Everyone in the depths of the hall was shocked by what Saintess Xiyuan said.

That wisp of black mist has arrived again?

Is she talking about the black disaster that once plagued the entire world?

Many people's hearts trembled because of her last words.

The master of Saint Lady Xiyuan was Xinu, the former owner of the Mirror of Reincarnation. Did she even assert that something like this would happen in future generations?

If black disaster strikes again, where should all sentient beings go and how should they resist?

They have not experienced the battle countless years ago, but from those ancient historical records, they can vaguely understand how difficult and terrifying the battle was.

Countless ethnic groups, nations, and civilized universes perished and were lost in the long river of history.

And such a tragedy will happen again.

Many people are fearful and find it difficult to accept all this. They have even had a premonition that the Greek civilization may be in disaster in the near future.

The leaders of the various Taoist forces had serious expressions. At this time, Saint Xiyuan suddenly said these words, which was probably foreshadowing something.

Ling Yuling also agreed very much with what Saint Xiyuan said.

"Indeed, that battle was so difficult. Countless seniors and sages fought to the death and paid an extremely heavy price, and finally succeeded in sealing the source of the black disaster. She spoke softly and nodded,"However, although the master of the source of the black disaster is sealed in the place where the black disaster originated, no one can be sure whether he has escaped from it.""

"Moreover, what was sealed at the beginning was only his will, and no living being in this world could destroy his body. Countless years have passed now, and there are almost no traces of the six first-generation civilization treasures that sealed him."

"There is no way of knowing whether there are still ethnic groups guarding the place where the black disaster originated."

"Perhaps, the master of the source of the black disaster has already escaped from trouble, and is calmly overlooking the world in a certain latitude and space."

She noticed that when Saint Xiyin said this, her eyes were actually looking at Gu Changge.

This also made Ling Yuling have some speculations in her heart.

Could it be that Saint Xiyuan knew some unknown truths and secrets? After all, she now has the Mirror of Reincarnation in her hand.

Before the destruction of Xianchu Haotu, the Holy Maiden of Xiyuan must have anticipated its outcome, so she finally made a wise move to protect herself.

But now she has to face The entire Xiyuan civilization, and even the entire vast and vast ending.

When she said this, did it mean that she also had to make a choice?

"The black disaster once spread throughout the world, causing endless disasters. After countless years, will it come back again?"

"Sure enough, the celestial phenomena in various places have been unstable during this period. It turns out that this was destined to happen a long time ago."

"Countless years ago, many sages and predecessors fought against the Black Disaster and paid an extremely heavy price before reluctantly sealing it away.……"

"Alas, it’s really a wave of ups and downs.……"

Hearing what Ling Yuling said, many beings were whispering, full of complexity.

The affairs of the Defeating Heaven Alliance have not yet been resolved, and now they are suddenly told that the master of the source of the black disaster who once caused chaos in the vast world may be born and rule the world again.

How should they take care of themselves when these series of troubles arise?

Moreover, some people are wondering whether there may be a subtle connection between the two things.

Especially Gu Changge's identity is so mysterious that no one knows who he is or what era he comes from.

Everyone in the Fighting Heaven Alliance seemed to have expected this news at this moment, and they were not surprised at all. Everyone acted very calmly.

This made the cultivators from all the Taoist forces secretly feel frightened and uneasy. It seemed that the Fighting Heaven Alliance might have known all this for a long time.

Or perhaps, in fact, the Fighting Heaven Alliance itself is inseparable from the remnants of the Black Disaster.

"I wonder what the leader of the Fighting Heaven Alliance thinks about this matter?"

Seeing that Gu Changge didn't pay attention to her gaze, Saint Xiyuan asked him directly.

Xiyin beside her frowned slightly, feeling worried in her heart.

Originally, she was worried about helping Saint Xiyuan in the first place. Gu Changge, who rescued Saint Xiyuan, was somewhat grateful.

After all, if Gu Changge hadn't asked the distant ancestors of the Jing clan to report to Xiyuan Civilization, they might not have known that Saint Xiyuan was immortalized until now. Chu Haotu and his people jointly planned something.

