"grown ups……"

In front of the Fatian Temple, Old Jackdaw and the old Taoist priest were full of respect and awe, and they did not dare to disturb Gu Changge.

The rest of the members of the Fatian League had already left this area and returned to the headquarters of the Fatian League in Xiyuan Civilization according to the instructions of Gui Changge.

"What do you want to say to me?"

Gu Changge was silent for a long time, then slowly opened his eyes and asked casually.

He knew that Old Man Jackdaw and the old Taoist priest might have guessed his identity, so they were so active in Yuxian Palace. , show your loyalty immediately

"Sir, are you...are you really back?"

Jackdaw's eyes were full of enthusiasm, and his voice was trembling slightly.

The old Taoist priest beside him also held his breath, and he could hear his heartbeat like a bell and a drum.

He didn't expect that the old man Jackdaw would be so direct. He asked this question.

However, this was indeed the answer he desperately wanted to know.

"Does the answer to this question matter?"

Gu Changge didn't look back, his back was still facing the two of them, and his voice didn't have many ups and downs.

"No...it's not important. We are just waiting for this day. We have been waiting for too long."

"All of us are waiting for you, for the day when you can take over the darkness again."

Old Jackdaw said with excitement and trembling.

Gu Changge let out a specious chuckle, then turned back to look at him, his eyes unwavering and said,"Oh, but I don't have any concern for the darkness of the heavy palm now. interest"

"No matter what you want to do, we will always be your most loyal and fanatical believers and people, and we are willing to dedicate everything to you."

Old Jackdaw said urgently,"We cannot live without your Majesty, just like the entire vast world cannot live without your rule, Your Majesty."

"We eight followers will always follow you to the death."

The old Taoist priest on the side also said with respect and awe, and his attitude was extremely pious. Then the two of them knelt down on the spot without hesitation.

If anyone else was here, they would be shocked by the scene in front of them. I am speechless.

The person who exists in the ancestral realm is a figure who stands at the top of the boundless vastness. His divine power is so vast that it has reached an incredible level. A single sentence can determine the life and death of countless universes, time and space. It cannot be insulted lightly.

Even if it means being killed. , it is impossible to kneel down in front of others.

The strength of the old man Jackdaw and the old Taoist priest are far beyond the ordinary existences in the ancestral realm, but now they are kneeling on the ground so respectfully and piously. This is too disturbing It's unbelievable.

For Old Man Jackdaw and the old Taoist priest, the shock and impact in their hearts at this moment is greater than anyone else's, as if the ancient myth reappeared and the gods came in person. It could only be seen in ancient records. Miracles that could only be said in a few words appeared before their eyes in person.

Whether it was the gods or the gods, they all had a common belief.

Now, that belief was standing so close in front of them, even talking to them..How could this not make them excited and uplifted? If their state of mind had not been as stable as a fairy gold rock, they would not even be able to speak complete words at this moment.

"8. Follow the herd? Have the original eight tribes evolved into the eight tribes?"

Gu Changge paid no attention to the two people who were kneeling down. He frowned slightly and deduced some information from the words of the old Taoist priest.

He did not think that the Daitian he had established would decay and collapse so easily..

Even if he didn’t leave behind any backup, Daitian was sitting on the most terrifying and frightening foundational strength that was once vast and vast.

Even though it has been washed and baptized by countless years, it cannot be easily destroyed.

"Sir, since the fall of Daitian, the ancient Eight Tribes have ceased to exist. The only Eight Tribes that we have survived are actually evolved from the Eight Tribes. They are incomparable to your original Eight Tribes.……"

"Moreover, the heavenly beings who have obtained most of Daitian’s information have been claiming to be Daitian’s orthodoxy since these epochs, and they want to kill all the eight followers of us and eradicate them all."

