As a minister of Chu Gucheng, the former leader of Xianchu Haotu, Baimei Xingjun was deeply respected and was responsible for many affairs of Xianchu Haotu.

When the vast land of Xianchu was surrounded and suppressed by all parties, he did not flee, but chose many generals and ministers to fight against the enemy.

However, even though he was also in the Ancestral Dao realm, how could he escape under the joint siege of everyone? In the end, he was naturally captured and suppressed by the forces of the various Dao lineages.

The void cage where Saint Xiyuan was imprisoned and exiled was eventually discovered by Xiyin using a secret method, and he led people to rescue her.

Saint Xiyuan was trapped there for seven days. Seven days was not a long time, and she was not worried at all.

Because he knew that Gu Changge would definitely come forward to rescue her in the end, and that would be in his interest.

However, the people who saved her in the end were Xiyin and others from Xiyuan Holy Church, which still made Saint Xiyuan a little confused.

After she escaped from trouble, she did not see Gu Changge.

After taking the lead in this grand chess game that destroyed the vast land of Immortal Chu, Gu Changge seemed to have disappeared and disappeared from the world.

Saint Xiyuan will later work with Xiyin and others to deal with the mess left by Xianchu Haotu.

On the day the war broke out, Hou Chuheng, the champion of Xianchu Haotu, did not choose to fight the enemy until the last moment.

After getting the white jade bottle that sealed Chu Wushang's true soul, he suddenly realized that he had been deceived by Chu Gucheng. He was furious and immediately surrendered with many of his subordinates.

The champion Hou Chuheng returned first and revealed the truth that Chu Gucheng had deceived everyone in the hall.

Many ministers who were loyal to Xianchu Haotou also began to waver, and then followed the champion Hou Chuheng and chose to surrender.

The vast land of Xianchu collapsed everywhere, and war raged across all territories. Many forces and orthodoxy took advantage of the situation and plundered all parties.

The various Immortal Taoist forces that participated in the joint siege of Xianchu Haotu took away most of Xianchu Haotu's accumulation of information.

The armies of Yaoting and Zixiao Mountain stationed outside the border of Xianchu Haotu also approached in great force that day and captured various places.

After this battle, Xianchu Haotu was removed from the world, and the immortal country quickly collapsed and became ruins, becoming history.

The vast territory that was once prosperous and prosperous has been encroached and occupied by the orthodox forces of all parties, and has become the territory of all parties.

The turmoil after this battle lasted for several years.

The remnants of Xian Chu Hao Tu who had not surrendered fled everywhere, but they were also hunted down, surrounded and exterminated by various tribes and Taoist clans.

The former divine generals Xingjun also surrendered and died in battle.

After being captured and imprisoned, Baimei Xingjun was finally able to find out some of the origins and secrets of Yinxu Cave from his soul after being tortured and probed by all the Taoists.

Everyone originally thought that the mysterious Yinxu Cave was a name made up by the remnants of the Black Disaster and did not really exist.

But from the memory of Baimei Xingjun's soul, he learned some incredible truths.

Yinxu Cave seems to be a real existence, but a fabrication.

It has existed for a long time, and can even be traced back to before the Black Disaster Era, and even to the beginning of the more primitive innate mythology.

However, some people think this is ridiculous. If the origin of Yinxu Cave is really that amazing.

Then how many tribulations has it experienced, and why has it never manifested in the world? How come no ancient sage knew of its existence before?

The remnants of the Black Trouble have been roaming the vast world wantonly for countless years, and their methods are all-powerful. It is not impossible to tamper with the memory and cause and effect of an existence in the ancestral realm.

In this situation of different opinions and discussions, Baimei Xingjun was still imprisoned in the void prison of Xiyuan Holy Church, waiting for the return of Xi Nu's predecessor before making a decision.

During this period, the black coffin dropped by Zi Wanhe, the Lord of Zixiao Mountain, on the birthday banquet of Chu Gucheng, the Lord of Xianchu Haotu Kingdom, also attracted special attention.

Many orthodox forces have also shifted their focus to Zixiao Mountain, believing that the owner of Zixiao Mountain may also be colluding with the remnants of the Black Disaster.

