The pavilion is majestic, surrounded by fairy mist, and many beautiful demon women are dancing gracefully, as gracefully as a giant dragon, which is ethereal and ethereal.

The long fragrance of tea permeates the void, making people feel relaxed. This is an elegant room.

A woman in a green robe sat with her legs drawn up. Her legs under the lining were straight, slender and flawless.

She is extremely beautiful, with a thin layer of powder on her face, delicate facial features, skin like gel that can be broken by blowing, and hair like clouds.

Even under the loose robe, her figure cannot be concealed, making her appear tall, graceful and curvy.

Opposite the woman, a young man sat with his legs crossed, his expression relaxed and natural, and his face a warm smile that made people feel like a spring breeze.

Many dancers couldn't help but look at them secretly, with envy and admiration in their eyes.

"This is the tea I just made. What do you think, Young Master Changge?"

Jun Yao's face has a bit of shyness, which is completely different from the arrogant and generous expression she usually has in front of outsiders.

If someone familiar with her were here at this time, such as Jun Fan, they would definitely be surprised and feel incredible.

Gu Changge heard this , picked up the white jade tea cup in front of him, took a sip, and couldn't help but admired,"As expected of Miss Junyao, this is the first time I have seen such tea."

"It is bitter and astringent, astringent and sweet. If you taste it carefully, you can feel the various states of sentient beings, seven emotions and six desires, which is really wonderful."

Hearing Gu Changge's praise, Jun Yao's face also showed joy, and she looked even more shy.

"The Young Master of Changge is a great award, just like it."

Her fingers pinched the hem of her skirt, which was not as natural as it appeared.

She had been preparing for today's appointment with Gu Changge for three days and barely slept a wink.

Not only that, she had also dressed up carefully today, including her makeup. They are completely different from usual, they look delicate and beautiful, without losing everyone’s ladylike demeanor.

"Of course I like it. I didn’t expect that I would be able to see Miss Junyao’s tea art this time when I went to the demon world, which was a regret for me."

Hearing this, Gu Changge smiled and sighed,"I heard that Miss Junyao was excellent at tea. I was still doubtful at that time. After seeing her today, I can only say that it is indeed the case."

"Young Master of Changge is an award. I just like to delve into these things since I was a child, and these are just some things that are not on the table.

Hearing this, Jun Yao quickly waved her hands and said,"There are many masters who are more proficient in tea art than me.""

Gu Changge shook his head, looked at her and said,"Miss Junyao, there is no need to belittle yourself. Since ancient times, everything can be accessed. Tea ceremony, painting, chess... these are all avenues, so how can there be such a thing as not being able to get on the stage?"

"In my opinion, there must be a place for Miss Junyao in the tea ceremony in the future."

Jun Yao felt that Gu Changge thought too highly of her and praised her so much, which made her feel embarrassed, but more than happy.

Even if the other young geniuses flattered her, she would not show any pretense.

But today, I was very happy because of Gu Changge's few compliments.

Afterwards, the two talked for a while, and Gu Changge seemed to have remembered something, made an excuse, and planned to get up and leave.

"If you like it, Young Master Changge, Jun Yao will prepare tea for you every day from now on. If you have time, you can come here.……"

Seeing this, although Jun Yao felt reluctant to give up, she also knew that with her status, being able to have tea with Gu Changge across the table was something she had never dared to imagine before.

How dare she ask for anything.

However, at this moment, she didn't know where she got the courage to suddenly say these words to Gu Changge.

As soon as she said this, smoke appeared on Jun Yao's face.

She felt bold, and her heartbeat was beating loudly.

Hearing this, Gu Changge seemed a little shocked, then smiled and said,"In that case, I will thank Miss Junyao first."

After that, he left the attic and gradually disappeared.

"Young Master Changge walks slowly."Jun Yao felt like she couldn't even speak completely, and was trembling and stuttering.

Before this, she never thought that she would be able to come into contact with Gu Changge, or even sit across from him and talk like this.

After parting ways with Gu Changge, Jun Yao still had a dreamy feeling.

