The news that black disaster has once again come to the vast world soon spread throughout the world, and all civilized countries were shocked and horrified by it.

In just a few days, many areas were invaded and submerged in the black mist. No living beings or ethnic groups could escape and were completely buried in it.

The star fields dimmed rapidly, turning into a kingdom of eternal darkness.

And this trend is still spreading to the surroundings very quickly, and even powerful Dao realm beings can't stop it.

Even in some civilized true worlds, black mist began to escape, falling along some cracks in time and space, spreading to the universe, and quickly corroding those star fields.

At this time, the black mist was coming in all directions.

Some practitioners and creatures even discovered in horror that in their sea of ​​​​consciousness, they had been contaminated with that aura at some point, and there was actually a black mist across the incredibly distant latitudes of time and space, in an incomprehensible way. , appeared in their consciousness space, contaminating and corrupting their will and cognition. this oneThe scene quickly unfolded everywhere, making countless ethnic groups and civilizations feel fear and fear, as if there was no place for them in the world, and no matter where they fled, they might be swallowed up by the black mist.

And many of the most powerful true worlds and civilizations also immediately abandoned their past interest entanglements and tried to find ways to prevent this black disaster.

The whole vast expanse became turbulent because of this.

The arrival of the black mist caught everyone off guard. Except for a few powerful civilizations that had anticipated and responded to it, many civilized countries had nothing to do.

We can only reduce the scope of influence as much as possible and move as close as possible to the center of the vastness.

Almost all ethnic groups and forces in the Xiyuan civilization also learned the explosive news that the remnants of the black disaster had once again come to the vast world.

The rest of the most powerful civilizations, such as Xudan Civilization, Yanyang True World, and Shangyin True World, immediately reported the news to Xiyuan Civilization.

Because Xinu, the founder of the Xiyuan Temple in the Xiyuan Civilization, was one of the sages who fought against the black disaster, and even controlled the Mirror of Reincarnation, one of the six treasures of the first generation civilization.

Therefore, many of the most powerful civilizations around want to know if there is any way for the Xiyuan civilization to resist this sudden black disaster.

Countless years and epochs have passed since the Black Disaster Era, and countless civilized countries have perished. There are also many true worlds that have gone through many calamities and liquidations but are still standing.

However, there are very few people like the Xiyuan Civilization who have truly experienced the true world of that era. They have never really faced the black disaster at all, let alone have any countermeasures.

Moreover, there have been some evil remnants in the past, but they were all eliminated by the Xiyuan Holy Church in the end.

The Holy Maiden of Xiyuan has led some orthodox forces in the Xiyuan civilization to personally eliminate the remnants of the black disaster, and has experience in this area.

At this time, some of the strongest civilizations around are naturally counting on the Xiyuan Civilization. Even the Xiyuan Civilization has only experienced a major turmoil.

"Why did the black disaster come so suddenly? Isn't it a bit too sudden?……"

"I'm afraid it's not without reason that the remnants of the black disaster would choose to appear in this world at this time. I'm worried that worse things will happen later, and a bigger storm will come."

Ling Yuling frowned and sat in the courtyard. She glanced at Gu Changge, who was still drinking tea calmly not far away. Doubts flashed in her eyes.

When she learned that the black disaster had come to the world again , Gu Changge was only slightly surprised, as if he wasn’t very surprised or worried.

"The vastness is so vast. Even if the black disaster affects the Xiyuan civilization, we don’t know when. We don’t need to worry about it. Anyway, if the sky falls, there will be tall people to hold it up."

"Moreover, hasn’t the Black Disaster been eliminated once before? Even if it makes a comeback, it may not be able to regain its previous ferocious flames and power."

"Since it cannot be completely eradicated, its return must be certain, so why be so anxious?……"

Mu Yan lay bored on the stone table, resting her chin on her palms, watching Yaoyao not far away practicing a set of breathing techniques that Gu Changge had just taught her.

"Your statement is correct, but that is because you have not personally experienced the Black Disaster Era. You do not know how tragic, dark, and desperate that era was, and you do not know how terrifying the Black Disaster is.……"

Ling Yuling couldn't help but shake her head slightly, feeling that Mu Yan was too Buddhist and had no idea how terrifying the black disaster was.

This also confirms the saying, those who don’t know are not afraid.

Mu Yan couldn't help but roll her eyes,"Since senior is so worried, why not find a way to prevent this black disaster?"

