When the golden wind and jade dew meet, they will defeat countless people in the world.

To Yue Mingkong, this hug seemed to be separated by tens of millions of epochs and years. She buried her head lightly, and the familiar, light and delicious smell lingered on the tip of her nose. Her flawless jade face was filled with traces of... Haze and nostalgia.

Gu Changge quietly held her in his arms, caressing her hair like a waterfall of green silk. His abyss-like eyes lightly closed, and his mind became more peaceful than ever before.

The softness and warmth before my eyes seemed far more reliable and reassuring than ever before.

The two of them were silent.

There is no need to say anything more. The tacit understanding and connection have always been there. Just a look or a movement can make you understand what the other person is thinking.

After a long time, Yue Mingkong lifted her head from his arms and looked at Gu Changge's handsome face so close at hand.

Her delicate and picturesque face is full of tenderness and love.

At this moment, she is no longer the majestic, cold, and scornful empress. She seems to be just an ordinary wife who warms up food and drinks at home, sews clothes and cotton shoes, and waits for her husband to return.

Gu Changge opened his eyes, stared at the beauty in front of him, and smiled slightly.

There was mist on the bright white face of the moon, and her long eyelashes trembled slightly. Her head suddenly came up to meet him, and her long white arms wrapped around his neck.

Gu Changge lowered his head and responded to her

"Go back to your bedroom……"Yue Mingkong's eyes were blurred and his voice was unclear.

A burst of space fluctuations flashed by, and the two figures disappeared from the spot.

A few days later, the clouds cleared and the rain cleared, and the spring breeze gradually stopped.

Located in the palace at the top of the World Tree.

The fairy mist is steaming, and the curtains are floating like a fairyland.

On the fairy couch, Yue Mingkong casually covered herself with a mist-like gauze and leaned against the bedside. Gu Changge closed his eyes slightly and leaned against her legs.

Yue Mingkong gently rubbed his eyebrows and listened to him talk about many things in the confusion during this period.

Gu Changge's voice was gentle and gentle. Things that could shock the entire vast world and make countless Taoist forces horrified, under his narration, seemed to be understated and not worth paying attention to.

Yue Mingkong knew his strength, so he was not worried about many of his actions. These conversations between the two seemed like simple conversations before tea and after dinner.

Of course, to Gu Changge, there was really nothing to say about these things, but in order to make Yue Mingkong feel at ease, he still recounted them to her one by one.

However, there were still many things that were very wide-ranging and involved. He did not talk about them, but only mentioned the things he had established in the Vast Sky Alliance and continued to expand.

Yue Mingkong knew that Gu Changge had been a demon lord, but she didn't know his experience before the demon lord.

Therefore, she was still a little confused and puzzled about Gu Changge's actions in establishing the Fighting Heaven Alliance, which seemed to be his true intention to fight against the sky.

However, she will support Gu Changge's decision and always stand by his side.

Yue Mingkong also informed Gu Changge of what happened during the period of seclusion, including some doubts in her heart.

Although the Great Dream Resurrection Technique was created by her, as her cultivation deepened, she gradually discovered that this technique was not as simple as what she created, but something that had always existed in her memory..

She also didn't know why she knew this technique, why she would go back to the past during the practice, and trek through the long river of time.

In the dream, she seemed to have turned into an ignorant river with only instinct. She was born out of nothingness and chaos. Following her instinct, she flowed through many places, including the world of chaos and fighting, as well as the paradise of peace and tranquility. , there are also battlefields of ancient times, and there are also unknown and chaotic times.

Later, she settled down in a place I don’t know the name of, and stopped flowing, converging into Jiangze.

And as her will gradually became clearer, she heard someone call her Mengze.

Her branches spread all over the world, gathering in every corner of time and space, flowing silently through the dreams of every living being.

And she is like a bystander, understanding the happiness, anger, sorrow, fear, gratitude and hatred of all living beings.

She didn't know how long this process lasted, until one day, she seemed to hear a voice in a daze. The voice was obscure and profound, long and ancient, as if it was chanting something unnamed. The ancient scriptures seem to be telling something.

