Of course, Ziyunchuan didn't know that Zi Susu secretly practiced forbidden skills.

Zi Susu didn't dare to reveal this kind of thing. If she was found out, she would have to find a way to take the blame.

Ye Suyi is also one of the few people in Zixiao Mountain who knows Zi Susu's forbidden skills.

But she didn’t know that this kind of thing involved a lot, so she didn’t dare to say it casually.

"I understand, please tell me this to cousin Yunchuan. Zixiao Mountain has strict rules. Zixiao Mountain should know better than me what kind of punishment cousin Zi Susu will receive."Ye Suyi said softly.

When she was in the meeting hall just now, she saw her cheap aunt. The dignified and graceful aunt in the past was turned pale at that time, extremely ugly and unbelievable. She seemed to have no regard for her. It was unbelievable that she would return to Zixiao Mountain.

After Ye Suyi's eyes met her in the air, she moved away, not wanting to have any other contact with her.

This cheap aunt seemed dignified and virtuous, but in fact, Zi Susu had done Many things she did were tacitly approved under her eyes.

Ye Suyi did not want to pursue the past grudges anymore.

Her biological father was not qualified to enter the meeting hall, and Ye Suyi did not see him.

However, she She had no intention of going to see him.

In the past, she had thought of letting her cheap father kneel down and cry bitterly in front of her mother's spiritual tablet, repenting for all the things she had done before.

But now she understood that this unfeeling man Yi's father is simply unworthy.

Ye Suyi's feelings cannot be hidden from Gu Changge at all, but this is her own private matter after all, and it is impossible for him to ask more questions.

"Is there anything else you want to do?" He asked casually.

Ye Suyi shook her head and said,"The knot in my heart has been resolved long ago. From now on, I will have no relationship with that person, and Zixiaoshan and I will naturally not. No more relations."

Gu Changge nodded and glanced at her face with downcast eyebrows.

When Ye Suyi said these words just now, he clearly felt a strange aura rising from her body, as if some shackles were being Open it.

After being locked up by dust for a long time, now the dust is gone and the light is reborn. The person who defied the heaven and changed the fate obviously played a role again.

But she herself didn't notice it.

"Let's go."

He opened his mouth and said that he had no intention of staying in Zixiao Mountain.

Ziyan was still leading the way. In the mountains in the distance, many high-level officials of Zixiao Mountain were watching, but no one made a sound.

Ziyunchuan was slightly He sighed, and then left the place.

Soon, the figures of Gu Changge and others disappeared into the misty clouds and mist, and headed to the outside of Zixiao Mountain.

Only then did all the senior officials of Zixiao Mountain faint. After breathing a sigh of relief, the oppressive atmosphere hanging over everyone's heads seemed to have dissipated.

"I don’t know the origin and identity of this mysterious Mr. Gu.……"

"It's really terrifying. I thought that I had been in the Xiyuan civilization for countless years, but I didn't dare to look at him. When I was spying on him just now, I was caught by his gaze, and my whole body was wet with an inexplicable cold sweat."

Several Ancestral Dao Realm beings who were hidden in the dark slowly appeared and looked at each other. They all saw horror in each other's eyes.

"God help me, I never thought that after countless years of planning, I would finally get what I wanted today."

After Gu Changge left the meeting hall, Zi Wanhe walked out at this time.

He did not open the jade slip, but he could not hide his joy.

His biggest crux and purpose was to solve the problem. The bane of the Wedding Clothes Immortal Art has been spent countless years and countless solutions. The solution to the bane is right in front of him.

If many high-level officials from Zixiao Mountain hadn't surrounded him, he would have wanted to look up to the sky and roar. vent your excitement

"Mountain Master, what did Mr. Gu just say to you?"An elder noticed the joy on Zi Wanhe's face and couldn't help but ask.

Zi Wanhe has always been a person who is indifferent to joy and anger, and has a deep mind. It is rare for him to be so happy. The color shows on the face

"Mr. Gu told me something about this catastrophe of the Xiyuan civilization. The vast land of Xianchu will go against heaven and will be punished by heaven. I, Zixiao Mountain, will definitely uphold the destiny and purge these people who go against heaven."

"It is my duty as Zixiaoshan to uphold the laws of heaven and comply with the ways of heaven."

The smile on Zi Wanhe's face faded, and he returned to his previous majestic appearance, and said in a deep voice.

All the senior officials of Zixiao Mountain were shocked. They did not expect Zi Wanhe to say such words.

Obviously he is What benefits did he get from the mysterious Mr. Gu?

Zi Wanhe ignored the high-level officials of Zixiao Mountain. He still had to sort out the matter of the forbidden technique, the Wedding Clothes Immortal Art.

In fact, he had There are many things that I don't understand.