Ever since she knew that Ling Yuling had taken the lead, she had done everything possible to look down on Ling Yuling. At that time, she also said some kind words for her in front of Gu Changge.

Ling Yuling couldn't help but be speechless after being reprimanded by Mu Yan.

If she had such means, how could she end up like this?

"Master, what is black trouble?"

On the other hand, Yaoyao in the distance blinked her dark and bright eyes. She was confused and had no idea what Mu Yan and Ling Yuling were talking about.

"When you go to the outside world and practice, you will naturally understand."Gu Changge replied casually.

This black disaster is coming faster than he expected. It seems that the heavens have indeed been planning for this for many years and have already made a lot of preparations.

However, currently, This scale is far from enough. The black disaster is still in its initial stage and is still far from what he wants.

However, it is enough for him to start the second move.

Yaoyao heard the news Cheeks puffed out, a look of resentment on his face.

Gu Changge was becoming more and more perfunctory with her now. He would patiently explain to her in the past. Is it because she has grown up during this period and is not as cute as before?

"Yuling, is there any way to prevent this black disaster?"

"What do you think?"

Gu Changge glanced at Ling Yuling and ignored Yaoyao's little mood.

Sooner or later, he would let her go to the outside world for training, experience all kinds of fights and intrigues, and let her grow up slowly. Naturally, he could not pamper her all the time. Of course, flowers in greenhouse

"At present, there is no solution, but this black disaster happened suddenly and unprepared, and it may be difficult to last for a long time. Even in the era when Daitian Organization existed, the black disaster gradually spread and swept through the world."

"I feel that the remnants of the black disaster may have other purposes. Although it will cause great panic to Cangmang in a short period of time, it will be difficult to affect the situation."

Ling Yuling was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that Gu Changge would suddenly ask her. She thought and analyzed it carefully before answering.

No matter how powerful the remnants of the black disaster are, they can't really bring disaster to the entire vast world at this time. Those civilized and true worlds can't It’s not a vegetarian. Although the source of darkness is difficult to deal with, it’s not that there are no ways to counter it. What needs to be considered now is not how to counteract and prevent the spread of the black mist, but the real purpose of stopping the remnants of the black mist.

After all, the early stage of the black mist Although it expands rapidly, it will soon experience a decline, and it will not affect too much territory. In the end, it will expand and encroach little by little.

Just like a wave, after the top of the wave is passed, the subsequent waves will It will gradually become smaller until it subsides.

This is the rule summarized by their predecessors

"You see clearly."

Gu Changge smiled faintly. Even he had to admit that Ling Yuling was indeed extremely smart. He could see the other nature beyond the appearance of this black disaster suddenly returning to the world.

Ling Yuling looked at Gu Changge with bright eyes, as if You need to find out whether he is really complimenting you or if he has other intentions.

"After all, I am also a person who has experienced that era. Naturally, I know more than people today.……"Her long eyelashes trembled slightly and she said softly.

Gu Changge smiled and said,"Then how do you know that after so many years, the remnants of the Black Disaster have not made any progress?"

Ling Yuling was suddenly stunned.

She thought of the shadows and shadows she heard mentioned by the aborigines on the floating continent in the chaotic sea of ​​time and space.

Isn't that the strange creature created by the remnants of the Black Disaster?

"Accompany me to go to the outside world. Today's Xiyuan civilization still needs you to stabilize people's hearts. The outside world is probably panicked now."

Gu Changge said casually, ignoring Ling Yuling who was in a daze. He walked in front and disappeared into the valley in an instant.

Ling Yuling came back to his senses, without thinking too much, turned into a divine light and followed.

Just as As Gu Changge said, today's Xiyuan civilization is in panic because of the news that the black disaster has once again come to the world, and it is even more panicked than when similar news came out before the Xianchu vast land was destroyed.

Because Today's news has been confirmed, and the news that came out of Xianchu Haotu at that time was just a guess.

Although all the tribes and Taoist traditions have submitted to the Fighting Alliance and become a part of it, for the existence of Black Disaster In ancient classics, it represents destruction, despair, tragedy, and almost unsolvable catastrophe, full of endless trembling and fear.

Gu Changge asked Ling Yuling to follow him because he also wanted her to be a sage who once fought against the black disaster. , to appease the hearts and minds of people in various parts of the universe of the Xiyuan Civilization today.

No matter how turbulent and panic the vast world is, it will not affect the Xiyuan Civilization where he is for the time being. Gu Changge does not like this kind of panic atmosphere around him.