But later Xiyin also realized that the so-called help Xiyuan Holy Church was actually just a cover, just a cover for Gu Changge to deal with Xian Chu Haotu and destroy it.

Including Many Taoist forces, including Xiyuan Holy Church, were used by him and became his pawns.

In fact, Saintess Xiyuan had known all this for a long time, so she was not worried at all when she was trapped in the void cage.

Even , knowing that after the destruction of Xianchu Haotu, Gu Changge would go to rescue her.

After Xiyin understood all this, she was indeed a little unhappy and angry at being played.

But at the same time, she was also slightly afraid, In the overall situation of destroying the vast land of Xianchu, many Taoist forces of the Xiyuan civilization were actually manipulated by Gu Changge.

They didn't realize it until afterwards. This is enough to show how terrifying this person is..

As powerful as the Ancestral Dao realm, it is just a chess piece in his hands. Now there are many strong people following him. This force is enough to sweep away any Taoist group that swept through the Xiyuan civilization.

"Now that that wisp of black mist has arrived again, isn't it the best way for all living beings to join forces and fight together at this time?"

"In my opinion, this is the best opportunity for all sentient beings and all races to unite as one."

Gu Changge seemed not to notice the gaze of Saint Xiyuan, with a faint smile on his lips.

"What Mr. Gu said is true, the catastrophe is coming, and the best way at this time is for everyone to join forces to fight, strangle and wipe out the black mist again, and let it dissipate in the world."

Ling Yuling nodded slightly at this moment, agreeing with Gu Changge's statement.

Her words made many ancient beings and leaders here change their expressions, worried that Ling Yuling was on Gu Changge's side.

But they were When she was about to speak, Ling Yuling continued,

"That’s why I will invite all parties to come to Yuxian Palace to discuss the establishment of the Xiyuan Covenant this time."

"Greek-Yuan Covenant?"

These words surprised and shocked everyone here.

Many people who had expected it were relieved, knowing that they had worried too much before.

How could the Patriarch of Yuxian Palace, a sage who fought against the black disaster, join the Fighting Sky Alliance? They are all working together.

If there is the check and balance of the Heyuan Covenant, the Fatian League will never dare to annex and occupy surrounding forces as it did before.

This can also curb the development of the Fatian League and prevent its ambition to unify the Heyuan civilization.

This is also a lot The best way that people have thought of before.

After all, no one wants to go head-to-head with the Fatian Alliance. The outcome will not be good. Even if they barely win in the end, they will pay a heavy price for it.

"oh? Greek-Yuan Covenant?"

"If I remember correctly, Chu Gucheng, the original king of Xianchu Haotu, also tried to formulate a Xiyuan covenant with the Xiyuan Holy Church. Unfortunately, he failed and died."

"Could it be that Miss Yuling also plans to marry with Xiyuan Holy Church like Chu Gucheng? Follow the old path of Xian Chu Hao Tu?"

Gu Changge looked slightly surprised, as if he didn't know Ling Yuling's purpose.

Hearing him deliberately say this, Saint Xiyuan's delicate hands under the wide sleeves couldn't help but tighten, and she wanted to glare at Gu Changge fiercely. One glance.

She felt uncomfortable all over. This incident was definitely a shame to her. She wished she could clear the memory of this incident from her mind.

Although it was Chu Gucheng who found his daughter Chu Xin Yue pretended to be her identity and deliberately spread the rumor.

But to Saint Xiyuan, it was like holding a shit basin and slamming it directly on her head.

Every time I think about it, I feel uncomfortable all over, and I feel nauseous and nauseous. impulse

"Chu Gucheng made the Xiyuan Covenant just to satisfy his own selfish interests, not to protect the common people in the world. It is normal that it will fail in the end."

"I once fought against the black disaster with many sages and forefathers, and we also made covenants. Later it was proved that what we did was right. There were no rules and no rules."

