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In the true world of civilization from all sides, countless lines of sight are looking at it and paying close attention.

The two superpowers are arrayed in formation, and the decisive battle is about to begin. The smoke is full of smoke.

"The Futian Alliance has gone too far to deceive others, and this battle is destined to be inevitable."

A high-ranking member of the Zhengyi League appeared in the ancient city, standing in the void, with very cold eyes.

Behind this high-ranking member of the Zhengyi League, several powerful beings walked out one after another, separated by the distant The vast sea of ​​​​stars is confronting the army of the Fatian Alliance.

Over the years, the Zhengyi Alliance has been retreating due to various reasons, trying not to confront the Fatian Alliance head-on.

This has long made many senior officials dissatisfied, with resentment in their hearts and suppressed anger. Now I finally got the announcement that I can give it a go. This battle is unavoidable and there is no way to retreat, so why fear a battle?


Ancient bronze chariots rolled through the sky and rolled forward, their wheels spinning on the stars. The whole universe is trembling as it gallops between domains.

On these ancient chariots, there are rows and rows of soldiers standing, each wearing cold clothes and iron armor, holding heavenly swords and fighting weapons, with a cold and faint light, Cutting through the starry sky, people are frightened.

Within the Zhengyi Alliance, there are many factions, including the warlike hawks, the doves who try to get along with each other, and the turtles who only choose to avoid war.

But this time , The leader of the Zhengyi Alliance and several deputy leaders simultaneously conveyed their intention to fight to the death with the Futian Alliance. The Dove Faction and the Turtle Faction also had to send strong men to the front line.

Massive armies are displayed here, with iron-armored Awesome, cold light flickers in the vast universe

"Is the Fatian Alliance really going to start a decisive battle? I, Zhengyi Meng, have never been afraid of trouble, but you have to think about the price you have to pay."

A strong man from the Zhengyi Alliance shouted angrily. The sound was like a loud bell, vibrating in the universe, making the surrounding stars tremble.

Across a star field, many strong men from the Fighting Sky Alliance were shouting. Looking at all this indifferently, no one responded to his words.

The Lord of the Demon Court, Demon Emperor Kun, came in person. Behind him, the demon army was equally murderous and dense, like a sea of ​​demons.

Over the years, he had many times He has led the demon army to fight in all directions, and has already achieved great fame, which is not comparable to when he first took the position of demon emperor.

Even if the demon ancestor Di Ai appears now, his power may not be as powerful as him.

"Following the order of the alliance leader, we attacked the Zhengyi Alliance."

"The Zhengyi Alliance colludes with the dark creatures, subverts the vast world, and brings disaster to the people. Today, I, the Alliance of Defeating Heaven, uphold God's will, bring order to the chaos, and purify the world."

"Anyone who stands in his way will be killed!"

Di Kun looked indifferent, got up from the chariot and walked out. He was wearing a large purple robe embroidered with unicorn and dragon patterns, a crown on his head, and his eyes were deep.

As his large robe shook, a scroll of oral instructions filled with the aura of the Supreme Being came out. Emerging, this oracle soared into the sky, with billions of rays of rays of light, and countless runes of the avenue flashed by. Each handwriting was painted with silver hooks and iron, touching the true seal. The terrifying energy surged, causing countless practitioners to tremble. The universe trembled.

On the surface of this oracle, a vague and slender figure seemed to be faintly visible.

He seemed to be sitting at the end of the world, surrounded by the vast shadow of the world behind him, and there were also surging clusters of divine fire. Looking down at the common people across endless latitudes.

All the powerful men and all the armies of the Fighting Sky Alliance knelt down towards the phantom with fanaticism and piety.

"This is the phantom of the leader of the Fighting Heaven Alliance……"

"It seems that he is really determined to take action against me, Zhengyimeng."

The expressions of all the senior leaders and powerful men of the Zhengyi Alliance changed at this moment, and they felt an indescribable terrifying pressure.

Many people had cold sweat on their foreheads, their faces turned pale, their hearts palpitated and they trembled. They couldn't help but move towards There they knelt down and prostrated, their legs were weakening, and their spines were about to collapse.

Countless armies of the Zhengyi Alliance felt a sense of fear and trembling at this moment, like humble ants facing a real dragon.

