"So what kind of situation do you want? To be honest, I don't think you are that stupid to use this method against me."Gu Changge just said calmly.

"I was also surprised by what happened just now. I had never seen anything like this happen before."

"I can also swear with my Taoist heart that all this was really not arranged by me, and I didn't intend to deal with you like this."

Ling Yuling also knew that Gu Changge would probably not believe what she was saying now, but she still explained so clumsily.

Before this, there was still a lot of room for relaxation, but now, in addition to facing each other with swords, there has been There is no other possibility.

In fact, her mind is very confused now, and the whole situation is completely out of her control and expectation.

"What do you mean by surprise? Does it mean that not only did I survive, but I was also unscathed?"Gu Changge just asked in an understatement when he heard this.

Ling Yuling sighed in her heart. She knew that her explanation was useless after all.

It was impossible for Gu Changge to believe her anymore. She originally wanted to make a covenant this time. It can be said that Gu Changge agreed to sign the contract and came in person, which can be said to have given her enough face and trust. He had mentioned many times before that he wanted her to go to the Tianfu League to assist him.

If he thought about it from his perspective, one of his I’m afraid it would be hard for anyone to accept that I have worked so hard to be let down like this.

"sorry."After a moment of silence, Ling Yuling could only apologize again.

Gu Changge ignored her. His eyes were calm and indifferent, and then he glanced at the people who were confronting the Tianmeng one by one, and his tone was extremely calm.

"I gave you a chance, but it's a pity that you didn't know how to seize it. Since you don't even care about the sentient beings of Xiyuan Civilization, then why should I pity you?"

His words caused the expressions of the leaders and leaders of all the Taoist forces to change drastically.

Many people felt palpitations and fear, knowing what Gu Changge meant.

If what just happened had not happened, then There is still room for relaxation, and the Greek-Yuan Covenant can be signed to achieve peaceful coexistence.

However, now all this has been ruined.

Naturally, it is impossible for Gu Changge to sit down and talk with them. Next, the Fatian Alliance will inevitably negotiate with all parties. A war breaks out between the orthodox forces.

Many people have bitter faces and want to say something, but when the words reach their lips, they can only swallow them, knowing that they cannot stand the truth.

They are ruthless and unjust, and use despicable means first. Why should the League insist on benevolence, justice and morality from them?

Saint Xiyuan glanced at Ling Yuling and hesitated.

She was not sure now whether Ling Yuling was scheming against Gu Changge.

But she was sure of one thing. If Ling Yuling doesn't do anything else, then the entire Xiyuan civilization will face a terrifying bloody storm.

"In fact, I have always wanted all ethnic groups and traditions to live in peace and avoid war and conflict. The black disaster will sweep across again. If the Xiyuan civilization does not stop the civil strife, I am afraid that it will not be able to survive this catastrophe."

"My thoughts on this have never changed."

Ling Yuling looked at Gu Changge. She knew that Gu Changge was definitely very disappointed with her at the moment. If she was angry, she probably still had the qualifications.

But she still wanted to work hard and maintain the current situation as much as possible.

"You keep saying that a black disaster is coming, and you want the Xiyuan civilization to stop the civil strife. But judging from the current situation, it seems that we, the Fatian Alliance, are not trying to break all this."

"Ling Yuling, should you say these words to others? What you said to me, are you talking to the wrong person?"Gu Changge chuckled indifferently when he heard this, but everyone could hear the ridicule in his words.

Ling Yuling's expression froze, especially when she heard Gu Changge call her by her name, she felt He let out an indescribable sigh, feeling a little inexplicable and unspeakable.

Is there really no room for recovery?

"I'm very confused right now. I don't know how to explain it to Mr. Gu, but I can swear with my Taoist heart that I am not plotting against you."

"I really don’t want to fight with the Fatian Alliance. Everyone in Yuxian Palace, including me, accepts your kindness, so how can we repay kindness with hatred? If it weren't for our different stances, I think we could have had a drink together and become best friends."

"Mr. Gu, can you give me some time? Trust me again. I promise to give you a complete explanation and find out who is behind the golden book of the covenant to deliberately destroy this Greek-Yuan covenant. This person has a terrible intention and everything was done deliberately, and it is even possible. It’s the Zhenjie civilization that is hostile to the Greek Yuan civilization that is doing this secretly……"

Ling Yuling's gentle and gentle face showed a rare look of perseverance. Her bright eyes stared at Gu Changge and said in a somewhat urgent and anxious tone.

Many people were in a daze when they heard this. Isn't it true that Ling Yuling was behind all this?

It's just that she worked with everyone to refine this golden book of covenant, and she checked it at every level, so how could it be tampered with by others?

Or is this just her one-sided statement, just to delay time?

After what happened just now, many people do not dare to judge people by their appearance easily, thinking that Ling Yuling is really as gentle and graceful as she appears on the surface.

"Leader of the alliance, don't listen to her one-sided words. The most poisonous woman's heart is, who knows what other ways she is thinking of plotting against you. Not everyone is as kind-hearted and tolerant as you."