"The coffin, which was once the most precious treasure of civilization, has also fallen into the hands of the heavenly people. With this precious treasure as their support, they are even more emboldened and unscrupulous. Over the years, they have brought troubles to all parties and stirred up the situation, causing us, the legacy of generations, to hide here and there. , dare not show up in front of the world easily……"

The two people, who had no doubts about Gu Changge's identity, started to explain directly after hearing this.

The old Taoist priest's face was full of bitterness, as if pouring out bitter water, and he informed Gu Changge of the current situation of Ba Congzhong.

If the two of them were not searching for the whereabouts of the Gate of Eternal Life and had not received the summons in advance, they would not have been able to appear here together, let alone act together.

Generally speaking, the eight followers don't know where each other is now.

Only the respected and ancient figures in each group have ways to communicate with other groups.

Today's Eight Conformers are indeed far from being compared with the Eight Conformists who once shocked the world.

And each of them is hidden very deeply and will not be easily revealed to the world. This also leads to the fact that even they themselves do not know who the eight followers are today and how much information they have left.

"If you have been reduced to such a useless state, then what use do I need from you?"

After Gu Changge finished listening to the old Taoist priest's explanation, his eyes gradually darkened. He turned around again and looked at the statue in the Fatian Temple, thoughtfully.

He originally thought that the old man Jackdaw and the old Taoist priest had come to find him. He can be used by him.

But now it seems that these eight followers have been reduced to stinky rats in the gutter, and they can only hide everywhere. Not only do they have to worry about being visited by their former enemies, but they also worry about being liquidated by the heavens..His original intention of establishing the Fighting Sky Alliance was not to provide shelter for these guys.

"Please, sir, make the decision for us."

Old Jackdaw and the old Taoist priest also had bitter expressions on their faces. They also knew that today's eight followers have lost the prestige of the eight followers of Daitian.

But this is also a helpless thing. Since the disintegration of Daitian, the group has no leader. , this is especially true for the eight tribes, no one can control the shock.

When the Lord of Daitian was still alive, he could suppress everyone with the power of one person, and no one in the entire Daitian organization was dissatisfied or disrespected.

But this also directly led to Once the Lord of Daitian disappears, the situation suppressed by his power will definitely separate and collapse. The eight tribes will do this, and the people of heaven will naturally do the same, because no one can rule and control this power except the Lord of Daitian.

"How much heritage do the Shaoyin people and the Tianshui people left behind you now have?"

Gu Changge was silent for a moment, but he didn't say anything else. In fact, no matter what situation Daitian will end up in, it will not have any impact on him. What's more, Daitian will fall apart, which has long been expected and planned by him.

Accurate. In other words, Dai Tian was destined to perish and collapse.

Now that there are still Ba Congzhong and the so-called Tianzhong, it is actually an unexpected surprise. Naturally, he will not be demanding anything more.

As for what the predecessor of Ba Congzhong is, This will not have much impact on the Fatian Alliance.

"Sir, most of the people in Tianshui are now hiding in the world of Tianshui. The world of Tianshui is invisible and has no desire and color. The sky is boundless in space and the sky is boundless in reality. All living beings cannot be found or seen."

"There are countless people in the Tianshui Realm, and they rule many kingdoms and dynasties. In terms of background, although they are not as good as those of the greatestThe true world, but it is definitely not something that those immortal orthodoxy can touch."The old Taoist priest said respectfully.

The old man Jackdaw also said respectfully,"The people of Shaoyin live in the land of Shaoyin. The surrounding billions of time and space are all radiating earth. Without the energy of Hengyang to guide them, even those who have reached the sky will perish. Lost."

In any case, the Tianshui Sect and the Shaoyin Sect evolved from the Eight Tribes that once terrorized the world. Even if they decline again, they are by no means comparable to ordinary immortal forces.

Gu Changge nodded slightly.

If the other six followers are similar to those of the Tianshui and Shaoyin followers, then the combined power of the two is quite impressive.

However, countless years have passed, and there is no guarantee that the current eight followers will not leave. thoughts.

The old Jackdaw and the old Taoist priest in front of him cannot represent the entire Eight Congregations.