The kind of oncoming The terrifying and oppressive feeling was simply suffocating, and they could not generate the slightest will to fight.

Their faces were full of fear and paleness, and they had no idea that if they really faced an existence like the leader of the Fighting Sky Alliance, there would still be a possibility of resistance. Is it?

A thought from the other party, terror can easily destroy the universe, time and space, and obliterate an era.

In the ancient city, a blue bird flew across the sky, its wings spread thousands of feet. Chu Xiuyan stood on it, her expression also changed slightly.

Fa The leader of the Tianmeng Alliance is a very familiar existence to all races and civilizations in today's vast world. But he is familiar because the Tianfa League he established is famous in the vastness of the world, and its ferocious power shocks the world.

But there are very few people who have actually met the leader of the Fighting Sky Alliance.

His level of mystery is no less than that of the noble man who helped her father whom she glimpsed from the Hongmeng Golden Book.

However, at this moment, Chu Xiuyan still had a vague feeling She felt a sense of familiarity that she couldn't describe, as if she had seen that figure somewhere before.

Although it was very blurry and unclear, like it was obscured by the chaotic mist, she was very sure that she had really seen that figure before. figure

"Is it you?"Chu Xiuyan suddenly thought of a being, her expression suddenly froze, she was in a daze, her red lips moved slightly, and she asked in a murmur


While Chu Xiuyan was in a daze, the endless sounds of killing suddenly sounded in the vast star field, the light of the Tao soared into the sky, and various energy fluctuations swept across the world.

As the Demon Emperor Kun sacrificed the decree, Countless armies of the Heaven-defying Alliance rushed in instantly.

This was a truly overwhelming, endless army. Like a wave, they rushed in one after another, submerging the entire universe. The heaven and earth were torn apart, and the universe was shaken. The war broke out suddenly.

The Futian Alliance had obviously been prepared for a long time. They had known for a long time that a war would break out today, so they set up various large formations in advance. Chariots and ancient warships rumbled past, in the star field. Constantly changing positions, using human formations to move the avenue.

The infinite mana of heaven and earth was drawn away, endless, vast and turbulent, and the banners with ancient formations were carved one by one. Many strong men from the Defeated Sky Alliance were divided into They were spread out in all directions.

The sky and the earth were covered with mist, and a hazy mist rose. The endless army rushed in from the mist like a master of ghosts and gods. It was overwhelming and overwhelming.

In the rest of the earth and universe, a war broke out at the same time, and the Defeating Heaven Alliance Many strong men came forward to cut off the connections between various parts of the Zhengyi League. They really planned to use the force of encirclement to kill all the high-level officials of the Zhengyi League.

"Kill, don't give them a chance"

"Collude with the dark creatures and punish them with the whole world."

On each ancient warship, divine light soared into the sky, and a figure with overwhelming energy and blood walked out, crossing the star field in front, fighting with many strong men from the Zhengyi Alliance.

"There is no retreat from this war. The Fatian Alliance is ambitious and intends to encroach on the vast world and dominate the world. If our alliance falls today, from now on, there will be no force to restrain the Fatian Alliance."

In the depths of the universe, strong men roared, blood spilled across the sky, and were surrounded and suppressed by many strong men from the Fighting Sky Alliance.


In that ancient city, the formation pattern recorded on it was activated, and immeasurable light shot into the sky, instantly turning the darkness into darkness. The deep universe was illuminated.

In the void, one portal after another cracked open, the glow gushed out, and the flag was fluttering. The reinforcements of the Zhengyi Alliance swept in like a torrent of steel, fighting against the army of the Defying Sky Alliance. Killed together.

In the rest of the earth and universe, the battlefields are equally brutal. Beings whose cultivation exceeds the Tao realm are all fighting in the extraterrestrial battlefields. The blood seeps and flows from the void, which is extremely shocking.

"As long as I kill three more beings in the Ancestral Realm, I will be able to accumulate enough battle merits and exchange them for a bottle of creation substances. Then I will have the opportunity to survive the nine heavenly decline tribulations."

The battlefield outside the world is full of darkness. Even the most powerful practitioners can't even think of seeing through the scene.

The rules here are incomplete, the avenue is broken, and any Taoism will be suppressed.

