"There should be no mistake, because these survivors and their bloodline have all been imprinted by the burial coffin. Unless they perish in the world, they will not be able to escape the pursuit. The panic and shadows you just heard should be the same as those of them. Related to the burial coffin……"

Qing Fairy nodded and explained softly again

"Burial coffin?"

Ling Yuling was shocked again, a little unbelievable, and asked,"How could it be related to the burial coffin? Isn’t this treasure of the first generation of civilization in the hands of that ancient sage? In that battle, this civilized treasure made great contributions."

"The Burial Coffin has unpredictable abilities, but why its owner, as an ally of his mother, would eventually use it to hunt down the survivors of various civilizations, I don’t know. My mother never explained these things to me until she died of illness."Qing Fairy shook her head and said.

These survivors are basically the descendants of some of the most powerful beings in various Taoist forces and civilized countries who participated in the encirclement and suppression of the source of the black disaster and the destruction of the Daitian Organization.

Ling Yuling His expression became solemn, and he suddenly guessed a possibility.

Could it be that just like the Gate of Eternal Life, the Burial Coffin was actually corroded and tainted by the dark atmosphere, causing a big problem?

After sealing the source of the black disaster, After the Lord, these treasures of the first generation civilization should logically be returned to the hands of their respective owners.

Could it be that an accident occurred during that period, and some of the treasures of the first generation civilization did not return to the hands of their original owners?

"From some of the letters and notes left by my mother, I do have some guesses and discoveries. After that battle, mother and you did win and successfully sealed that existence, but what was sealed was actually only his will."

"His body is still in the burial coffin. It is possible that the original allies coveted his power and wanted to possess his body, but unfortunately they overestimated their capabilities and were backlashed and corrupted by his power. Of course, it is also possible that the Daitian organization has not been completely destroyed, and its remaining forces have snatched away the burial coffin in an attempt to resurrect the source of the black disaster and bring him back."

"You must also know that that organization's belief in the master of the source of the black disaster has long been crazy and sick to an unknown extent."Qing Fairy still said in a cold voice, but her pure eyes were filled with the light of wisdom at this moment.

Ling Yuling was completely stunned and couldn't even believe her ears.

"How can it be?"She murmured.

In the blink of an eye, while talking, the two of them had arrived at the top of the mountain where Qing Fairy practiced hermitage.

Qing Fairy left the crane, moved lightly with lotus steps, went to fetch a plain teacup, and gently kissed it Fell up.

And Ling Yuling was still immersed in what Fairy Qing said just now. She was extremely frightened when she thought about it, and felt a numb scalp and a little shudder.

Could it be that this matter is the big problem that Xiyuan civilization is facing now? The reason for the disaster?

In the darkness that no one can see, a terrorist force similar to the Daitian organization has been dormant for a long time, waiting for the return of the master of the black disaster? And it has been retaliating and annihilating the descendants of the original sages. ? To kill them all?

After a long time, Ling Yuling smiled slightly and regained her composure.

She also began to talk about how she met Nan Zun, Qing Fairy's mother, and some things from that era.

"I have not experienced my mother's era. When she gave birth to me, a long, long time had passed since that era died.……"

Fairy Qing also showed some curiosity on her face.

She had never heard her mother talk about that era, because her mother felt that that era was too terrifying and dark, filled with endless blood and chaos.

If it dies, then let the memory of that era die with it.

And when she wanted to know again later, her mother had already died of illness.

"If you are curious, then I will tell you……"

Ling Yuling also felt an indescribable affection for her former friend's biological daughter, as if she were an elder.

She actually didn't want to think about this kind of thing, but since Fairy Qing was curious, she started talking about it.

At that time, the Daitian organization was born, and Daitian was in charge, intending to control the entire boundless world, and the leader of this organization was the extremely mysterious master of the source of the black disaster.

Of course, at that time, the master of the source of the black disaster was not called this.

Many practitioners and living beings call him the Lord of Daitian, because he is the leader of the Daitian organization. No one knows his origin and identity. They only know that he was born innately, knows innately, is omnipotent, and has profound cultivation. Unfathomable, it has already surpassed any living being in the world.

His subordinates are as strong as clouds. Even existences at the end of the road and supreme broken existences surrender to him and are willing to serve for him.

The Daitian Organization was undoubtedly the most massive and terrifying force in the entire vast world at that time.

He can even get his hands on the power of heaven, control calamities, and administer punishments on behalf of heaven, and has the capital to collide and challenge the real place.

Because of the emergence of the Daitian Organization, the entire vast order collapsed, the running way of heaven was broken, countless universes, big worlds, civilizations, and destiny withered, and everyone lived in endless darkness and fear, enslaved by its rule, and oppressed.

Anyone who resists will be slaughtered. Those with strong cultivation will be captured and transformed into a small world. They chant ancient scriptures day and night and become a tool to accumulate vows and beliefs... The name of the

Daitian organization is to act on behalf of the sky, but in fact it is for Ruling the boundless world, its existence ignores the laws of nature and destroys moral ethics, which is not tolerated by the world.

There are many theories that the Lord of Daitian actually wants to unify the entire vastness and turn the entire vastness into its nutrients, thereby conquering the only way of heaven, replacing it, and transcending the realm of immortality.

No one has seen the true form of Lord Daitian, not even the top leaders of the Fatian organization.

Some people speculate that the Lord of Daitian is actually in the real place. His true body is entangled and fighting with the incredible existence in the real place. The power of heaven in the boundless world has long been controlled by him.

Therefore, with just one thought, he can easily determine the birth and death of billions of living beings and billions of space-time universes.

The continuation of various sayings makes all living beings even more afraid of the Lord who represents heaven.

That era was what later generations would call the Black Disaster Era. Even if future generations mention it, they will be trembling with fear and fear.

Ling Yuling and her sister Ling Yuxian were actually just a pair of casual cultivators at the time, practicing in a forbidden cave in the Xiyuan Civilization that was independent of the world of mortals. The two sisters were devoted to the Tao and never interfered with anything outside.

Regarding the black disaster sweeping across the vast world, the two sisters only learned about it after they were invited out by a group of sages from the Xiyuan civilization at that time.

The terror of the Daitian organization made the entire Cangmang tremble.

Especially the almost omnipotent and immortal Lord of Heaven makes people dare not have any thoughts of resistance. Faced with that situation, they are full of despair.

At that time, no orthodox forces or civilized countries dared to resist, and they could only live in subservience.

Even if you have private thoughts of resistance, you may be noticed by him.

Countless sentient beings and trillions of universes all live in trembling and fear, walking on thin ice with caution.

Everyone thought that such an era would continue until a new force appeared one day in the future to compete with the Daitian Organization and overthrow it.

It is also possible that such a future will never come at all.

After all, once the Lord of Daitian senses such a future, he can easily smash that future into pieces.

However, after all, everything is like the tide, with ups and downs, ups and downs, and a turning point for everything suddenly appears one day.

A drawing from a real place accidentally ended up in the vast world for some reason.

In that drawing, a total of six forging methods of treasures were recorded.

Those six treasures have unfathomable power, far beyond what everyone knew at the time. As long as they work together to forge those six treasures, they can seal and possibly kill the Lord of Heaven, completely eliminate the way of heaven, and restore the entire vast world. A world of peace and tranquility.

The appearance of that blueprint made all living beings in the vast world who were originally in despair suddenly see hope and feel that the real place is on this side of protection.

It may also be that the existence of the Lord of Daitian has threatened some existences in the real land, so he gave the blueprint to seal or completely kill them.

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