The imitation of the burial coffin is the best proof.

However, after the destruction of Xianchu Haotu, the Lord of Zixiao Mountain evacuated with many practitioners from Zixiao Mountain, and bluntly said that the black coffin was his accidental acquisition, and he did not know whether it was related to the remnants of the black disaster.

Whether the black coffin is related to the remnants of the black disaster can also be investigated by Saint Xiyuan and others in person. After all, after the destruction of Xianchu Haotu, the black coffin was finally obtained by all parties.

After all, it is a counterfeit of a civilization treasure. Even if it is just a fake among fakes, it still has great reference and verification value.

Later, Saint Xiyuan indeed came forward in person to explore the material in the black coffin and determined that the black mist inside was not the original material of darkness, but was just somewhat similar.

She guessed that someone wanted to imitate the remnants of the Black Disaster, so she created this black mist that was similar to the original substance of darkness.

These black mists will indeed corrode the souls of practitioners and living beings, but in fact they are only dangerous to practitioners with low cultivation levels. Once their cultivation levels exceed the Immortal King Realm, they can be easily dispelled.

But despite this, this black coffin still brought a lot of trouble to Xianchu Haotu.

In the following hundreds of years, all the Taoist forces of Xiyuan Civilization were trying to solve the aftermath of the destruction of Xianchu Haotu and bring peace to the turbulent situation.

The destruction of an immortal country is indeed extraordinary. The news has already spread to other civilized countries, causing an uproar.

Many ethnic groups who had gone to Chu Gucheng's birthday banquet had mixed emotions after learning the news.

The Taoist forces behind Jin Lao of Xudan Civilization were also silent for a while. An Ancestral Dao Realm being died in the Xiyuan Civilization. This is an unbearable pain for any force.

How difficult it is for a person to be born in the Ancestral Realm. In the vast and endless vastness, it is unlikely that even a few will be born even if it takes hundreds of epochs.

The vast land of Xianchu has been favored by heaven, and its luck is astonishing. In just over a hundred years of development, several beings in the ancestral realm have taken over. This is an incredible thing that can shock the past and present.

Of course, during this period, many ethnic groups and orthodox countries were paying attention to the movements of the Futian Alliance.

In particular, Gu Changge, the mysterious and unpredictable leader of the Tianfa Alliance, has touched the hearts and minds of many civilized countries in the vast vastness.

However, no one had seen him in the five hundred years after the destruction of Xianchu Haotu. No one knew where he went after that battle. He seemed to have evaporated from the world.

And in the 600th year after the destruction of Xianchu Haotu, the branch of the Futian Alliance suddenly and silently took root in the original boundary of Xianchu Haotu.

Many ethnic groups, large and small, were annexed at the first opportunity. To be precise, they were not annexed, but voluntarily joined the Fatian Alliance and became a member of the Fatian Alliance.

This movement naturally attracted the attention of all orthodox forces in the Greek and Yuan civilization for the first time.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for a foreign force like the Fatian Alliance to take root in the Xiyuan civilization without going through hundreds of years of accumulation.

In this process, they will also encounter the exclusion and oppression of the orthodox local forces of the Greek Yuan civilization.

However, all the orthodox forces, including the Xiyuan Holy Church, could only watch helplessly as the branch of the Fatian Alliance began to take root, and then grew rapidly like a towering tree.

In just one hundred years, it has absorbed all the surrounding cosmic star fields, the Great Thousand Worlds, and the Middle Thousand Worlds, and developed countless people's believers. The endless power of faith is as bright as the Milky Way, floating in the deep space of heaven and earth. Convergence.

In various areas of the Fatian Alliance, various Fatian temples have been built, in which a vague statue of a young god is enshrined. It is surrounded by the smell of fireworks all day long, and its facial features cannot be seen.

This young statue seems to be standing on the other side of the world, overlooking the vast world, eternal, eternal, and majestic.

He is the most mysterious leader of the Heaven Defying Alliance.

In front of the Fatian Temple, no practitioner or creature dares to be presumptuous. After arriving, as long as they sincerely pray and make enough tributes, they can receive the gift of the Lord of the Fatian Alliance and receive his protection.