She still felt that her heart was beating very fast, and it was still beating wildly until now.

She thought Gu Changge would reject her just now, and Tell her not to think too much.

But she really didn’t expect that Gu Changge would actually say those words in the end.

"But what Young Master Changge said, did he agree or reject it?……"

Jun Yao's brows knitted together, her heart filled with joy and entanglement, as well as worries about gains and losses, fearing that everything today would become a fantasy.

In the next few days, Gu Changge would come to see her from time to time, naturally because he wanted to discuss tea art with her.

It was naturally impossible for Jun Yao to refuse, and it was not too late to be happy. At some point, she even felt that she had a chance.

In her opinion, Gu Changge's speech and behavior were extremely graceful and gentle, not condescending and approachable because of his status.

This is more in line with her image of perfection.

This feeling became stronger and stronger. If her father and brother Jun Fan had not gone with the army to conquer the restricted area of ​​life, she would have wanted to share this good thing with them.

"Judging from Jun Yao’s luck, she is different from the rest of the Jun family"

"Presumably Jun Fan attaches great importance to his cheap sister."

Gu Changge naturally has no thoughts about Jun Yao. At most, he intends to use her to plot against Jun Fan.

Such a proud woman has a high self-esteem and her eyes are higher than her head. She is a goddess in the eyes of ordinary people. The brilliance is dazzling, and ordinary geniuses are no longer in their eyes.

They have their own set of selection criteria in their hearts, so it is easier for them to fall in love with them.

All they have to do is satisfy the beautiful fantasy in her heart.

Jun Yao's luck is better than Qingzhu has much more luck points. In Gu Changge's opinion, this is because of the relationship between Jun Yao and Jun Fan.

Even Junfan's father in this life, King Pingluan, doesn't have many luck points..

This shows that Jun Fan has a close relationship with Jun Yao and his father, the king of peace.

In the following days, the demon world gradually returned to calm. After

Queen Xiyao experienced an assassination some time ago, she now has control over the people around her. It was even more severe.

All the high-ranking officials in the imperial court were purged. Although there was a turmoil for a while, things gradually calmed down.

Many big families in the demon world were in danger of being liquidated by Queen Xiyao.

Because of Gu Changge's Due to the relationship, the awe of Queen Xiyao among the demon world’s powerful clans is much deeper than before.

"During this time, you seem to be avoiding me?"

At this time, in the palace, Queen Xiyao was dealing with the memorial, and suddenly she heard Gu Changge's voice. At some point, Gu Changge had appeared in the palace, with a bit of interest.

He simply It was like appearing out of thin air without any fluctuation.

If Gu Changge hadn't spoken, she wouldn't have noticed anything.

"I have met Young Master Changge."

When Qingmei, Qinglan and others saw this, they hurriedly bowed to each other, then looked at their noses with their eyes, their noses and their hearts, and bowed their heads honestly

"I've been too busy during this period. Why, have I left you out in the cold?"

After hearing this, Queen Xiyao glanced at Gu Changge. After being slightly shocked, she quickly recovered and continued to read the memorial in her hand.

"Her Majesty the Queen has many things to do and is indeed very busy. Since you don't come to see me, I have no choice but to come over."Gu Changge said with a smile, and then waved his hand to ask Qingmei, Qinglan and others to leave.

Queen Xiyao felt very uncomfortable with his sight.

Although the two of them had had the most intimate relationship, the thought of all this... It was Gu Changge who did this intentionally, and he was not really treating her, so she felt very uncomfortable, even unspeakably uncomfortable.

So she was avoiding him intentionally, but she didn't expect that Gu Changge would take the initiative to come to him today.

"What's the matter with you?"Queen Xiyao asked, still looking down at the memorial in her hand.

Gu Changge looked down at her neck as white and delicate as a swan, then smiled, bent down and hugged her, saying,"I But here to help you solve your trouble?"

"trouble?"Queen Xiyao's body stiffened, but she quickly recovered. She asked knowingly

"Of course."Gu Changge said with a smile.