"In formulating the Greek-Yuan Covenant at this time, we actually hope that all the orthodox forces of the Greek-Yuan civilization will unite as one, abide by the rules, and not fight and consume for the sake of a small profit in front of them, destroying the stability and tranquility of the situation.……"

Ling Yuling said softly

"What the predecessors said is true, nothing can be achieved without rules. At this time, a new covenant is needed to restrain everyone, lest some people have no scruples, act arbitrarily, and trample on the rules and iron laws."

"We, Shouyang Tianzong, were the first to express our agreement and are willing to abide by the Greek-Yuan covenant and work with everyone to formulate and maintain the rules and order of the Greek-Yuan civilization."

The leader-level figure wearing a black gold Taoist crown and a purple Taoist robe was also the first to speak and responded.

Although the Shouyang Tianzong behind him is not as rich as Yuxian Palace, Zixiao Mountain, and Lingshen Taoist forces like Ku are long and ancient, but they also have ancestral realm beings in charge, and their strength cannot be underestimated.

And he himself is also an ancestral realm existence, so when he stood with several other master-level figures before, he Dare to face Gu Changge with confidence

"You are right. Today's Xiyuan civilization is different from the past. The catastrophe is coming and no one can be spared. If you are still selfish and only care about your own life and death, you will have no choice but to fend for yourself in this catastrophe."

"Fellow Taoists, the lessons learned from Xian Chu Hao Tu are still ahead of us. At this time, you need to keep your eyes open and make good choices."

The headmaster of Shouyang Tianzong was the first to speak, and other leaders and headmaster-level figures also spoke one after another after seeing this, expressing their approval and agreement, and their willingness to formulate a Xiyuan covenant with Yuxian Palace.

"We are also willing to abide by the new Greek-Yuan covenant and advance and retreat together with you."

Subsequently, the leaders of powerful groups such as Tuoyang Mountain, Fanyin Hall, Gouchen Palace, Xuanguang Cave, Jiuyou Mingque and other powerful groups did not hesitate for long and were willing to abide by the new Xiyuan Covenant. It can be said that this place, except for Yuxian Palace, Except for the comparable top immortal orthodox forces such as Zixiao Mountain and Guangming Temple, they have not expressed their stance.

The rest of the ethnic groups, large and small, have also expressed their stance.

Including many ancient beings who were born not long ago, after thinking for a moment, they also I chose to take a stand and stand with everyone.

No one is stupid. Rather than being annexed and occupied by the Fatian Alliance, it is better to be the first to join forces and stand with a giant like Yuxian Palace.

This is better than becoming the Fatian inexplicably. A member of the alliance.

In the eyes of many practitioners and forces, the Fighting Heaven Alliance is not so much a cancer as a snake and scorpion that must be avoided. The

Fighting Heaven Alliance is very strange. Although they have never been in contact with it, they seem to have something that can The same magical power that converts people makes people convert without a sound and become its most loyal believers.

Even Jing Tianyuan, the ancestor of the Jing clan, Zi Wanhe, the lord of Zixiao Mountain, and the current Demon Emperor of Demon Court Beings like Kun are no exception.

How can ordinary practitioners resist the obstruction?

"The content of the Xiyuan Covenant will not be formulated by me alone. I will brainstorm and involve all the power groups as much as possible. This can also ensure that the matter is fair and will not favor any party."

Ling Yuling looked at the other forces and traditions that had not yet expressed their stance. Among them were the Xiyuan Holy Church, Lingshen Cave, Guangming Temple, Tathagata Buddha Kingdom and other top forces in the Xiyuan civilization. The stance of these forces, in her opinion, It seems that it is actually more important, because behind these forces' orthodoxy, there are many branches and side branches, including many orthodox ethnic groups that are vassal to them.

"Junior sister, what do you think about this? Xiyin looked at Saint Xiyuan next to her and asked via voice transmission.

Although she is slightly older than Saint Xiyuan, how to decide this matter still depends on Saint Xiyuan.

"Don’t rush into thinking about the Greek-Yuan Covenant, just wait and see what happens."Sage Xiyuan shook her head slightly and said through the message.

She had been worried in her heart. It was obvious that Gu Changge could guess Ling Yuling's purpose and knew the reason for her announcement to the world this time, but why did he still lead the people of the Fighting Heaven Alliance? Come?