At such a speed of spread, one after another Fa Tian Temple rose from the ground, occupying a large area of ​​the original territory of Xian Chu Hao Tu.

All the orthodox forces of the Greek Yuan civilization witnessed all this with their own eyes.

Although he knew that this was a trend that the Fatian Alliance was going to spread towards the Greek-Yuan civilization, he did not dare to stop it, let alone destroy it.

Although the leader of the Fighting Heaven Alliance has disappeared over the years, his power is as powerful as the vast mountains and seas, weighing on the hearts of every practitioner and living being, and is awe-inspiring.

This situation lasted for hundreds of years, and then the Demon Court in the Endless Demon Realm suddenly received news one day that they would join the Fighting Heaven Alliance and become a member of the Fighting Heaven Alliance.

This news shocked the entire Xiyuan civilization and made countless orthodox forces tremble and find it incredible.

The Demon Court is not an ordinary force. The Demon Ancestor Emperor Ainai is a being who has survived eight natural disasters, and is even more powerful than Chu Gucheng, the leader of the Immortal Chu Haotu Kingdom, at the peak of his power.

Does he also agree that Demon Court will join the Fighting Heaven Alliance and become a member of the Fighting Heaven Alliance?

After the battle between Xianchu Haotu and Demon Ting, Di Kun, the seventh prince of Demon Ting, became the new Demon Emperor of Demon Ting and ruled over all demons.

In recent years, he has personally led the Demon Court's army to fight in the endless demon realm and expand the territory of the Demon Court. Under pressure, many demon tribes who did not come under the control of the Demon Court had to choose to submit.

The Demon Court is growing day by day. Although it is still far from the grand occasion when it once overlooked the heavens and had thousands of people coming to worship, its power is by no means comparable to what it was hundreds of years ago.

The new Demon Emperor's iron-blooded tactics have also made many Demon Lords and Demon Generals in the Demon Court fearful of surrendering. Those who do not surrender will be dealt with according to the laws of the Demon Court, and even the Demon Lord will not be pardoned.

This time the Demon Court decided to join the Fighting Heaven Alliance, which was the decision of the New Demon Court.

As for why Demon Ancestor Di Ai didn't have any reaction or objection, in fact many Demon Lords and Demon Generals in the Demon Court had their guesses.

In fact, after the destruction of Xianchu Haotu, the leader of the Fighting Heaven Alliance appeared in person at Demon Court.

That time, Di Kun, who was not yet the Demon Emperor, personally accompanied him. In the depths of Yuyuan, the Demon Ancestor Di Ai also personally met the leader of the Fighting Heaven Alliance and paid great attention to him.

During this period, all the demon kings and demon generals of the demon court did not know what they were discussing, but they knew that the demon ancestor Di Ai was extremely angry and almost left with his sleeves. Then it was Di Kun who held him back and persuaded him before letting him go. Demon Ancestor Emperor Wei suppressed his anger and continued to stay.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see at that time that the seventh prince Di Kun had the support of the leader of the Fighting Heaven Alliance, so he dared to conquer Xianchu Haotu with such confidence.

The rest of the Demon Court princes were very unwilling, feeling that they were being manipulated by Di Kun. If they fought openly, they might not be weaker than Di Kun.

As an old fellow who has lived for so many epochs, Demon Ancestor Di Hui naturally understands that the conflict between Demon Court and Xianchu Haotu must be caused by Gu Changge's scheming behind the scenes.

Even the death of his youngest son Di Wen was actually related to Gu Changge and was planned by him.

Otherwise, why would the good-natured Emperor Wen leave the fusang tree in Tanggu, chase the colorful stream of light, and go to the territory of Xianchu Haotu, causing trouble and disaster, and finally be killed by the people of Xianchu Haotu?

Although a long time has passed since this incident happened, Demon Ancestor Di Ai still has trouble making sense every time he thinks about it.

Especially his descendant Di Kun, who is now highly regarded by him, actually looks like he respects Gu Changge more than he respects his biological father?

On that day, although all the demon kings and demon generals in the Demon Court did not witness the fight between Demon Ancestor Di Ai and the leader of the Fighting Heaven Alliance, they all heard some rumors later.