At this time, a terrifying The figure of the Golden Crow stretches across the entire space of time, and the long river of time manifests itself at its feet. The waves are sparkling, the fragments are intertwined, and the vast fluctuations sweep through the past and present.

His body is so huge that it seems that no world can accommodate it.

Light It is a pair of eyes that are as bright as the morning sun, filled with dazzling golden light, and there is a certain persistence and madness in them.

It is the ancestor of the Demon Court, the father of the current Demon Emperor Di Kun, the Demon Ancestor Di Ai.

In him On the opposite side, a red-haired figure surged into the sea of ​​blood at his feet, with endless terrifying demonic shadows swimming in it. A bloody mist rose from the sea of ​​blood, and figures that could frighten the past and present emerged there, including ancient sages and ancient emperors. The ancient emperor exuded unparalleled power, and all enemies had been defeated by him.

The two of them fought in this extraterrestrial battlefield. In an instant, billions of methods were alternately performed, and the chaos was shattered, and then reappeared. Evolution is like the creation of the world, reshaping everything in the past.

The aura of the ancestral realm is so powerful that it sweeps across the entire time and space. If ordinary beings in the Tao realm get involved, they will be crushed into powder in an instant by this aura.

"Demon Ancestor, I didn’t expect that even you would surrender to the Fighting Heaven Alliance. Back then, I heard that Demon Court was plotted by the leader of the Fighting Heaven Alliance and became a weapon against Xianchu Haotu.……"

The blood light was overwhelming, and in the vast sea of ​​blood, a red-haired figure condensed into a human body. He was a middle-aged man wearing a blood robe with no white beard on his face.

His face was cold, his eyes were scarlet, and the avenue of blood surged around him.

"Haha, Blood Ancestor, aren’t you also working for the Zhengyi Alliance now? I just don’t know what benefits Zhengyi Alliance has given you. Is it worth your fighting with me?"

The Demon Ancestor Emperor Ai sneered. His huge and boundless figure seemed to be the only existence in this space.

A bright sun emerged behind him, reflecting the entire sea of ​​​​blood, as if it could evaporate all matter in front of him at any time. Qian.

An existence in the ancestral realm like him that has survived eight heavenly decline tribulations can be said to be only a handful in the vast world. They can be counted with both hands. The opponent in front of him now is An ancient figure in the vast world who has been famous for many epochs is called the Blood Ancestor.

There are rumors that the Blood Ancestor has received the legacy of a being from a certain innate era, and was conceived by the body of his later generations. He passed away many epochs ago. After eight catastrophes of natural decline, his strength is unfathomable. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) The

Demon Ancestor did not expect that the Blood Ancestor would finally surrender to the Zhengyi Alliance and serve for him. Come here to fight with yourself.

You must know that existences like them are truly standing at the top of the vast world. No one can force them to do anything.

Demon Ancestor, who served Gu Changge, was naturally jealous at the time. The small bottle of mysterious substance that Demon Emperor Di Kun was ordered to bring to him.

His cultivation, which had been stagnant for many epochs without any change, began to show signs of loosening after refining a wisp of the mysterious substance in the small bottle.

The road ahead, which was originally full of fog, seemed to be suddenly illuminated by a ray of dawn, letting him know how to go on. The

Demon Ancestor had survived for countless epochs, and this was the first time he encountered such a mysterious substance. He was naturally shocked and frightened..

At that moment, it was as if a mortal suddenly knew what spiritual energy was, what the life of heaven and earth was, and what eternal life was.

The feeling of waking up from a dream made the Demon Ancestor both horrified and trembling.

He didn’t know Where did Gu Changge get that mysterious substance, but that mysterious substance is indeed needed for the existence of the Tao realm.

It feels like being thirsty for many years and suddenly drinking a big bowl It was like a sweet spring.

The Demon Ancestor couldn't hold it any longer, so he quietly went to find Gu Changge, wanting to know what kind of substance it was.

Gu Changge didn't hide anything at the time, and gave him a faint smile, saying that this was a created substance, and it contained all the potential. The secret of transcendence.

It was only from that moment that Demon Ancestor finally understood why so many taboo figures were willing to follow Gu Changge and serve him.

Gu Changge’s origins are probably too big to be imagined. Bringing out this mystery so directlyBi's creation materials were grandly placed in the War Merit Hall of the Fatian Alliance, and could be redeemed by anyone.