How did Gu Changge determine that the Immortal Art of Wedding Clothes is divided into mother's method and son's method?

Moreover, what method did he use to control his own life and death?

He practiced the Immortal Art of Wedding Clothes countless times. Over the years, he has encountered many strange things, but this is the first time he has encountered something like this. He has directly controlled his life and death, leaving him with no possibility or way to resist.

Could it be?

Suddenly, Zi Wanhe Thinking of a possibility, there was another uproar in my heart, and there was some horror in my eyes.

"It's impossible. If that's true, it's incredible.……"

He quickly shook his head to drive this thought out of his mind, not daring to think about it any more.

Then, Zi Wanhe calmed down and began to give instructions to prepare for Chu Gucheng's birthday in a few days.

Since he wanted to prepare a surprise gift for him, he naturally had to put more thought into it.

However, the entire Zixiao Mountain was constantly stirred up by the arrival of Gu Changge, and many rumors and speculations emerged.

No one knows what was said between the mountain master and Gu Changge in the meeting hall that day after the banquet.

Of course, this kind of thing couldn't be hidden at all, and soon the news about Gu Changge's arrival in Zixiao Mountain spread in the surrounding universe.

Many immortal orthodox forces and ethnic groups in the Xiyuan Civilization also got the news and speculated on its purpose.

As one of the most powerful orthodox forces in the Xiyuan Civilization today, Zixiao Mountain's every move attracts special attention, not to mention the current situation of the Xiyuan Civilization is unclear.

Many practitioners suspect and speculate that Gu Changge comes from a forbidden and strange place, and has a certain purpose in walking around the world.

He came to Zixiao Mountain and found the Lord of Zixiao Mountain to discuss secretly. Could he be planning something? What's the ulterior plan?

The speculations and discussions from all parties in Xiyuan Civilization have nothing to do with Gu Changge at this moment. After he left Zixiao Mountain, he took Ye Suyi back to Xianyun Dojo in Yuxian Palace.

Elder Xianyun felt his return and sighed again, but there was nothing he could do.

However, Gu Changge did not stay for a few days before he left again. This time he left without anyone. The Bone Ancestor King did not return to Xianyun Dojo with him, and Jing Tianyuan also temporarily returned to Jing Tianyuan. clan.

The land bordering the territory of Demon Court and Xianchu Haotu is called the Bloody Plateau.

The seventh prince of Demon Court, Di Kun, who had been waiting here, suddenly seemed to feel something. His half-closed eyes suddenly opened, and a deep joy flashed across his eyes.

The next moment, the void behind him became blurry, and Gu Changge's figure stepped out of it.

"You...you are?"

Noting the sudden appearance of Gu Changge, Di Kun was still a little shocked, but soon he noticed the familiar aura that made him tremble, and his expression instantly became respectful.

But he was still a little shocked, and he didn't expect what he saw in front of him. Gu Changge is so young

"I heard your desire. You want to become the master of the Demon Court and the new Demon Emperor. I can indeed help you."

Gu Changge didn't mean to explain his origins, and still spoke unhurriedly.

Di Kun was a smart man, and he understood what Gu Changge meant in a blink of an eye.

There was undisguised ambition in his eyes, and he nodded," I hope seniors can tell me what I need to do? Nowadays, the power of Demon Court is not as powerful as that of Xianchu Haotu. With my power, it is difficult to shake the foundation of Xianchu Haotu."

He is not even in the Ancestral Realm. Although he has the Demon Gathering Snail given by the Demon Ancestor, it is simply impossible to summon the ancient demons in the Demon Court who are in the Ancestral Realm.

However, he dares to He boasted about Haikou in front of his ancestors and all the demon clan ministers, so naturally he had a certain confidence.

Over the years, he had also secretly recruited many forces, and his demon soldiers alone numbered hundreds of millions.

In addition, he supported There are also a lot of envoys, and each envoy has at least tens of billions of troops to fight with.

"Everything in the world is about the cycle of cause and effect. Even buying and selling requires equal exchange. I can indeed help you, but what can you give me?"Gu Changge ignored the ambition in Di Kun's eyes, and his tone remained calm.

"As long as seniors can help me, I will give everything I have, including life, life, and destiny.……"Di Kun said with burning eyes and his tone was firmer than ever before.

He had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

He didn't care about Gu Changge's identity, origin, or purpose, nor did he care that he would be used as a pawn.

For him, he just wants to be the only leader of the demon clan, become the demon emperor, and become a being that surpasses the demon ancestor.

"Haha, I can make you the master of the Demon Court, and I can also help you unify the entire Endless Demon Realm. I don’t need you to sacrifice your life, but you need to regard me as your master from now on. Could you possibly do it?"Gu Changge seemed to see his heart clearly and smiled faintly.

Di Kun nodded without hesitation and said,"Di Kun has met the master."

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