And when she woke up, she only saw a simple scroll of scripture, which fell in the center of Mengze.

So relying on the content recorded in that book, she began to practice ignorantly and subconsciously.

"I have no clear memory of what happened afterwards, but the only thing I remember is that during that period, the heaven and the earth seemed to be undivided, the world was in chaos, and all races in later generations had not yet been born.……"Yue Mingkong said softly.

When she regained consciousness again, she had returned to the present day.

And her cultivation level also broke through to the Tao realm silently, without even her noticing it.

This process left her dazed, confused, and at the same time worried, feeling inexplicably uneasy and fearful.

"This may just be your chance, don't worry too much."Gu Changge sat up and gently held her Rouyi with a gentle voice.

Even so, he could still feel the tremor in Yue Mingkong's voice just now when she was telling all this.

She seems strong, but in fact she is also very scared and uneasy about this unknown situation.

As a husband, the only thing he has to do now is to reassure her first and let her eliminate this fear of the unknown.

"I'm worried that when I wake up, I will become someone I feel strange about and will no longer be me.……"Yue Mingkong gently leaned her head on his chest

"No, no one will take you away from me. No matter what you become, I will get you back. Gu Changge whispered.

Judging from what Yue Mingkong said and the anomalies he discovered when he contacted him to explore the Mengjin era.

In the era when Cangmang was not born and the world was not opened up, someone was already making plans. , it is also possible that he saw some uncertain cause and effect and connection in the past time and space, so he interfered in that era and tried to change something. In the real place, each of the three ancestors had such means, let alone just interfering. In the past era, it was easy to rewrite the entire ancient history, refine chaos, reopen the world, and start everything over again. The only thing Gu Changge can be sure of now is that the other party may be from a certain timeline in the future. On the way, they noticed his arrangements and ambitions, so they turned against the generals and carried out corresponding plans on the timeline chosen by Gu Changge.

Whether it was Yue Mingkong, Gu Xianer, or Shen Shen All the beautiful wives in the country are considered to be his weakness in this timeline.

It can also be said that this will be his only flaw in the future.

Of course, the other party's plan is also very obscure, because it is only through the one he saw. The timeline and a possibility are laid out. What if Gu Changge doesn’t choose this timeline? Or after sensing something is wrong, Gu Changge chooses to turn over the table and directly erase this timeline, returning everything to its original state. What about starting over?

No one can be sure of future changes and results, especially at their level.

Therefore, these obscure arrangements are actually difficult to discover.

The reason why Gu Changge guessed like this is because he feels There is a hint of danger in the dark, maybe there will be changes in the future, and he may fall.

The three ancestors cannot deduce and understand each other, but they can see and understand their own related timelines.

Even if there are countless talented people born in the vast world , there are countless extremely powerful beings who are qualified to contact the real place, but in the eyes of the three ancestors, they are still ants worth mentioning.

When they want to observe and deduce, there are no people or creatures in this world. His fate can escape their eyes.

Gu Changge can be sure that many of his current arrangements and plans are flawless and obvious. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Even if the other two ancestors revive , looking down from the real place, it is impossible to see anything wrong with his current identity. First of all, it is not his current identity, but a variable created by him himself. There is a fog to cover it, even if the ancestor puts that fog Expulsion, the future they saw was also the future that Gu Changge had already fabricated.

Unless they had so much time, they had been staring at this anomaly, observing every step he took, and comparing that part of the future.

Of course, Gu Changge couldn't let them do this.

"Do you still remember that voice chanting scriptures? Gu Changge came back from his thoughts, looked at Yue Mingkong and asked.

Yue Mingkong frowned, tried hard to remember, then shook his head and said,"I can’t quite remember the voice, but my only impression is that it seemed to be a shadow shrouded in a hazy light, which looked a bit like a woman.……"

"Female? Gu

Changge's eyes moved slightly, and without asking any more questions, he gently stroked her back and said,"I left a mark on you, so you don't have to worry. As long as something happens to you or there is anything wrong with Soul Light, I will take care of you." I can detect it at the first time. No matter which time, space or era you are in, I will come immediately.........."