"Are you sure that Jun Fan is Jun Bufan?"

Looking at Gu Changge's smiling face, Queen Xiyao turned her head and glanced at him slightly, but she naturally lay in his arms.

She had been doubting this matter for a while, but unfortunately she couldn't find any evidence. Come.

She felt that Gu Changge should know something, but he never told her.

With this thought in her heart, Queen Xiyao's face looked unusually calm.

"I'm sure what's the use? Aren't you the queen? Gu

Changge smiled and said,"Don't ask me about everything. You have to think about it yourself." Queen

Xiyao shook her head and said,"If I knew, would I still ask you?" What did you say that day? After cheating on my body, you just don’t care?"

"Can it be called cheating if something is done consensually? Gu

Changge denied with a smile,"Jun Fan's matter will come to an end soon. You will know what to do when the time comes.""

Hearing what he said, Queen Xiyao nodded and didn't ask any more questions about the matter.

In the following days, Gu Changge would occasionally go to the palace to explain some things to her.

After Queen Xiyao discovered Gu Changge's true face, Although she has a grudge, Gu Changge is the person closest to her in today's huge demon world.

Therefore, she has never expressed this emotion. Naturally, she will not respond to Gu Changge's various demands. Refuse.

She also wanted to know what Gu Changge planned to do?

What influence would Jun Bufan and Jun Ruoxi have on Gu Changge?



The army crushed past, the sky trembled, the ground trembled, all beasts roared, and birds fled in fright.

This is an endless and lush ancient forest with thick fog and colorful clouds lingering in many places.

Many gnarled trees are like mountains, covering the sky and the earth. There are magical herbs and fruits everywhere, flying springs and waterfalls, and deep shrubs, revealing the vastness and vastness.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, many people would never believe that this was actually a forbidden area of ​​life in the demon world. All the creatures that had strayed into this place for more than six thousand years had disappeared without a trace, as if they had disappeared into the sea.

From the outside, it looks like a fairyland.

"Ahead is the restricted area of ​​life. Everyone is stationed where they are and no movement is allowed."

The mighty army of the demon world appeared here, filled with evil spirits and murderous intent.

The King of Pingluan appeared on a mountain peak, looked ahead and said.

He was dressed in bronze armor, holding a big axe, and his eyes were bright and glowing. , many runes are intertwined, turning into billowing divinity, with a suffocating deterrent force

"Father, do we really want to clear this place?"

Beside the King of Pingluan, Jun Fan frowned slightly, looking at the life restricted area in front of him, feeling helpless and unwilling in his heart.

This is the secluded place of his real sister, Jun Ruoxi.

Even if he lives a new life He had never been here in his previous life because he didn't want to disturb Jun Ruoxi and involve her in this matter.

But now, he couldn't help it.

Even he was sent to clean up this place, and he couldn't help himself.

"Is not this nonsensical? Her Majesty the Queen personally gave the order, not to mention that it is very likely that Jun Bufan is hiding here, who is the mastermind behind the plot to assassinate Her Majesty the Queen. If we catch him, will we still worry that our Jun family will not be powerful?"

Pingluan Tianwang glanced at Jun Fan and said meaningfully.

There was ambition in his eyes, staring at the vast ancient forest in front of him, and he seemed to have seen his great future in it.

Jun Fan fell silent after hearing this, and he also thought He tried many ways to stop this, but none of them were of any use.

With his current strength, it was impossible to stop Gu Changge's will.

He didn't believe that Queen Xiyao could do such a thing. It was definitely Gu Changge who gave the order in the name of Queen Xiyao.

Its real purpose is to force him to show up.

He saw all the reasons very clearly.

At present, the problem before him is how to rescue Jun Ruoxi and prevent her from being caught

"Six thousand years ago, my sister was about to enter the quasi-supreme realm. Now six thousand years have passed, even if she is not as talented as me, she should be at the quasi-supreme level at this moment."

"It would be really troublesome for her to escape safely."

Jun Fan frowned. Before he was born, his sister was already a cultivator in the Holy Realm. After so many years, it is impossible that she has not made any progress.