"Amitabha, the Yuan Covenant is of great importance. I, the Tathagata Buddha, have always been compassionate and sympathetic to all living beings. Naturally, I do not want disaster to happen. My views on this matter are the same as those of senior Ling Yuling."

The leader of the Tathagata Buddha Kingdom has not arrived. The leader is an old monk with simple Buddhist robes and a tattered Buddhist hat. He folded his head and folded his hands, looked at each other with several ancient Buddhas beside him, and expressed his stance.

Then, The Taoist forces such as Guangming Temple and Lingshen Cave did not hesitate for long and expressed their willingness to jointly formulate and abide by the Xiyuan Covenant to benefit all people of the Xiyuan civilization.

Ling Yuling has a graceful figure, a light and straight figure, and a radiant glow. Seeing this scene, her flawless and elegant face could not help but smile, saying,"It is the blessing of the people of Xiyuan Civilization that this matter can be recognized and echoed by you all. I am here to represent the whole world." Common people, thank you all comrades."

The leaders and religious figures from all the orthodox forces handed over their hands one after another and said hurriedly and politely,

"You're welcome, senior. It's our blessing to have you come forward and make decisions for the whole world."

"Otherwise, I don’t know what kind of smoky mess the Xiyuan civilization will become in the future."

"We respect the Xiyuan Holy Church and have great respect for the senior Xiyuan women, but we never thought that the current Xiyuan Holy Church would turn a blind eye to the current situation of the Xiyuan civilization."

"Although the vast land of Xianchu is being scheming, and it deserves it, this is not the tragedy of our Xiyuan civilization."

Except for the people from the Fighting Heaven Alliance who have not yet expressed their stance, there are only some casual cultivators from other civilized ethnic groups outside the vast world left here, and the Xiyuan Holy Church has not yet agreed.

This makes many people feel a little dissatisfied. What does Saintess Yuan mean?

When she was in Xianchu Haotu, she made her position clear and defended Gu Changge, saying that there was no evidence that the Defeating Heaven Alliance was related to the remnants of the Black Disaster. Later, the story of Zixiao Mountain The imitation of the world-burial coffin sent by the Lord caused the destruction of all living beings in the vast land of Xianchu. In the end, it was the Holy Maiden of Xiyuan who came forward to prove that the black coffin had nothing to do with the remnants of the black disaster.

If it was okay once, it could be done after several times. After this, the credibility of Saint Xiyuan in the hearts of many people declined.

This time, the Holy Church of Xiyuan did not express its position, which made many orthodox forces dissatisfied.

"junior sister……"Xiyin was also a little worried when he saw this.

However, the expression of Holy Goddess Xiyuan remained unchanged, as if she had expected this scene.

"I wonder what Mr. Gu thinks of the Xiyuan Covenant I mentioned?"

Ling Yuling didn't pay attention to the others, but looked at Gu Changge, as if to ask his opinion.

"Miss Yu Ling considers all the people in the world and all the spirits in the world. Naturally, there is no dispute about the Xiyuan Covenant. I naturally support it with both hands and are willing to discuss and deal with it together."

Gu Changge said with a faint smile.

"However, if the Xiyuan alliance fails to be negotiated this time, what will Miss Yuling plan to do? You and I are considered acquaintances, so there is no need to hide these things. Ling

Yuling, who has a slender neck and elegant appearance, said slightly apologetically,"Yu Ling will keep Mr. Gu's life-saving grace in mind and dare not forget it, but the matter of the Xiyuan Covenant is related to the fate of all living beings in the Xiyuan civilization. , Yu Lingcai had to be cautious, and hoped that Mr. Gu would understand and be considerate."

"If the alliance cannot be reached, Yu Ling will have no choice but to think of another way and will not just sit back and watch the current situation of the Xiyuan civilization."

Hearing Ling Yuling say this, everyone here was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly understood.

It turned out that Gu Changge, the head of the Fighting Heaven Alliance, had actually saved the life of the founder of Yuxian Palace before, and the two were even familiar with each other.

In this way, does this Xiyuan covenant count as a breakup between the two of them?

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