Demon Ancestor no longer dares to think too much about how this substance came from. Now he just wants to accumulate enough military merits as soon as possible and exchange it for a bottle of creation substance.

He had a premonition that this would be an opportunity for him to survive the nine heavenly decline tribulations in the future.

Over the years, he has often traveled to various battlefields, hunting for existences of the same level in the Zhengyi Alliance. However, people in the Ancestral Realm are very ghostly. After noticing and expecting danger, they all choose to escape as soon as possible instead of fighting head-on with him. kill.

This also resulted in the Demon Ancestor having just killed an Ancestral Dao Realm being, and he was still far short of being able to redeem a bottle of creation material for his merits.

However, the Blood Ancestor in front of him was much more powerful than the average Ancestral Dao Realm existence, and he was an existence that had survived eight heavenly decline tribulations like him.

If he could kill the Blood Ancestor, his military exploits would definitely be enough to exchange for a bottle of creation substance.

"`Everyone plays his own role and is just serving his orders. Demon Ancestor, why are you so desperate?"The Blood Ancestor's eyes were scarlet as he stared at the Demon Ancestor with a low voice.

He could sense that the Demon Ancestor really wanted to fight with him desperately, and that he was truly murderous.

What kind of temptation made the Demon Ancestor do this? Are you so dedicated to serving the leader of the Fighting Sky Alliance? No matter what you do.

Or is it just like the rumors say, the leader of the Fighting Sky Alliance has weird methods and can control people's hearts and convert the people around him?

"Haha, it seems that you don't really want to die for Zhengyimeng, you are just being coerced."

The Demon Ancestor sneered, as if he had seen through the Blood Ancestor's thoughts at once,"Blood Ancestor, if you are sensible and abandon the secrets and turn to the light as soon as possible, it is impossible for the Zhengyi Alliance to compete with the leader, and he doesn't want to do it himself while the leader is not ready yet."

"If you think that if the Zhengyi Alliance and the Dark Creatures join forces, you are qualified to become the opponent of the alliance leader, then you are too naive."

When the Blood Ancestor heard these words, his face was filled with uncertainty.

He didn't know why the Demon Ancestor, who was so domineering and arrogant a long time ago, actually said these words.

What is the fate of the leader of the Heaven-defeating Alliance? Who is this?

"It seems that even you, Demon Ancestor, have been brainwashed by Du Hua.……"

"I once heard that you had fought against the leader of the Fighting Heaven Alliance, but after one move, you fled hundreds of millions of miles away without saying a word. This is not like the demon ancestor I heard who looked down on the world and shocked all races."

The Blood Ancestor looked at him coldly and said no more. The sea of ​​​​blood surged, and endless tyrannical figures flew out from it, killing the Demon Ancestor together. The next moment, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, ghosts cried and gods howled, as if the Great Destruction was coming. All kinds of terrifying Tao principles and orders flew around, turning into a big storm, sweeping everything.

Between the two people, various Tao principles were interpreted. It was no longer an ordinary Tao principle and order, it was pure Tao, turned into order, and collided Between them, it spreads like ripples on the great road, overwhelming the world, shocking the past and present, and disrupting the long river of time.

If this kind of storm appeared in all the heavens and hundreds of realms, it could easily destroy all universes and civilizations, and it would be far more terrifying than any natural disaster. Much more.

Since ancient times, who has seen the battles between the ancestral realm beings who have survived eight catastrophes of heavenly decline?

In other places outside the world, world-shattering wars also broke out, all of which were contests between people of the same level, with different strengths. Even those who have reached the ancestral realm are not qualified to intervene.

The battle between the Futian League and the Zhengyi League shocked the entire vast world.

Countless civilized ethnic groups felt horrified and unbelievable. For countless epochs, there had never been such a shocking horror. A great war?

How many civilizations and true worlds may disappear in this war.

And I don’t know how this war will end.

Does the Futian League really intend to destroy the Zhengyi League in one fell swoop when it comes so powerfully

? , at this time, what will the dark creatures do? Should they join forces with the Zhengyi Alliance to jointly fight against the Heaven-defeating Alliance? Or should they sit back and watch the fight between tigers and not help each other?

…… ps: Sorry for this time. We will resume normal updates tomorrow and try to wrap things up as soon as possible..

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