For him, Jun Ruoxi is much more important than his father, the King of Chaos. In this life, the only person he can value, besides Jun Yao, is Jun Ruoxi.

But it’s a coincidence that both of them are his sisters.

"Father, I'm going to walk around first and check out the situation here. If there's anything unusual, you can send me a message."

Then, Jun Fan spoke, planning to leave the team first and enter the restricted area of ​​​​life from another direction, so as to find Jun Ruoxi before the King of Ping Luan.

Hearing this, the King of Ping Luan did not suspect anything. He nodded and asked," Do you want me to give you a team?"

"No, it’s much more convenient for me to go alone."Jun Fan refused, and then without waiting for the consent of the Ping Luan King, his figure turned into a divine rainbow and went in the other direction. The

Ping Luan King did not pay much attention to Jun Fan, and began to give orders to station the army and send people at the same time. Taking stock of the situation here.

After Jun Fan left the team, he turned into a divine rainbow and headed deep into the mountains. Although this place was designated as a restricted area for life, there were not many restrictions. As long as you pay attention to some fluctuations, you can easily reach it..Buzz!!

However, when he rushed to leave, there were suddenly faint ripples spreading in the void, followed by an inexplicable wave.

"who is it?"

Jun Fan noticed this abnormality, his face changed slightly, and he stopped very vigilantly. He took out his weapon, which was a snow-white long sword with a sharp aura.

"Long time no see, this is how you treat an old friend."

In the void, there were fluctuations, and then a figure walked out, with an enchanting and cold face, and an amazing charm.

"Are you... Lian'er?"

When Jun Fan saw this figure, he was startled for a moment, then his eyes widened in disbelief and he became a little excited.

"haven't seen you for a long time"

"I didn't expect you to be here. How did you find me?"

However, Jun Fan quickly calmed down, and looking at Bai Lian'er's calm and indifferent expression, he couldn't help but ask.

He didn't expect that after more than six thousand years, he would meet an acquaintance like this.

But Bai Lian'er's His appearance was completely different from before.

If he hadn't been very familiar with Bai Lian'er, he almost didn't recognize her just now. She turned out to be the weak little girl who followed him like a follower. For a moment , Jun Fan was quite emotional, but he was more curious about how Bai Lian'er found him and how he knew his true identity?

"When I saw my old friend, you looked like this. Jun Bufan, after more than six thousand years, you still haven't changed."Bai Lian'er said lightly, looking very cold.

Jun Bufan frowned when he heard this. He felt that there was something wrong with Bai Lian'er's attitude. He was as cold as an emotionless ice cube.

Then he realized the reason and couldn't help but smile bitterly..

He also knew that some things in the past had hurt Bai Lian'er, and he ignored her advice. He even listened to Xin Xiyao's words and maliciously slandered her. In fact, he still had some feelings for this woman who was once like his own sister. guilty

"What happened in the past has passed, so how can there be any threshold that cannot be overcome in this world? Lian'er, how did you know my identity and how did you find me?"

Jun Fan smiled bitterly, then remembered something important and couldn't help but ask seriously.

Bai Lian'er just sneered at his words, and then said lightly,"I actually have something to do with you. As for how I found you, You have to ask yourself, by assassinating Xiyao so blatantly, do you really think that everyone is just like her, a fool?"

Jun Fan's face changed slightly, and he was a little uncomfortable with Bai Lian'er's sarcastic tone, but he still understood what Bai Lian'er meant.

When he assassinated Queen Xiyao, Bai Lian'er already knew his truth identity?

"So you have been hiding near Prince Pingluan's Mansion these days, and now you have the chance to show up alone?"

Fan couldn't help but ask, and quickly figured out the cause and effect, and was very curious as to why Bai Lian'er came to him.

"It seems you are not stupid."

Bai Lian'er sneered, and then said lightly,"I need you to help me rescue my father."

"Your father?"

Jun Fan's expression changed slightly. He actually knew that Bai Lian'er's father, Bai Kun, fell in love with Gu Changge.