Gu Changge will definitely not let go of this considerable force.

At least the Xiyuan civilization in front of him is difficult to integrate with the Eight Congregations. To compete.

Of course, the Xiyuan Civilization still has many underlying powers that have not surfaced, and some deeply hidden figures have not yet appeared.

From the current point of view, Xi Nu, the founder of the Xiyuan Temple, and others such as The entities behind Guangming Temple, Tathagata Buddha Kingdom and other forces have been waiting and hiding, with no intention of showing up.

Gu Changge originally planned to use Ling Yuling to fish.

However, he still underestimated the patience of those big fish. Until now, she is still able to bear it.

And Ling Yuling has the whereabouts of Liuhe Tianyuan in her hands. She has other uses for Gu Changge at the moment. So Gu Changge doesn't plan to take action against her yet.

This time Ling Yuling Borrowing the Xiyuan Covenant to make a big gamble is exactly what Gu Changge wants.

He also wants to use this opportunity to lure the snake out of the hole and solve the many troubles of the Xiyuan civilization in one fell swoop.

Looking at the silent Gu Changge , Old Jackdaw and the old Taoist priest became worried again. In fact, they had been worried that the current Eight Congregants would disappoint Gu Changge and be abandoned. At this time, let alone them, I am afraid it is the more powerful people behind them. As an ancient existence, they did not dare to breathe loudly in the face of this situation.

In their view, the appearance of the Futian Alliance was obviously that this adult wanted to restore the former Daitian.

And if they, the elders of the Daitian, If it has no effect, I am afraid that it will be ruthlessly abandoned.

The ruthlessness of the Lord of Heaven was once engraved on the bronze inscriptions and jade heavenly books of the Eight Tribes.

"How did you come to the Hellenistic Civilization? I don’t want to ask more, and I don’t want to hear anyone from the other eight tribes besides you talk about things related to me."

"If you stand in my way, I will kill you even if you are the deceased."Gu Changge's calm and emotionless voice interrupted the thoughts of Old Man Jackdaw and the old Taoist priest.

Their expressions changed drastically, and they hurriedly kowtowed in agreement, their hearts filled with fear and trembling.

Only the true Eight Tribesmen can do this. To truly understand the terror and terror of the Lord of Heaven, all the creatures in the past were at best frightened by his terrifying power. At the same time, outside the Xiyuan civilization, in the vast expanse, a place was filled with rich darkness. In the realm of breath, a crack appeared silently.

Then, a huge head suddenly poked out from the crack.

It was very dry, like a human head, but not like a human head. It didn't have much hair. The eye sockets are also sunken, dark and devoid of any light.

And on top of this huge head, a blurry and slender figure sits cross-legged, wearing a bamboo hat. His face cannot be seen clearly, except for a pair of eyes, which look very... indifferent

"Ali, we haven't left that ghost place for a long time. This is really the breath of life we ​​haven't seen for a long time."

This huge head looked at the Xiyuan civilization in the distance, and let out a heart-wrenching laugh, like the chanting of some kind of monster, which made people feel chilled.

"Yes, the fresh breath that I haven’t seen for a long time……"The slender figure sitting cross-legged on top of its head responded indifferently.

"Jiejie, the priests have been searching for the treasures of the first civilization for so many epochs, and they are finally going to be revealed to the world one by one.……"

"As long as you find enough treasures, you can break the seal and welcome the return of the great Lord of Black Calamity, and the world will be ruled by darkness again."

This huge head had a terrifying crack at the corner of its mouth, as if it was laughing.

"Shut up, this has nothing to do with us"

"What we are going to do this time has nothing to do with this."

The slender figure wearing a bamboo hat stretched out his hand and patted the head beneath him. With a bang, the black mist in the sky exploded.

This original starThe ugly and ferocious head was instantly shrouded in the mist, and then turned into a snow-white, slender creature that looked like a real animal.