Moreover, he wanted the Fatian Alliance to play a vital role in this black disaster that was coming to sweep the world. At this time, Ling Yuling seemed to finally understand Gu Changge's intentions and began to work tirelessly to She appeared in various places, as the envoy of the Fighting Heaven Alliance, to calm the frightened people.

After all, she was a sage who had fought against the black disaster. With this level of identity, the effect was naturally outstanding, and Gu Changge also ordered the Spiritual Emperor to , Zhuo Fengxie and others followed Ling Yuling to preach the doctrine.

The existence of the Fatian Alliance is to support the way of heaven, protect the common people, and eliminate the darkness.

In this black disaster, only by believing in the Fatian Alliance can we Can be protected.

There is no doubt that many Taoist forces feel angry and shameful about the"taking advantage of the fire" behavior of the Futian Alliance. In today's vast world, which force and civilization has the confidence and ability to say such a thing? Come on?

Isn’t this just raising a banner and deceiving all sentient beings?

However, such publicity and dissemination has a completely different tranquilizing effect in the hearts of many practitioners and living beings.

In addition, Ling Yuling, the founder of Yuxian Palace She showed up in person, as the messenger of the Fatian League, to comfort people, as if she thought so, and believed that the Fatian League could protect its followers and believers in this black disaster. At the same time, a A chaotic and terrible battle is taking place in the chaotic space-time sea deep in the Royal Immortal Palace.

Outside the floating continent, a tidal wave of black mist is flooding in, accompanied by the aura of destruction and decay, which will cover the entire land. The light curtain of the floating continent dissolved and shattered.

In the rolling black mist, wisps of black mist twisted and emitted a strange, heart- wrenching sneer. A blur of creatures condensed out of it, At first it was as dark as ink, like a pool of dissolved colloid, but it quickly condensed into a human appearance. Even the facial features, clothes, and expressions were exactly the same as those of the aboriginal people in the light curtain.

They sneered and offered various sacrifices. Such ancient treasures and Taoist tools were all gorgeous and bombarded forward.

Behind them, more black mist condensed into the appearance of ancient creatures. Their bodies were as big as stars, and their eyes were like mountains and lakes, staring at them intently. The light curtain kept slapping, trying to break it.

There is also a vulture-like bone bird without hair. It spreads its wings and it seems to cover the sky. The protruding bone claws are surrounded by endless black mist, which keeps beating down.A terrifying rumbling sound was made.

The floating continent was shaken violently, with the mountains shaking and the ground shaking. There were terrible cracks everywhere. The built houses, fields, palaces and pavilions had long been destroyed. Mountains collapsed, ancient trees fell down, and everything was devastated.

All the indigenous people in the floating continent rushed to the light curtain. Some were desperate, some were wailing, and some were paralyzed in pain, praying for the blessing of the Holy Ancestor.

Some people tried to rush out and fight to the death with the creatures in the black mist, but neither the beasts nor the shadows could kill them all.

If the black mist does not subside, they will not really die, but will keep reorganizing and resurrecting. It is extremely terrifying. In the end, they can only be consumed alive and submerged in the black mist, leaving not even their bones left.

Such a scene makes everyone feel extremely desperate. Now they are waiting for the protective light curtain left by the Holy Ancestor to break, and those dark creatures to rush in. Everyone fights them to death.


Suddenly, there was a shattering sound that made everyone's expressions change drastically. A crack appeared in one part of the light curtain. A terrifying bone claw came down and hit it, causing it to explode.

Then, a large amount of black mist poured in from the crack like a tide, trying to rush towards the floating continent.

"No, dark creatures are coming.……"

The expressions of everyone in the floating continent changed drastically, with incomparable horror and fear.


At this time, an ancient mysterious bead suddenly rose into the sky, endless runes circulated, and a terrifying light pillar shot out from it. Billions of rays of divine light transpired and intertwined, as if the power of all races were gathering, surging, and suddenly penetrated The black mist that surged in, and the dark creatures in it screamed, were evaporated in an instant.


"It's the Hunyuan Pearl sent by Fairy Qing."

Many people exclaimed.

A rickety, old-looking figure rushed forward and controlled the Hunyuan Pearl, trying to resist the broken gap and keep out the black mist.

"Best wishes……"Everyone on the floating continent exclaimed, their voices full of tremors and vibrations


Zhu Xuan's eyes turned red instantly when he saw his grandfather rushing forward.

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