After the banquet, Demon Ancestor Di Wei actually took action against the leader of the Fighting Heaven Alliance.

The reason why there was no news was actually because the demon ancestor was seriously injured by the leader of the Heaven-defeating Alliance.The face remains.

Later, he went into seclusion in the depths of time and space to recover from his injuries, and handed over many affairs of the Demon Court to the seventh prince Di Kun.

It was only from that day that the seventh prince, Di Kun, finally secured his position as the Demon Emperor.

Although these gossips were only circulated within the Demon Court, there was no airtight wall in the world. Many Taoist forces had heard about this matter and were even more shocked.

Even someone as powerful as Demon Ancestor Di Ai was severely injured by the leader of the Heaven-Fighting Alliance.

Is there anyone in today's Xiyuan civilization who can be his opponent?

And just a few decades after Demon Court became part of the Fighting Heaven Alliance.

The Jing clan in the Shengyang Ancient Territory also heard news that they planned to join the Fighting Heaven Alliance and become a member of the Fighting Heaven Alliance.

Jing Tianyuan, the distant ancestor of the Jing clan, was a figure of the same era as the founder of Yuxian Palace, and was a living fossil in the true sense.

His decision made all parties feel shocked and unbelievable.

The development momentum of the Fatian Alliance is becoming more and more rapid and terrifying, and has even surpassed the previous Xianchu Haotu.

Although Xianchu Haotu has also annexed many forces and traditions in the process of development, there has never been any force that can compare with ethnic groups such as Yaoting and Jing Clan.

When Xianchu Haotu was strong, it could only compete with forces like the Demon Court and the Jing Clan.

It has only been a few hundred years since the Fatian Alliance took root in the Xiyuan civilization, and its accumulated heritage is no less than those of those immortal traditions and countries.

This also made all parties feel a little uneasy and worried.

In the past, they were afraid of the vast land of Xianchu, but now, how does the current Fatian Alliance compare to the vast land of Xianchu?

Thousands of years pass by in an instant.

For Taoist practitioners, a thousand years is just a blink of an eye.

Although the Feitian Alliance of the Fairy Civilization has developed far less momentum than the Xiyuan Civilization in these years, it has also turned all the surrounding real worlds, large and small, into its own territory.

Temples of defeating the heavens have also risen in various cosmic territories, becoming monuments to the faith of many ethnic groups and forces in civilizations that have experienced many tribulations and are slowly recovering.

After many calamities, we are waiting for the new world of Kunxu.

In the Taixu Realm, there is a majestic Fati Temple that stands on the top of heaven and earth like a heavenly palace.

The graceful figure wearing a veil and silver armor looked down at the endless crowd of practitioners and creatures kneeling outside the temple.

That indifferent face that remained like an iceberg for eternity finally showed a slight smile.

"Fighting Heaven Guard Chen Jinhan finally fulfilled his mission and let the name of Fighting Heaven Alliance resound throughout the Taixu Realm."

She stood in front of the Fatian Temple.

As countless practitioners and living beings knelt down and prayed, the voices of the gods standing in the Fatian Temple seemed to have suddenly solidified.

He came back to life, with a pair of eyes as deep and vast as the infinite sky, watching her there across infinite time, space and distance.

"What kind of reward do you want?"

The majestic and vast voice like a god and demon resounded in Chen Jinhan's mind again.

She remembered the scene when her sister cruelly threw her into the abyss of demons, and how she reshaped her body in that remote temple and obtained The day when I gained the ability to live forever.

That extremely crazy and strange desire surged into my heart again.

"The Defeating Heaven Guard does not ask for rewards, but is willing to dedicate everything to the great Lord Defeating Heaven."

Chen Jinhan stared at the Fatian Temple slightly crazily, looking at the young statue that seemed to have come to life, and his tone was more determined than ever.

"People with strange destiny are interesting. Although they are bold and blasphemous, why don't they dare to act?"

"Geez, why not let me help you and banish this god to the human world."

In the midst of nothingness, a gaze with great interest suddenly penetrated the vast space and time and landed in the Kunxu True Realm.

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