But with his current ability, how could he be Gu Changge's opponent?

Let alone rescue Bai Kun. Kun, he can't even resist Gu Changge's current will.

Unless he overthrows the rule of Queen Xiyao and becomes the new master of the demon world, everything will be in vain.

Thinking of this, Jun Fan's expression is a little subtle Changes, and his heart began to tangle.

Bai Lian'er was his childhood sweetheart, and Bai Kun was also an elder who watched him grow up. Logically speaking, he couldn't ignore death.

But now that he can't do anything, how can he leave the demon world? , went to the upper world to rescue Bai Kun.

Isn’t this forcing someone to do something difficult?

"Don't refuse in a hurry. Although you are not Gu Changge's opponent now, it does not mean that you will not be in the future."

Bai Lian'er saw his expression and immediately understood what he was thinking. She couldn't help but said lightly,"At that time, your father asked my father to give you something when the time was right. It's just that my father was Gu Changge took it away, and he gave it to me, asking me to come to the demon world to find you and give it to you."

Hearing this, Jun Fan was slightly shocked. He thought of what Demon Emperor Xuanyang told him, saying that someone would come to him and give him something. At this moment, he had no interest in Bai Lian'er's words. no doubt

"No problem, don't worry Lian'er, your matter is my matter, and it's impossible for me to ignore Uncle Bai Kun until he dies."

Thinking of this, Jun Fan breathed a sigh of relief and promised.

He knew that if he didn't agree, Bai Lian'er would definitely not give that thing to him.

Hearing this, Bai Lian'er nodded with some satisfaction, and then got dressed She took out a brocade bag from her sleeve.

It looked extremely simple, without any patterns or patterns, and the fabric was extremely simple, which was no surprise.

This brocade bag was exactly the one Gu Changge gave her.

On the way, she tried to open it, but It was discovered that it also contained terrifying power.

If it was opened by force, not only would the kit be destroyed, but she might also be injured.

"This is……"

The moment he saw this kit, Jun Fan felt a slight shock in his heart and felt a strong impulse, as if this kit contained something that only belonged to him.

This feeling was so strong that his expression changed for a time, and finally he revealed a deep surprise.

"Thank you Lian'er for taking such a big risk to give this thing to me. I don’t even know how to repay you for this kindness."

Jun Fan said with a smile, and planned to take it from Bai Lian'er's hand, but Bai Lian'er sneered and took the bag back instead of giving it to him.

"Lian'er, what do you mean?"

Jun Fan's expression froze slightly. He didn't expect that Bai Lian'er, who was once obedient and obedient after six thousand years of absence, would look like this.

"I want you to swear with your Taoist heart that you will rescue my father from Gu Changsheng, otherwise I will not give this kit to you."

Bai Lian'er looked at his expression, and a strange color flashed in her eyes. She thought of Gu Changge's instructions, and she felt a little pitiful for Jun Fan. His whole person was being played with in the palm of his hand without knowing it.

Gu Chang Ge already knew Jun Fan's true identity, but Jun Fan had no idea about it, and even thought that he was sure of victory.

Hearing this, Jun Fan frowned, but he didn't expect that Bai Lian'er didn't trust him, but this didn't matter. The last doubt in his heart was resolved.

Then, he swore with his Taoist heart. After saying that, Bai Lian'er nodded with satisfaction before handing the kit to him.

However, Jun Fan did not do it in front of Bai Lian'er. He opened the bag.

Instead, he put it away carefully.

Bai Lian'er didn't care about this. Jun Fan was no longer the stupid boy he had been for more than six thousand years.

Now he has means and scheming, Although I believed her words, I didn’t believe her as a person.

"What are your plans now?"

After putting away the kit, Jun Fan couldn't help but ask aloud, because he found that Bai Lian'er's aura is very powerful now, and she is at least a quasi-supreme. For such a powerful person, he naturally has to find a way to make her do it. For own use

"Right now, I have no plans, just waiting for you to rescue my father."Bai Lian'er said coldly.

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