"With the help of this senior from the Jing clan, there shouldn't be any problems."

Seeing this scene, all the elders of Yuxian Palace here looked excited, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Elder Xianyun, what's wrong with you? Could it be that he couldn't hold on any longer and his face looked so bad?"

Suddenly, Elder Jiulin noticed Elder Xianyun not far away. Seeing that her face seemed slightly pale and something was wrong, he couldn't help but asked with concern. Hearing this,

Elder Xianyun shook his head and withdrew his gaze. He spoke.

But his face still looked a little pale, as if he was hiding something deep in his heart.

Elder Jiulin was even more confused.

He glanced in the direction where Elder Xianyun had just looked, but he could only see Gu Changge disappear. The back view was even more strange.

Why did such a good person suddenly become like this?

Isn’t Gu Changge the contemporary senior brother of Xianyun Dojo?

Is Elder Xianyun worried about something? Why is he looking like this?

Shaking his head, he I guess it may be a private matter of Xianyun Dojo, so it’s hard to ask more questions.

"It's not a big deal that makes Senior Brother Jiulin worried, it's just that he suddenly thought of something."

Elder Xianyun sighed in his heart at this time, and recovered, and then cast an apologetic look at Elder Jiulin.

She is completely different from others, but she knows the origin of Gu Changge.

Even her current Life and death are in the hands of Gu Changge.

Is there really no problem if he just follows the distant ancestor of the Jing clan and goes to rescue the ancestor of Yuxian Palace?

Moreover, Elder Xianyun has something weird Intuition.

This old man in black robe, who claims to be the distant ancestor of the Jing clan, has a strange aura on his body, and his movements are also deliberate, as if he is learning something. The old man in black robe seems to be wearing a human skin and is learning. It was like a monster with human behavior and expression.

If she hadn't been paying attention to the old man in black robe just now, she probably wouldn't have noticed it.

After all, no one would notice this subtle behavior if she didn't pay attention.

This made her hair stand on end. , worried that if the old man in black robe just broke in, it would cause huge trouble.

Can Ling Yuxian still successfully rescue the founder of Yuxian Palace?

Unfortunately, she did not dare to say these things at all, she could only try her best to hope, Pray, Gu Changge really has no ill intentions towards Yuxian Palace, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable


"Someone's trying to break in here……"

In the empty space filled with darkness, Ling Yuling, who was sitting cross-legged with her eyes closed, opened her eyes instantly, and her original gentle temperament suddenly became cold and cold.

"elder sister?"

Ling Yuxian also cheered up instantly.

She had not sensed anything strange yet, and was still acting as a bridge and medium to transmit energy to Ling Yuling.

But the moment Ling Yuling finished speaking, she also saw a misty passage appearing in the distance.

A A large crack was opened, and two figures were coming here.

Although it was dark and blurry, the two figures walking towards seemed to be surrounded by the light of the avenue. The appearance of the young man at the head was even more impressive to Ling Yuxian. It was extremely familiar.

It was Gu Changge who she had been paying close attention to, paying attention to his whereabouts.

But she didn't expect that Gu Changge would suddenly appear here, and in his true form.

"Mr. Jing?"

And her sister Ling Yuling was also surprised at this moment, staring at the black-robed old man Jing Tianyuan behind Gu Changge.

Ling Yuxian has not recovered complete memory.

So she is still a little unfamiliar with the distant ancestor of the Jing clan, but she vaguely feels that she should know him His.

She looked at Gu Changge, feeling extremely wary, and asked in a cold voice,"Senior Brother Gu, why are you here?"

Gu Changge glanced at her, then at Ling Yuling who was recovering her true soul not far away, and said with a faint smile,"Senior Sister Yuxian can be here, why can't I appear here?"

"Could it be that you are still here to help me?"

Ling Yuxian snorted coldly. Even so, she was still extremely vigilant in her heart.

She could not forget Gu Changge's unfathomable strength.

He could actually come here in his true form. If he did anything harmful to the two of them, If she wanted to, she and her sister Ling Yuling would have no chance to compete.

"I am not a treacherous person. Since I have made an agreement with Senior Sister Yuxian, I will naturally abide by it."

Gu Changge smiled nonchalantly.

Ling Yuxian's beautiful eyes stared at him deeply, as if to make sure whether he was talking nonsense or telling the truth.

Ling Yuling also looked at Gu Changge, her eyes twinkling. After a while, she thought about it.

Ling Yuxian hadn't had time to explain many things to her in detail, so she didn't know where Gu Changge came from.

But for some reason, Gu Changge gave her a very dangerous feeling, and also a vague familiarity. It seems that she has been in contact with her breath before.

But now that she is no longer at the peak of her power, her true soul has not yet entered her body, and it is difficult to detect anything.

Now that Gu Changge and Jing Tianyuan suddenly came here, it is indeed It was beyond Ling Yuling's expectation.

She was still worried about something unexpected happening to Jing Tianyuan. Before disappearing, the immortal spirit said those words. It was obvious that there were other arrangements and back-ups.

She was going to guard the door of eternal life. I entrusted the responsibility to Jing Tianyuan, and then due to serious injuries, I had to retreat and compete with the eternal spirit here.

"Old slave Jing Tianyuan has met the two young ladies."

At this time, Jing Tianyuan's words suddenly interrupted the thoughts of Ling Yuling and Ling Yuxian.


Ling Yuxian was a little confused. She looked at the old man in front of her and frowned slightly.

"There is no need to be polite to Mr. Jing. It is really unexpected and surprising to be able to meet again after countless years."

Ling Yuling waved her hands gently, her gentle smile returned to her face, her tone was soft, and then she explained Jing Tianyuan's identity to Ling Yuxian.

She knew that Ling Yuxian had not yet recovered his complete memory.

Jing Tianyuan was The old slave they took in at the beginning.

At that time, he was just the head of the Jing family, not the distant ancestor of the Jing family. The Jing family was just a small family at that time.

Before his cultivation was complete, Jing Tianyuan was chased by his enemies. On the way to escape, he was rescued by two people.

Later, he received guidance from two people and practiced the skills they left behind, improving his cultivation to a higher level.

In order to repay the kindness of saving his life, he called himself a slave and worked for them many times. Loyal.

Ling Yuling still trusts Jing Tianyuan as a person.

After all, they used to leave behind his practice skills and guide him in his practice because of his character that valued love and justice. Even if the family suffered a catastrophe, they never She thought about giving up on her family members.

Jing Tianyuan did not let her down. For so many years, he has been guarding the door of eternal life and did not let the eternal souls eroded by darkness escape to the world.

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