Everyone in the Fetian League couldn't help but hurriedly persuade them at this moment.

Many people's faces were even more anxious, worried that Gu Changge would follow in the footsteps of others who just trusted others.

"Ling Yuling, you can be considered a former sage after all. Shouldn't you understand that the so-called Dao Heart Oath has no effect on existences like you and me?"

Gu Changge ignored the concerns of everyone in the Fatian Alliance. He just looked at Ling Yuling, smiled faintly, and said,"Since you want me to believe in you again, that's fine. This Xiyuan covenant can also continue to be signed, but I have to add a condition"

"From now on, all the orthodox ethnic groups of the Xiyuan Civilization will be at the disposal of the Heavenly Alliance. If there is any disobedience, they will be dealt with according to the iron rules of the Xiyuan Alliance."

"What do you think of this condition? It can not only maintain the peaceful situation you want without losing any force, but also solve the civil strife you are worried about. It can also formulate covenants to restrain various tribes and forces. Isn't it possible to kill multiple birds with one stone?"

Hearing this, Ling Yuling couldn't help being stunned. She was speechless for a moment. Her red lips moved, but she didn't know what to say.

Even if she could agree to this condition, the various races and forces of the Xiyuan Civilization , it is impossible for them to agree.

Even when the Xiyuan Holy Church was at its peak, it was impossible for all the power groups of the Xiyuan Civilization to be at their disposal.

This is not much different from surrendering to slavery.

The sects and leaders of all the tribes and orthodox forces here all had ugly expressions on their faces.

How could they agree to such conditions? Wouldn't that mean they would become vassals and slaves of the Fighting Sky Alliance? In that case, they might as well fight to the death. , maybe there are other possibilities.

"I'm sorry, even if I want to agree to your condition, I probably can't do it."

"Everyone in Yuxian Palace can agree to your conditions, but I can't make the decision for the other tribes and traditions, and they probably won't agree either."Ling Yuling said slightly bitterly.

Gu Changge didn't seem to be surprised at all by this. He just smiled lightly and said,"But isn't this the best result for all living beings and all races in the world? Why are all ethnic groups and traditions still unwilling to accept it?"

"Is it because in their eyes, the so-called common people and all races in the world are actually only themselves?"

"Except for our Fatian Alliance, no ethnic group or force in this world cares about their life or death."

What he said was so direct that it was equivalent to tearing open the pretense of all the orthodox forces present.

Many leaders and sect figures turned pale, their eyes were gloomy and ugly, and they couldn't find any rebuttal. The reason.

Many small ethnic groups in Zhongmiao are actually not surprised by this result, but many people still feel a sense of bitterness and unwillingness.

The world is so cruel, and for those immortal Taoist forces, all living beings are Spirits are just floating ants, who cares about their life and death?

In the past, we held high the banner of justice for the common people, but at this time, our selfish ambition was so nakedly revealed.

Moreover, as Gu Changge said Said that, except for the Fatian Alliance, no other orthodoxy forces would care about their life and death. The alliance they thought they wanted to keep warm was actually just a ridiculous group of ants in the eyes of the immortal orthodoxy forces.

At this time, instead of being surrounded by various ethnic groups, The various sects are treated as cannon fodder to die, why don't they simply join the Futian Alliance and become one of them?

"Stop talking nonsense, comrades, to deal with such crooked and rebellious people, why do we need to talk about benevolence, justice and morality with them? It doesn’t matter if we don’t sign the Xiyuan Covenant today, we will work together to destroy the Defying Tian League here."

The headmaster of Shouyang Tianzong looked cold and shouted, taking the lead in breaking the silence here.

Behind him, many elders and disciples of Shouyang Tianzong also had murderous expressions on their faces, and they were already prepared to die. Preparation for a fight

"Fellow Taoist Shouyang is right. The matter has come to this, and it is useless to say anything more. The Fatian Alliance has gone against heaven and will suffer retribution sooner or later. What we have done is just to follow the general trend and do justice for heaven."

"Even if you stand by and watch today, do you still hope that you will not suffer revenge from the Tianfa Alliance in the future?"

"In the vast ocean, across the rivers of dust, and in the vast world of truth, countless ethnic groups die and are born every day. This is the eternal law of heaven. Why should we feel guilty about this? We should follow nature and the cycle of heaven is like this. This should be the case even more so. Why should he who sweeps the world sweep a house?"

A leader-level figure also stood up, and the loud voice echoed in the world, causing the expressions of many hesitant practitioners and creatures around to change.

This is actually true. Even if they feel guilty, now Standing idly by and choosing to intervene.

But how can we explain that they are not included in the forces that plot to harm Gu Changge? How will they not suffer revenge from the Tianfa League in the future?

They are now grasshoppers tied to a rope.

What's more? In the vast true world, countless ethnic groups and forces are dying every day. Who really has the heart to care about those? No matter how much you say, you can win over people's hearts, but how can the real dragon care about what the ants think?

"There really is no other choice."