"Let's go, it looks much more pleasing to the eye."The slender figure wearing a bamboo hat patted the creature under him again, and said in a still indifferent tone.

The creature under him seemed to have been used to this for a long time, and turned into a divine light with a swish sound, breaking through. The time and space in front of us disappeared in an instant.

Time passed very quickly, and a few months later, we were in a place called Zhongmiao Mountain in the Xiyuan Civilization.

The sky was rumbling, and the mighty divine light flying boats, and the longing figures, were coming from everywhere. The universe is coming, and they are coming here one after another.

Looking around, you can see that the sky is full of light spaceships, as well as all kinds of auspicious beasts and birds, flying swords, buildings, and jade boats. It is extremely lively.

All the Taoist forces, The leader of the ethnic group, along with the core figures of the sect ethnic group, rushed here to sign the Xiyuan Covenant.

After several months of revision and discussion, Ling Yuling, the founder of Yuxian Palace, finally discussed and formulated a new agreement with many ancient beings. The Xiyuan Covenant.

And Zhongmiao Mountain is the place where the Xiyuan Covenant was signed. Almost all the orthodox forces and national ethnic groups of the Xiyuan Civilization, no matter how big or small, rushed over after receiving the news. He left his mark on the Yuan covenant and was protected by it.

Zhongmiao Mountain is a very special place in the Xiyuan civilization. This place was once called the place of Zhongmiao.

It is reported that in an extremely ancient period, there was a Taoist king here. Having comprehended the wonders of heaven and earth, he was inspired by the Great Dao and condensed into a gate of wonders. The wonderful truths of all worlds and thousands of mystical dharma were transmitted from it, benefiting many practitioners and living beings. They comprehended the wonderful truths of heaven and earth here, in situ. Ascend and escape into the gate of the wonders.

In later generations, practitioners often come here to comprehend the stone carvings and relics, either to achieve sudden enlightenment or to break through and gain many wonderful benefits. The mountains of wonders have also become a place for many spiritual practices. It is a holy place in the eyes of readers and creatures. Even some Dao realm beings will stop here to capture the ancient traces of time and seek opportunities for enlightenment. The majestic and majestic mountains are like a creeping real dragon, spreading down steeply. The tall and straight mountain peaks extend to the depths of the clouds. Colorful mist is transpiring, divine light is shimmering, and various roads and orders flow down from the top of the mountain like waterfalls. Looking from a distance, it seems like it is bathed in a sea of ​​steaming In the colorful divine light, all kinds of birds and animals are infected with auspicious aura, and even ordinary practitioners become holy and peaceful.

In the depths of the mountain, the chaotic energy is misty, and various ancient sacred trees tower into the sky, living and breathing. It has existed for many epochs.

Some of the more ancient sacred trees have majestic and endless vitality. Each branch and leaf is extremely large, covering the sky and the sun, and hung with stars. When blown by the wind, they make a rumbling and colliding sound. The sound of the world, the chaotic energy splashing out, seems to be giving birth to an extraordinary universe.

In front of these sacred trees, practitioners are as tiny as ants. Without the guidance of a Taoist realm, I am afraid they are not even qualified to set foot.

The signing of the Xiyuan Covenant The choice of the place here is beyond the expectations of many people, but it makes sense when you think about it.

The rules of heaven and earth in the wonderful places are different from other places. They are affected by various materials. The power of some sacred trees is not inferior. It exists in the Tao realm.

No matter who does something in this place, they will be oppressed and even expelled by the sacred tree.

Many elders and disciples of Yuxian Palace have already come here and are waiting for the arrival of the others in Zhongmiao Mountain.

Zhongmiao Mountain is located in the central area of ​​Xiyuan civilization. It will take some time for many ethnic groups to come. The signing of the alliance affects all ethnic groups, so they can only wait as long as possible..

Some of the ethnic groups that are closer to this place have arrived early, and are now gathering in small groups to discuss the Greek-Yuan Covenant.

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