Although in Yue Mingkong's narration, that memory did not seem to belong to her, but might belong to someone else, Gu Changge actually knew very well that her soul light had not changed at all from the beginning to the end.

She has always been who she is, never changed.

On the contrary, during this process, her power was indeed increasing, and it was increasing in a regression way, as if it had once been scattered and wandering between heaven and earth, but as she practiced in seclusion, those powers found their source again, along the The long river of time began to flow back into her body.

The dream of returning to immortality is actually more like following the footsteps of the past in a dream, returning to the ancient times, and regaining one's own power.

Regardless of that scripture and that voice, the origin of Yue Mingkong should be traced back to the innate era.

"As long as you are here, I won't be afraid." Yue Mingkong said softly.

She knew that after waking up this time, she would soon go into seclusion again, and she didn't know how long she would sleep for.

Gu Changge also knew this, so he rushed back from the confusion. 072403118 Feilu 023473011

"It’s time for Daochang True Realm to border on the vastness.……"

"In my spare time, I opened up a world in the courtyard where I usually rest. When the time comes, I will take the entire Kingdom of God with me. In this way, I will be by your side when you are in retreat."Gu Changge said.

This was a plan he had thought of for a long time. Although the Daochang True World is a new True World, its underlying strength is far inferior to those of the ancient True Worlds and even the Most Powerful True World, but it has natural advantages. There is a spark of immortal civilization.

However, this is no longer important to Gu Changge.

Now he just wants Yue Mingkong to stay by his side so that she can feel at ease.

"I listen to you."Yue Mingkong leaned against him quietly, with a reassuring and moving smile on her face.

Suddenly, she seemed to think of something, and she looked up at Gu Changge, with a somewhat playful arc suddenly showing at the corner of her mouth.

"Changge, now that I have the strength of the Tao realm, can we have a child?……"

Gu Changge was slightly shocked and a little surprised. He didn't expect Yue Mingkong to say this suddenly.

Heirs and children...

He actually never thought about this at all, nor did he have this idea.

Seeing that Gu Changge fell silent and did not respond, Yue Mingkong was not surprised and smiled and said,"I just said casually, I have a special body now, even if I am pregnant with a child, I may not have time to give birth.."

Gu Changge sighed slightly when he knew what she wanted to say.

Yue Mingkong continued softly,"However, Yin Mei and Chu Chu……"

Changge shook his head, interrupted her, and said softly,"Let's discuss this matter later. The current situation in the vast world is turbulent, and I don't want my children to live in an era of turmoil."

Yue Mingkong nodded, no Say something more.

Then, she seemed to feel something and smiled slightly and said,"You have been staying with me these past few days. I'm afraid Chu Chu and the others are already impatient."

Outside the Kingdom of God, the news that Gu Changge had returned to Daochang True World had already spread throughout the world. All over the place, but this time he thought it was troublesome and did not let everyone come to visit and disturb the peace between him and the beauties.

Jiang Chuchu, Wang Zijin, Yin Mei and others all came, and the hall was full of excitement.

Outside the backyard, there is a clear and vast fairy pond with majestic fairy mountains and tall ancient mountains. Gu Changge has been like ordinary mortals these days, accompanying them on a boat trip to the lake.

And Yue Mingkong also cooked in person, with her hair in a high bun, rolled up her sleeves and robe, and cooked a lot of delicacies. The bonfire flickered on and off at night, reflecting the water and sky, which was so beautiful that she drank one glass after another of Immortal Emperor wine. , the girls soon became drunk and alone, staggering around.

Gu Changge also had to send them to rest one by one.

Only after arriving at Wang Zijin's place, she woke up immediately and sat there with a smile on her face. Her eyes seemed to be full of bright stars. She didn't drink much at all, she was just pretending to be drunk.

This is another sleepless night..

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