Seeing this scene, the faces of the elders who came around also showed confusion.meaning.

They don't know what caused the Palace Master to look like this, and they haven't told them the reason until now.

He seemed a little anxious, but what big thing happened?

Ling Qiuchang didn't explain to everyone, so they naturally didn't ask any more questions.

At this time, there were also many young disciples who quietly looked at the slim figure standing on the other side of the hall, their eyes unable to conceal their amazement.

It was a beautiful woman wearing a soft armor battle dress and a dark red cloak.

Her eyebrows are exquisite, her eyes are sharp, her skin is as white as porcelain, and she can beat the frost like snow. Her hair is tied up with a jet black hairband, revealing a clean and slender snow neck line.

Her waist is even more graceful, and her legs are extraordinarily slender and straight, giving people a heroic appearance.

She is the number one young person of the contemporary generation in Yuxian Palace, and is known as a terrifying mountain weighing on the heads of her peers.

Ling Yuxian.

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