The clan leader of the clan, with a hesitant and tangled look on his face, quickly made up his mind. His eyes were cold and ruthless, and he was already sending messages to the many clansmen behind him to be ready to take action.

The headmaster of Shouyang Tianzong and others Under the encouragement of others, the originally wavering thoughts of many leaders of ethnic groups became firm again.

They could not guarantee that they could live in peace with the Futian Alliance in the following days, and they could not guarantee that they would not suffer retaliation today, so the only The way is to join forces with everyone to bury the Feitian Alliance here.

The slight guilt before was wiped out in an instant in the face of the interests of the ethnic group.

"Haha, this is true human nature. The so-called righteousness of the common people and all beings are bullshit in the face of their own interests."

"After tearing off that layer of disguise, I see that you are just the same as the evil people. How dare you say that we, the Heaven Defying Alliance, are evil people?"

In the Fighting Heaven Alliance, Old Jackdaw saw this scene with undisguised mockery on his face.

"Haha, since you want to die, then I will make it happen for you"

"With the leader here, you cannot have any chance or hope of victory."

Behind the old man Jackdaw, many powerful men from the Fighting Sky Alliance also laughed one after another, their faces full of sarcasm and disdain.

"If one family cannot be governed, how can the world be governed?"

"you andIt's ridiculous for ants to draw a clear line. In my eyes, what's the difference between you and them? Are you not ants?"

Gu Changge looked at the various ethnic groups and Taoist forces in front of him with indifferent eyes, without any emotion in his eyes.

"The evil heretics who deceive the people with evil talk should be punished!"

The headmaster of Shouyang Tianzong couldn't stand his indifferent gaze like looking at ants, and shouted angrily. The two swords of yin and yang from before appeared, flew out from his palm, and turned into two black and white yin and yang across the sky. Fish, Pisces swam into swords, whizzing through and slashing down. The shocking surging aura was enough to make Taoist beings tremble and bow their heads.

In the surrounding space and time of the universe, there were many immortal kings, quasi-immortal emperors, and even immortal emperor-level beings. , were frightened and oppressed by this aura, and couldn't help but tremble and kneel down, wanting to kowtow there.

This vast and terrifying aura swept through the entire Zhongmiao Mountain in an instant, radiating towards the surrounding universe and space. Go.

After the headmaster of Shouyang Tianzong took action, the other Dao realm elders behind him also took action one after another. The gorgeous Tao realm rules were intertwined into a big net there, and the chaos was hazy, covering the sky for eternity. They were facing Gu in the sky. Chang Ge covered away.

Without warning, this chaotic war broke out again, and many palaces in Zhongmiao Mountain collapsed in an instant.

Under the full siege of the existence of the ancestral realm, there was no room for resistance at all, and it instantly turned into Fans.

Gu Changge watched indifferently as these people came towards him. He just raised his palms and covered them in front.

In an instant, the terrifying aura was like the Tianhe bursting its banks, covering the entire space-time area. , shrouded the headmaster of Shouyang Tianzong and others. There was a click!

A crisp crackling sound appeared on the Yin and Yang swords, as if they were shattered by something. The headmaster of Shouyang Tianzong coughed up blood, and he was the first to bear the brunt. The two arms exploded immediately, and there was disbelief in the eyes.

"How can it be……"His voice was shaking.

It was plunged into absolute darkness, with no light coming out, and only wisps of unparalleled coercion permeating the air, crushing all surrounding rules to pieces.

Every piece of space and time in the universe made a trembling sound. If there was no protection from the Tao realm, just this horrible atmosphere escaping would be enough to destroy everything.

All the figures of Shouyang Tianzong who had just charged forward were now shrouded in darkness. There was a deep darkness there, and there was not even any sound coming out.

Many ancient beings in Zhongmiao Mountain were trembling with fear, and it was difficult to see the scene there clearly. They could not even see Gu Changge.

Then, there was an extremely terrifying loud noise, as if it had exploded eons ago, echoing along the long river of time in every piece of time and space.

The figure of the headmaster of Shouyang Tianzong suddenly fell from there and flew out. However, at this moment, his eyes were widened, his eyebrows were pierced, and along with the white bone residue, his blood had already drained out.

In the dilated pupils, there seemed to be ancient shadows emerging, as if they had glimpsed the past scene.

He seemed to see a figure from the indescribable ancient period whose true appearance was difficult to see, as if he had come back from the end of the distant river of time. That figure was holding a halberd with a dark aura.

The halberd blade was cold and sharp. With a casual stroke, many ancient universes and the most powerful true worlds were turned into ashes and dust under this divine power, and all the creatures in them died immediately.

The monstrous aura became more terrifying as the figure stepped out.

Every ray of brilliance surpassed the highest. As he stepped forward, spurts of light appeared, shattering the eternal heavens, and the nine heavens were destroyed.

"How can it be……"

Before a being in the ancestral realm falls, he may accidentally glimpse an incredible sight.

And no one knew what the headmaster of Shouyang Tianzong had just seen. He died tragically after just a few moments of meeting him. Until this moment, there was still deep disbelief, fear and horror in his eyes.

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